Barrier of Light

Chapter 1048 The power of flow (at the beginning of the month! Please vote for me!)

The original power in Silver Fox's palm dissipated.

The whole world returned to silence.

Baixiu's expression was still a little dazed.


Did you lose like this?

In the battle just now, he tried his best to attack and kill, but was suppressed by Silver Fox and was unable to fight back.

"You're already pretty good."

Silver Fox finally patted the young man on the shoulder and comforted him: "You forced me to use my second hand... I haven't met a genius as amazing as you in many years."

This statement sounded like a taunt.

But Silver Fox's words were very sincere, because it was the truth.

Titles at other levels are extraordinary, and he can ravage them at will with one hand!

The clouds in the distant sky spread, and there was a slight roaring sound on the zenith. Silver Fox smiled and turned back, murmuring: "What a coincidence."


Just as Gu Shen drove the mini-boat to the edge of Cicada Wing City, two slight sounds pierced the air.

Silver Fox and Bai Xiu appeared in an instant and flew in front of Gu Shen.

"Mr. Silver Fox, little sleeves."

Gu Shen quickly stood up, and hundreds of silver-white meteorite fragments flew out of his sleeves, whizzing in the air.

Gu Shen stood up from the cabin and took a step. The soles of his feet were filled with clouds, but after he stepped out, countless pieces of meteorite iron clattered together and condensed under his feet, holding him up.

"Gu Shen, we finally meet."

General Silver Fox's eyes flickered slightly, and he praised with a smile: "Baby is good."

"That's ridiculous."

Although Gu Shen said this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The general's eyes were indeed vicious.

The Meteor Iron Sword is not a sealed object. I usually use the [Iron Throne] to simply control it. I only infuse it with [Truth] when traveling long distances or competing for speed.

Therefore, the iron sword at this moment is not infused with extraordinary power.

Normal people won't pay too much attention when they see it.

But Silver Fox happened to see that "Meteorite" was unusual.

"I heard Ziyu say..."

Silver Fox smiled and said: "You came to Cicada Wing City to find me for the purpose of cultivation?"


Gu Shen smiled without covering up: "It's also for Xiao Xiu."

The reason he came to Beizhou this time was actually to return Mu Wanqiu's second request.

But now that it’s here.

Then there is no reason not to see white sleeves.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to fight with you."

Gu Shen saw Bai Xiu's confused look and quickly explained with a smile: "I just came to take a look."

Hear this.

Baixiu's expression was a little complicated, more disappointed than others.

He had been looking forward to meeting Gu Shen at the top, and then facing off against each other, each using their strongest cards, and in this battle, they would reach the ultimate level.

Now, he finally waited.

But Gu Shen didn't come to him just for a duel?

Baixiu is not a person who likes to take the initiative to make fights. He is different from Mu Wanqiu.

If Gu Shen doesn't want to fight him.

Then he wouldn't ask Gu Shen to fight him.

General Yinhu glanced at Baixiu's expression, and he had a clear idea in his heart.

He smiled and said: "No matter what, whether you come to see or practice, you have to live in Cicada Wing City for a while... You come with me."

The silver fox expands its territory.

Gu Shen didn't resist.

The wind roared and swayed, and the next moment, the three of them returned to the giant wall. This place was very close to the Umbrella Defense Line. The heavy snow blowing from [Old World] kept hitting the city wall. In just a few seconds, Gu Shen's long hair was dyed Apply a layer of white.

"I wore my white sleeves and sat quietly on top of the giant wall for weeks."

Yin Hu stood between the two young men. He stretched out his hands and gently placed them on the shoulders of Gu Shen and Bai Xiu. At the same time, he raised his chin and made an effort.

"Here. This place is facing the [Old World], it's ethereal and empty."

Gu Shen blinked: "So?"

"This place is very suitable for mental state cultivation. If you have traveled thousands of miles to come to Cicada Wing City just to get my guidance, then this is what I am best at."

“Many extraordinary people think that mindfulness practice is not important, but it is not.”

Silver Fox said warmly: "The calmer the state of mind, the higher the efficiency of practice. Sitting on this giant wall, looking at the [Old World] and entering concentration can greatly improve the efficiency of practice..."

Mental state cultivation is the area that Silver Fox is best at.

But in fact, this is also Gu Shen's area of ​​expertise.

But Gu Shen did not interrupt, but listened quietly.

He maintained a high level of respect for the three generals.

According to the information he got from visiting the two divine thrones, Silver Fox White Lizard Rusty Bones had successfully touched the existence of the "origin" in his mortal body.

for such an existence.

Gu Shen has high respect in his heart, because he knows that if he does not have the "Pluto Fire", he does not know how long it will take to get in touch with the so-called "origin", and it may even take him a lifetime to reach the heights of the three generals.

"I heard Baixiu say that you reached 'flow' many years ago."

Silver Fox smiled and said: "So this giant wall is just an ordinary place of practice for you. Even if you are not sitting here, you can enter meditation at any time."


Gu Shen nodded. He was not modest, but said seriously: "I also have a lot of experience in mental state cultivation."

Silver Fox said softly: "Since you have reached 'flow' a long time ago, you must know... what the next higher level is."

“Multi-tasking, constant differentiation, never-ending.”

Gu Shen also heard what Afu said about the God of Molten Iron and the Craftsman, and then he knew that the end point of the path of mental state cultivation was like this.

"That's right. Being able to enter tranquility is just the beginning of mental cultivation. The real difficulty is actually fighting with one's own heart."

“To cultivate your mind, you don’t need enemies.”

"You are your biggest enemy!"

Silver Fox put his hands on the shoulders of the two young men. He slowly sat down, and an invisible force fell on Gu Shen Baixiu's shoulders. This force was very powerful, but not overbearing.

The two young men could only sit down.

"As the saying goes...I have been dealing with me for a long time, and I would rather be me."

Silver Fox smiled and narrowed his eyes. He faced the strong snow blowing from the [Old World], and his whole body became calmer.

"Real practice is never about chasing someone, it's just about challenging your past self."

The silver fox's voice is like the spring breeze.

At this moment, Gu Shen was surprised to find that the general's soul seemed to become ethereal, appearing in his own mental induction... or even disappearing completely!

How terrible is this?

My current "blazing fire sense" is actually unable to detect the existence of the silver fox!

This also means...

If Silver Fox uses this mental concealment method to get close to him, he will definitely be able to strike first and deliver a fatal blow!

"There is no end to the practice of mind, but there is an end."

Silver Fox said gently: "The so-called end point is whether you can let go of your attachments and face your true self."

He looked at Bai Xiu.

These words were actually meant for Bai Xiu.

Baixiu's originally fluctuating state of mind slowly calmed down. He followed the guidance of Yinhu's voice and entered a state of tranquility.

Silver Fox's words are not lethal, but they contain powerful spiritual power.

He is carefully guiding the two young people to enter meditation.


But when he turned around, Silver Fox realized something was wrong.

He saw a pair of eyes that showed no signs of sleepiness.

"Xiao Gu, I know you are mentally strong...but don't resist..."

Silver Fox smiled and said: "Follow the call of my voice and enter the state of 'sedation', which will be of great benefit to you."

"I offered no resistance."

Gu Shen was a little embarrassed, and he said frankly: "What you said is very good, and I agree with it, but... I am in a state of tranquility right now."


The smile on Silver Fox's face froze briefly for a second.

He carefully stared at Gu Shen's spirit and murmured, "Have you reached the state of multitasking?"

Cultivation of the state of mind is a step at a time.

This can be seen from the fact that such an amazing genius as Baixiu has only been able to practice "flow" until now.

As for multitasking, it’s more difficult than “flow”!

This threshold also trapped Silver Fox for a long time...


Gu Shen thought for a while and said honestly: "I don't know why, but the so-called state of mind cultivation has never been a threshold for me."

The expression on the silver fox's face is very wonderful.

"How many branches can your flow be divided into at most?"

Silver Fox looked at this young junior, feeling more curious than sighing.

He wanted to know where Gu Shen's limit was.

"I am not sure as well……"

Gu Shen didn't know how to answer. His real breakthrough in mental state cultivation was actually during the years when he was facing death in Binghai. He multitasked, comprehended the art of immortality, practiced breathing methods, transformed the fire of vitality, and expanded the pure land. flower garden.

A rough calculation suggests that this could be the equivalent of doing four things at once.

But Gu Shen felt that this was not his limit.

"I understand."

Silver Fox spit out these three words.

next moment.

He released the left hand that was holding Bai Xiu's shoulder, and pointed slightly at the distance.

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

He noticed that with the slight move, Silver Fox's left hand was entangled with countless dark forces.

Is this the original power?

The light of the umbrella defense line changed slightly, as if something was being pulled. A rumbling sound fell over the giant wall. Countless wind and snow were dragged to the front of the giant wall by the original power of the silver fox. They kept hitting and collapsing inward. Eventually it condensed into a huge snowball with a diameter of ten meters!

"While ensuring that the deity is in "spiritual concentration", use the spirit differentiated by your heart flow to catch it."

Silver Fox said: "If you can't bear it, just tell me."

Say it.

He let go.

Without hesitation, Gu Shen summoned a ray of spirit, and the fire between his brows was completely ignited.


The huge snowball only fell less than one meter before being held up by Gu Shen's spirit. This was not just a simple snowball. Gu Shen could feel the powerful spiritual power contained in the silver fox. In order to ensure this With the differentiated spiritual quality, General Silver Fox also injected his own will into the snowball.

So, this is not just a test, but a competition!

General Silver Fox, who was stationed in the northwest border, couldn't help himself when he saw the talented newcomer and went into battle himself.

He has already entered the "flow state". At his peak, he could differentiate seven strands of spirit in one breath!

Taking this opportunity, Silver Fox wanted to see Gu Shen's limits, and even more so, to see if his current "flow" state was comparable to that of his peak years!

Gu Shen caught the first snowball easily.

Silver Fox looked relaxed and waved immediately.

The power of origin is activated again——


The second snowball was summoned by him and released again.

Still, he was caught after falling less than one meter.

Silver Fox let out a light sigh.

At this moment, Gu Shen was using the "Third Flow Power", which was already the limit that he originally expected. But looking carefully, Gu Shen's expression did not fluctuate. Although he was not as relaxed as before, he remained silent. Obviously It is far from reaching the limit.

Silver Fox increased the stakes again. This time, he rolled a huge snowball with a diameter of twenty meters!

The infused spiritual power is also doubled!

Mental state cultivation becomes more and more difficult the further you go. If you want to test how much power of flow Gu Shen can differentiate, you need to constantly put pressure on Gu Shen!

But... the result remained unchanged. The snowball was still caught by Gu Shen with his mental power.

The power of the fourth flow!

The expression on Gu Shen's face changed, his breathing became rapid, sweat broke out on his forehead, and the black robe of the Grand Adjudicator on his back became wet.

The fire between his brows trembled violently.

This is the embodiment of "struggle".

"It should be almost the limit..."

For some reason, Silver Fox felt a little relieved when he saw this.

This young man's talent in mental state cultivation is truly astonishing. He has awakened four strands of flow power at such a young age!

But the next moment, the smile on Silver Fox's face solidified.

Because the flame between Gu Shen's brows, after swaying and trembling for a few seconds, returned to stability. Under the steaming heat mist, his breathing returned to steady, as if the limit state just now did not exist at all, or... had been broken. .

"Is this a breakthrough on the battlefield?"

Silver Fox couldn't believe it. He once again caught the fifth snowball, which was not inferior to the former in size.


Catch it!

Gu Shen caught the fifth huge snowball with great stability, which meant that Gu Shen had developed his own "fifth flow power". What was terrifying was that the "scene" just now appeared again. , breathing rapidly, the fire trembling, and after a few seconds, everything returned to calm.

Silver Fox looked as if he had seen a ghost, and he suddenly remembered what Gu Shen had said before.

Gu Shen has never encountered a bottleneck in the matter of mental state cultivation.

"The temporary opening of the fifth flow of heart power shows that Gu Shen's spirit is strong enough, but even a powerful genius cannot break through the realms one after another..."

Silver Fox tried hard to control his expression without losing his composure.

With a complicated expression, he grasped it again and used his original power to condense the sixth snowball. This time, he did not give in at all and poured his powerful spiritual will into the snowball.

This sixth snowball is equivalent to the previous five added together!

This time, sweat began to form on Silver Fox's forehead.

The limit of mental state cultivation depends on the state... He is no longer at the peak of his past, and it is already a bit difficult to exert the sixth ray of flow power.

However, according to this situation, the seventh flow can also be used.

"Rumble, rumble—"

With a huge roar, the entire sky above the huge wall was shrouded in this dark snowball. The moment Silver Fox released his palm, veins bulged on Gu Shen's forehead.

This was the first time he felt such severe mental pressure.

The feeling of breaking through the state of mind cultivation is like a differentiation in one's own brain.

At this moment, Gu Shen's brows were blazing and trembling violently——

He forced himself to separate out the sixth ray of spirit and catch the extremely huge snowball!

But, this is too heavy, too heavy!

What's even worse is that the mental wills of Gu Shen and General Silver Fox collided. Even though the latter had controlled his mental power and tried not to hurt Gu Shen, under this powerful load, Gu Shen could not maintain " The operating state of "Sixth Flow".

Gu Shen opened his eyes and looked at the huge snowball that was shattered by the violent collision.

Countless pieces of snow washed away the huge city wall.

He seemed to be sitting in the torrent of an avalanche.

Gu Shen sighed regretfully.

"Unfortunately, the power of the sixth flow... failed to condense."

(It’s a new month again, Panda urges everyone to vote for your monthly vote! One vote at the beginning of the month is very, very important, even more important than the five votes at the end of the month TAT!) (End of this chapter)

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