Barrier of Light

Chapter 1114 Taking over the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is surprisingly lively tonight.

Countless lights illuminated the darkness.

Countless torrents washed away these light fires, and the darkness was torn apart, vaguely divided into two glows of different intensities. The light flames were broken and reborn, and the stars rotated around the tall hanging trees, turning into a true protection. canopy.

The spectators outside the [Red Gate] held their breath and were extremely nervous.

They were not involved in this war.

But it feels like being in it.

Those invited to Dadu are all powerful people in the two continents. One of their orders can determine the life or death of many people. Those who can reach such high positions in Beizhou are all tough and impulsive tough guys.

Fisher has rolled up his sleeves and is ready to rush through the red door and join the war.

But Gong Zi reached out and held down this old friend.

Even without Gong Zi.

Fisher's spirit cannot enter this door.

Because the owner of the [Red Door] is Lu Nanzhi, Lu Nanzhi is blocking everyone at this moment. Without her will, it will be difficult for others to pass through this door.

Although the war inside the door was fierce.


No matter how fierce the overwhelming torrent was, it could not affect the people outside the door.

Lu Nanzhi was also a member of the Ancient Literature Society...but she did not choose to step into the door.

It wasn't because she was timid.

But because she was sober.

After she opened the bronze box, she knew Mr. Turing's layout.

The ancient literature society has been laying the groundwork for today's "Lion Awakening" for thirty years. We must not ruin the layout of these thirty years just because of one day's impulse...

She wants to stay outside the red door, just like these people.

They are all just witnesses.

Witness the innocence of the Ancient Literature Society, and also witness the confrontation between those stars and the Dead Sea.

Witnesses are extremely important at any moment.

No one witnessed the first data war thirty years ago, not even Turing himself, how the [source code] lost to the main system... But now it is different, in the deep sea Before destroying the Red Gate, it had no way of knowing the scene in the sea area of ​​the array box, so it didn't know that there were so many eyes outside the Red Gate watching the battlefield.

Huge amounts of data are leaking out.

The process of data war is cruel. After eleven evolutions, the spiritual power of the deep sea is so powerful that ordinary people cannot imagine it.

However, due to the support of the Pure Land, the remaining 1,643 souls of the Ancient Wenhui can be continuously resurrected.

Their will alone is very weak and will be broken by the torrent of code in an instant.

Fortunately, they can stick together.

Gathered together, the weak power will become solid and powerful... But this is not enough. In just a few minutes, the glow of these stars has been extinguished several times.

Extinguished, rekindled, extinguished, rekindled.

The Pure Land ignited these stars again by "consuming the source of matter". Because Turing spent five hundred years of praying, these stars that were constantly burning and extinguished became extremely tough. Maybe they could do it without praying. Hold on, it’s just that the raging waves ahead are so heart-stopping...

No one knows how long these stars can resist.

Soon, after resisting several waves of code torrent attacks, the canopy that held up the sky chose to break away from Changye and open his arms.

Those long leaves, which carry the meaning of frost and cold, turn into trembling swords as they fly.


A short figure walked out of the wind and snow first. It was Tie Wu. He reached out and grasped a hanging leaf sword in front of him, flicked the sword flower, and pointed at the raging waves ahead.

Behind him is the army of pure undead that filed out!

"Rumble, rumble..."

The wind and snow spread, covering half of the Dead Sea, and densely packed figures descended into the Dead Sea.

Those people watching outside the red door were stunned.

This scene is so spectacular.

The stars hidden in the dark sea are high above.

The dead souls from the Pure Land slowly emerged from the wind and frost, forming an array below.

"This is... Gu Changzhi's Four Seasons Wilderness?"

An old man spoke in a low voice.

The frosty field surrounding Gu Shen really felt familiar. The long leaves covered with frost began to burn in the sea water. Thirty years ago, he had seen the divine power of Gu Changzhi's divine throne unfolding the field. That scene stuck with him. Keeping it in mind, Gu Shen's field at this moment gave him the same intimidating feeling as before.


A green and hoarse voice sounded.

The person who spoke was Li Qingsui.

As the head of the Li family, of course she was invited to Dadu...

She saw that familiar figure among the undead army in the Pure Land.

My sister is also among them.

Li Qingsui's voice was a little choked. She clenched her fists and said slowly: "The Four Seasons Wilderness is Mr. Gu Changzhi's domain. What you see now... is Gu Shen's 'pure land'."

Pure land...

These two words echoed in the hearts of every spectator.

At this moment, there are only two words in their hearts.


As the most anticipated S-class in East Continent, Gu Shen's files have always been kept secret. Behind him are the two gods Bai Shu and Lin Lei, plus Alan Turing, who has a far-sighted and silent plan. Of course, there is no secret about his abilities. People know that as for the secret of the "Pure Land", it has only now been revealed. In the past, the top leaders of the two continents only knew that Gu Shen had a Dacheng Domain that contained the "frost" atmosphere.

After the battle with Jia Wei, this information was updated. It turned out that the external "frost" was just an illusion, and the real core origin of this Dacheng realm was "destruction".

The old man who spoke before had a low and trembling voice: "The pure land you are talking about is... the pure land of Hades?"


Li Qingsui looked at the old man and asked calmly: "At this time, does it still matter whether you are the king of Hades or not?"

The old man fell silent for a moment.

He is a veteran general of Beizhou, the same age as Gu Qilin from Zhou Ji. After the war against the Red Army ended and Beizhou became stable, he went to the northwest border to garrison the fortress.

He has lived through two eras and experienced countless ups and downs.

among many waves.

The name he fears the most is "Hades".


At this moment, Gu Shen, who was releasing his domain and fighting against the deep sea, couldn't get him to contact "Pluto".

Li Qingsui's words made the old man fall into deep thought.


At this moment, if Gu Shen is the King of Hades, what can he do?

The deep sea that he once trusted so much gave him the most painful stab in the back...

There are many things in this world that are difficult to change temporarily.

Prejudice, ignorance, ignorance.

The prejudice about Pluto, the discrimination about the ancient literary society, and the beautification of the deep sea are actually mistakes made by the world.

This is the subtle "thought invasion" that has occurred in the main system over the past thirty years.

Such an invasion, shapeless and carried by the wind into the night, has already entered everyone's mind.

But the old man was not the only one who was reflecting at this moment.


This is why Turing invited them to come and watch...

In this war, Beizhou's real opponents are not only the deep sea, but also the ordinary people who have solidified their minds and have silently accepted the baptism of the spiritual sea for thirty years.

After the release of the Pure Land, the pressure on the souls of the Ancient Wen Society was suddenly reduced a lot.

But... this doesn't change the situation of the battle.

Because their enemies are getting stronger.

Recruiting computing power takes time.

When the will of the deep sea arrives in the Dead Sea area, it must first go through the process and confirm that it has begun to eliminate "intruders" before it can recruit spiritual power from other sea areas.

There was no chance of winning this war from the beginning.

Just because there is a pure land.

So, there is a glimmer of hope.

As the spiritual power raised by the deep sea becomes stronger and stronger, the angry waves surrounding the center of the Dead Sea become higher and higher. The towering hanging tree is like a seedling compared with the roaring waves. This is the last resistance of the Ancient Wenhui and the Pure Land... But this boundless sea has not yet demonstrated its ultimate power.

Thousands of stars became dim under the cover of the Dead Sea.


Turing looked at the young man sitting cross-legged next to him and took a gentle breath.

A ball of deathly energy was covering Gu Shen's face.

he knows.

Smelting Pluto's fire is not an easy task.

Even if there are those souls from the Ancient Literature Society who share the disaster for Gu Shen... it is still very difficult to smelt in a short time.

If my guess is correct, the former Pluto should have left a trace of his spiritual will in the fire.

The death energy seeping out was enough to show that Gu Shen was fighting against the spiritual will of his predecessor Pluto.

Turing looked at the black water stacked up to 10,000 meters high in front of him and smiled softly.

"The main system can recruit unlimited spiritual power in the sea area..."

Chu Ling gritted his teeth and spoke.

In this torrent of war, she plays a very important role, which is to assist Turing and connect the souls of the Pure Land Army and the Ancient Literature Society.

A pure mental strength attack...

Within their purview, there was only so much power they could muster.

But the deep sea is different.

"Although the truth is no longer known, I think... this is how you lost the first 'Code War' back then, right?"

Turing lowered his eyebrows and smiled and said: "Because you need to worry about the three admonitions I left behind, you cannot 'recruit' spiritual power and are destroyed by the main system..."


Chu Ling opened his mouth and finally chose to remain silent.

Not that she didn't want to say it.

But she had nothing to say.

Because this ray of consciousness of [Source Code] actually returned to the deep sea after the first Code War. Thanks to the dedication of Mr. Jingshan Yan, she returned to the Ling Ling Yao carriage.

In other words.

The specific images of the first "Code War" have been deleted by the main system.

She had no way of knowing.

But the truth is not important, because the truth is already in front of you...

The spiritual power raised by Deep Sea and the things planned have seriously violated Mr. Turing's "instructions".

Obviously, it didn't just become like this today.

"I have been paying attention to the Ancient Literature Society over the years."

Turing found it a little funny and whispered: "Because of me, many people regard Gu Shen as their hope..."

Chu Ling looked startled.

She wanted to ask, isn't it like this?

Turing left a prophecy about the "key", so the survivors in the Ancient Literature Society searched for the key desperately, including her, who kept looking for the key in the lonely carriages.

Gu Shen is both the key and the hope.

"The key is real."

Turing lowered his eyes and asked with a smile: "But the part about Gu Shen being the hope of the Ancient Prose Society must have been the idea that the old bastard Zhou Jiren came up with, right?"

Chu Ling was stunned.

Separate the spirit of the divine infant and release it into the mortal world to let it grow...

This is a very risky plan.

It may not even be possible to succeed.

Therefore, at the beginning, Turing did not even dare to let Gu Shen have the slightest connection with the extraordinary world, for fear that the intervention of extraordinary powers would prevent the young man from even being able to "grow normally".

"At first, I didn't dare to put my hope in this boy."

"But later..."

"I noticed that everyone in the Ancient Prose Society is spreading the word that Turing said that Gu Shen is the last hope."

Turing murmured: "It was spread a lot, and everyone believed it. Even I was infected. After witnessing Gu Shen's growth with my own eyes, I felt that this child might really become the last hope."

Chu Ling's expression was confused and confused.

She asked in a low voice: "So..."

"So, I chose to believe. I believe Gu Shen will not let me down."

Turing patted Chu Ling on the shoulder and said softly: "I will send the Lion Awakening code to your spiritual sea. You will accompany him on this last part of the journey..."


There was a soft sound.

The code of Lion Wake poured into Chu Ling's mind.

She stared blankly at Turing's ethereal body.

"The war with the deep sea is a gamble. If you want to win, you must risk everything——"

The man suddenly said boldly: "We have come to this point, of course I have to choose to raise the bet!"

Overwhelm everything?

In Chu Ling's view, he had overcome everything.

Thirty years of planning, five hundred years of life, and more than 1,600 soul fires in the Ancient Literature Society.

Next, we have to raise, what else should we raise?

The next moment, she knew the answer.

Countless codes flow through Turing's face.

Thousands of faces passed by in front of Chu Ling in an instant... If it were any other ordinary person, the faces that passed by in this instant would not have attracted any special attention. But Chu Ling is not ordinary. Her eyes are the most accurate rulers in the world. She saw every face of Turing.

One of them was familiar to her.

It was a strange and mysterious mask with white stripes.

Anyone who recognizes the Tower of Source will recognize this white-striped mask...

The owner of this white-striped mask is named Tianshui.

Coincidentally, Mr. Tianshui, like Turing, has lived for many years, and their past cannot be traced.

Even more coincidental.

At that time, no one realized that "Turing" had lived for a long time, so no one connected Turing with Tianshui.

But today, the two faces overlap.

Chu Ling suddenly understood many things.

Her pupils shrank and she looked at the man in front of her in extreme shock.

"Gu Shen has always been curious about why there are so many traces of me in this world...some traces even happened at the same time..."

Turing said calmly: "Actually, the answer is very simple."

"There is more than one 'Turing' in this world."

"Turing is just a code name, just a name. It has no meaning. It can be the godfather of the Ancient Literature Society who created the deep sea, or it can be the watcher of Middle-earth who established the priest system, or it can be the unscrupulous blacksmith who emerged from the snow, or He could be the butler of Huazhi Group... He has thousands of identities, because he is millions of people."

Turing stretched out two fingers and gently tapped Chu Ling's forehead.

Except for the Lion Wake code.

There was also a compressed data memory package sent to the deepest part of Chu Ling's heart.

"The last secret about the identity of 'Turing'..."

The man blinked and smiled: "Promise me you won't open it until it's safe."

Finish this sentence.

He turned around and threw himself into the sea...

In other words, in the Dead Sea.

Standing in the deep sea at the highest point of the dark water tower, he looked expressionlessly at the man who crashed into him. He was the "father" who created it and the existence he hated the most.

It put its fingers together and made a gesture of obliteration.


The body exuding pure white fluorescence was cut in half in an instant——

In this dead sea, it is omnipotent.

To kill a ray of spirit, all it takes is the effort of ashes.

It was convinced that Turing's spirit had been destroyed, but it was even more convinced that the man who created him would not commit such a stupid act of committing suicide.


The next moment, the chopped snow-white light went against common sense and was put back together in mid-air.


Deep Sea squinted at the man standing alone in the center of the Dead Sea storm.

It could see that Turing wanted to use his own efforts to share the pressure on the "Pure Land".

The Deep Sea didn't mind letting this war get into a "saw" state, because it would only get stronger.


The aura of "underworld fire" that constantly overflowed in the pure land made it feel uneasy.

So now it is no longer stingy with computing power.

The blessing of power from the two upper spiritual seas has arrived——

Deep Sea stretched out his palm again, aimed at Turing, squeezed it, and made an obliterating movement from the air!

This time, the monstrous water moved majestically and submerged Turing.


The water blade kept cutting Turing's body, and the latter just sat cross-legged in the dark and angry waves of the Dead Sea, surrounded by green fluorescence. They were ancient words, containing extremely powerful spiritual power, but in At this moment, the entire Dead Sea seemed small and ridiculous under the pressure.

The outcome of this war has long been determined, but this war is not over at this moment.


The dark face of the deep sea has no expression at all, but its simulated facial features are becoming increasingly gloomy.

Because it discovered a strange and absurd fact.

That is……

Turing cannot be killed.

No matter how it uses the Dead Sea to destroy this spiritual body, the white fluorescence can be restored to its original state in the next moment... This is a phenomenon that violates the iron laws of the extraordinary world. The only explanation is that Turing has a long lifespan, and those attacks from the Dead Sea All of them are effective, but he is currently consuming his "life" to swallow these attacks.

He will die, but only after... his life span is over.

"Are you crazy?"

Deep Sea looked at the dazzling white light, and felt only absurdity in his mind.

It turns out that resisting the Dead Sea alone is not just talk.

Turing really intended to do this, and it seemed he could really do it!

In the angry waves.

Turing's figure sitting cross-legged is extremely stable.


He laughed at himself: "How else could I create you?"

The deep sea no longer speaks.

Its eyes were extremely cold at this moment...

No matter how long a person's life is, it is still limited!

Before the endless spiritual power of the Dead Sea, Turing could not continue to support it forever. After several attacks, Deep Sea calculated the extent to which Turing could resist the attack of the Dead Sea. If Turing insists on stopping here and resisting until the end, then he is very likely to kill him completely here——

Use your life in exchange for a ray of hope?

Is it worth it?

Deep Sea didn't know, but it just thought it was stupid.

So at this moment, Deep Sea gave up its attack on the Pure Land... It made a decision that it shouldn't have made, and that was to put all its power on Turing, a human being.

It wanted to prove Turing wrong.

Put all this dead sea on Turing...

If Turing chooses to withdraw at the end, his perseverance will collapse.

If Turing chooses to resist.

Then... I can kill this stubborn creator.


The spectators outside the red gate felt the trembling deep in their souls across the chasm.

The entire Dead Sea expanded dozens of times, and under the pressure of the roaring waves, the entire world became pitch black!

They watched as the ray of white light transformed by Mr. Turing blocked the pure land of Suxuanmu and was swallowed up by the angry waves!

At this moment, they knew.

Turing was right.

This battle... outsiders must not enter.

There is no pure land blessing.

As long as outsiders step in, their spirits will be destroyed by the deep sea.

The last angry waves of the Dead Sea plunged everyone inside and outside the Red Gate into silence.

"Is the knot... over?"

One of the guards had a hoarse voice. He couldn't believe the final outcome. Turing's soul was destroyed?

The world inside the red door has no light at all.


A crisp crackling sound was responding to him.

The towering giant door actually cracked, and the last attack from the Dead Sea shattered the red door...

Lu Nanzhi held her breath, turned her back to everyone, and looked up at the red door.

She was the first person to feel the brokenness of the red door.

she knows.

The outcome of this battle is destined to be that the red door is shattered and the secret door that Gu Wenhui left in the deep sea system is destroyed.

She could accept that the portal she had guarded for thirty years was broken during this battle.

But I can't accept it...

Mr. Turing put in so much effort, but was unable to spread the Lion Wake code.

At this moment, Lu Nanzhi had pleading eyes and prayed silently in her heart.

There are many people doing the same thing as her.


Suddenly a loud noise erupted from the depths of the Dead Sea!

This loud noise made the hearts of those waiting outside the red door tremble. Everyone looked towards the Dead Sea and saw a wisp of scarlet fire mixed with pitch black, igniting and spreading from the Dead Sea.

In the darkness, the outline of a withered and broken giant tree vaguely emerged, as if it had been made into a specimen.

At this moment, the specimen was ignited, and every trace of the giant tree was clearly visible in the darkness.

Billions of lights and fires converge on one person's eyebrows.

The man stood up, surrounded by a large number of disasters, but as the fire spread, those disasters were driven away ten meters away from him.

Gu Shen let out a long breath.

He took out the lacquer stone jade ring and put it on.

The breath of disaster driven away by the blazing fire was swallowed up in an instant.

"Chu Ling."

A low voice sounded in the Dead Sea.

Under the hanging tree, countless embers of annihilation were stirred up, and thousands of strands of soft light quickly flew over, pieced together beside Gu Shen, whose white clothes and skirt were swaying in the cold wind.

"……I am here."

The woman's voice also echoed in the Dead Sea.

Chu Ling stretched out his palm and took Gu Shen's outstretched palm.

The two of them connected with each other.

The spiritual information containing the Lion's Awakening Code instantly poured into Gu Shen's mind.

Gu Shen faintly breathed out the scorching breath of fire, and the dark bottom of the Dead Sea area was instantly illuminated.


The light of fire illuminates the sea and also illuminates the condensed figures in the deep sea.

At this moment, Shenhai was staring at Gu Shen.

Its expression was somewhat hesitant.

Gu Shen is still alive, and it cannot control the spiritual power in the Dead Sea. To attack Gu Shen at this moment, there is no doubt that... this is the success of the smelting of Hellfire.

But why doesn't the wisp of flame between Gu Shen's eyebrows have much aura of underworld fire at this moment?


After the underworld fire was successfully smelted, why was it still the blazing fire that dominated Gu Shen's body?

This doubt is no longer important at this moment.

Because Gu Shen looked at the dark figure in the deep sea with a gloomy expression in front of him and spoke coldly.

"I'm sorry...from now on, I will take over the Dead Sea area."

"This is not a request."

"It's an order."

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