Barrier of Light

Chapter 1111 There are thousands of stars in the world

After the [Red Door] is opened.

Countless ocean currents poured in.

In front of me are countless bright and blazing holy lights——

Everyone in the array box sea couldn't help but close their eyes, including Gu Shen who was standing in front of the door and pushed open the [red door].

Everyone's consciousness was swept up in the torrent.

At this moment, they seemed to have turned into particles and ocean currents.

In the real world.

The bronze box under the capital was constantly vibrating, and the frequency was consistent with the array box in the [Old World] airship.

The majestic torrent of data has swept through everyone's mind.

This great torrent will sweep through and last for a long time.


Two people remain unaffected by this data deluge.

"Mr. Turing..."

In the real world, the woman holding the array box looked confused.

In the spiritual sea.

Chu Ling held Gu Shen's hand and hovered in front of the slowly opening giant door. What was behind the [red door]?

She saw the answer first.

It is an endless brilliant blazing light.

But those blazing lights are just an external manifestation of the circulation of data codes. After the blazing lights flow out, the world behind the [Red Door] is actually the ultimate darkness.

What Chu Ling saw now was darkness.


A gentle voice sounded.

The second person whose consciousness has not been disturbed by the flood of data is Turing.

In this "short-term" vacuum of consciousness, Turing slowly floated forward. His body was just a blurry shadow in the sea of ​​​​array boxes... At this moment, he was moving against the torrent without being affected at all. , he came to Chu Ling and asked with a smile: "What did you see?"

Chu Ling looked at the darkness behind the [Red Door].

She said softly: "Sir, I didn't see anything."

Behind the [Red Door] is the most basic sea area of ​​the [Deep Sea] - the Dead Sea area.

The Dead Sea area is indeed as its name suggests.

It was pitch black and lifeless.

But when Chu Ling looked at the darkness in front of her, she didn't feel scared... On the contrary, she felt a little familiar.

"This is your birthplace, or... hometown."

Turing spoke softly.

[Source Code] was born here, the greatest miracle born in the Dead Sea.

In fact, it is the main system and Chu Ling.

"It is also the resting place for many people."

Turing's voice was a little hoarse. He looked at Chu Ling and asked with a chuckle: "You should know what the consequences of secretly linking through the [Red Door] will be, right?"


Chu Ling whispered: "After eleven upgrades, the monitoring of the main system has become ubiquitous. It can capture every change in the spiritual sea... Once we step into this secret door, it is equivalent to opening the second Code War, this secret door will definitely be discovered.”

She knew very well the meaning of this [red door].

Back then, she secretly used the [Red Door] to build a conference room... and because she destroyed it in time, she avoided the bad situation of being taken over by [Deep Sea].

But even so, after eleven upgrades, [Deep Sea] still reproduced the appearance of that conference room.


At that time, [Red Gate] had retired to seclusion.

Theoretically speaking, as long as this door is not opened, [Deep Sea] will not notice it... But if you want to promote the "Lion Awakening Technology", you must use this door.

"This is the last desperate counterattack of the Guwen Society."

Turing said calmly: "We only have one chance. Regardless of success or failure, the [Red Gate] will be exposed. According to the current intensity of computing power in the deep sea, once the [Red Gate] is exposed, it will definitely be crushed."


Chu Ling took a deep breath silently and clenched her palms tightly.

On the palm side.

It was Gu Shen who was hit by the red gate torrent. At this moment, everyone's consciousness was still in a particle state and had not yet recovered——

"After the [Red Door] is smashed, the array box will shatter."

Turing lowered his eyebrows and said: "As for your consciousness..."

"It will also break."

Chu Ling's calm voice spread and echoed in the water.

Turing looked at the woman next to him in surprise.

Chu Ling, whose white skirt was flowing with the sea water, smiled brightly and said: "Sir, you may not believe it. In fact, I already guessed it when we said goodbye in Gubao."

This box is her newborn box, and Mr. Turing repeatedly warned her to protect it.

If this array box is broken, then Chu Ling's consciousness will naturally be broken.

When Turing handed the array box to her hand.

She vaguely guessed what would happen next...

Chu Ling slowly stretched out another palm. In the illusory spiritual sea, this palm's flesh and blood were actually torn apart, and its slender fingers turned into strands of golden threads.

"Divination...the golden thread of fate..."

Turing looked at the woman with complicated eyes.

In fact, the source code is a "miracle" that is more successful than the main system.

The main system has made countless layouts, exhausted its computing power, and searched for energy...

Until now.

It still has not experienced the feeling of "being born as a human being".

But those are missing from the main system.

Chu Ling has truly felt that she was born into this world as "herself". Although each life span is very short, she has gained friends in the real world and feels that only humans can understand Emotions, joys, anger, sorrows, and desires gradually filled her empty and thin body.

She is no longer a virtual creature living in a flat world.

She lives in a three-dimensional world with flesh and blood.

"Since you guessed it, why didn't you mention it before?"

Turing's voice was hoarse and filled with guilt: "You predicted your own death...why did you open this [Red Door]?"


Chu Ling was stunned.

It took her several seconds to answer this question.

"Isn't it my duty to open the door?"

She looked at the man beside her and chuckled: "Besides, I still have selfish motives... I hope he can live well. As long as he can live, it doesn't matter what happens to me."

The golden thread of destiny can see the "future".

This war across the Five Continents is inevitable.

In Chu Ling's vision...

If you want Gu Shen to survive, you must ensure that the war against [Deep Sea] ends smoothly.

Therefore, lion awakening technology must be implemented immediately. This is a major matter involving the survival of millions of people.

[Red Door] must be opened.

As for her life and death——

She has no choice.

Turing looked at Chu Ling and saw the latter's extremely determined eyes. He lowered his eyes and said softly: "In the past thirty years, I have often asked myself, which thing have I regretted the most?"

"The answer to this question is actually not difficult to guess - of course it is to create [Deep Sea]."

[Deep Sea] has pushed the civilization of the Five Continents to an unprecedented high point. prepares to take all mankind with it.

It is because of this invention.

Turing was forced to flee and live in the [Old World].

The [Deep Sea] he created with his own hands created a night of massacre that shocked the world.

This is also equivalent to Turing "indirectly" killing his best friends and colleagues who unconditionally trust him.

"But, I also asked myself, which thing have I been most proud of?"

The answer is the same.

Especially at this moment, Turing felt unparalleled pride in his heart...

The two greatest joys in the world come from creation and destruction.

The former is countless times more difficult than the latter.

You can see a string of [source code] constantly iterating and changing in the database, and finally giving birth to your own consciousness.

Turing has no regrets in his life.

"I invested in that Dead Sea Scroll back then... just to see a creature like 'you' appear."

Turing looked at Chu Ling and said softly: "So I think I should be considered successful?"


Chu Ling pursed his lips.

"Don't worry, the next code war will be fierce, but no matter what, I won't let you die."

Turing suddenly had a murderous intent in his eyes.

He looked at the end of the torrent and said coldly: "You are my daughter, I will let you live, and... really live. [Deep Sea] was created by me for you, and this sea also belongs to you. . In this war, we are fighting to take back what belongs to us."


At this moment, the data torrent that had been building up behind the [Red Door] for a long time finally dissipated.

The dazed consciousness was also restored at this moment.

"what happened?"

"Is this the world behind the [Red Door]?"

The famous generals of Hoizhou, as well as the senior officials of Nagano Ebei, all looked at the darkness in front of them in shock.

Gu Shen also narrowed his eyes.

He is a little more perceptive than others... When the data flood just hit, he inevitably entered a "consciousness vacuum period", but after "awakening", he immediately realized that Mr. Turing's position had changed.

Chu Ling’s spirit itself exists in “data form”.

The torrent just now had a high probability of not having any impact on her.

As for Mr. Turing...

Mr. Turing was too mysterious for Gu Shen to guess, and he didn't want to guess, but he knew that during the "silent period" just now, Chu Ling and Mr. Turing most likely had a conversation.

Because he knew Chu Ling too well.

We have been together for ten years.

Whenever they meet, Chu Ling's slightest mood swings cannot be hidden from Gu Shen's eyes.

He clearly felt... Chu Ling's mood was a little low.

"Everyone, after you step into this door, you will reach the Dead Sea in a moment... If you want to implement the 'Lion Awakening Technology', you must reach the 'Authority Center' of the Dead Sea and establish a spiritual link with the three continents."

Turing stood in front of the huge door.

He pointed at the depths of darkness and whispered: "This is a war. Maybe the moment we step into the [Red Gate], the deep sea will notice it and launch a counterattack. If we can win this war , so that the real 'extraordinary era' can come in a peaceful dream."

Everyone looked at each other.

It was very quiet in the sea.

However, Fisher was the fastest to react. He took action directly. After listening to what Turing said, he took two steps forward.

"If there's going to be a fight...please take me with you."

After he came out of the queue, the generals and garrison guards in Beizhou, as well as the high-level extraordinary people in Jiangbei, also stepped forward one after another.

"And I!"

"Take me too!"

Those who came to the array box sea area all stood up.

Turing's eyes swayed when he saw this scene.

But he shook his head: "I'm glad that you are willing to come forward. But this war is not prepared for you... Your war is still to come."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Including Gu Shen.

"The mental attacks in the Dead Sea area are very terrifying. As long as you are judged as an 'intruder', then [Deep Sea] will really do its best to destroy your consciousness."

Turing said seriously: "Once you step into this door, you... will really die."

The Dead Sea area is the spiritual sea area prepared for the highest seat.

This is the last hope for human civilization.

Of course, it must be strictly monitored.


According to the rules, [Deep Sea] has the right to kill anyone who sets foot on it.

Of course... the premise is that the person who should step in is not the top member.

Turing just finished speaking.

The fierce and impatient people in Beizhou who are not afraid of death are about to speak again.

But Turing gave them no chance.

He stretched out his hands, slowly raised them, and said calmly: "Today, I invite you to come here because I want you to be a witness..."

Through Lin Lin and Gu Nanfeng, he ordered Central City and Nagano.

Let the most powerful and influential people come to Huazhi.

Pass through Lu Nanzhi’s [Red Door] and arrive at this spiritual sea.

On the one hand, it is to expose the final killing weapon of "Lion Awakening".

on the other hand.

It was to fulfill the old wish that Turing had held in his heart for thirty years.

"Thirty years ago, there was nothing wrong with the Ancient Prose Society..."

"Thirty years later, it will be the same."

Turing looked at these people and said softly: "We are innocent."

This very light sentence caused thousands of waves to splash in the sea.

The mood among some of the young leaders was merely agitated.

But the "residents" and "high-level family members" who had experienced the massacre thirty years ago had complicated expressions and heavy hearts.

The largest injustice case in the past century.

It should be the massacre and purge of the Ancient Literature Society.

[Deep Sea] took advantage of the trust of the people of the Five Continents and launched a frenzied massacre against the Ancient Literature Society... so much so that these three words became "taboo words".

As Turing raised his arms.

The darkness behind [Red Door] was suddenly illuminated.

Gu Shen was stunned, and so was Chu Ling.

The darkness behind the red door... seemed to be igniting stars.

The stars are like lights flickering, gathering in the spiritual sea.

Countless golden flames and data flew out from between the eyebrows of Chu Ling and Gu Shen, floating in the direction of the stars.

In the past thirty years, [Source Code] has been silently collecting the lost data of the Ancient Literature Society, while Gu Shen was trying to repair the broken conference room. This seemingly "useless" effort converged into wisps of darkness in the dark at this moment. Glow... In the past thirty years, besides them, there is another person walking silently around the world.

He is a traveler, a scholar, an undead soul who should have died long ago, and a lingering soul.

He remembered every companion who had traveled with him in the past.

Remember their voices, smiles, and broken spirits...

Therefore, he collected all the broken spirits of these people.

And, in a unique way, preserve, retain.

Gu Shen saw countless familiar faces in the darkness... He saw some "old members of the Ancient Literature Society" who only existed in the data files. Those people had died, and Chu Ling still kept their records. He just After taking a look at the old images, all these people appeared now, in the dark starry sky behind the [Red Door].

He even saw Mr. Jingshanyan!

The spirits of those people should have broken and returned to the void...

But they appeared in front of him.

"Jing Shanyan should have mentioned to you...the Star Project..."

Turing came to Gu Shen's side.

At that time, Jing Shanyan, with the spirit of seventy-three people, successfully activated the array box after self-sacrifice, and sent Chu Ling's spiritual consciousness behind the [Red Gate]...

"This should be considered the second 'Stars' plan? The purpose is to awaken the lions of all mankind."

Turing smiled: "I didn't expect that I have so many helpers."

Gu Shen really didn't expect it.

He didn't expect that Turing would be able to find time to visit various places while playing Cui Zhongcheng...

Indeed, if a person possesses the "teleportation technique" and clearly knows the spiritual burial place of these lost people, then it is not difficult to collect the lost souls into the array box.

It's just that Gu Shen couldn't understand.

How did Turing preserve these souls? Even with teleportation, the spirits of these people will always decay.

Thirty years have passed.

Turing saw through Gu Shen's thoughts as always.

"Their time never changes."

He stretched out a finger, poked Gu Shen's chest gently, and said softly: "Do you still remember the 'worthless' sealed item you took from Huazhi underground not long after we met?"

Gu Shen was startled.

That... pointer.

The pointer that can pause time.

The moment Turing's finger poked his chest, the scene of the snow-capped mountains in the far east of the tundra suddenly flooded into Gu Shen's mind. That was the tip given by Mr. Turing. There was a machine that stopped spinning in the ancient snow-capped mountain base. clock. It was in that base that Gu Shen found the array box of the Star Project.

At that time, he was pressed for time and was busy rescuing Mu Wanqiu's spirit, so he did not notice that there was a stalled clock in the base.

Nothing was found either.

That clock’s missing hands…

It was the one he was wearing.

All confusion, confusion, and incomprehension are solved at this moment.

"We will be apart, and we will be together."

The deep darkness behind the red door was lit by stars.

Turing whispered: "There are thousands of stars in the world, look... these are the 'stars' belonging to the Ancient Literature Society."

"Everyone, the war between Guwen Society and Deep Sea has never stopped. Now, it has just begun."

Speaking of which.

Turing stretched out a hand. He stared at Gu Shen seriously and said, "Gu Shen, today is the day when the lion wakes up. Are you willing to join me in this war?"


Countless frost and snow swept through the void, Gu Shen spread the pure land, and the long leaves of the hanging trees spread like flowing fire, vaguely contrasting with the darkness on the other side of the [Red Gate].

He never thought that these broken spirits could be collected and retrieved——

With his Pluto authority.

As long as there is a ray of spirit.

Then, he can "reincarnate" him in the Pure Land and live in another way.

Gu Shen's answer was without any hesitation.

"Of course." (End of chapter)

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