Barracks of Rebirth

Chapter 153: give up

When all the teams were ready, the starting gun 'bang' sounded, and the players of each team rushed out.

When they just ran out from the starting point, everyone mixed up and couldn't tell which class they belonged to.

Ji Xinan stood in the middle of the class this time, and was carefully protected by several people and ran forward. After running for a while, she felt that her arm was okay. Although it was necessary to move it when running, it was a little uncomfortable, but not violent. So there should be no problem.

Looking at Zou Ze, he looked at her worriedly from time to time, but he just stayed by her side and didn't go anywhere.

As he ran, he said, "You don't have to worry about me. Now that there is no pain in your arm, it should be fine."

"If it hurts, you can say it." Zou Ze still warned worriedly.

"I know, you go to organize a team, don't run away." Ji Xinan saw that each class had already drawn a distance, and they were organized together, but their classes were still running separately.

Zou Ze nodded after hearing this, smiled and then ran to the side to organize the team to see if anyone was left behind.

"Hey." Lu Ziyan sighed as she ran and looked at Ji Xinan from time to time.

The people who were provoked looked at her strangely.

Lu Ziyan then continued, "It's really considerate and attentive, but why can't our heroine be invisible, and even if she sees it, she's not tempted. It's really unreasonable."

"It's useless if we think it's good, the key is that someone thinks it's good." Yan Tingting also said yin and yang strangely.

Several other girls also nodded and agreed with her words. They all took Zou Ze seriously and felt that he really had nothing to choose from.

Ji Xinan smiled and ignored them. It wasn't that she just acquiesced, but she really didn't have the energy to argue with them.

However, Ji Xin'an felt a lot more relaxed after their mess, because just now she was worried about the recurrence of the injury. She ran very carefully and was extremely tired. Now that she relaxes, she is not so tired. Much easier.

The class and the class slowly opened up. All the students in the class gathered together and ran forward at one speed. Everyone was at the forefront of the entire team, but there were still a few teams in front of them, but they were not in a hurry to pass. , the time for the decisive battle has not yet come, they only need to follow.

Zou Ze and Luo Jiayi have a clear division of labor. They take both boys and girls well, and no one is left behind. This is the most important point. If someone is left behind, it doesn't matter how fast they run.

Ji Xin'an has no other tasks this time. It's good to just run for her own, but this one is not easy for her now. Ji Xin'an felt that it was not like before halfway through. Relaxed, the backpack pressure is getting heavier and heavier.

Because the farther I ran, the more frequent the arm movements became, and I gradually felt a little bit of pain, but it was useless to say it now, and I even took other people to take care of her.

So they didn't say anything to worry them, and continued to run despite the pain.

Because all the classes are the top two teams in each school, unlike in school, some classes simply run their own, there is no such situation here, the cooperation of each team is much more tacit, and the overall speed Also faster.

Ji Xinan's goal is to be the first in the group, so from the beginning, they must be much faster than in school in order to maintain their current ranking.

So not long after halfway through, there were a few people with poor physical strength who couldn't keep up and fell behind the team.

"Zou Ze, you don't need to worry about me, I can do it myself, go back and take a look, if someone falls behind, it's useless no matter how well we run." Ji Xinan saw that Zou Ze was in order after the team, because Worried that she would come back to her side again, he pulled her to run together. Now she saw that someone behind her was about to fall behind, so she asked Zou Ze to go to the back.

"What about you, what should I do if my hand hurts for a while?" Zou Ze looked at her, still worried and wanted to call someone else.

"I just have a broken arm, not a broken leg, so much nonsense that you can go wherever you want." Ji Xinan saw through his thoughts at once, not because she looked at Zou Ze, but if he didn't go, Others are really poorly organized.

Zou Ze listened, looked at Ji Xin'an, then turned to look at the few people who had fallen behind by a distance, made a trade-off, and then called the few people with good physical strength to go to the end of the team together.

Ji Xinan nodded to Luo Jiayi again, but she didn't talk nonsense, let go of Ji Xinan, and ran to the back to see Lu Ziyan, it was really hard for her to keep up with such a speed with her physical strength.

At this time, most of Ji Xinan's better physical strength went to the back to pull those who were left behind. It would be good for other people to take care of themselves. No one could help her anymore, so she could only rely on herself.

Tighten the backpack, put everything that can be carried on one shoulder on the left shoulder, reduce the burden on the right shoulder, and try not to swing the right hand when running. She can feel that the arm is getting more and more painful, but now it doesn't. Forget about it.

But in this way, with only one hand swaying, things are still pressed on one side, Ji Xinan is very uncoordinated when running, and it takes more physical strength. Fortunately, her physical fitness is much stronger than others, so she will not fall behind.

Zou Ze and Luo Jiayi slowly caught up with the people behind them. They also surpassed each team and ran to the front. Judging by the number, they should be within the top three, and these teams were not so open. Well, everyone is basically mixed up.

"It's the last kilometer, let's speed up and get rid of them. The first is ours." Zou Ze's words aroused everyone's response, and they all followed him to increase the speed. This has always been their strategy during training. , accelerated earlier than others, and in the school assessment, they won the first place with the final sprint.

But Ji Xin'an was a little powerless at this time. The physical exhaustion was too much and her arm was hurting badly. She felt that every step was so difficult.

She thought she could do it, but now she sees that the road ahead is so difficult.

At this time, she had no other way but to hint to herself in her heart, 'I don't hurt, it doesn't hurt, it's coming to the end soon, just stick with it, just one more time. "

I don't know if the hints in my heart played a role, or I was already numb from the pain, and gradually I didn't feel the pain.

Zou Ze took the people behind and ran slowly with the people in front. The whole team was getting closer. He was always worried about Ji Xinan. The first action was to look at Ji Xinan, but he also noticed She was strange, and chased after her in a few steps, "An An, how are you, is your arm hurting again?"

Ji Xin'an shook his head, not even moving his eyes. "I don't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all."

Zou Ze wanted to say something, but was pulled by Luo Jiayi, "Don't ask, let her run away, she won't be reconciled if she doesn't run away."

"But she's not right, she must be hurt again." Zou Ze worriedly looked at Ji Xin'an's weak legs and labored arms, and sweat was dripping down his face.

He had never seen Ji Xinan like this, whether it was five kilometers or other events, even if she was given a gentle punishment, he never let her feel like she was going to fall down at any time. Looking at Ji Xinan like this, His heart felt like a needle was pierced.

"But this is her own choice. If you stop her now, she may regret it for the rest of her life." Luo Jiayi said calmly, after three months of getting along with her, she can understand Ji Xin'an, maybe other things Ann wouldn't care so much. Even if she suffered a loss, she smiled and smiled. She was unusually generous, but once she encountered training or something that a soldier should do, she would fight and fight no matter what. A fight.

Zou Ze also understands this, how could he not understand, no one understands Ji Xin'an better than him, but looking at her bloodless face and disordered breathing, he feels that he can't let her go on like this anymore." No, even if I make her hate me, I can't watch her happen, and regret is better than just falling down like this."

Luo Jiayi shook her head helplessly. Her heart was also very contradictory. On the one hand, she thought that Ji Xinan could persevere and complete this assessment. After all, this was her own hope. I hope Zou Ze can stop her and stop.

But neither of these two ideas can be decided by her, and everything can only depend on the choice of the two of them.

After Zou Ze finished speaking, he quickly ran to the front and grabbed Ji Xin'an, "An An, don't run away, give up, we don't have to be the first, we are the best if we don't get the first. ."

Ji Xin'an was pulled by him, one of them didn't pay attention, and he was stopped by his feet and almost didn't fall.

"Look at what you are, don't hold on any longer, you are already very good to be able to run so far." Zou Ze hurriedly supported her, letting most of her body lean on him, hiding in his eyes Can't stop feeling distressed.

When the others saw them stop, they all turned their heads to look. Only then did they find Ji Xin'an's condition. Her face was terrifyingly pale, and her head seemed to be washed with water. Like a seriously ill patient, they all looked at her worriedly.

"We don't need to worry about them, run for a while, and they will catch up immediately." Luo Jiayi shouted loudly after seeing someone stop, and continued to run forward with everyone, no matter what the result was, they would also Working hard, at least she won't regret it. Luo Jiayi firmly thought that for the first time in her more than ten years of life, she really wanted to work hard for one thing.

The others listened to her and continued to run. Although she said that the two would catch up again, everyone knew that in Ji Xin'an's situation, it was impossible to run again, let alone. It was said that they were catching up again, so although the team was not still advancing, it was silent a lot.

Everyone was a little disappointed in their hearts. After so much effort, they saw that victory was ahead, but they fell before the finish line. How could they feel better? It really corresponds to that sentence. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. bigger.

But this time, although Ji Xinan gave them no chance to compete for the first place, they didn't blame her. If there were not so many points that Ji Xinan had won before, they would not be able to stand in the first place. position.

What's more, it's not easy for Ji Xin'an to persist in such a situation for so long. Who would have the heart to blame her?

Maybe it was because there was no motivation to compete for the first place, and the speed slowed down. Watching the people in the other classes overtake the past one by one, they didn't even have the heart to speed up.

Seeing this situation, Luo Jiayi didn't care whether the boys belonged to her or not, she pointed at them and shouted, "Look at how you look, how can you not even be a girl, you all speed up for me in the last mile sprint. ."

"It's all like this, what's the use of speeding up again, it doesn't count as a team result without people." Li Ming said listlessly.

His words also expressed the hearts of most people. They ran so desperately for the first place. Now that there is no such goal, what is the point of running or not.

"Why don't you run if you don't have the first place? Then Ji Xinan knew that she couldn't get the first place. Why did she still run, her face turned pale and the old injury hurts again, but she still has to persevere. She did it for the sake of No regrets, even if she failed, but she worked hard, even if she didn't get anything in the end, she didn't regret it." Luo Jiayi's words silenced everyone.

"Look at us people again, don't say they're hurt, even those who don't sweat a lot want to just give up, don't you feel blush? Don't you think that when you think about today in the future, you only have two memories of 'giving up' Words?" Luo Jiayi continued.

"Let's speed up, even for Ji Xin'an, she must not want us to give up after running so far with her injuries." Perhaps moved by Luo Jiayi's words, Li Ming raised his head and looked at the other boys.

"Yes, we sprinted according to the original plan." The others nodded in agreement and accelerated together.

Looking at the classmates who came back, Luo Jiayi showed a sincere smile for the first time, and a sense of accomplishment that had never been before poured into his heart.

"Squad leader, you are awesome." Yan Tingting praised Luo Jiayi for the first time.

"That's right, I've never seen a squad leader look like this. It turns out that our squad leader also has passion." Although Lu Ziyan was out of breath, it seemed that her mouth was not tired.

"The squad leader has always been very good. Although she doesn't talk much, she cares about us very much." Zhang Xiaoxue actually joined them and commented together.

Luo Jiayi glanced at them and put away her smile, "If you have the strength to speak, just run two steps quickly, don't dawdle like an old lady."

Several people laughed when they heard her words, and stopped talking, trying to keep up with the boys.

Luo Jiayi was very happy when he saw everyone's enthusiasm. "Everyone accelerate, no matter what, we are going to be the first class to cross the finish line."

"Yes." The voices of dozens of people suddenly sounded, and the morale of all the students in the second class was high.

Special thanks: Tickets for "Watching the Clouds with Ease" and "Bingshiyue"

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