Barracks of Rebirth

Chapter 144: 'go home'

In fact, this school doctor also appreciates Ji Xin'an very much. Everyone else is a little bit injured, so they try to get fake notes and try their best not to train.

Ji Xinan, on the other hand, asked the first question after being injured whether it would affect training.

Fearing that these injuries would delay the training, it was the first time she had seen such a student in recent years.

And today, because of the training, they quarreled with the two, how could she not pay attention, how could she not have a good impression of her.

Seeing the disappointed expressions of the two of them and Ji Xinan's worried eyes, he secretly laughed in his heart, but an injury like hers is serious, but as long as it doesn't get wet, it really doesn't affect the training. Then he smiled and said, "But you have to take good care of her, and don't let her wound get worse, otherwise it will really be infected, but it will be troublesome."

The two nodded almost at the same time, "I must be optimistic about her."

Seeing the two said in unison, the school doctor laughed even more happily.

"I don't need you to be optimistic and pay attention." Ji Xinan looked at them angrily, it was already messy enough, they haven't played yet.

"Little girl, you are quite popular." The school doctor with the team met two male students, one of whom was the president of the student union who was usually very capable, but now she was so rebuked that she did not dare to speak out.

Ji Xinan was so frightened by her gossip that she was in a cold sweat.

I don't know if Zhao Fan mentioned this to Wenrou. Anyway, Wenrou didn't treat her like she did some time ago, or she didn't hone her like before.

Ji Xinan herself was surprised by the last time, and she was more careful, and the wound did not worsen any more, and it was almost healed by the end of the training.

Half a month's time is fast and fast, and it's time to end in a blink of an eye. The students who are counting the days are very excited. Maybe it's the effect of the spirit. Fatigue is also gone.

There was nothing particularly difficult in everyone's last day of training, but the distance was longer, and today's destination was the end of their trip.

Because the distance traveled today is the farthest, I often run forward when there is a better way to walk, which also makes everyone physically exhausted.

But when I think that the destination is ahead, I am not so tired, maybe it is the power of the spirit.

Even Lu Ziyan, who had the worst physical strength here, followed closely without falling, and seeing that she really had potential, she kept talking while walking. "I really haven't walked so much in my life. In the past two weeks, I have recovered all the paths I missed in the first half of my life."

"Aren't you tired, but you can see the end point in front of you and get motivated again, right?" Ji Xinan turned to look at her. She wasn't walking very fast at this time, so everyone took the opportunity to rest for a while.

"Yeah, I'm happy when I think that I won't have to crawl around in the woods again." Lu Ziyan said happily.

"But this is not the end, but just a small starting point. What's waiting for you in the future will be much more difficult than this." Ji Xinan couldn't help pouring cold water on her this time.

"Hey, it's true, it's just three months of new training." Lu Ziyan sighed suddenly, "Why am I here? I'm really not suitable to be a soldier."

A few people listened to what she said, and they were a little tired of hearing it. She started here since she came here, and it hasn't changed until now. A few people who have listened to aesthetic fatigue no longer persuade her this time.

Anyway, I understand that since the last time I ran 5 kilometers, although she is still complaining, but every time she is real, she can survive. Although it is always the last one, she can always survive Thrilling pass.

This also made everyone have to admire her.

"Oh, why don't you comfort me, why are you so impersonal?" Seeing that they were ignoring her this time, Lu Ziyan looked at them unhappily.

A few people listened, and they pretended not to hear it and said their own words. As a result, Lu Ziyan was so angry that her left foot was caught on her right, and she almost fell to the ground.

Ji Xinan smiled and supported her.

Lu Ziyan just wanted to do something and say something, but at this moment Wenrou suddenly blew the whistle and shouted for a few people to speed up. Lu Ziyan didn't care about losing her temper. She was running slower than others, if she was left behind again But even more unable to catch up, he hurriedly threw off his arms and rushed forward.

And when he slowed down again, Lu Ziyan had already forgotten what he was about to settle with them.

For fifteen days, they circled the woods, and when they finally came back, it was the same spot where they had been left.

It can be seen from this point that Gentle is very accurate in calculating the time. He didn't come out one day earlier, nor did he fail to get out of the woods because one day later.

Seeing this embarrassing place, Yan Tingting frowned, "Aren't we doing useless work, if I had known we would have returned here, I would have waited for you here."

Hearing her words, he laughed. Although he knew that her idea was a bit whimsical, someone really thought of going with her.

After listening to her words, Lu Ziyan suddenly said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier, it made me tired for half a month, if it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have to be so tired?"

"I just said earlier, do you dare to stay here for half a month?" Yan Tingting was not angry when she saw that she was used to her behavior and complained about nothing.

Lu Ziyan looked at the uninhabited surroundings and shook her head, "Forget it, how could I leave you all and let you suffer, while I am here to enjoy leisure, and without me, you are so lonely, How boring."

"Indeed, without you, we would laugh less at least twenty times a day." The replies of several people made her raise her head proudly.

The school car did not make the students wait for long. After standing for a while, several trucks came from a distance. It seems that these people from military backgrounds, no matter what kind of military service they are, are very time-sensitive, such a long distance. , the two troops meet, only a short while before and after.

It was still the big truck when they came, but they were in a different mood. Unlike the drowsy when they came, they were tired but full of energy now.

It may be because of the eagerness to return home. The students in the car laughed and made trouble. When they talked about the interesting stories of the past half month, they all laughed happily. Even those painful memories are sweet to think about now.

Because it feels much faster than the distance from here. When I entered the city, I felt that the school was not far ahead, and the people in several cars were all shouting excitedly, with a cheerful voice like this. Entering the school, many people stopped along the way.

When they arrived at the school, a group of new students who looked like mud monkeys jumped out of the car, which attracted the attention of many people, but they didn't care anymore. At the same speed, he ran to his bedroom.

After taking a hot bath and changing into clean clothes, the seven girls lay on their beds, humming comfortably, feeling that all the strength in their bodies was used up, and they didn't even want to move a finger.

"Hey, I feel that being able to lie down on my bed and sleep clean is the happiest thing in the world." Ji Xinan opened the quilt that had not been covered on her bed for a long time, and smelled the faint laundry on it. The smell of powder, looking at the white sheets around him, suddenly felt like a reincarnation.

"It's the first time I feel that the bed in the military academy is so comfortable." Lu Ziyan also called out. She slept in the tent for so long, and her requirements were significantly reduced.

Several other people laughed when they heard her words, but they still remembered that when she first came here, she was hard and narrow, and even said that this was the worst sleep she had ever slept in in her life. bed.

But after only three months, her thoughts changed, which shows how much she has changed.

"What are you laughing at, don't you think?" Lu Ziyan obviously didn't think so, hearing their laughter, she asked inexplicably.

"No, we were thinking about which little brat wanted to change the bed, and cried if he didn't change it." Yan Tingting said with a smile, the one who quarreled just because of one bed seemed to be yesterday. Now, they would definitely not quarrel over such trivial matters.

"Why do you still remember that incident? I told you that no one is allowed to mention it again. It's all in the past. I won't cry now." Lu Ziyan said dissatisfiedly, and I haven't felt that way in the future. There's something wrong. When I'm at home, as long as I feel wronged, I can't help crying, but now that I think about it, it's really a little childish.

After listening to her words, several people laughed even more.

"Hey, did you find out? Zi Yan doesn't seem to have cried for a long time. She was standing guard in the tree for the first time. She didn't cry even when she was so scared. She just kept yelling." Yan Tingting seemed to realize Just like in the New World, he looked at Lu Ziyan.

"We Ziyan have grown up, how can we cry again, don't let her sleep on the bed in the future, even if she sleeps on the ground, she won't cry anymore." Ji Xinan said with a smile.

"It seems that the army has really changed people. I haven't grown up at home for more than ten years, and I have grown up in three months after coming here." He Yixuan also laughed at Lu Ziyan.

"Don't just talk about me, I don't think you've all changed, have you grown up too?" Lu Ziyan was not angry, looked at them and said.

A few people were stunned when they heard her words. After thinking about it, they felt that this was the case. Before they knew it, they had changed a lot. Although it was only three months, they had changed too much. There is also a bit of anticipation between melancholy.

Special thanks: 'yueyue214' for the reward

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