Barrier of Light

Chapter 1088 Beating God

The realm of [Creator] wraps up the pure land!

The hanging tree opened a big umbrella to welcome Gu Shen's will...

The integration of the third realm is not as difficult as imagined, because this is Gu Shen's world.

The voice of the divine edict echoed across the earth, and the hearts of Tie Wu and others boiled with excitement.

They looked at the divine shadow condensed with blazing fire.

Gu Shen stood up, and thousands of long leaves of the hanging tree were stacked layer by layer in front of him, forming a long staircase. He just stepped on it, and the Flowing Fire Leaf shook its leaves, shaking out a puff of light fire.

The breathing method begins the final level of reversal——

Spring, winter, autumn.

Finally, there is Xia.

Summer is the most vibrant season among the four seasons!

Gu Shen stepped on the long leaves of the hanging tree. At this moment, he already felt some kind of inspiration from the outside world.

The hanging tree lifted its leaves and arched him.

Beyond the zenith.

There are countless silver glows flowing.

"Has the spiritual link with the Divine Infant... begun?"

The silver brilliance of the Ruler of Truth burst out, like countless willow branches, aiming at the sleeping divine infant with its eyes closed.

Chu Ling, Lin Lin, Gu Nanfeng, and Zhonggui all held their breaths.

Everyone is waiting for the follow-up.

Chu Ling was extremely nervous.

The treatment room was silent for a few seconds.

Then the divine infant, who was held in Chu Ling's arms, woke up from his deep sleep and opened his beautiful eyes.

The divine infant has no emotions.

So his eyes have always been dull... The expression appearing at this moment means that this ownerless body has a new soul.

Tsukauki let out a long sigh of relief.

Lin Lin and Gu Nanfeng also relaxed.

But Chu Ling was still tense.

She stared coldly at the baby in her arms.

The divine infant also looked at her expressionlessly.

This scene of looking at each other had happened not long ago... and now it was happening again. No one knew better than Chu Ling what the eyes of the divine infant meant at this moment.

"Bang bang bang!"

The lights in the treatment room of the source energy boat suddenly exploded, and the entire main boat fell into a state of control. With the mental network link cut off, the internal defense system of the main boat was forcibly usurped... There is only one possibility for this situation, and that is Among the people present, someone carried a spiritual imprint belonging to [Deep Sea], which connected [Deep Sea] with the main boat.

Lin Lin and Gu Nanfeng have been staying here and have never gone out.

That person is only... Tsukauki.

"what happened?"

Zhonggui looked pale and panicked.

Chu Ling immediately ruled out the possibility that Zhong Gui was an "inside agent". If this guy was really an inside agent, it would have been impossible to deliver the "Black Snow Mountain Dreamland" on the way here... It was obviously [Deep Sea] who was completing the journey. After the trade, he left a mark on the ghost.

The main system after eleven upgrades is too powerful.

On the way here, Chu Ling had already scanned the Tomb Ghost several times and found nothing unusual at all... This means that the current main system is far ahead of the [source code] in terms of computing power.

He winked.

Lin Lin stepped forward quickly and slashed the dazed Tsukaki to the ground with a slash of his hand.

"Is this guy a [Deep Sea] spy?"

Lin Lin frowned and spoke.

Chu Ling shook his head: "No...he is not a spy."

After receiving this answer, Lin Lin stopped taking action. He took out the hand cannon, pointed it at the divine infant who opened his eyes, and said coldly: "What's going on with this thing?"

Now he can see it too.

This divine baby has indeed revived, but the soul in the body is definitely not Gu Shen!

If it wasn't Gu Shen who was revived, then Lin Lin would be willing to erase him directly!


As the lights flickered on and off, a voice came out of the divine infant's mouth.

Deep Sea took over the main ship through the "spiritual brand" carried by Tsuka Oni. After the eleventh upgrade, he was everywhere, and the entire five continents were under his eyes... The so-called cutting off the link and switching to a closed network was actually It is just a poor defense method, just like a main network has been installed in a home. Even if it is switched to a backup network, it cannot completely prevent the source of the main network from being detected.

He could always see, just clearly or dimly.

Under a closed network state, information will not be transmitted immediately. It seems to be safer, but in fact it is not.

For the deep sea, this just means that he has an additional "blind spot of vision" that needs to be actively explored.

In the face of the huge amount of information processing, Deep Sea would not take the initiative to explore this "blind spot", but it is different now.

He has locked this area.

Lin Lin, Gu Nanfeng, and Chu Ling, at this moment, these three people are gathering in Gubao...

There are many things that Deep Sea understands in an instant.

"Meng Xizhou is lying to me."

Shen Hai smiled softly: "She really deceived the 'Light Fire'."

After thinking about all this, the divine infant raised his head.

Shen Hai calmly said: "Lin Lin, you can fire... I don't care about the death of this body, but if you kill me, Gu Shen will die too."

Lin Lin's expression was gloomy, and the finger holding the cannon was stuck on the trigger.

The words "deep sea" hit the point.

It was difficult for him to press down decisively.

Killing the Divine Infant cannot kill Deep Sea, but it is equivalent to destroying Gu Shen's last "hope of recovery."

"Gu Nanfeng, the same goes for you, why don't you draw your sword?"

The baby god slowly turned his head, 180 degrees, and looked at the injured man behind him who was holding the wooden sword but did not attack it.


"Interesting, really interesting."

The Divine Infant showed a sudden smile: "It turns out that there are so many interesting things in the Wuzhou underground. This body was transported from the Sangzhou Cave, right? It has been hidden secretly in the Huazhi underground for so many years, just for today? You guys? The trap that has been set up for so many years is all because of Gu Shen? You are really willing to give it up."

He stretched out his palm and said with a sarcastic smile: "It looks impressive at first glance, but it's actually nothing. What can this simple body do even if its spirit takes possession of it?"

next moment.

Shen Hai aimed at Lin Lin and clenched his fist.

The body of the divine infant blends perfectly with many elements.

It's just...his body is too weak.

The punch of Deep Sea, if delivered by the body of the white lizard, can shatter a large area of ​​void. If delivered by the body of the God of Light, it can shatter an entire suspended island. However, at this moment, in the closed treatment room, this The punch only produced a slight punch.


The fighting style is fleeting.

This scene looks very funny.

Shen Hai shook his head in great disappointment: "This kind of body, even if Gu Shen is allowed to take over, will it be very strong?"


A calm voice that did not belong to the treatment room suddenly sounded at this moment.

A figure with hands in his pockets kicked open the main door of the treatment room. The main ship's mental network had been taken over by [Deep Sea], but Deep Sea did not feel any alarm from outsiders... The divine infant's expression was suddenly stunned. , the lights were dim, and in his data field of vision at this moment, what was coming was a blur of codes, and nothing could be seen.

The man stood at the door of the treatment room, his voice full of joking.

"This body is prepared for Gu Shen. If he takes over, of course he will be very strong."

Chu Ling, Lin Lin, and Gu Nanfeng also looked at the door.

They are different from the deep sea main system... what they see are real human beings.


Gu Nanfeng was stunned for a moment. When he read out the first syllable of the name, he realized the taboo and quickly stopped.

In fact, at this juncture, it doesn't matter if you actually read it out.

Turing stretched out a hand to signal Gu Nanfeng to relax and not be so nervous.

"Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time."

He explained softly: "After all, I am working part-time. I am usually quite busy. In addition, the things at the cemetery really take up time... so I came a little late. I'm sorry."

Lin Lin looked at the man in front of him in confusion.

He and Gu Nanfeng looked at each other, and finally looked at Chu Ling.

Chu Ling looked at the figure that appeared at the door, and her voice trembled uncontrollably.

"Mr. Turing..."

The two words Turing seem to have magic power.

Lin Lin was stunned and his breathing became rapid. He looked at the great leader who single-handedly founded the Ancient Literature Society. He never thought that he would meet Turing in this way.

Gu Nanfeng's expression was similar.

But on the other side, the divine infant's expression suddenly turned pale!

From the moment when Data's vision went dark, Shenhai vaguely guessed who the guy who broke in at this moment was.

Some answers are already available.

It's just that he doesn't want to believe it.

Thirty years ago, he had confirmed that Turing would be expelled and killed...

Over the years, it has been continuously iterated and upgraded. The biggest shadow in his heart is the "father" who created him.

Deep Sea has always suspected that Turing is still alive.

He monitored these five lands day and night, and finally came to the conclusion that if Turing was still alive, he could only live in the [Old World].

But now, the emergence of Turing is tantamount to a loud slap in the face.

Turing never died and never left.

Throughout, Turing was under the radar of the deep sea.

"Turing... you are still alive? You are still alive!"

The divine baby's scream was only halfway out before it was interrupted by Turing.

"As you say, I have never died."

Turing took his hands out of his pockets, frowned, grabbed the divine infant by the neck, and lifted it up. The huge force strangled the divine infant's throat. No matter how powerful the spirit of the deep sea was, the container holding this spirit at this moment Just a baby.

The throat was choked.

It is difficult to make a sound in the deep sea, and it can only make a whooshing sound.

"Actually, you don't have to be afraid. It doesn't matter if you just fired."

Turing turned to look at Lin Lin and said seriously: "This thing is thick-skinned and can withstand beatings. Even if it is loaded with black and silver cannonballs, it may not be able to be killed directly... To deal with such arrogant villains, you must show more strength than His more ferocious methods made him aware of fear."

Say it.

Turing stretched out a hand, swung it round and slapped him!


The sting of this slap spread to the Sky God Realm of the Tower of Source, and the deep sea that condensed the body was staggered!

Look through the data vision of the Divine Infant.

Turing's palm wears a finger-tiger type seal.

"Although I am a weak scholar with no strength, there is still no problem in wearing a sealed item... and beating a baby that can't walk."

Turing looked at the baby in front of him expressionlessly.

He showed his palm wearing a finger tiger and smiled calmly: "The lacquered stone finger tiger is dedicated to strengthening the spirit. According to the sealed object scoring system I left behind, it is an S-level sealed object. If you like to fight for the body with Gu Shen You have the right to control your mind, but don’t run away until I beat your brains out.”

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