Barracks of Rebirth

Chapter 157: persuade

But even if they have more to say, the road will eventually be finished, and they have reached their destination, City B.

"I'm going back to school after getting off the bus. I may not be able to see you wearing medals. It's a pity." Yu Yao saw that the car had stopped, and she should have arrived. She looked at Ji Xinan with some regret.

She thought that she would be able to see them when they went to City B to present the awards, to witness their glorious moment, but before getting on the bus, their captain had told them that they would go back to school after getting off the bus, and they did not go to watch the award ceremony. , Although this is normal, it is somewhat regrettable.

"You don't have to be too good, I'll send the photo back to you." Ji Xinan smiled and comforted her when she saw her regretful look.

"That's the only way, but you must send me a few more." Yu Yao sighed.

"You can rest assured." Ji Xinan smiled.

After the truck turned for a while, it stopped, and the back door was immediately opened to greet them to get out of the car and gather.

Everyone then got out of the car and went to their own team, and they were about to separate here.

"I really want to see you again this time." Zou Ze came over, looked at Yu Yao who was holding Ji Xin'an's hand, and smiled.

"Yeah, we'll see you during the winter vacation." Yu Yao smiled and waved her hand, then ran back to the place where her class gathered.

"You guys were having a good time chatting, I've never seen her smile like this before." Zou Ze looked at Yu Yao who was far away with a smile on his face, but he was a little relieved.

"Aren't you afraid that she has already told me your embarrassing story?" Ji Xinan smiled slyly.

Zou Ze's face suddenly became unnatural, "Then... Then did she say anything?"

"Look at the way you are afraid, she didn't tell me anything." Ji Xinan said with a smile.

Zou Ze breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it, and laughed again when he thought of the way they were joking just now.

"What's the matter, why are you smiling so happily?" Ji Xinan asked when he saw how happy he was smiling.

"You don't know why I'm laughing?" Zou Ze squinted at her, how could she not guess with her intelligence.

"How would I know, I'm going to gather, you can have fun here." Of course Ji Xinan knew that he was happy for Yu Yao and him to be like this. Being an ordinary friend is better than before. relationship is much easier.

But she didn't know it, turned around and left.

Zou Ze shook his head helplessly, then walked over and shouted, "Assemble."

Because the award ceremony was scheduled for the morning of the next day, everyone had to be arranged to live when they got out of the car. Everyone was arranged in an office of the army. Although it was not in the city center, it was also in City B.

And this time, the place where I live is obviously much better. It is no longer a large military camp with more than a dozen people. There are four people in one room, and the environment is not bad.

However, everyone didn't care so much about this, and she didn't even mention Lu Ziyan, who she liked the most. It seemed that she was used to changing places from time to time.

Others are now most concerned about what kind of surprises there will be at the awards ceremony tomorrow, whether they can go out at night, and whether they can watch the flag raising tomorrow morning.

Although everyone thought so, but no one dared to ask about it, but although no one asked, Luo Min took the initiative to speak, but her news also made everyone happy.

"I just received a notice that all the students who are waiting for awards here at night are not allowed to go out without permission, and are not allowed to move freely except in their own residence." Luo Min's words made everyone put away their smiles and showed disappointment. expression.

I thought that even if I didn't let individuals go out, I would organize a group to go out for a walk, but I didn't expect that even this hope was not satisfied, which is too unkind.

As for Ji Xinan, all the people at the table looked at Zhang Xiaoxue subconsciously. Among them, she was the only one who cared about this matter the most. Sure enough, a disappointed expression appeared on her face.

"Xiaoxue, don't be disappointed. When we go to receive the prize tomorrow, we must be quite far away from here. By then, we can let you take a good look at City B, or you can see it more clearly during the day." Ji Xinan looked She couldn't bear the disappointment, but since the order has been given, they don't want to go out today.

Zhang Xiaoxue nodded and smiled reluctantly, "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me, I'm not standing on the land of City B now, I'm very satisfied, and my wish can be considered fulfilled. It's halfway through, and I can still get first-class merit tomorrow, how many people are envious of such an achievement."

Several people also know that although she said so, but there is no way to do it, they can only lower their heads and continue to eat their own meals.

However, what Luo Min said next made everyone excited again.

Seeing the unhappy look of everyone, Luo Min laughed at once, and could understand their mood, and continued, "However, tomorrow morning, we will organize everyone to watch the flag-raising ceremony together, so I have to rest early tonight, tomorrow morning. But get up early."

"It's great, I can watch the flag raising." Most of the people here have never seen it. It is their greatest wish to come to City B to watch the flag raising.

"The captain has sold off too." Some students also complained.

After listening to this, I forgot the unhappiness of restricting them from going out just now, and they all chatted excitedly.

"Xiaoxue, your wish is half fulfilled, it's not in vain." Yan Tingting's first reaction after hearing this was to look at Zhang Xiaoxue, she was so happy that she didn't know what to say.

"The captain is really appetizing, she should ask us, I have two news, one good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Ji Xinan smiled helplessly, not expecting the always serious captain There is such a side.

"Then I must say that I only listen to the good and not the bad." Yan Tingting answered her words.

Several people laughed.

"Captain, when can we leave tomorrow?" Lu Ziyan became anxious now.

Although she has been here many times, she has never experienced so many people going out to watch the flag raising, and of course she is happy.

"Let's set off on time at 5:30 tomorrow morning, everyone should not be late." Luo Min said loudly.

"Then, after watching the flag-raising, can you take a stroll in the square?" But some people were still not satisfied.

"It depends on the situation. If there is enough time, I will give you some time." Luo Min also knew that although these students performed very well in this assessment, they were still half-aged children after all, and it was normal for them to like to play. , so I don't blame them.

Everyone was even more happy when they heard her words, and they stopped eating.

After Luo Min said this, he was still a little worried, and told them, "In addition, everyone should wear thicker clothes. The temperature difference between morning and evening is big here. The temperature in the morning is very low at this time, so don't catch a cold."

Everyone said that they knew it, but no one took it to heart. They all felt the temperature of City B during the day. They thought about how bad it could be, and they were happy at the moment, how could they think about those things? .

After dinner, several people returned to their residence excitedly. As soon as Lu Ziyan came back, she ran into her bag and rummaged, not knowing what she was looking for.

"What are you turning over?" Yan Tingting asked strangely when she saw that she had been turning over for a long time, but there was no result.

"What do you think this is?" Lu Ziyan took out a camera and shook it in front of their eyes, "This was originally intended to be used during the assessment, but I was too busy during the assessment, and I didn't have it. I can use it, now I can finally use it, and tomorrow I will take a few more photos in the square."

"Why didn't you take it out earlier? You knew that you would take a few photos during the assessment and keep it as a souvenir. When you take it out later, this is the heroic appearance of my first first-class competition, but you actually have a camera. If we don't take it out, we missed such a good opportunity, tell me how to compensate me." Yan Tingting pouted and looked at her unhappily.

"What's the use of taking it out? It's okay if I give it to An An, although it's not as beautiful as usual, but when people look at it and ask me who this is, I can also say that this is an individual who has been assessed by our national military academy. First, if I took a picture of you, what would you say?" Lu Ziyan paused and said with a smile. "Hey, this is a student who has not yet entered the 100th place. It's really shameful to say it."

"Okay, you dare to laugh at me." Yan Tingting jumped up and wanted to chase after her.

"You said what you said, why didn't you get involved with me?" Ji Xinan gave up after hearing it. They were arguing, why did they bring her along.

"I didn't say anything bad about you, what are you afraid of?" Lu Ziyan said, and while avoiding Yan Tingting's 'attack', she ran away with a smile, hiding behind Ji Xinan, and the two chased after Ji Xinan. stand up.

"You didn't speak ill of her, you said mine." Yan Tingting saw that she was hiding from her, and Ji Xinan was always on her side, but she couldn't catch her, "Come out for me."

"I just didn't come out, I didn't lie, what I said was the truth." Lu Ziyan finally took advantage of her and smiled happily.

"You two are fine, don't act like a child." Ji Xin'an smiled and looked at the two of them. Although the two of them weren't like when they first started school, they always liked to fight each other.

"I have to catch her today." Yan Tingting said while turning around Ji Xinan.

"I can't catch it, I'm mad at you..." Lu Ziyan made a face in order to be angry with her.

Ji Xinan looked at the two of them and shook her head helplessly.

The two had been surrounding her, running, and suddenly bumped into Ji Xinan in the middle.

"Hey." Ji Xinan hurriedly covered her arms. The sudden impact made her sore and sweaty, and she didn't dare to move where she was clutching her joints.

"An An, what's the matter, is it hurting?" The two stopped making trouble after hearing her cry, and stopped to check.

"It's all your fault, what's the matter, see An An." Lu Ziyan rolled her eyes at her.

"If you don't provoke me, I can arrest you." Yan Tingting still refused.

Luo Jiayi also came to check Ji Xin'an's injury, and saw that the two of them still hadn't given up, "You two have caused such a big disaster and you still have the heart to pinch them."

Both of them were a little embarrassed when they heard it, "An An, I'm sorry, I hurt you, or you can beat us." Seeing Ji Xinan's appearance, Lu Ziyan felt even more sad.

"I'm fine, if I don't say that, can you stop." Ji Xinan just got touched and it hurt a lot, and it was much better when she calmed down, and she laughed when she saw the two of them.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief when they heard it. Fortunately, they didn't hurt her. If they were dislocated again, they would really be sinners.

"An An, if you learn badly, you will deceive people." Lu Ziyan really believed Ji Xinan's words and laughed, thinking she was pretending.

"You're a pig's brain. You believe her when she says it. You don't even look at her, her face is pale. How could it not hurt? She's afraid that you will be worried." Luo Jiayi interrupted her, thinking that she should be fine. Just poured a cup of hot water for Ji Xinan to drink.

Lu Ziyan heard it and sure enough, not only her face changed, but her head was sweating, it should be painful, she didn't know what to say.

"Okay, don't talk about them, I just hurt a little, it's really fine." Ji Xinan took Luo Jiayi's water with a smile.

"Is it really okay?" Luo Jiayi asked worriedly. "Would you like to take a look?"

"It's really okay, I'm not that weak yet." Ji Xinan nodded,

"That's good, let's see if you two make trouble." Luo Jiayi glared at the two of them.

The two of them did not dare to refute, and lowered their heads.

"Let's rest early today, and get up early tomorrow." Ji Xinan looked at the two people who were too scared to speak, and helped them out of the siege.

Lu Ziyan and the two immediately helped Ji Xinan to pack up the bed.

Luo Jiayi didn't blame them when he saw Ji Xin'an, so he didn't say anything.

Early the next morning, because it was just an office, there was no wake-up number, but everyone got up on time without anyone asking, and they were much more willing than when they were at school.

When they were gathering, a few people saw Zhang Xiaoxue's eyes were a little red, and Lu Ziyan couldn't help it, "Xiaoxue, you couldn't be so excited that you didn't sleep all night, right?"

Zhang Xiaoxue was a little embarrassed when she said, "I can't sleep when I think that I can go to see the flag raising today."

"Hey, I always thought Lu Ziyan was like a child, but I didn't expect Xiaoxue to be more like a child." Yan Tingting laughed after hearing her words.

"Am I very hopeless?" Zhang Xiaoxue was even more embarrassed.

"How could it be, Xiaoxue, it's normal for you to be so excited. Look at whoever is about to realize his wish. Don't be excited. I knew that I was admitted to the military academy, and I was so excited that I didn't sleep all night." Ji Xinan came over and said with a smile.

Although Ji Xin'an was a bit exaggerated, she was really happy back then.

"Yeah, we all understand you, we also have this time." Lu Ziyan also smiled and nodded.

Zhang Xiaoxue felt much better after hearing this.

"Okay, let's get in the car quickly, if we don't get up, there will be nowhere." Ji Xinan pulled a few people.

Several people talked and laughed together and got into the car prepared for them.

Although the sky was not yet bright, it did not affect their view of the city's street scene. Zhang Xiaoxue stared at the outside with envy in his eyes.

"It's so beautiful here. If I could live here, it wouldn't be like a fairy life." Zhang Xiaoxue said with emotion as she looked at the endless high-rise buildings outside.

Ji Xinan looked at her and felt that although there was nothing wrong with her like this, she suddenly thought of some news she saw in her previous life, some rural girls, who struggled to get into college, but got lost in this prosperity.

She didn't want to see Zhang Xiaoxue become like this, so she thought she should do something.

"This is not a paradise on earth, they may sometimes envy those who live in small places." Ji Xinan laughed after hearing this.

"How is it possible, this place is so good, how can they still envy others?" Zhang Xiaoxue didn't believe it.

"Their lives are not all that good, and they will have troubles. Every day there is a lot of pressure from work and life. There is not a moment of free time from morning to night. Even when we sleep at night, they may still work overtime. Ji Xinan turned her head and looked out the window, "Although the buildings you see are beautiful, they are not affordable for ordinary people."

"If you don't live for the common people, who do you live for? Isn't this their home?" Zhang Xiaoxue looked at her curiously, how could there be so many uncountable buildings that no one could live in.

"They may also buy it, but they can't save much money every month. They can only pay a down payment and then take out a loan to buy a house. They run around for such a house every day. Ten years will be over, and this lifetime will be over." He sighed and continued, "During this period, I still have to worry about losing my job, worrying about getting sick, I don't dare to go anywhere, I don't dare to buy anything, I'm afraid to spend money. , Xiaoxue, are you still envious of such a day?"

"How could this be?" Zhang Xiaoxue was a little surprised when she heard it, but she knew that Ji Xinan would not lie to her, so she was a little disappointed. "Do they really live like this?"

Ji Xinan saw her disappointment, but she would rather let her down than let her have unrealistic fantasies.

"Of course it's not all the same, but among ordinary people, it's better. Some people may not be able to pay a down payment in their entire lives, so they can only share a house with others, and they dare not get married or have children. How many homes have you moved?" Ji Xinan continued.

"The countryside is not good either in the city or in the city. Even the people in City B live so hard, how can life be so difficult?" Zhang Xiaoxue felt a little lonely.

"Actually, no matter where you live, the key is to see if you have a positive attitude towards life. The countryside is not necessarily bad. There is a Huaxi Village, you should know, how many people yearn for it there." Xin An felt that her attitude should be changed.

"But they have money there. Our hometown is too poor, and our family is not considered the poorest. Some people's children can't go to school since they were young. ." Zhang Xiaoxue lowered her head, probably thinking of the days at home.

"Huaxi Village also started from scratch. It's not easy, but once you succeed, you will have a sense of accomplishment, so what you do is not only to come out and have a bright future, but to bring it with you. They got out of poverty together." Ji Xinan said with a smile.

Zhang Xiaoxue raised his head sharply, "Is it really possible, but I'm just a student, what can I do?"

"Of course not now, your main task now is to do well in this school, and even if you graduate, you may not have to do anything in person, sometimes a good idea, or a figure for them, is very good. It may change their fate." Ji Xin'an's words are not nonsense, how many villages in future generations are so poor that they can't afford to eat, just an opportunity may have earth-shaking changes.

And the life after that is really the envy of people who live in big cities.

"Is this really possible?" Zhang Xiaoxue was infinitely yearning after hearing her words.

"Of course." Ji Xinan nodded.

Lu Ziyan may have heard the words of the two of them, "What's wrong, who didn't start from scratch, didn't my father start from scratch back then, he was an educated youth in the countryside."

Zhang Xiaoxue raised her head and looked at her with expectant eyes from the people around her, and suddenly seemed to have made up her mind, "Since others can do it, I will do it too, no matter what happens in the future, I will definitely do it. I will work hard for the prosperity of my hometown, so that children who come out of us in the future will no longer envy the life in the big city."

"When the time comes, it will be others' turn to envy them." Ji Xinan continued with a smile.

"Can I really do it?" Zhang Xiaoxue looked a little unsure after hearing Ji Xinan's words.

"You forgot what I told you when we won the first place in the group, as long as you have confidence, not everything is as difficult as it seems, maybe as long as we work hard, we can succeed, maybe you can do better than us It's even better than I imagined." Ji Xinan said with a smile.

Her words made Zhang Xiaoxue more confident. When she turned her head to look outside, she had a different mood.

The bus pulled everyone to the vicinity of the square. When they lined up to the center of the square, they were already full of people watching the flag-raising. If they were like the others, they could only stand outside and watch.

However, this event was also a special treat for them. The crowd did not stay outside, but were led directly into the rope blocking the crowd and stood under the flagpole.

Standing here, everyone suddenly had a different feeling. After standing neatly, everyone stood in a standard military posture. Except for the eyes, all other parts were unmoved.

The crowd watching the flag-raising outside and seeing such a group of students and soldiers became curious and pointed at them. Some people even took out their cameras, or took pictures of them, and some even used them as The background reflects the photo.

All the students could see what was happening over there with their own peripheral vision, and their hearts became proud, a little smile appeared in the corners of their eyes, their chests were straighter, and their heads were raised higher.

Although they still wear the red epaulettes of the trainees, they also represent the word 'military' here.

Tonight is coming to the class reunion, these 6000 words have just been coded, it is impossible to add more, and the children's shoes who vote for more may be disappointed.

Special thanks: 'Extraordinary Baby', 'Bingshiyue' tickets.

Thanks: 'Elyem', 'Meng acridine' for the reward

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