Barracks of Rebirth

Chapter 133: National Day

Maybe it was because of her ability to finish the run, she was very happy in her heart, she couldn't see the tiredness at this time, and her smile was particularly sweet.

"Yes, you are the best." Ji Xinan nodded, then pointed at her face and smiled, "You look like a mud monkey, how many times have you fallen?"

"I don't remember either." He said and wiped his face with his hand.

Others listened to Ji Xinan's words and looked over. Lu Ziyan was covered in mud, and they wiped her face when they saw it, but it was better not to wipe it. Coupled with the washing of rain, it is a bit suitable for camouflage oil paint.

"Don't just look at me, you yourself are not much better." Lu Ziyan looked at her body, looked up, and saw that everyone was about the same, and it seemed that everyone fell.

Apart from the rain, his face was full of mud, and the camouflage clothes on his body were not clean. In fact, everyone fell a lot while running, but they didn't care at the time. Even Ji Xinan and Luo Jiayi sometimes Because he didn't pay attention to his feet, he would fall when his feet slipped, and then he would get up by himself, or get up with the help of others.

Because running five kilometers in this kind of weather is really not a guarantee of good physical fitness not to fall.

Several people looked at each other and laughed. At this time, they were so happy that even the rain falling on them didn't feel so uncomfortable.

Seeing that a few of them have come back, and the girls in the first class have been out of sight for a long time, a few of them are standing in the rain soaked all over, and they are gentle and worried about their bodies, so they gather a few people first.

Gently looking at a few girls with dirty faces on their bodies, I was finally satisfied. They were the first in the girls team to come back, and they had worked so hard for this day.

"There is a notice from the school that today is a day off, all training will be suspended, and each team will organize and watch the National Day military parade on their own." After sighing, Gentle returned to normal.

When Ji Xinan heard it, she immediately remembered that today was actually the National Day, and this year was the 50th anniversary of the Daqing. She remembered that she was in her previous life at this time, lying on her bed and sleeping, waiting for the military parade, and now she has become a As a prospective officer, she was still a step too late. If she could have participated in two years in the morning, she could only pin her hopes on 10 years later. She believed that she would have this opportunity.

The others didn't think as much as Ji Xin'an when they heard it. They just got excited when they heard the holiday. Although they didn't dare to speak in the queue, they couldn't stop smiling.

Gentle also understands their feelings, "Okay, there is nothing else to do. Take a hot bath when you go back. The cafeteria has prepared **** soup today, everyone should drink some to avoid catching a cold."

"Yes." Several people shouted loudly. At this time, they were full of energy, as if they had not run the five kilometers at all.

"Luo Jiayi, bring it back." Wen Wen didn't say anything, just looked at a few people with a smile. Although it was in the rain, the smile was still clear.

"Turn to the right." Several people walked to the bedroom happily, stepping on a neat pace.

Seeing them walking not far away, they laughed and laughed, Wen Wen just shook her head and smiled without interfering.

"Your vision is still so accurate." Yu Bo saw the gentle smile at them and walked over.

"Of course, I've never seen it wrong." Gentle and rare showed a proud look.

"It seems that this time the girls' class can only look at your soldiers." Yu Bo sighed and said, looking a little worried.

"Don't worry, I trust them, and I won't lose your face." Gentle but quite confident.

"Since you are confident, then I will believe them." Yu Bo looked at the figures in the distance and smiled.

If Ji Xin'an and the others were here at this time, they would definitely not understand what the two of them were saying, but what they didn't even know was that it was because of these few words that they suffered more, even more than the previous students. There are more sisters, of course, these also have unusual meanings for their future.

Ji Xin'an and the others cleaned up, put on summer clothes, and went to the cafeteria to have breakfast together. The cafeteria really prepared **** soup for the students as Wenrou said, and Luo Jiayi forced them to drink anything they didn't want to drink. Drink a bowl.

This time Ji Xin'an didn't help them speak, and even smiled at their helpless appearance under Luo Jiayi's cold eyes.

But looking at Luo Jiayi, although she looked a little cold, Ji Xinan could see from this point that Luo Jiayi still cared about them very much, and to a certain extent she was similar to gentleness.

When he came to the classroom, several boys were already sitting there, and Zou Ze saw Ji Xin'an smiling and walked over. He hadn't been so close to Ji Xin'an for several days.

Although the two of them are both in military training, because they are not in the same team, they are so busy now that they spend very little time together. They can only glance at each other from a distance every day, or just say a word.

So when he heard that he was on vacation today, and he brought them back to the class, he immediately became happy, not because he was watching the National Day military parade, but because he could see Ji Xinan.

"An An, you haven't seen me for so many days, why didn't you miss me?" Seeing Ji Xinan, Zou Ze walked over with a smile.

"I don't see each other every day, how can you say that you haven't seen each other for so long?" Ji Xinan also looked at him with a smile, feeling that he had not seen each other for a few days. He was a little dark from the sun, but he also became more manly. .

"What's the matter? You just looked at it from a distance and couldn't speak. At the end of the night, you were always in a hurry, and you couldn't even say a word." After speaking, I suddenly felt that my tone was a bit wrong. How could I complain? Like a woman, she hurriedly said, "You are really famous now, and I can hear people mentioning you wherever I go."

Seeing that Zou Ze changed the subject, he smiled and said, "I heard that you also played a full circle."

"I'm different. I'm a man, and I've been practicing since I was a child." Zou Ze shook his head, admiring Ji Xin'an.

"What's wrong with the girl, you look down on girls too?" Ji Xinan sternly sullen.

"No, how could it be, how dare I, I admire you, you can achieve such results in such a short time, and no one will believe it." Zou Ze said with a smile, he only knew Ji Xin Ann studied with the instructor that her father found for her for two years. She didn't know that she had played before, and she didn't see the effect of her practice, so she never thought that she would have such a result.

Ji Xin'an suddenly laughed when she saw her grimacing face. "Just kidding, you're taking it seriously."

Zou Ze was relieved to see that she didn't care.

After training for two months, there was not a day off, even the night before the holiday, it was still five kilometers in the rain. During this rare holiday, everyone was happily joking with each other.

"It seems that everyone is in a good mood." At this time, Pang Kai and Luo Min walked in. Seeing that everyone was chatting happily, they all sat down with a smile.

Although they are their captains and instructors, they are not always seen because of military training. Seeing them again after such a long time, I found that all the new students in the class are tanned, but they are more robust.

"It's a holiday, and I finally don't have to train anymore. Can you be unhappy." Someone shouted loudly.

Others followed suit.

Pang Kai smiled and understood everyone's mood. "Then you have to thank the 50th anniversary, or else you will have to wait for the summer vacation."

Everyone laughed and felt very happy.

"Okay, be quiet, it's time for Zou Ze to play TV." Luo Min looked at her watch, stopped everyone from laughing, and prepared to get to the point.

Everyone immediately sat up straight. For the National Day military parade, the last time was fifteen years ago. At that time, most of these students still didn't even remember anything. Although there were videos and the like to watch, But there is always no live broadcast to get excited.

Therefore, all the new students are a little excited, and I heard that there is a squad of military academy students this time. Although there are no students from this school, it is enough to motivate them.

Although Ji Xinan had watched the live broadcast, but now wearing this military uniform to watch it, it is another feeling.

Looking at the neat phalanx, a voice walks across the square, whether it is viewed from front to back or diagonally, it is a straight line, and front and rear, left and right, no matter how you look, it is a neat pace, especially when viewed from the side. It's like being kicked out by one person.

Coupled with the mighty shouting, the blood of these prospective officers was boiling, and they wished they were one of them. Obviously, a group of new students of the military academy were shocked by such aura. Saying it might be a good start.

When the live broadcast ended, there was no sound in the room for a long time, as if shocked by the scene just now.

"How do you feel, let's talk about it." Luo Min looked at everyone.

"It's so shocking. If only I could take the military academy earlier, maybe I can be one of them now." Li Ming said excitedly, this was the first time he could watch a TV show and be excited feeling.

"Just like you, you can't even endure the hardships of military training. It's good if you don't become a deserter." Someone in one of his dormitories listened and made fun of him.

"How is it possible, if I can be selected, I will persevere even if I try my best." Li Ming rarely became serious. Although he usually looked like a sloppy person, but now his face is full of seriousness.

Everyone looked at him and stopped making fun of him, apparently agreeing with her point of view.

Zou Ze did not participate in the discussion of the crowd, but just watched them quietly. He always felt that he had not woken up from the shock just now. He never thought that he could walk out of such an aura with the same stance he had during his military training.

"Is it only Li Ming, and the others have nothing to say?" Pang Kai looked at everyone with a smile.

When he asked this question, everyone was silent.

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