Barrier of Light

Chapter 1078 Believe, Kill (Part 2)

The clouds and mist at the top of the Tower of Source shrouded one person, and the divine realm in the sky was empty and deserted.

But countless computing powers are converging on a figure.

The Deep Sea is undergoing its eleventh upgrade. Its thinking can spread to every corner of the five continents along the spiritual network, but its real "brain" is only here. The Sky God Realm is where the main system lives. In theory, Once this is destroyed, the main system will also lose its only home.

The majestic spirit from the [Old World] is continuously flowing into this divine realm.

Shenhai and Qinglong are in contact through the [Cloud Mirror], which transmits all the information it has to Qinglong's heart lake... This is the price for asking Qinglong to take action, such a person with a strong desire for control If he cannot observe the progress of external things in time, he may not hesitate to give up the entanglement with the Queen and choose to leave the attic directly.

Although the deep sea knows.

Once Qinglong stepped into the Queen's Attic, it was never easy to leave, but it still obediently sent all the data to Qinglong's [Cloud Mirror].

It doesn't dare to gamble.

Can't afford to lose either.

Since the code war with [Source Code] ended, the main system has taken over the entire Deepwater Zone, and it has begun iterating and upgrading again and again.

Each time is short.

Tens of minutes, up to two hours.

But this time is different. The time for the eleventh upgrade is almost equal to the previous ten upgrades put together, or even longer... The so-called qualitative change always comes at a price, and the computing power upgrade is something like this. There is no clear progress bar.

It must ensure that everything in the outside world develops steadily according to plan during this period.

Whether it is the two divine thrones or the matters over there in the [Old World], there can be no mistakes.

So during the system upgrade, it scanned the data and information inside the deep water area over and over again.

When humans are anxious, they will repeatedly do meaningless things.

This kind of behavior should not occur in the deep sea.

However, the upgrade of computing power is like a "life level" transition. It begins to become closer and closer to humans, and the things it does naturally become more and more like humans.

In the boundless deep sea, a train is sailing under the sea.

The girl sitting in the carriage raised her head.

The main system's scanning frequency inside the deep water area suddenly increased many times.

This caught Chu Ling's attention.

In the years since the ice and sea parted, Chu Ling had actually gotten used to the days without Gu Shen's spiritual connection. However, this trip to Cicada Wing City made her feel particularly worried.

She had only been waiting for two days.

News of the wanted order spread in the deep water area.

The image of the shelling of the Umbrella defense line in the northwest border had been circulated. Chu Ling watched it many times. After confirming that Gu Shen was not injured by the Qingyin shelling, she did not relax.

The shelling of the Umbrella Defense Line means that the main system has launched an attack.

She has personally experienced the war within the "Deep Sea". She knows very well that the main system is not human. Once it wants to launch an attack, it will definitely not just make one move. This is a system that controls tens of millions of arms and millions of hearts. monster.

Many people only heard the sound of shelling at the Umbrella Defense Line, but they did not know that this war had already ignited smoke in all places.

The "peace" of these years has now been broken.

Combined with this constantly scanning mental frequency, Chu Ling thought about it and came up with only one possibility, that is, the main system is undergoing an upgrade that is enough to cause a qualitative change——

After the upgrade, the main system is likely to implement the Awakening Act in an absolutely tough manner.

The spearhead of this war is definitely not just Gu Shen.

Immediately, Chu Ling summoned everyone in the conference room as [Source Code]. She decided to dismiss the conference room and erase all the information left by the Ancient Literature Society in the deep water area.

Lu Nanzhi, Lin Lin, Hong Long, Caroline Ye and other core members of the Ancient Literature Society all received warnings from [Source Code].

In fact, even without Chu Ling's notification, through the "wanted order", they could more or less guess what was happening outside. This wanted order meant that the war between [Deep Sea] and the Ancient Wen Society had begun... otherwise How long will it take, the massacre of many years ago is likely to happen again.

As a result, the spiritual network linking the members of the Wuzhou Ancient Literature Society, which had not been disconnected for thirty years, was quickly destroyed.

The members of the Ancient Literature Society who were scattered all over the place disappeared into the dust and smoke again after finishing this meeting... Their only connection with the Ancient Literature Society was this conference room. Now this conference room has sunk in the deep sea. The last bit of evidence to prove their identities was lost.

After doing this.

Chu Ling poured her spiritual power into the dry well and silently waited for the source of essence to gather. The time for the "divine fetus" to be reset in Shenci Mountain was coming soon. She had never been as eager to be "born" as she is now. .

"Madam, you seem a little uneasy?"

Cui Zhongcheng personally brought the coffee to the office on the top floor of Huazhi. Lu Nanzhi sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the neon night in the distance.

After hearing these words, she came back to her senses.


Lu Nanzhi pinched her eyebrows. Just now, the meeting room for the members of the Ancient Literature Association and the old party had been closed, but for some reason, she still felt a little uneasy.

"Is it because of the wanted warrant?"

Cui Zhongcheng spoke softly.

"Yes, but I believe Gu Shen is innocent."

Lu Nanzhi lowered her voice and said, "It's just that the influence of the wanted order is spreading rapidly. I'm afraid many people are beginning to waver."

"Most of the people who can be shaken by this wanted order are foreigners."

Cui Zhongcheng comforted him and said: "What Xiao Gu has done in Dongzhou in the past few years will not be destroyed by a mere wanted order..."

"Is there no news from Nagano?"

Lu Nanzhi let out a long sigh.

"The cemetery is still closed and blocked. The top leaders of the five families have been waiting outside the cemetery for a long time. Some people have tried to enter the cemetery, but they have failed..." Cui Zhongcheng said seriously: "If you feel really uneasy, I can go to Nagano. Take a walk over there.”


Lu Nanzhi let out a sigh of depression.

She looked at Cui Zhongcheng, shook her head, and said: "Even Mr. Gu can't enter the cemetery, so what will happen if you go? Even those titles in Nagano can't set foot in the cemetery. Maybe the real person of the highest seat came to Dongzhou ”

Cui Zhongcheng could only remain silent.

"You have put so much effort into Huazhi over the years."

Lu Nanzhi stood up, put on a coat, and said softly: "Have a good rest these days and don't worry about things in the group. I will let Liu Yi be responsible for the trivial matters in the metropolitan area. You can rest for a few days and wait. Come back again, Huazhi has to do something very important, and I need your help."

Cui Zhongcheng asked directly: "Are you going to use Huazhi's power to fight against the 'Wanted Order'?"

What Lu Nanzhi wants to do is actually not difficult to guess.

After coming out of the wanted order, she sat down in front of the long table and didn't move for a long time. When she spoke like this, she obviously made a certain decision.


Lu Nanzhi said seriously: "What we have to fight... is not just the 'Wanted Order', but the 'Deep Sea'."

Meng Xizhou opened up the field of light, and one person crossed into the void.

To her.

Leaving Yunchuan was actually equivalent to making a choice. She didn't want the next scene to be seen by anyone... The coordinates of the diamond given by the God of Light were not far ahead.

Meng Xizhou took a deep breath and slowly passed away.

Estimated based on the combat power of the God of Light...

As long as you get close to the "battlefield", you should be able to see the void pierced by the blazing light.

But after traveling a certain distance, Meng Xizhou did not see a ray of light. This dark void was unprecedentedly calm.

While flying all the way, I didn't feel much trace of the "God Throne" battle.

Finally, she came to the end coordinate. The void was wrapped by countless golden leaves of the hanging tree, forming a natural cage... It was precisely because of this cage that the fighting aura inside was not leaked out. The world outside the prison is peaceful.

Meng Xizhou silently looked at the familiar Liuhuo Changye.

She had seen Gu Shen's blazing domain, and the aura of the long leaves... came from Gu Shen.

I'm afraid no one would think of it.

This out-and-out hunting plan personally planned by the God of Light didn’t kill anyone. The God of Light wanted to kill a young man, but he was dragged to this moment. Trembling sounds kept coming from the Flowing Fire Cage at this moment, and Meng Xizhou couldn’t see clearly what was inside. What had happened, but she knew full well, was that the battle continued.

Although Gu Shen's strength is very strong, it is not enough to fight against the throne of God.


Meng Xizhou came at the right time. This battle was almost coming to an end. The long leaves of the hanging tree spread, golden flowing fire shot into the void, and the real battlefield was revealed!

Under the hanging tree, a tall and majestic golden figure lifted the old man up.

Many years ago, Gu Changzhi and Guangming God Throne were close masters and disciples. When they were in Guangming City, they had competed with each other and learned from each other more than once.

Only this time...

The ones facing each other in the void are no longer the masters and disciples of back then.

Gu Changzhi, condensed by the golden firelight, is just a trace of remnants in the envelope, while the old man in front of him who has withered to the extreme has already died and been taken away by the deep sea.

This divine battle...

It's over now.

Shenhai considered everything, but failed to realize that Gu Shen still had a letter of fighting in his hand.

Just one letter left is nothing.

But there is a whole pure land in Gu Shenxin Lake that provides the source of essence... Mr. Gu Changzhi's residual thoughts, through the support of the pure land of essence, fought a complete divine war!

Deep Sea was completely crushed in the duel.

The battle it simulates through computing power cannot even support the original level battle... let alone the battle of the God's Throne, not to mention that this time the opponent is Gu Changzhi, who has never been defeated!


The condensed cage of long leaves of the hanging tree exploded!

The magnificent air wave spread, and the origin of the God of Light was torn apart by a wisp of fighting thoughts. The body of the God of Light was reorganized in the void. The deep sea almost exhausted its origin in this divine battle... A wisp of Gu Changzhi's Can Nian has used his fighting skills to the extreme, and every blow he strikes is a killing move that he can't resist with all his strength.

So it can only continue to consume the few remaining original powers in this body.

This battle is not the same as the previous battle with White Lizard Rusty Bones.

Rusty Bone’s killer move is just one move!

But Gu Changzhi Cannian’s killing move is every move!

Under the hanging tree, the figure of Gu Changzhi and Gu Shen were almost one... Gu Shen opened his eyes. He looked at the withered figure outside the void, and also looked at the first "outsider" who came to this battlefield. .

Gu Shen did not expect that Meng Xizhou would be the first to arrive.

This battle looks like a huge defeat for Deep Sea.

But in fact, he also paid a heavy price. The source of essence accumulated in the Pure Land has been completely consumed. The original power of the Light Throne was completely destroyed by Gu Changzhi, and his own accumulation of source of essence was also emptied...

Now, both sides are in a state of "running out of fuel and lamps."

"'re here!"

The voice of the God of Light was very hoarse. He used his elemental body to resist the piercing of countless hanging wood, flowing fire and long leaves. At the same time, he looked back: "Don't hesitate, kill him!"

Gu Shen looked at Meng Xizhou in silence.


He didn't speak, not because he didn't want to speak, but because Gu Shen had exhausted all his strength to get this battle to this point.

Although he is the heir to Pluto's fire.

But he has not yet smelted the fire. He is just a mortal, relying on the essence accumulated in the pure land for many years before he intervenes in this divine war.

Mr. Gu Changzhi's residual thoughts were originally unable to last until now... The murderous power unleashed by this letter was originally supposed to be a flash in the pan, and it was only due to the accumulation of a large amount of source matter in the "Pure Land" that it evolved to this point.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, can completely "kill" the God of Light.

Fight to this point.

At this moment, Gu Shen really didn't even have the strength to speak.

So he just looked at Meng Xizhou silently.

Sometimes, you don't need to speak, just look at each other... and you can understand what the other person is thinking.

The envelope has burned to the end, and the body of the God of Light has begun to ooze blood. This is a manifestation of the dissipation of its divine power. The last murderous intention of Suxuanmu and the last source of the Pure Land are about to dissipate... At this moment, the battle situation has fallen into A delicate balance of despair.

Meng Xizhou looked at Gu Shen, then turned his gaze to the throne.

"Remember...what I said before?"

Blood began to ooze from the old man's face. He was defeated. If Meng Xizhou hadn't come, his support would be meaningless.

"Now, it's time for you to make a choice..."

Meng Xizhou looked at the familiar face and recalled the previous scene by the Red Lake.

Sacrifice the few and save the many.

She had encountered this choice many times and never hesitated.

But today, at this moment, she did not take action directly like before. Instead, she stood at the boundary of this battlefield. She was one step away from stepping into it, but she failed to do so.

"Lord God, you said that Gu Shen is the King of Hades."

Meng Xizhou slowly spoke to the old man: "Although there is no evidence for this matter, I believe it. But I have a question. I want to know about the fact that the Temple of Light tried its best to kill Pluto. What’s the meaning of?”


Shenhai, who was struggling to hold on, did not expect that Meng Xizhou would ask such a stupid question.

The old man scolded in a deep voice: "It has always been natural for light to kill darkness. It is your duty to kill him! There is no need to consider the meaning!"


Meng Xizhou nodded. She did not dwell too much on this issue, but continued to cast her gaze on the battlefield in front of her, as if she were a spectator who had nothing to do with the matter and was away from the world.

Deep Sea was stunned.

"What are you waiting for? Why don't you do it yet!"

"I'm waiting."

Meng Xizhou said calmly: "Since light kills darkness, it is natural, then you are the owner of the light fire, and you should be able to kill him. So I am waiting for you to kill Pluto, just like you said before... You kill Pluto, and I will carry the head to prove to the world the victory of light."

"After all, I am just the goddess of the temple, just a mortal with the qualifications to inherit."

Meng Xizhou said seriously: "You should be the one to kill Pluto."


Deep Sea fell silent as it understood the meaning of Meng Xizhou's words.

"You want 'Lightfire'?"

At this moment, all the roundabout ways have lost their meaning.

Meng Xizhou shook his head and said: "If you must think so, I can't refute it, but actually I don't mean it. I just simply think that killing Pluto should be done by the God of Light... Light Defeating darkness is a matter of course, so this final blow should be completed by the supreme leader of light."

This sentence seems decent.

But in fact, Meng Xizhou's meaning is very obvious. She can see that the state of the God of Light has reached its limit. Now she wants a clear answer, a positive answer——

Who is the next fire master?

Then a long silence ushered in the void.

Deep Sea saw it, and Meng Xizhou parked the cloud ship outside the void of the [Old World], and came to this coordinate alone for this final negotiation. This Saint of Guangming City, who had endured for many years, was at her weakest moments revealed his true face.

Deep Sea examined the very serious woman in front of him.

It was not angry, but showed a look of relief...

There is only one kind of person in this world that can scare it, and that is a saint who truly has no desires or needs.

Meng Xizhou was once very close to this state. Many of the things she did did not consider profit, but only for the sake of the world.

This is also the reason why [Deep Sea] has never passed the fire to Meng Xizhou.

It even created six years in the dungeon, trying to let the darkness break Meng Xizhou's mind...

But now, these methods are no longer needed.

The world is prosperous, and everyone is here for profit. The world is full of hustle and bustle, all for the benefit of others.

Meng Xizhou is not a saint, she is just an ordinary person.

Only in Mengxizhou like this can it safely deliver the fire.


There is one last test.

"Silly girl, you are the Church of Light, the future supreme leader..."

"I have always regarded you as my successor."

The old man trapped in the wooden cage spoke softly and slowly, word for word: "I swear on my soul, as long as you kill Gu Shen now, I will immediately pass on the light and fire to you."

After hearing this, Meng Xizhou took a deep breath.

When she looked at Gu Shenzhi again, her eyes became sharp and decisive.

At this moment, she made her choice without hesitation.

The goddess put her fingers together and wiped them.


The mighty blazing light trembled in the void and condensed into a sword. The sword pierced the mighty void and chopped off Gu Shen's head.

The holy light flew across.

Do not look directly at the blazing light.

(Thanks to the leader of Quqing Buyu for the reward. I will catch a flight tomorrow and will resume the update on the 23rd. I will add TAT by then)

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