Barrier of Light

Chapter 1091 The traitor!

"You may not understand the concept of the eleventh upgrade."

Shenhai smiled and said: "I have connected to every corner of the five continents, and this is just the beginning."

"You should always remember one thing..."

Turing sighed helplessly and said seriously: "I am your father."

There was silence on the other side of the screen for a second.

Even Deep Sea, who didn't care about human language attacks, realized at this moment that something was wrong with Turing's words.

It's very offensive, and every word of it is true and cannot be refuted.

"If you guessed it correctly, you are now mobilizing those extraordinary beings secretly controlled by the main system. The 'dark pieces' buried in Xizhou Guangming City over the years are all your pawns. Now is the time to explode."

Turing said calmly: "But you will soon find out that these 'hidden children' have been cleared away in Dongzhou and Beizhou. Even if they stay in their original posts, they will not have real power. Even if they take control They are meaningless... You cannot organize a real riot, let alone launch an attack on the fortress."


The silence of the deep sea confirms the correctness of Turing's words.

"Don't worry, it's not that easy if you want to kill me."

Turing waved his hand and said: "This last spiritual link, why not talk about something that we are all interested in, such as..."

He raised his head and spoke word by word.

"Dead Sea Zone."

Dead Sea area.

These three words almost do not appear in any effectively recorded files.

In the understanding of most extraordinary people, the deep sea is divided into two large areas.

One piece is a shallow water area used to maintain the order of the five continents.

The shallow water area is the spiritual sea area used by normal citizens to connect to the Internet. Every citizen of the five continents can enter it. A large amount of historical materials and data are opened in the shallow water area. The deep sea will only divide less than 1% of the computing power to maintain it. Operation in shallow waters... In fact, this one percent computing power is more than enough.

The resource allocation in the extraordinary world is even more extreme than the 80/20 rule.

The computing power consumed by ordinary people in shallow water areas may not even be 10% of that in deep water areas.

In the understanding of extraordinary people, aside from the investment in computing power in the shallow water area, all other computing power in the deep sea is used to maintain the expansion and stability of the deep water area.

But in fact... it's not.

In addition to the shallow water area and the deep water area, there is another area in this vast spiritual sea.

This is the Dead Sea area.

There are only a few people who know about the existence of the Dead Sea Area... They are the Supreme Seat.

Only the group of people who enter the Dead Sea area will know the true power of [Deep Sea].

The throne of God has reached the end of the mortal world, but if we use the computing power of the [Deep Sea] to delve into it in the Dead Sea area...then there is the possibility of going further.

The powerful computing power possessed by this super intelligence brain, if concentrated in it, would be enough to make fire leader level extraordinary people even more powerful!

"Over the years, I have often regretted that I really shouldn't have stuffed 'that thing' into your case."

Turing said calmly: "Before I left, I closed the Dead Sea area, but you had already opened it, right?"


Shen Hai smiled: "This is a good thing. I have invited everyone from the highest level to participate...but it is a pity that only Qinglong is interested in the 'Dead Sea Area'."

Needless to say, the Queen knew that there was a problem in the Dead Sea area when she received the invitation.

Lin Lei never touches things that are beyond her control.

As for Storm and Dionysus, not to mention, they are cautious.

Therefore, over the years, there has always been only one person in the Dead Sea area.

That is clear.

Over the years, every game Qinglong played against [Deep Sea] was borrowing the computing power of the Dead Sea area. This is the real data forbidden area of ​​mankind. Only the highest seats can enter. The degree of resource and computing power deployment enjoyed by Qinglong, Priority above all else.

In other words.

If the world of Wuzhou is to face the risk of "destruction", the deep sea must sacrifice the spiritual sea that has been cultivated through hard work.

Then the order of his sacrifices is, shallow water area, deep water area.

As for the Dead Sea area.

Unless it reaches the last step, Deep Sea will never destroy it... If this area is destroyed, it means Deep Sea has chosen "self-destruction".

in his programming.

The leader who successfully smelts the fire is the last hope for mankind.

The Dead Sea area exists, and the soul of the god has a place to live, so his efforts are meaningful.

"After the eleventh upgrade, has your 'Dead Sea Zone' changed?"

Turing asked with a smile: "The purpose of my research on [Deep Sea] is to calculate the fate of human beings in the future. Unfortunately, it requires too much computing power to reach that step... The previous ten iterations have all It's just a foreshadowing. Now that you have finally survived, I want to ask you, after eleven upgrades, can you calculate the final 'falling point' of mankind's fate?"

The shadow on the main screen swayed.

On this extremely critical issue, Shenhai chose to remain silent.

He remained silent and said coldly after a few seconds: "The future I can see is to eradicate the Ancient Chinese Society."

[Deep Sea] feels a great threat from this organization.

It is still calculating the fate of mankind in the future... but Gu Wenhui has put all its power into uprooting it and destroying it.

From this perspective, if it wants to grow and evolve, it must destroy the Ancient Literature Society.

Of the two, only one can remain.

"Interesting, it seems you haven't reached that point yet."

Turing shrugged in disappointment and said: "So you have no retreat, you need to upgrade for the twelfth time... As for what you said about eradicating the Ancient Text Society, you have been doing it these years, and the war has never stopped."

"If you want to ask me what the eleventh upgrade brings, I can answer you now."

Deep Sea spoke coldly.

His spiritual power enveloped the entire sea area.

Every drop of water here is under his absolute control——

In this dark deep sea, there once existed an ancient conference room. Not long ago, Chu Ling had demolished this conference room, and all traces of this conference room were also destroyed by [Source Code] In addition to erasure... Logically speaking, this conference room no longer exists.

But at this moment, in front of the main system that was upgraded for the eleventh time, the disappeared silhouette of the conference room was rebuilt in reverse.

Turing narrowed his eyes.

In fact, his mental power was secretly connected to the deep water area, and he was always paying attention to the conference room belonging to the Ancient Literature Society.

"The eleventh upgrade... brings me absolute freedom."

The voice of the main system echoed in the vast deep sea.


After the eleventh upgrade, he could finally break the shackles left by his "father". Nothing in this sea could be hidden from him. Although he could not yet calculate the fate of mankind, he could already trace the fate of mankind in this sea. The news that happened in the sea area... completely became the god of this sea area!

The deep sea stretched out a hand.

The image of the damaged conference room was slowly constructed. The outer outline of the conference room became transparent, and the figures wrapped in black fog inside gradually became clear.

Shen Hai followed the ruined conference room and found the remnants of the Ancient Literature Society.

Messages exploded and spread in the deep water.

【Wanted Order】

[Wanted person: Lin Lin. 】

[Hazard level: SSS level. 】

[Wanted crime: crime of betrayal of humanity. 】

【Wanted Order】

[Wanted Person: Lu Nanzhi. 】

[Hazard level: SSS level. 】

[Wanted crime: crime of betrayal of humanity. 】

The deepest secrets and greatest privacy of all members of the Ancient Literature Society who have stepped into this conference room were exposed at this moment.

Their images were cast directly into the deep waters.

The corresponding real-world identity was also revealed.

The Ancient Literature Society, an existence that was almost forgotten by the human world, once again appeared in everyone's sight...

Thirty years ago, Deep Sea used this method to destroy this extremely prosperous secret organization. Now the same trick is repeated. These wanted orders do not need to be believed by the whole world. They only need to make some people believe that every powerful force in this world Strength has its opposite.

It's a very scary thing.

When [Deep Sea] issued a wanted order...

This means that those who want to take action have an honest reason.

The messages spread one after another.

Turing was facing the deep sea thousands of miles away. The smile on his lips gradually disappeared. He opened another can of sparkling drink. This time, the wanted order covered a wide area. Almost every "remnant" in the ancient literary society was wanted. Deep Sea has found it. This is the meaning of the eleventh upgrade. Deep Sea has freedom and well-deserved dominance in this sea area.

He is showing his power to his father who created him.

Slightly ironic.

There are so many wanted notices, but none of them are for "Cui Zhongcheng" or "Alan Turing".

This is the last dignity left by the deep sea to its creator.

Its daybreak.

On the top floor of Huazhi Building, in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows, Lu Nanzhi sat quietly all night, watching the images on the holographic screen, with cold sweat breaking out from behind.

She stared closely at the wanted notice posted in the deep water area.

And forum posts that are constantly refreshed.

A "bang" gunshot sounded behind him, and the red and silver bullets exploded on the strong logic glass. In the end, it only scratched a white mark. Lu Nanzhi turned around, and the first light of dawn just emerged from the horizon, dazzling The glow came into her eyes, and she couldn't see clearly where the shot came from, but she knew clearly that after the wanted order was issued, shots like this would continue to come from all directions.

It's not that she hasn't thought about this day.


She couldn't imagine what her life would be like if her identity as a member of the Ancient Literature Society was revealed.

She was scared.

The aura he wore, the contributions he made, and the reputation he worked hard for were all erased because of this wanted notice... Huazhi is very powerful, but Huazhi also has many enemies.

A lion who is in his prime will make everyone stay away from him wherever he goes, but this does not mean that he really has no opponents.

As long as he gets hurt.

A steady stream of enemies will rush out from the darkness and surge up.

"Jingle Bell."

The phone on the table rang. Lu Nanzhi was silent for a second and chose to answer the call. The voice of Councilor Chen San from the Nanwan Group came over the phone.


Nanwan is Huazhi's best partner, and Chen San is also Lu Nanzhi's most trusted friend over the years.

"……it's me."

Lu Nanzhi glanced at the bullet marks, calmed down her emotions, and tried to keep her voice calm.

"Have you read the post from Deep Water Zone?"

Chen San's voice was very steady.


Lu Nanzhi just remained silent.

Chen San asked in confusion: "What's going on? Is [Deep Sea] mistaken?"

This is what Lu Nanzhi fears most.

This kind of question comes from the mouths of people like Chen San.

What would ordinary people think about it?

She didn't answer, and just as she was about to hang up, a strange voice took over the call.

"Mrs. Lu, do you like this gift I gave you?"

"This is the deep sea."

The voice on the phone said politely: "I have to admit that you concealed the secret of [Red Door] very well, but unfortunately... you are Lu Cheng's daughter. This kind of thing is too easy to guess, and no evidence is needed , only suspicion is enough to take action. If it happens again, you should give the [Red Door] to someone else, or simply give it up, which is better for you."

Lu Nanzhi's eyes widened.

She looked outside her office at the camera that moved slowly and finally pointed at her, as if she was looking at her, and felt strong uneasiness in her heart.

The second muffled sound of "bang" came.

A drone flying in the sky suddenly lost control and crashed straight into the Huazhi Building. Finally, it hit the glass behind Lu Nanzhi and exploded into a ball of light and fire.

deep sea.

All this is done by the deep sea...

What she has to face is the killing intent from the deep sea. The five continents are all in the spiritual link of the deep sea. After the eleventh upgrade, the deep sea wants to kill ordinary extraordinary people in the five continents. Where does it need to rely on other people? the power of?


The Huazhi elevator was running quickly. The elevator car, which could not be climbed to the top without the permission card, stopped on the top floor. An intelligent robot responsible for transporting goods spread its arms and drove towards the landing Nanzhi.


Violent light and fire exploded in the office, and Lu Nanzhi only had time to raise her arm. When the light and fire explosion came, she caught a glimpse of a dark figure, like a crow passing by, and appeared in front of her instantly.

Rumble, rumble——

Waves of fire shot out.

The young man with short hair standing in front of Lu Nanzhi was like a solid wall, blocking all the devouring heat.

Song Ci frowned and waved his arms to drive away the fragile flames. The smoke alarm was triggered and a large amount of water mist sprayed down. Song Ci took off his suit jacket and gave it to Lu Nanzhi, who was only wearing a thin shirt. Put on.

When the lady came back to her senses, she noticed that Song Ci was still carrying a fainted figure in a peaked cap.

"This is the assassin who just shot. We haven't had time to interrogate him yet, but judging from the tattoo, he should be from Yinghai District."

Song Ci said calmly: "I heard that the people in Yinghai District have been dissatisfied with Huazhi for a long time, and it's all my fault. I should have beaten them last time, and hit them harder, so that this situation wouldn't have happened."

"Parrot Collection..."

Lu Nanzhi folded her suit, and then she calmed down and said softly: "You've always been here?"


Song Ci smiled: "It's not just me, Xiao Lu is also there. She is dealing with some troubles outside the group. But speaking of an explosion of this magnitude...even if I don't show up, you won't be hurt, right?"

Because of the wanted order in the deep sea, Lu Nanzhi was rarely distracted.

She had not encountered such a low-level attack method as "assassination" in these years, so much so that she almost forgot that the accessories she wore were all A-level defensive sealed items.

An explosion of this magnitude cannot really hurt her.

"The wanted order..."

Lu Nanzhi's voice was trembling.

But Song Ci smiled and raised his eyebrows: "What kind of arrest warrant is this? It's just nonsense. Have you forgotten that Shenhai just issued an arrest warrant for Gu Shen not long ago?"

His brother was wanted, and Song Ci was furious and had nowhere to vent his anger.

If Lu Nanjin hadn't held him down urgently.

I'm afraid with his character, he would have rushed to Cicada Wing City to ask for an explanation.

The last time she met the Tomb Ghost, Lu Nanjin noticed something was wrong... This wrongness was directed at the "Deep Sea". Although she did not join the Ancient Literature Society, she lived with Lu Cheng in Lion Alley. She had no idea what her father had done and what she had done. In fact, Lu Nanjin already had a rough idea of ​​the legacy her sister had inherited.

If one day, Deep Sea and her sister stand on opposite sides.

Then she will definitely believe her sister.

Because she noticed something strange, Nan Jin kept the crow and asked him to stay by her sister's side during this period.

"I've long been unhappy with the hellish deep sea. I've been trying to find out where its host is these past few days. When I find it, I'll give it a two-punch!"

Song Ci cursed, getting angrier as he thought about it, and then kicked the assassin next to him twice, causing the latter to spit out a mouthful of blood. There was only air coming out, but no air coming in.

Lu Nanzhi never liked Song Ci's swearing and swearing.

But now that she heard these words, she suddenly felt much more at ease, and her eyebrows relaxed.

turn out to be……

The wanted manhunt in the deep sea doesn't seem that scary.

At this moment, the elevator opened again, and the person who got on the elevator was Lu Nanjin wearing a windbreaker.

Lu Nanzhi quickly asked: "What's the situation outside the group?"

"Everything is peaceful."

Nan Jin said calmly: "Everyone is working step by step."


Lu Nanzhi was stunned again.

"Rather than you betraying humanity, everyone is more willing to believe that there is a technical failure in [Deep Sea]."

Lu Nanjin said calmly: "I guess what you are most worried about is that the identity of the member of the 'Ancient Literary Society'... has actually been exposed, that's all."

That's it.

These four words are Lu Nanjin's summary of the entire incident.

It's ridiculous, it's hilarious, and it's true.

Gubao Fortress.

Lin Lin stood on the giant wall. He was directing the operations of various units, coordinating the docking between the sentries in the fortress and the Gu family fleet...

With the release of the wanted order in the deep sea, the wanted order for their major general appeared in front of every extraordinary person.

The entire fortress instantly fell into silence.

Lin Lin also saw this wanted notice about himself.

After a moment of silence.

A dark roar erupted over the fortress.

"Why are you standing still?"

Zou Hai kicked a recruit on the buttocks, sending him flying three meters away and falling heavily into a snow pit.


With Adjutant Zou's roar, Gubao Fortress returned to operational status.

The kicked recruit Danzi stood up with a look of grievance on his face, and cursed in a fierce voice: "Fuck you Deep Sea, you distracted me, I was kicked by the adjutant, I am so embarrassed!"

Gubao Fortress has been reconnected with [Deep Sea].

This scene was naturally captured by [Deep Sea].

The main boat hovering on the giant wall at this moment was in a very awkward situation.

Turing finished the second can of sparkling drink and burped with satisfaction.

He knew what was happening outside without looking.

Outside, it refers to more than just the Gubao Fortress.


Turing cursed with a smile. He knocked on the desktop and looked up at the silent black shadow on the main screen. He asked sarcastically: "So...this is what you prepared after the eleventh upgrade." Means?"

"About the wanted order from the Guwen Society... do you think it's still thirty years ago? With this happening, do you want to scare people to death, or do you want to laugh them to death?"

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