Barrier of Light

Chapter 1094 The Blood and Tears of the Red Dragon

Nanzhou, along the coast of Yuanting Island, connects the sea and the sky.

Under the night, a red shadow passed by, and blood-red thunder surged from the ceiling, but then there was a figure shrouded in blue holy light, stepping on the waves, and slowly stopped.

"Red Dragon, this sea area has been blocked by [Tide], give up escaping, don't make any more unnecessary struggles."

The waves rise and fall, constantly impacting back and forth, rising higher and higher, and finally condense into a small mountain.

The Saint of Spring Plow holds the conch that holds the power of the tide in his hand, his clothes are flying, and he is so independent from the sea.

With an indifferent expression, he stared at the figure in front of him that was hidden between the thunder of heaven and earth.


In an instant, several thunderbolts descended from the sky!

Immediately, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the entire coastline was dyed into daylight. These thunderbolts all rushed towards the forehead of the Saint of Spring Plow, and they were like the heavy hammer struck by the God of Thunder, carrying a huge force, as if they were going to destroy the entire sea area. Break through and tear!

But the spring plow is just a plow.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

Three blue arcs of light flew out of the tidal conch, and three sea dragons flew out of the undulating tide. They raised their heads and claws, and instantly collided with the red thunder.

The whole world becomes blurry.

Wait until the picture becomes clear.

The scarlet thunder in the zenith gradually dissipated, and a tall, slightly embarrassed figure was forced out of the sky.


The red dragon covered his right shoulder. The robe there was already soaked and soaked. It was now a bright red, and blood was constantly seeping out from the gaps between his fingers and palms.

He was soaked all over, but there was a sarcastic smile on his lips.

"Chunli, originally I thought you were just a lackey under Storm Seat... I didn't expect that you also like to do things for Zhongzhou."

[Deep Sea] When the wanted order is issued.

The red dragon is returning from the sky above Xiyin City in Nanzhou with the enforcers of the Tower of Origin...

That wanted notice interrupted his return plan!

In just a few seconds, the order to go to the city sounded in the airship system. Under the urging of a higher level of will, the law enforcers on the airship directly attacked him, and the red dragon had no choice.

When he killed this ship of law enforcers, he truly became a sinner in Middle-earth.

So he had no choice but to turn around.

[Deep Sea] releases much more than just a wanted notice.

It posted a bounty in the name of the Tower of Source, and based on the red dragon's itinerary, it did its best to mobilize ambush forces in the surrounding area!

Separated by a continent.

[Deep Sea] shared the coordinates of the red dragon with every transcendent along the way, so the red dragon encountered an extremely complicated number of attacks and obstructions... But in fact, these are nothing, before the absolute strength gap , an ambush by a low-level transcendent is meaningless.

If Saint Chunli had not taken action, the red dragon would have completed its escape at this moment.

"running dog?"

Chunli smiled and said: "The real lackey is you, right? On the surface, you are acting for Qinglong, but secretly you are a secret agent of the 'Guwen Society'."

The Holy City of Nanzhou originally joined the two northeastern continental camps.

But Chunli already knew the news about Storm going to Qingzhong Cemetery.

As the most trusted saint under the God of Storms, there are almost no secrets between him and the God of Storms, so he knows very well that Lord Storm God's final side is actually Qinglong.

Otherwise, why go to the Qing Tomb?

It's just that after Lord Kamizo went to Qingzhong, he didn't send any more messages to him.

When he saw the wanted notice appeared, and the red dragon happened to be in his own territory...he took action decisively, and among other things, captured this person first!

With the strength of the red dragon, if he wanted to escape in an alien continent, the Tower of Origin would be really beyond his reach, and there would be no way.

Such a powerful existence that has been promoted to the extreme at the title level.

In the entire Nanzhou, only he himself can be sure to capture it!

Because in Nanzhou today, Chunli is the only person who is qualified to mobilize the power of the [Tide] authority.

"If you knew what Guwen would be wouldn't have such thoughts."

Red Dragon said expressionlessly: "Chunli, you are serving the storm. Believe me, there is no need to do such a thing for Qinglong...he won't appreciate it."

"I only know that the Guwen Society was a taboo organization that was going to be wiped out thirty years ago."

Chunli narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "I'm not interested in what you are studying... But the large and small churches that I wiped out over the years all claimed that they were innocent and holy before they were wiped out. Their rhetoric is different from what you are today. , exactly the same.”

The two are now in the ice sea area outside Yuanting Island.

This place...has been out of the scope of [Yunjing]'s supervision.

In a sense, the red dragon had completed his escape, but the [tide] blocked his escape route.

After a brief silence.

The red dragon sighed softly: "Why don't we be honest? What are you going to do before you let me go?"

He finally gave in.

In the fight just now, he clearly felt that he was no match for Chunli.

The opponent has been practicing for too long and has mastered a ray of original power... so this is not a fair battle.

But the red dragon also saw it.

Chunli didn't seem to want to kill him. If he really wanted him to die, then he wouldn't have been just slightly injured in the confrontation just now.

Since the murderous intention is not that strong, everything can still be discussed.

"You are a smart man."

Chunli said leisurely: "There is nothing in this world that cannot be discussed. Your 'Guwen Society status' has no impact on me, and whether or not to kill you has no direct bearing on my interests... So today, I can choose to let you go." , or you can choose to kill you."

"So...what do you want?"

Red Dragon frowned, waiting for Chunli to make the conditions.

"I want a lot of things. First of all, I want you to stay alive in Nanzhou and never leave anywhere."

Chunli smiled and said: "Your teacher is Tian Shui...right? Although the wanted notice issued by [Deep Sea] did not mention him, but since you are a traitor, Tian Shui, who single-handedly promoted you to this position, must also Will be suspected by Qinglong... Today's Tower of Source must be experiencing a strong impact. As a spectator from another continent, of course I just want to watch the excitement. When the dust inside the Tower of Source settles, you, the 'First God' If you do, you will definitely be able to sell it at a good price. At that time, I will offer a price, Tower of Source and Ancient Wenhui, whoever offers the higher price will take it away from you."

Red Dragon said coldly: "Are you crazy? You want to discuss business with the Tower of Origin...Do you know what happened to those who did this before?"

"There's nothing in this world that can't be discussed."

Chunli smiled and said: "Except for the very few powerful people who control the origin, who can take you down? The Holy City cannot help the Tower of Origin in vain... Of course, you can also contact the guys from the Ancient Literature Society, Lu Nan Zhi and Lin Lin should still be alive and well, and if they are willing to pay a higher price, you can live."

At this moment, Honglong suddenly understood what Chunli really wanted to do.

The Sage of Spring Plow actually did not want to conduct a "bidding".

He simply wanted to use himself to earn a "ransom" from the Ancient Literature Society to fill the holes in the Holy City... As for whether he would release the person after receiving the "ransom", that was another matter.

In charge of a ray of origin, Chunli has nothing to fear.

The god behind him just visited Qingzhong not long ago. In any case, Nanzhou and Dongzhou will no longer be "allies" in the future.

The red dragon stared at Chunli.

"You...have a grudge against Gu Wen?"

This was the most reasonable explanation he could think of.

Capture him but don't kill him.

Wait for the Tower of Source to offer a price, and then let the Ancient Prose Society offer a higher price... Saint Chunli can survive the fierce struggle of the Church of Storms. With his experience in fighting, there is no way he will go to war with the Qing Dynasty because of the Red Dragon incident. Negotiate hazily.

Spring Plow is also very clear.

What kind of person is Qinglong?

Therefore, he will definitely be sent to the Tower of Source.

Then the only meaning of this operation is to dig a hole for the Ancient Prose Society.

Neither Lin Lin nor Lu Nanzhi dared to come to Nanzhou to trade... This was Chunli's main battlefield. If the God's Throne did not appear, the only ones who could confront him would be the extraordinary beings in charge of the origin.

Then if Gu Wenhui prepares a ransom, they will be sent into a bottomless pit.

If you don't prepare a ransom and just give up the red dragon... then the so-called "iron-blooded friendship" will seem very ridiculous.

"It's not really a grudge."

Chunli smiled and said: "It's just that I have always disliked the dead man who founded the Ancient Literature Society... In the current situation, it doesn't hurt to tell you the truth. When [Deep Sea] issued the order to kill the Ancient Literature Society, the people of Nanzhou Region I am responsible for the killing activities, and you don’t know how many researchers from the Ancient Literature Society I have killed.”

"On this land of Nanzhou, only flowers that believe in storms and the sea should grow."

"Those guys who believe in ancient texts and Turing... are all deformed flowers and should be plucked out."

He raised his arms and made a posture of closing his eyes and facing up to welcome the Holy Light. The tide rolled and spread, and waterspouts continued to rise from all directions. The power of the [Tide] authority condensed into a huge cage of heaven and earth, and the statue of the storm god in the distance Under the reflection of the howling rain, it looks more majestic, more sacred and solemn.

"After removal..."

"There are no more deformed flowers in Nanzhou."

Chunli opened his eyes and laughed at himself: "Actually, I regretted it later. Based on the principle of preferring to kill by mistake rather than letting go, I killed all the ancient literature researchers on most of the that the church later mined There is a valuable ancient stone tablet, but no one inside can translate it."

"It's just that for the sake of 'correct beliefs' on this land, everything I do is worth it."

Chunli spoke coldly.

He pointed with two fingers.

Hiss! Thousands of water lines shot out from the countless waterspouts!

The red dragon roared, he transformed into elements, and then used the knife wildly, but the long knife that could cut the elements was entangled and pulled after contacting the "origin of water". In the end, his long knife was wrapped in silk thread, and his body was also The water line penetrated, and the whole person was imprisoned in the water building.

Chunli put his hands behind his back, came to the red dragon, and said softly: "So... you just stay here. I want to see what kind of waves this broken 'Ancient Literature Society' will make in the end."

The red dragon's cheek had been cut to pieces with blood.

His eyes were closed, and blood and tears were streaming down his cheeks, but along the way he was cut open by silk threads, and the layers were bifurcated, which looked very shocking.

"My teacher...won't let this happen."

"Your teacher, Tianshui?"

When Chunli heard this, he smiled softly and shook his head, his eyes full of disdain.

"This old man who has lived for more than a hundred years...he can't save himself now. You don't expect him to save you, do you?"

(New month! Resurrection with full health! Please vote for the monthly ticket! The next update will be at 11 noon tomorrow!)

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