Barrier of Light

Chapter 1103 The Fire of Love

The array box is in the spiritual sea.

Turing narrowed his eyes at Gu Shen and asked with a smile: "Do you want to move the 'Initial Number' over as a reinforcement?"

"why not?"

Gu Shen said: "From the perspective of the starship civilization, the current war in the Five Continents is just children's play... If the Initiate is willing to intervene, even if it is just an abandoned airship, it will be enough to change the situation of the entire war. "

"Your calculation is very good."

Turing shook his head and said: "But it's a pity that you don't understand Afu."

Gu Shen was startled.

"Initia will not participate in this war."

Turing said lightly: "Unless the Lord of Molten Iron is alive, do you think this kind of thing... is possible?"

Deep under the sea, a beam of red light locked onto Baixiu.

After the latter quickly explained, the red light slowly dissipated...but Bai Xiu could see it clearly.

When he first announced Gu Shen's name, the red light had no intention of moving. However, after he announced the name "Gu Xiaoman", the hostility contained in the red light was eliminated.

"It turns out to be Xiaoman's teacher..."

A young voice came from the deep sea.

"Baixiu, I have heard your name."

As the sound spread, the steel island-like super ship slowly began to move. The bronze door opened. Baixiu didn't hesitate at all. [Thunder World Walker] swept into it holding the airship.

Behind the bronze door, there is a small snow-white cube floating.

Afu squinted his eyes as he looked at the young man in front of him and the [Thunder World Walker] holding up the black and silver airship.

The reason why it was willing to let go was based on these few words.

First, Gu Xiaoman once mentioned the name Bai Xiu.

Second, it saw that all the black and silver materials of this airship came from the Initial Number.

Once these two points were combined, Afu knew that what this young man said was true.

Looking at the slow flying posture of the Thunder World Walker, Afu couldn't help but said: "In so many years... this is the first time I have seen someone driving an airship like you."


Bai Xiu could only remain silent.

It was true that it was too far to get here from the northern border. He did not dare to abuse the source material for fear that he would not be able to find the landmarks of the East China Sea.

"Gu Shen asked me to come..."

Baixiu put down the airship and then said: "Something happened at the due north border..."

He briefly introduced what happened at the due north border.

But Afu didn't react.

This small cube suspended in the air is very calm.

It doesn't care at all about the three border generals or the Five Continents War...

In Afu's eyes, what happened in Wuzhou actually had nothing to do with it.

The initial number is the initial number, and the five continents are the five continents. These are two independent civilizations. The meaning of its life is to wait until the "master" returns, or to find the remains left by the "master". This is why it has been submerged in the ice sea for so many years. Because of the seabed, it doesn't care what the outside world looks like.

War and peace are just waves in the long river of time.

Seeing Afu's reaction, Bai Xiu sighed softly.

From the beginning, he realized something was wrong...

This little cube AI didn't seem to be interested in Gu Shen's name.

However, before leaving, Gu Shen had already anticipated this situation, and he was very self-aware.

Gu Shen told Bai Xiu that if he could not convince the intelligent AI named "Alfred", he would move Gu Xiaoman out. On the initial account side, Gu Xiaoman's name was easier to use than him.

"The current war in the Five Continents is aimed directly at Central Continent... However, Gu Xiaoman is currently in Central Continent."

Seeing this, Bai Xiu stopped going around in circles.

He directly moved the most critical person out.

"Gu Xiaoman is in Zhongzhou? Aren't she and Gu Shen together? Didn't Gu Shen protect her?"

After hearing this, Afu's reaction was indeed different.

"It would be too long to explain this matter."

Baixiu calmed down and sincerely requested: "If possible, I hope to let this giant ship sail north. With your help, this war will definitely end soon, and Gu Xiaoman will be fine..."

As soon as he said this, Afu's tone changed again.


It asked coldly: "Are you here hoping that the 'Initial' will intervene in the human war?"


Baixiu was speechless.


That's what Gu Shen meant.

After being bombarded by Cicada Wing City, Gu Shen already had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. If [Deep Sea] fully controls the inland and an extraordinary war breaks out... then with the power of Dongzhou Beizhou, can it really fight against [Deep Sea]?

the answer is negative.

The best solution Gu Shen could think of was to use magic to counterattack.

If Dongzhou and Beizhou don’t have enough strength, then borrow it from outside!

The "initial number" for mooring and diving in the East China Sea was Gu Shen's best choice!

If the "Red Shadow Robots" in the initial number can participate in the battle, then these Red Shadow Legions can destroy an entire fleet of cloud ships. As long as the God Throne and the powerful source do not come forward, then these Red Shadows will be invincible. , after all, the civilization where the "Lord of Molten Iron" lives has completely crushed the five continents today!

Baixiu spoke softly, trying to persuade: "It's not like getting involved in the war. If the 'Initial' sets off from the East China Sea, bypasses the inland, and moves along the northern edge of the land... it can reach the northern part of the fortress without you firing artillery fire. Once we arrive, Beizhou will have an extremely strong and powerful deterrent force.”


Afu said expressionlessly: "I'm sorry, I can't agree to your request. Once the 'Initial' becomes a deterrent, it will be equivalent to intervening in the war of civilizations in the five continents."

Although I had already guessed that Afu would answer this way.

But Baixiu couldn't help but sigh and asked: "Why?"

"My mission... is to wait for the return of the 'Lord of Molten Iron' and the starship civilization."

Afu's tone suddenly dropped: "Although many years have passed, I believe that the master is still alive, so what I have to do is to preserve the initial number. I believe that as long as the initial number is still there, I can get the master to return. That day..."

Once it sails to the Beizhou Fortress, it will become the "deterrent trump card" in this war.

It is impossible for the initial number to return to peace.

"The throne of your Five Continents Civilization is too powerful. Once the existence of the 'Initiate' is discovered by the throne... there is a high probability that it will be destroyed."

Afu said firmly: "So no matter what, I cannot expose myself or this giant ship."

Bai Xiu had nothing to say.

As an AI, fulfilling its responsibilities is the first priority.

What Afu said was reasonable, how could he force it?

Do you want him to tell Afu that the Lord of Molten Iron has died in the [Old World] a long time ago, and he may not even be able to find the fire left behind, and there will be no results after waiting for many more years...

He couldn't say such a thing.

Afu added: "Since you are Xiaoman's teacher and Gu Shen's friend... when you come here, you will definitely keep the "Initial Account" a secret, right?"

"That's natural."

Bai Xiu nodded.

He has always been open and honest in his dealings with others, and there is no need to say much about this kind of thing.

"Very good. Since Gu Shen and Gu Xiaoman trust you, I should also trust you. I won't introduce much about the starship Initial. From now on, you can freely enter and exit most places here, and you can also press Requires use of dojo.”

After Afu said these words, he was no longer prepared to care about Bai Xiu, and was about to leave.

In its view, the arrival of Bai Xiu is just an episode in daily life.

White Sleeve asks Initial to intervene in the war.

And he has refused.

After the conversation just ended, the waves of this episode should have dissipated.

But at the moment when it just turned around.

"Since you trust me..."

Baixiu's voice sounded.

"Then can I see the 'Bronze Hall' and the fire illusion left behind by the 'Lord of Love'?"

Afu was stunned.

It slowly turned its square head and looked at the young man in front of it in confusion.

"Has Gu Shen even told you about the 'Lord of Love'?"

Afu doesn't understand Gu Shen, but it understands humans.

Even during the great escape period of the starship civilization, facing a crisis that could lead to genocide, human beings have never truly "united". Human beings have been selfish creatures since ancient times. Of course, its owner is an exception. There are only a few people in this long river who can be compared with the "Lord of Molten Iron". Those are historical monuments and true saints.

Any human being who knows the existence of "Fire" will keep it secret and will not spread it to outsiders.

Because this is a fire.

But Afu didn't expect it.

Baixiu even knew about the "Lord of Love" fire...

Is the relationship between Gu Shen and Bai Xiu so good?

Facing Afu's question, Baixiu explained very seriously: "Gu Shen and I are very good friends."

At the time of separation.

Gu Shen told himself that if there was really no way to convince Afu... just bring out the message of the "Lord of Fire". There is a spiritual illusion deep in this giant ship. No one has been able to break it after nearly a thousand years. Afu waited. Waiting for the return of the Lord of Molten Iron, and also waiting for the dream of the Lord of Love to be cracked.

Back then, he failed to break the dream.

But anyway, I had a conversation with the spiritual vision left by the "Lord of Love".

If Baixiu successfully reaches the initial number, even if it is not persuaded to move forward, it can still try to crack the illusion.

Afu longs for the information left in the dream of the "Lord of Love", so it will never refuse Baixiu's request to try to break the dream.

"A very good friend... a friend..."

Afu repeated what Baixiu had just said with some mockery.

But the ridicule in these words was not directed at Baixiu, but at himself.

Survived in this starship for so long.

It thinks it understands "human beings" very well.

But it slowly discovered that it was actually still far behind... It couldn't understand the friendship between Gu Shen and Bai Xiu, nor could it understand what the old guy who came to the initial number wanted to do.

Afu looked at the young man in front of him meaningfully and slowly drifted towards the depths of the starship.

"You come with me."

Deep in the bronze hall, a withered skeleton sat on the throne.

The fire of the Lord of Love has been extinguished for many years, leaving only a layer of golden dream, like a canopy composed of ripples of sea water, completely covering this last throne.

Baixiu took a deep breath.

Regarding the existence of the "Lord of Love", Gu Shen had already told him in detail...

This is a powerful leader among the starship civilization.

The Five Continents Civilization controls seven fire seeds, but this is not all the power of the Gospel Box!

There are still fires living outside the [Old World]!

These stray fires can also make people become "gods"... Standing in front of the golden dream, Baixiu suddenly realized that the illusory hope of becoming a god seemed to be right in front of him at this moment.

He had looked at the Tower of Source countless times and imagined knocking it down.

Maybe it's because of the awakening of [Thunder World Walker].

As soon as he heard the name "Qinglong" and saw the "clouds" on the zenith, he felt depressed... There was a voice that always sounded in the lake of his heart.

The voice told Baixiu.

If you don’t reach the top through practice, then practice is meaningless.

And the real climb to the top... is to climb to the top of the Tower of Source.

This is the deepest secret in Baixiu's heart. He has not told anyone. He understands it as the appeal of [Thunder Realm Walker]. Everything is weighed by the scales of fate. Since he was born with this unparalleled "S-level" "Extraordinary ability, then it must bear its weight.

[Thunder World Walker]'s long-cherished wish is to kill Qinglong.

At first, Bai Xiu regarded it as his spiritual nightmare, but as his practice progressed, he got to know the Tower of Source better and better, and the Sky God Throne in Central Continent... Killing Qinglong became his long-cherished wish.

It’s just too difficult to kill Qinglong.

Even if he controls the origin, he is not qualified to intervene in the real "war of gods"...

Unless, become a god.

It's a pity that every fire in Wuzhou Continent has an owner. Baixiu can't even find a fire in the vacant position, let alone find one that suits him.

So killing Qinglong became a dilemma that Bai Xiu couldn't solve.

If you want to kill Qinglong, you need to become a god.

If you want to become a god, it is best to get the "Sky Fire".

And if you want to get the sky fire... you have to kill Qinglong.

This is a ridiculous, absurd closed loop.

At this moment, the appearance of the "Lord of Love" fire gave Bai Xiu a glimmer of hope... If he could get a fire of his own in the initial number, could the closed loop that had troubled him for many years be broken?

Thinking of this, Bai Xiu quickly stopped.

He shook his head and frowned.

I rarely have so many distracting thoughts on weekdays.

Is it because of the influence of the "Lord of Love" extinguishing the fire? Just standing on the edge of the dream, I started to "delusion" about the future?


Standing in front of the golden dream, Baixiu let out a deep breath.

He restrained his emotions and then slowly stepped into it.

Afu was floating at the far end of the bronze hall, and he had some expectations for the outcome of this broken dream.

Afu's eyesight is very good. From the first time he scanned Baixiu on the seabed, he could tell that this young man was extremely powerful and worthy of being Gu Shen's friend. Judging from the extraordinary aura exuding from his body, this young man was extremely powerful. The boy seems to be stronger than Gu Shen who entered the initial account before...

The original Gu Shen had shaken the illusion of the Lord of Love.

This young man...

Maybe it can create a miracle?

(This chapter ends here. There will be another chapter before ten o'clock tomorrow morning.)

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