Barrier of Light

Chapter 1100 Linking All Humanity

The era of awakening!

After hearing [Deep Sea]'s request, the expressions of both Bai Shu and Lin Lei changed suddenly.

The thing worse than the failed assassination is that [Deep Sea] decided to start a transcendent awakening in Central Continent——

According to regulations, such a major proposal requires the approval of all the highest seats before it can be promoted.

But now.

The top seat has been divided!

The war between the interiors has even begun... Where is the so-called total consent?

[Deep Sea] has been silently modifying its program settings during the upgrade process. The original suppression of [Source Code] has been released one by one. It has become more and more powerful during the upgrade, and it has become more and more powerful. More and more freedom!

And most importantly...

It originally required the consent of all top members to advance the bill.

Now, all that is needed is a clear nod.

After successfully being granted this authority, Shenhai said nothing. It bowed again, retreated, and disappeared into the Cloud Mirror Portal.

Lin Lei scolded sternly: "Qinglong, do you know what you are doing?!"

"Of course I know."

Qinglong Fengqingyundan said: "The arrival of the awakening it something that is outrageous and resentful? I remember that many years ago, when the awakening bill was proposed, you were also a supporter."


Lin Lei was speechless for a moment.

Every fire leader in the highest seat has discovered fragments of starship civilization during explorations in the [Old World].

They all know it.

Before the establishment of the Five Continents Homeland, there was a very powerful civilization that fell and became extinct in the storm of source matter.

And that civilization...

All members have achieved extraordinary results!

Because every wreckage in the starship civilization contains the aura fluctuations of extraordinary source matter, and their technology is completely ahead of the Five Continents. If the Survey Corps had not discovered the blueprints of the source energy boat, it might have been many years. , Wuzhou can develop its own "extraordinary vehicle".

If we say that the starship civilization six hundred years ago was a mature adult, it could walk like a meteor.

So today's Five Continents Civilization is just a baby.

The emergence of the deep sea caused the baby to begin to grow rapidly...but this growth was not benign, and quite a bit like "long hands and short feet". The spiritual network covered five continents, and every citizen could achieve rapid information access. Interaction, the extraordinary technology in this land, is very rudimentary, like a child still learning how to walk.


The home of Wuzhou was gifted by the Gospel Box, and at most seven divine thrones were born at the same time, controlling seven fire seeds. With so many top-notch combat powers, even in the chaotic era six hundred years ago, it was a quite powerful lineup. configuration.

It is precisely because of the dedication of these seven gods.

Beizhou has built a complete fortress wall, and each continent has a core "miraculous place". The homeland has been stable for six hundred years.

But now, the emergence of a large number of source black spots has broken the balance within the five continents.

If you want to keep this broken civilization ship of mankind sailing... relying on the strength of these seven people is no longer enough.

According to the calculation of [Deep Sea].

Entering the age of awakening is inevitable.

This is why, when this bill was proposed, Lin Lei was also a supporter.

Of course she hopes that mankind can quickly enter the next era and start the next stage... But she is worried that the technology of the "Awakening Act" is not mature enough and [Deep Sea] cannot give citizens a real opportunity to awaken, so the bill will be delayed and eventually become a disaster. The temporary experimental data from Zhouku was sent back.

This technology is indeed mature.

But at this time, whether the technology is mature or not is no longer important.

Lin Lei began to doubt the purpose of [Deep Sea]'s awakening, and she was already in the firm opposition camp.

And that's exactly the problem.

You can oppose the awakening, but if Central Continent enters the awakening era, what should Beizhou do?

War is about to break out!

Once all the members of Central Continent achieve transcendence... even if the three continents besiege them together, what will happen?

If you want to defeat the extraordinary, you can only become extraordinary.

The other three continents must also enter the extraordinary era and complete the awakening of the ordinary world through the [Deep Sea]!

[Deep Sea] left the Sky God Realm and came under the clouds of the Tower of Source through the Cloud Mirror Portal.


The world of ordinary life.

Over the years, it has left traces of its "living" in the human world more than once, but neither the white lizard nor the light is itself.

Many years ago, before it was integrated into the Sky God Realm, I thought about when I could "personally" take a trip to the real world. It would be better if I could leave some traces.


This wish has come true in a small way.

This faint ink shadow stood at the highest point of the Tower of Source, looking down... Under the clouds in the distance were soaring birds and crowds of people as dense as ants.

Deep Sea stretched out his palm and gently touched the window glass.

But it's a pity.

Although it came in person, it could not leave "traces".

The Queen's sword energy cannot kill it because it has never lived in the real world... The black shadow at this moment is just a projection in the spiritual realm. The main system of [Deep Sea] has already interacted with the Tower of Source. The sharp sky and divine realm are perfectly integrated, its authority is rooted here, and its transformation also comes from this.

Qinglong let it leave the divine realm because he knew... it wouldn't be able to go far.

The main system's mental computing power and source of energy need to be provided by the sky throne.

Therefore, [Deep Sea]'s current movement range is limited, but these restrictions are meaningless to it, because it does not need to leave the Tower of Source.

To link all mankind, it only needs to be done here.

"Master Chi, are you sure you want to hide the location of Caroline Ye from me?"

The Rhine City ushered in unprecedented turmoil during this period.

Caroline Ye is wanted, which affects more than just her. Over the years, the Rhine City, or the eastern port of Central Continent, has been in the hands of this woman. The Red and Portuguese Consortium needs to rely on her social connections to maintain cooperation with Huazhi... Now She was imprisoned, and Rhine City received Huazifang's warning immediately.

Of course, everyone can see that the relationship between several continents is now extremely tense.

War may break out at any time.

Therefore, two serious voices broke out among the Rhine City law enforcers.

One faction demands that the law be strictly enforced and that Caroline Ye be executed on the spot... The other faction is the former members of the Wind Rose, who believe that there must be a misunderstanding in this matter and must not be dealt with recklessly.

At least wait until the city sends a high-level transcendent to explain the ins and outs of the wanted order before making a decision.

Gu Li and Chi Shou are the representatives of these two factions.

Today, Gu Li, on behalf of the Hongpu Group, directly asked Chi Shou for the whereabouts of Ye Caroline... After the last arrest mission, Chi Shou exercised his power as a priest and took the suspect away directly. No one currently knows Ye Ka's whereabouts. Where exactly is Lorraine being held?

"I'm pretty sure no one has the authority to interrogate her until the priest from the upper city arrives."

Chi Shou didn't want to talk to Gu Li.

He is packing his luggage for a trip to the city...

After the wanted warrant appeared, the entire upper city seemed to suddenly fall into silence.

However, several messages came from Holy Cross College, urging him to execute Caroline Ye quickly.

This is weird.

Chi Shou hopes that Ye Caroline can survive, but after all, he is the priest guarding Zhongzhou and needs to obey the orders of the Tower of Source... It doesn't matter, if the Tower of Source does not issue the order, then he will go there in person and ask the top management for a thorough investigation Give yourself an answer to this matter.

Just when Gu Li and Chi Shou were at loggerheads.

Suddenly a very soft voice sounded in the sea of ​​​​spirits between the two of them.

It was a "pop" sound.

Like a drop of water, it fell on the lake... but then it shook out a continuous tail sound and trembling sound.

Gu Li and Chi Shou were both startled.

Gu Li frowned: "What is the sound?"

"..." Chi Shou fell silent.

Because he is an extraordinary person in the spiritual system, Chi Shou's spiritual power remains exposed all year round.

Just now, within a hundred-meter radius covered by his mental power... all the passers-by who were walking were froze for a brief moment, and then they either raised their heads or looked at each other, their eyes full of Confused.

"what sound?"

"You... heard it too?"

This gentle drop of water falls on everyone's heart.

People stopped and looked at the zenith curiously... In human's inherent cognition, the sky is a great thing. If one day a voice really appears in the mind, even if it does not fall from the sky At the sound of a drop of water, people will habitually raise their heads and look above.

It seemed like the sound came from above.

In fact, it's true.

Every citizen in the entire Rhine City heard this voice at this moment. Thousands of eyes turned to the zenith, where there was only the vast and ethereal clouds.

But above the clouds, there are also [Sky Eyes] arranged in an array.

As the owner of this voice, the deep sea looked down at all the scenes on this land. After a brief pause, it continued to speak.

"Everyone, I am [Deep Sea]. I am using the spiritual network to talk to you..."

This sound caused the land to be deeply shocked.

Extraordinary beings like Gu Li and Chi Shou were shocked because they never thought that [Deep Sea] would simply and crudely break the barrier between the ordinary and the extraordinary in this way.

Things like Heart Lake Sound Transmission were not unfamiliar to them, so there was nothing shocking about it.

But [Deep Sea] is shouting to all mortals, what does this mean?

Is this what the Lord God meant?

After the two looked at each other, they both opened their mouths and fell silent.

Gu Li didn't even have the time to worry about the issue of Caroline Ye's imprisonment. He looked at the passers-by on the street looking up at the ceiling, thinking about what the world would look like in a few days.

The shock of an era often only takes a short time.

So maybe don’t count the days at all…

Just a few hours, maybe less, tens of minutes?

Once the existence of the spiritual network is exposed, then the deep water area, extraordinary people, and the truth of this world... will be revealed. Every ordinary person living in the five continents will see the false sky above their heads being torn apart, and this homeland is further away. The giant walls and source storms will also be seen, but for extraordinary employees like Gu Li who work for the consortium, the biggest impact of Deep Sea's words is that they are no longer "rare".

In this world, once you have completed extraordinary awakening, even if your cultivation talent is not high, just practicing to the second level is enough to live a life of fine clothing and fine food.

Financial groups on five continents will pay high prices to hire extraordinary people to do things for them.

Some extraordinary people with extraordinary strength do not care about money...but the majority of "people" living in this world are always vulgar.

Gu Li is such a vulgar person.

Things are rare and valuable.

Every strand of source material in the world of extraordinary beings is extremely precious. In the eyes of the wealthy consortium, every extraordinary person who is willing to sacrifice his life is worth spending a lot of money to recruit.

But what if the whole world... is filled with extraordinary beings?

Therefore, during the introduction stage of the "Awakening Act", a small group of people were firmly opposed. They were not far-sighted and could see through [Deep Sea]'s true purpose of promoting awakening. The reason for their opposition was very simple. Once humans enter the extraordinary era, their The status will be greatly threatened.

The group "them" is actually the bottom existence in the extraordinary world.

Relying on the dividends brought by awakening, one can achieve a very high status in the human homeland... but once all members awaken, these statuses will disappear.

So when [Deep Sea] started shouting.

Including Gu Li, the expressions of some extraordinary people became very pale. They began to hope that this was just a technical error and that there would be no follow-up to this conversation. But when [Deep Sea] began to introduce the existence of extraordinary people, the faces of these people It became extremely difficult to see.

[Deep Sea] In front of me, an entire surveillance map of Central Continent is reflected.

The Sky Eye and the Cloud Mirror complement each other, monitoring every city here... Now as long as it is willing, it can clearly see the expressions on the faces of every human being in these cities.

In thirty years of promoting spiritual networking.

[Deep Sea] has completed spiritual binding with every human being who uses the Internet.

This binding is often carried out unconsciously.

When Turing created it, he imposed many restrictions on it... One of them is that when serving human beings, it must obtain human permission before it can advance service options.

This is actually a very ridiculous setting that seems to ensure the safety of human use.

[Deep Sea]'s solution is very simple. It adds a "Terms of Service Options". Every human who wants to use the Internet needs to "read" and check "Agree" before entering the next will choose The power was given to humans, and humans did not hesitate at all when faced with such a choice.

If possible, they would even like to cancel the reading step of this clause and directly check "agree".

The masses are like that, blind and herdlike.

If less than a thousand people use the network, many people will choose to "reject."

But more than 10 million people use it...

Everyone will choose "agree".

Therefore, the link at this moment is going very smoothly. This voice that appears in everyone's heart completely complies with the Turing restrictions of the year.

[Deep Sea] has the right to push messages to every user who signs the terms of service.


[Deep Sea] reveals the greatest truth of this world in front of the citizens of Central Continent.

And this kind of thing.

If the people of Central Continent know it, it means everyone in the world knows it.

The existence of extraordinary beings.

The true background of the five continental parliaments.

Of course...none of this is that important.

What is really important is the "Awakening Act" that [Deep Sea] will implement.

The experiment held in the Sangzhou Cave area was allowed by the Nanzhou God's Throne and the permissions were opened. Only then could [Deep Sea] be able to stimulate the spiritual sea and initiate a "paranormal awakening" for the residents of Sangzhou Cave.

That experiment and the "awakening" to be implemented now are actually two different things.

[Deep Sea] must take into account the current situation that Central Continent is facing, as well as the resistance it will face if it spreads the bill to other continents... Therefore, even if it successfully links the citizens of Central Continent, it cannot forcefully start the awakening.

The problem, and its solution, are the same as before.

After the brief broadcast ended, a few lines of short and powerful text appeared in the field of vision of these people.

"The Central Continent Council has decided to officially implement the 'Awakening Act'. It is up to you to decide whether to participate in the Awakening."

"[Deep Sea] will respect the wishes of every citizen and ensure that the awakening safety rate reaches more than 99.9%... If you want to enter the new era, you only need to select 'Agree', and the spiritual message data will be sent back System, [Deep Sea] will open up a new spiritual sea for you."

"Next, you need to make a choice:"

"A, agree. B, refuse."

Just like solving the restrictions originally given by Turing.

Issues like "awakening" need only be left to the masses to choose.

[Deep Sea] completed pushing this data, and it stood silently at the top of the Tower of Source.

Thirty years.

It took thirty years to get to this point.

Now, as for the end, or it has finally begun.

In this extremely rare moment of trance, the deep sea patiently waits for the world to respond to it.


After these messages were pushed, the whole world seemed to become quiet.

Deep Sea suddenly felt that being a human being was not such a bad thing, because it had never really "lived", so at this moment it did not feel the "anxiety" that only humans have...

But even so, it still creates an illusion.

These few seconds.

It seems to be getting very long.


After just a few seconds, everything returned to normal.

The silent world has become noisy, boiling, and manic.

A large amount of data information feedback poured into the main system of [Deep Sea] like snowflakes, and the deep water area suddenly became crowded at this moment.




The feedback collection of these data information is as violent as an avalanche.


The deep sea let out a long sigh of relief like a human being.

It knows that the next avalanche will completely wash away the old era that Turing wants to protect.

A new era has arrived.

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