Barracks of Rebirth

Chapter 149: The truth is revealed

Ji Xin'an saw Yao Wenhao mixed in with a group of people, coming back with those people indiscriminately, maybe it was really too much physical exhaustion, and slowly there was a tendency to fall behind.

And it looks like his legs are weak, and he feels like he is going to fall down at any time.

Seeing his appearance, Ji Xinan was a little anxious, and regardless of who was around, he ran to the front and shouted, "Yao Wenhao, sprint for me, it's only a short distance away, why are your legs weak? Does that mean you won't give up?"

Yao Wenhao heard her words, raised his head and looked at her, as if he was saying something, he wanted to rush forward, but he couldn't do anything.

Ji Xinan saw it and added fire, "Yao Wenhao, this is only five kilometers. If you can't even do this, then don't call me my friend in the future."

Ji Xin'an's voice was loud, not only Yao Wenhao heard it, but almost all the people inside and outside the finish line heard it, all looked at her, and some people even looked back and forth between the two of them suspiciously.

But Ji Xin'an didn't care, and then shouted, "Grit your teeth and sprint to surpass them."

Yao Wenhao looked at Ji Xin'an in front of him, shouted his name loudly, and her anxious eyes showed her mood at the moment. For no reason, he suddenly remembered the girl under the fireworks back then.

My heart seemed to be touched, and I suddenly gained strength, shouted, "Ah...", and rushed forward.

"Good job, come on." Ji Xin'an, who had been looking at him at the end, shouted after seeing him like this, staring at him nervously.

Yao Wenhao accelerated past several people who ran back with him, and crossed the finish line in one breath.

"Well, I did what I said and didn't give up." Yao Wenhao stood in front of Ji Xin'an when he reached the end.

"You're amazing." Ji Xinan also smiled and hurriedly supported him.

At this time, a school doctor saw that something was wrong with him, so he hurried over to see him.

"I'm fine, don't touch me, I can't be better now, I can run another five kilometers." Yao Wenhao said with a smile and waved his hands, no one can understand his current mood, since the last time, he has It was the first time that Ji Xinan was so close, and it was also the first time that she faced herself with such a genuine smile.

Seeing this, the school doctor was not reluctant. Seeing that he could still talk like this, there should be no problem, so he turned his head to look at the other people who just ran back.

Ji Xinan helped him walk for a while, "How about it, if it doesn't work, go to the school doctor, don't be brave."

"I'm really fine." Yao Wenhao said and let go of her hand, took a few steps by himself, and indicated that he was really fine.

"Then sit down and rest for a while." Ji Xinan saw that he was really fine, so she felt relieved, and after walking for a while, there should be nothing to do after a rest.

"Alright, you're coming too?" Yao Wenhao nodded, and pulled Ji Xinan to sit on the ground together.

Ji Xinan smiled and didn't speak, and sat down as well. "Yao Wenhao, what were you muttering while you were running just now?"

Yao Wenhao turned his head to look at her and smiled, "I'm saying that I can't give up. I promised An An that I must persevere."

"You did it." Ji Xinan nodded and said with some admiration.

Yao Wenhao thought for a while, then suddenly said, "An An, thank you."

"It should be me who said this." Ji Xinan was taken aback by what he said, and then laughed again, never expecting him to say such a thing.

"No, it should be me thanking you, thank you for standing up and cheering for me, encouraging me, or I won't be able to persevere." Yao Wenhao shook his head and said, if it wasn't for Ji Xinan, he would have really given up, although this The ranking was not as important to him as Ji Xinan, but now with her participation, it has a different meaning.

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't waste too much physical strength first, maybe it's better than your current ranking. It seems that I should encourage you." Ji Xinan looked at him.

"These are not important, the important thing is that you cheer for me, you are willing to talk to me, and you are willing to smile at me, these are the most important." Yao Wenhao showed a satisfied smile.

Ji Xinan looked at him, thinking that it had been a long time since she and he had sat together and talked calmly. Although they were in a school for the last time, they never thought that such a day would come.

Yao Wenhao looked at her and seemed to be in a good mood, thinking that this was a good opportunity, "An An, you... Do you think there is any possibility between us?"

Ji Xinan was taken aback by what he said, and then looked forward, "Yao Wenhao, the past is over, whether it's good or bad, the past is the best memory in my heart, but it can only be It's just a memory."

Yao Wenhao was silent, "Is there really no chance at all?"

Ji Xinan just smiled lightly, Yao Wenhao understood everything, and after a moment of silence, he raised his head again, "As you said, we are still friends, right?"

"Of course." Ji Xinan nodded without hesitation this time.

"Then can I make a request from a friend's standpoint?" Yao Wenhao said expectantly.

"Tell me about it." Ji Xinan didn't dare to agree directly.

"Can you still call me Wen Hao in the future? Don't call me with my first and last name. It makes me feel too uncomfortable." After Yao Wenhao finished speaking, he suddenly felt that this request was a bit excessive, but he had already said it. Afraid of being rejected, she looked forward to her approval.

Ji Xinan listened to what he said, thought it was nothing, and nodded. "Okay, I'll call you that in the future."

"Thank you, An An, today is the happiest day of my time at the military academy." Yao Wenhao looked at Ji Xinan in surprise.

Ji Xin'an smiled and didn't speak anymore, because she suddenly saw many people coming back in the distance, she immediately stood up and looked over there, thinking that it should be the arrival of people from various classes in the rear.

The group of people got closer and closer, and Ji Xinan was the first to see them clearly.

"It's a classmate from our class." But as soon as she finished speaking, everyone looked at her strangely, and then she realized that at such a long distance, everyone should not know who they were, so they pretended not to see clearly. "It must be Zou Ze and the others. He led the team. They must be the first to come back."

"You believe him that much?" Yao Wenhao also looked in that direction after hearing it, but at such a long distance, with the same clothes and equipment, how could he see clearly.

So I also felt that Ji Xinan was just guessing, she was blindly trusting Zou Ze, and thinking of this, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Of course, I not only believe in him, but also in my classmates. They are all the best and will definitely be the first to come back." Ji Xinan nodded. Of course she trusted Zou Ze, not to mention she has seen it now. Even if they don't see her, they will believe Zou Ze. Over the years, he has promised himself that he can't do anything, so trust in him has become a habit of Ji Xinan.

But at this time, she saw that it wasn't just the students from one of their classes who came back, but they were running together with the other class, and now she couldn't tell which class was ahead.

I can't help but feel a little nervous. Although the points for the second place plus their previous performance in other items can also guarantee the first place in the total score, but who is willing to win the second place if they can compete for the first place.

Yao Wenhao, who didn't care just now, also saw the person who came, and it was Zou Ze who was leading the charge. He was holding a student who couldn't tell whether it was a boy or a girl, but his face was a little ugly.

Ji Xinan was staring nervously at the person coming from a distance at this time, but she didn't see it at all.

"It's really from our class, Ji Xin'an, your guess is too accurate." Luo Min also saw her student at this time, and when she was happy, a smile crept onto her face. She did not expect that the students in her class would be among the first to come back.

"This time, I hope Lu Ziyan will fight." Ji Xinan did not smile when she heard Luo Min's words, but she was still worried, after all, the time for the group's results was based on the last-place results.

Although Luo Min was also worried, she didn't show it, "Don't worry, it's already very good that they can run such a result. It doesn't matter whether they are the first or not."

Ji Xinan nodded and said nothing, just looked at the crowd ahead, scrambling to run forward.

The scene was a bit chaotic, the people in the team shouted from time to time, and the chaotic footsteps were mixed into a ball.

However, Ji Xinan could see that the students in his class were not in a mess. Several girls were running around in the middle, and everyone except Luo Jiayi was helping them. A group of people seemed to run forward at the same pace.

Looking at the students in another class, most of them run their own way. Originally, it was laborious to follow a large team, and there was no need to care about others.

Seeing this, Ji Xinan smiled, she knew that Zou Ze and the others must have won.

Sure enough, the students who came running rushed over one after another, but the second class here accounted for the majority.

The students in the two classes stood on both sides consciously, and Ji Xinan saw Lu Ziyan who was being pulled by two boys at the back, and laughed. It seemed that she didn't need to count the number of people, she should be the last one. one.

After Lu Ziyan finally crossed the line, Ji Xinan breathed a sigh of relief. After the instructor counted the numbers, he dared to run over.

"You guys are amazing, you were the first class to come back." Ji Xinan stepped forward and hugged Lu Ziyan first, "Especially you, Lu Ziyan, you didn't fall behind, I'm really happy. "

Lu Ziyan was too tired to speak now, but lying on Ji Xinan's shoulder, she smiled happily. Although she was pulled back, she had never run so fast.

"How could I let her fall behind? I said I would bring them all back, and I did what I said." Zou Ze came over to ask her for credit. This time, they should be the most tidy of all the new students. There is one, all the students came back together, and no one was lost. On the other hand, the other team, although some people ran very fast, but not all of them have arrived yet.

Ji Xinan looked at him and gave him a thumbs up.

Zou Ze grinned, and the two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't say anything, but they both understood each other's meaning from the other's smile.

"An An, what number did you get?" Among the crowd, the only calm person was Luo Jiayi, and now I can still remember asking Ji Xinan's personal achievements.

"Of course it's number one, or I'll be worthy of you guys." Ji Xinan also said with a smug smile.

"Really, An An, you are so powerful that you ran past those male students." Several girls shouted happily when they heard it, although they knew that Ji Xinan would run very fast if they weren't dragged down by them. , I didn't expect to be able to run past these male students.

"But it's not all my own credit, it's also thanks to someone helping me." Ji Xinan said and looked at Zou Ze again, "Zou Ze, guess who helped me."

"How would I know." Zou Ze was stunned, except for the classmates in the class, who else did she know.

Ji Xinan smiled, then turned around and wanted to ask Yao Wenhao to come over. Maybe this was a good opportunity to ease their relationship, but when he turned around, Yao Wenhao was nowhere to be seen.

At this time, Yao Wenhao had already left. I just saw that she trusted Zou Ze so much, and firmly believed that Zou Ze would bring them back first.

Later, when I saw Ji Xinan celebrating with her classmates, the sincere smile from the heart suddenly felt very dazzling, and the happiness just now disappeared, because I was by her side at this time. , seems to be superfluous, and can't participate in her world at all.

So he looked at her silently, smiled at himself, turned and left, it turned out that even as a friend, he could no longer participate in her joys and sorrows as before.

Originally, she also trusted herself like this, but he buried this trust with his own hands.

"Who is it?" Zou Ze asked her curiously when he saw her turning back and looked in the same direction.

Ji Xinan saw that he was no longer there, and after thinking about it, she understood that there were too many things between them now. Although it was said that lovers could not be friends, they could still be friends, but she could not be like Zou now. Ze is so trusting to trust him.

He turned around with a smile and looked at Zou Ze, "You must never have imagined that it was Yao Wenhao, he kept running with me, and I also saved a lot of physical strength. Only in the end can I surpass them, otherwise the final result is unknown. Woolen cloth."

"It's him." As soon as he heard Yao Wenhao's name, he lost his curiosity. Although he promised Ji Xinan not to argue with him again, he was not allowed to ignore him.

"Don't be like this, the matter has passed, and now there are only the three of us who came from the same place, and we are classmates for so many years. We must get along well." Ji Xinan smiled helplessly. Zou Ze seemed to care more than she did. "What's the point of people if they always live in the past."

"Since you don't care anymore, what else should I care about is to make him cheaper." Zou Ze glanced at Ji Xin'an. "I haven't seen him for three months. I forgot about him. How could I run here and meet him."

Ji Xinan smiled and said nothing. In fact, she didn't expect to meet Lu Ziyan here, and she also helped her.

But she had nothing else to do except the accident.

At the end of the five kilometers this time, the final score came out. Ji Xinan's class won a big victory, and they finally won the first place in the group.

As for the personal ranking, Ji Xin'an was the only female student in the top ten, and she was still number one far behind the others.

Zhang Jun and the team leader looked at the report card, all the candidates have been determined, and there is no problem, but what worries them most is Ji Xinan.

"This Ji Xin'an is really amazing. I think it's not easy to find such a veteran student who is about to graduate." Zhang Jun said with emotion, and he had to admit that this Ji Xin'an was in the army even now. Go, is also a good hand.

"Yeah, if it's really not what we guessed, then she still has great hopes when she takes the joint entrance examination of the all-military military academy. As long as there are no major problems, she will be a strong contender for that person's second-class merit." The team leader nodded and agreed with him.

"Now I hope she is a real new student. I want to see what else surprises us about her." Zhang Jun said suddenly, thinking that in the past few days, every time he took the assessment, he would Some people are used to seeing what kind of results Ji Xinan will get, and the result is to surprise him more and more every time.

"I don't have much hope." The assessment team leader said softly, because of his preconceived views, he felt that such a student could not be a new student.

Just waiting for the investigators to come back and debunk her disguise.

While the two were talking, there was a sudden knock on the door and a loud report.

"Come in." The team leader raised his head and said.

As soon as the door opened, a young soldier entered, glanced at the two, and immediately saluted.

"Xiao Zhao, you're back, how is the situation?" As soon as the group leader came in, he immediately stood up and looked nervously at the person who came in.

It turned out that this person, Xiao Zhao, was the one who was ordered to investigate Ji Xinan, and he came back in a few days.

Xiao Zhao listened to his words and smiled, "Team leader, I went to the school where Ji Xinan was working to investigate, everything was in accordance with the file, excellent grades, excellent in both character and study, and versatile, these words seem to be insufficient. To describe her excellence. When their principals and teachers knew that I was here to learn about Ji Xin'an's situation, I couldn't bear the enthusiasm. She is the pride of that school now."

"I know all this. Is the Ji Xin'an that I care about now and Ji Xin'an of the military academy the same person?" And that's not what he most wants to know right now.

"It is indeed the same person. She has been studying in that school for five years, and many people know her. If it is a fake, then you will have to buy people from the whole school. This is somewhat unlikely, and she has passed the college entrance examination. She was the No. 1 student in their college entrance examination at that time, and many media have reported on her, so I collected some newspapers from that time and brought them back to show you." Xiao Zhao took out the newspapers in his bag as he spoke.

The two took it over and took a closer look. Although the information above was obvious from a glance, many things were false, but the photos on the side were all too familiar to them.

It was Ji Xin'an who worried them these days.

"Then did she go through any training when she was in school? What's not recorded in the file, how could she be so good in military training?" Zhang Jun was more concerned about this after hearing this.

"I also checked this situation, but I didn't find any records of her in the school. She is not a sports student, and her sports performance is not too outstanding, so I can't tell what kind of training she has received." Xiao Zhao looked Statement to Zhang Jun.

"Then what do you mean, she's still suspect?" Zhang Jun froze in his heart, it turned out to be the same.

"No, I can be sure that she is the real Xin'an, and there is nothing to doubt it." Xiao Zhao replied unexpectedly.

"How can you be so sure?" The two asked in surprise at the same time.

"From the written investigation I brought back, she is indeed suspected, but I brought back a witness, which can prove that there is no problem with her. You will understand at a glance." Xiao Zhao smiled. , and then gave way to the side.

Confused by him, they both looked out the door together to see who deserved what he said.

A person walked in from the side outside, still in a military uniform.

"Old company commander?" The team leader and Zhang Jun shouted at the same time, and then immediately stood at attention and saluted, "Hello company commander."

"You two little bastards, you actually sent someone to check on my apprentice, is your skin tight again?" The man who walked in was actually Zou Weiguo, whom Ji Xinan knew and could no longer be familiar with. As soon as they came in, they laughed and cursed when they saw them. .

"Ji Xin'an is your apprentice?" Zhang Jun looked at him in surprise, and then saw the surprise in the team leader's eyes. They didn't expect such a special freshman to be his company commander's apprentice.

"Of course, I taught it well." Zou Weiguo looked very proud. He could probably guess the reason for their actions, but such behavior was the best compliment to Ji Xinan.

"No wonder." The two looked at each other, thinking that if he brought it out, it would be nothing to be surprised, and the doubts in their hearts disappeared all at once.

"If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have checked it. How could the apprentice of the company commander fake it, and it should be so good, so it's strange if it's not good." Zhang Jun said with a smile, he was a little suspicious of flattering.

"You kid has become more talkative, but it's not wrong for you to suspect. It's your responsibility. It's not all clear now." Zou Weiguo patted their shoulders.

"But fortunately, you are here, or else you might have misunderstood her." Zhang Jun said with some relief.

"Company commander, you can just tell Xiao Zhao about such a trivial matter. Why did you come in person?" The team leader then remembered that he shouldn't be busy at this time. Although Ji Xinan is his apprentice, he It is impossible to let go of his work for her. He knows his company commander too well, not to mention his apprentice, even his own son has no important task.

"I came here not only for Ji Xin'an, but also for other things, but I came here in a few days, but because of a coincidence, I met Xiao Zhao, so I happened to come with him, lest you wear small shoes for my apprentice. ." Zou Weiguo smiled and made a rare joke.

"Is there a mission?" Zhang Jun's eyes lit up, knowing that their mission was definitely not a trivial matter, but as soon as he finished asking, he felt a little inappropriate, "Did I ask something that shouldn't be asked."

"It's okay, and it's not something that needs to be kept secret. I won't leave here this time, and I will stay here to teach." Zou Weiguo smiled helplessly.

He did not want to make this decision from the bottom of his heart. A person who is used to fighting, how can he be willing to come here to be a teacher, but he is not willing to take off his military uniform, and he does not want to become a civilian. And only come here to be an instructor, at least his own skills are still somewhat useful.

Another reason is that for Zou Ze and Ji Xin'an, he wants to teach them his skills, and coming here as an instructor is the best way.

"Come to be an instructor? How can I let you come here to be an instructor? Isn't this a big talent and a small use." After listening to Zhang Jun, he immediately said dissatisfiedly, thinking that it was an order from a leader whose head was caught in the door. Let one of the best reconnaissance company commanders ever be an instructor.

"I'm not a big talent, but a waste." Zou Weiguo shook his head and said with some self-deprecation, where is he still a talent now.

Both of them were stunned by what he said. It was the first time they saw their company commander so unconfident.

They and Zou Weiguo are not in the same army now, and they are restricted by confidentiality regulations, so they don't know what happened to him.

Zou Weiguo saw the surprise of the two, and rolled up his pants indifferently, exposing the prosthetic limbs below.

"Company commander, your leg..." Zhang Jun looked at him in disbelief. He couldn't believe it. The company commander who kicked seven or eight jars with one kick back then is now dragging a fake leg.

"It blew up when I was on a mission. It's a blessing to be able to save a life." Zou Weiguo put down his pants and said without caring.

The two looked at each other and looked at him sadly, thinking that they could not accept such a thing.

"You don't have to feel sorry for me. I'm very satisfied now that I can walk normally like this." Zou Weiguo patted him, then changed the subject and said, "How is Ji Xinan's performance in this assessment?"

"Of course it's good, otherwise we can suspect her. Every project is excellent, whether it is an individual or the class she is in, she is the first." Zhang Jun was a little embarrassed to mention this.

Zou Weiguo nodded with satisfaction. He also knew that this time the assessment was not divided into males and females. He did not expect to achieve such a result, but he was really happy for her.

The ideal for many years has finally taken the first step. He didn't know whether to be happy for her, or worried about whether her future would be like his, and he could only become an instructor in the military academy.

However, these can only be what he thought in his heart, and he would never say it. What he said to Ji Xinan from his mouth was always an encouragement.

Special thanks: ‘Yao Feiyu’ for the reward, ‘Elfas’ for the tickets.

Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish everyone a happy holiday in advance

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