Barrier of Light

Chapter 1117 Escape


The broken land rolled like mud flow in the void, and roared like an angry dragon.

The energy boat wrapped in these rubbles floated quietly.

The world is noisy.

But it was very quiet inside the energy boat.

In the empty cabin of the energy boat, Chu Ling and Gu Shen hugged each other.

The spiritual world and the material world overlap and become one at this moment.

Blazing light engulfed the Dead Sea.

The sun devours the soul.

There was a slight cracking sound. In the spiritual world, it was the sound of the red door being shattered by the Dead Sea.

In the physical world, that is the sound of the array box breaking.

After the blazing light dissipated, the Red Gate and the Dead Sea all disappeared.

Gu Shen stood under the hanging tree in the pure land.

He still kept his arms open, but when he opened his eyes, Chu Ling had disappeared, and the majestic pressure also disappeared... The whole world in front of him was shrouded in light, just like the Dead Sea just now The war never happened.

He turned around and saw the anxious-looking figures in front of him.

Li Qingci, Tie Wu, Adam, Hong Zhong...

These figures are all frozen at this moment, like wood carvings.

Gu Shen frowned slightly. This is his divine domain, and Li Qingci and Tie Wu are the souls under his command in the Pure Land. It is not an easy task to keep them all still.

It's like... time has frozen at this second.

There was a soft snap.

A palm gently rested on Gu Shen's shoulder.

This match shocked Gu Shen.

"Don't be nervous, it's me."

A familiar voice sounded under the hanging tree. Gu Shen turned around and saw the shadow wrapped in white light.

Turing stood under the hanging tree, spread out his palm, and there was a small pointer lying on it.

"Mr. Turing..."

Gu Shen's anxious heart suddenly relaxed at this moment. If anyone can make time stand still, it seems that Turing is the only one.

Gu Shen's voice trembled: "Are you still alive?"

The last raging waves of the Dead Sea were too violent.

Turing single-handedly blocked the Pure Land and was overwhelmed by the spiritual power mobilized by the deep sea... Gu Shen watched that scene through Chu Ling's spiritual seaside.

He thought Mr. Turing had met with misfortune.

But unexpectedly, Turing is still alive!

"What is this word..."

"Who am I? How could I die so easily here?"

Turing pretended to be relaxed, smiled and retracted his palm, clenched his fist to his lips, and then coughed twice uncontrollably.

This coughing sound was mixed with an unmistakable dullness and pain.

He has a lifespan that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

He can use his five hundred years of life without hesitation to pray for the souls of the Ancient Literature Society.

Then stop in front of the Dead Sea, spend your lives and fight against the deep sea.

This is a heaven-defying act.

It's just that... there is always a price to pay for fighting fate. It is obvious that this battle took a toll on him. No matter how much he pretended to be relaxed, his tone was full of fatigue at this moment.

"This ray of spirit does not have much time left."

Turing gently put a hand on Gu Shen's shoulder and said, "So... the next conversation is very important."

Gu Shen held his breath.

"The war is not over, it has just begun."

Turing said solemnly: "Even if the Three Continents complete the Lion's Awakening, it will still be difficult to win this war... because our opponents are not just Central Continent."

The opponent is not just Zhongzhou? !

Gu Shen's heart sank.

What does this mean...Will Nanzhou also join this war?

The previous release of the Lion Awakening code did not spread to the borders of Nanzhou because of the position of the "Storm Throne". During the Cicada Wing City incident, the Dongzhou camp had basically determined that the storm had betrayed them, so even if a war started, it would not be possible. They will only regard Nanzhou as an enemy.

Gu Shen asked: "Is there another enemy in Nanzhou that needs attention?"


Turing shook his head.

He smiled weakly: "Think about it, if Nanzhou is really an enemy worth paying attention to, then might Lin Lei Baishu go to the Tower of Origin first?"

Gu Shen was stunned.

Lin Lei Bai Shu, set off directly to the Tower of Source to encircle Qinglong!

Now among the five continents, the only throne that can move freely is the storm!

Mr. Turing has been planning for this war for thirty years... It is impossible for such a serious mistake to occur. He has used "divination" to peek into destiny countless times. Although fire cannot be looked directly at, there are other ways to see it. In the future scene of Nanzhou, it is obvious that Nanzhou is not the "key player" in deciding this war.

So what does Mr. Turing mean?

Yuanting Island, the sky is dark and the waves are huge.

A solid cage built by the tide was half submerged in the sea. The red dragon, whose body was pierced by dozens of green and silver iron chains, was hung in the cage. His body was covered with blood, and he was half-kneeling. Above the waves, the waves undulate and bump, the thunder above the sky has extinguished, but the heavy clouds linger for a long time...

Opposite the red dragon, the most powerful saint in Southern Continent sat cross-legged on the waves, his expression gloomy.

Chunli slowly opened his eyes and looked at the young man trapped in the water cage, his eyes full of indifference.

The sea seems "calm" today.

The two seemed to have decided the winner...but in fact, the fight in the past few days had made Saint Chunli feel more tired than ever before. With the power of authority, he had always swept through the battles in the title realm, never before. Met the enemy.

But now that he met the former number one divine envoy of the Tower of Source, he expended a lot of effort.

Suppressing the red dragon alone would not end the battle at all. This guy was like a madman, constantly trying to chop the water cage with his knife, forcing Chunli to continue to increase his strength.

So, in the end it became what it is now.

Chunli was forced to use half of his power source to completely suppress him!

The purpose of imprisoning the red dragon is simple.

Just use it as "goods" and sell it to a third party who is willing to accept a high price!

At this moment, Saint Chunli has calmed down his inner lake.

"Interesting news."

He cleared his throat and said calmly: "Zhongzhou is very interested in you. The Holy City's first offer, the Tower of Source did not even counter-offer, and has fully accepted it..."

These words could not make the slightest change in Red Dragon's expression.

He was still alive, but it was as if he were dead.

"But the Guwen Society has no interest in you."

Chunli smiled and said: "We made an offer to Huazhi, but there was no response from Lu Nanzhi, not even a reply. It is said that the ancient literary society has a deep friendship and will not abandon its partners, but now we look at it ...There seems to be some discrepancy. After you were caught by me, you have become an abandoned child."


Hear this.

The red dragon slowly raised his head.

It was beyond Chunli's expectation.

There was no disappointment in Hong Longyan at this moment.

On that cheek full of blood, a smile emerged.

What Red Dragon is most worried about is that Chunli, through himself, will set up a trading trap and join forces with Shenhai to hunt down the members of the Ancient Literature Society...

But looking at it now, the thing that I was most worried about has not happened.

That woman Lu Nanzhi has some brains.

"Abandoned son, what's wrong with that?"

The red dragon spoke in a hoarse voice: "If you can sit in the position of a saint, you must have some brains. How can there be a fair deal in this world? Haven't you ever thought that the Tower of Source is willing to agree to your request? This is Why?"

Nanzhou has never been a chess player.

But a chessboard.

This cannot be changed even if they have a divine throne.

Feng Feng doesn't care about how the people of Nanzhou are living. He only cares about his own beliefs and his own congregation... Among the highest seats, the person who is truly selfish to the extreme is not Qingwu but Feng Feng. Over the years, the church has grown in Nanzhou. The mission of the continent is almost "overdrafted". Since there is no external check and balance, the Storm God is frantically harvesting the "faith" of this land.

No one knows why.

Except for the spring plow.

"You want to say that the Tower of Origin regards Nanzhou as food, and the reason why it agreed to this transaction is because the Tower of Origin believes that everything paid for this transaction can be recovered in the future."

Saint Chunli said with a smile: "What you said makes sense, but it is meaningless...because Lord God doesn't care."

Red Dragon was startled.

He frowned.

"Think about it carefully, why did the Wuzhou fleet encounter an 'attack' in the ice sea? Why did Nanzhou take the initiative to detonate the source energy boat and destroy other fleets?"

The Saint of Spring Plow stretched out his slender fingers and slowly pointed at his forehead.

He smiled softly: "If you were smarter, you might understand... what the Holy City is really doing."

The red dragon looked at the man in front of him blankly.

The Church of Storms doesn’t care about revenge, war, or everything that happens on this continent.

They only care about their own interests.

why is that?

After saying this, Saint Chunli stood up. The entire sea area was locked by the power of [Tide]. As for the red dragon, most of its body was crippled. After several days of fierce battle, the The number one divine envoy of the Tower of Source had completely lost his fighting power. Chunli didn't worry at all that the man in front of him could leave this water cage.

"Don't worry, you will know the answer soon."

"Next, I will leave here... As for the specific coordinates of your detention, I have given it to Hua Zhi for free."

Chunli said with emotion: "If they really regard you as a partner, then they should at least come and take a look. Speaking of which, I am looking forward to the 'Prison Breaking' of the Ancient Prose Society. If the Ancient Prose Society dares to come, I am willing to bury all the future ones." The sea. This can be regarded as the last little wish before leaving. "

My wish before leaving...


Where to leave?

The red dragon's pupils shrank and he suddenly raised his head.

These two words woke him up.

He suddenly understood the true meaning of what Saint Chunli just said.

On the sea surface of Yuanting Island stands a huge statue of God.

Towering hundreds of meters.

The God of Storms just sat quietly on "his" shoulder. He looked at the vast blue sea in the distance. After smelting the fire, everything in this sea area was within his sight. He could see the ice growing tens of thousands of meters away. The frosty sea surface, and the distance beyond.

Because you can see far.

So...he can see things that other people can't.

The others here are not ordinary people.

But... other divine thrones.

The seven highest seats are stationed in one place respectively. The South Continent is close to the ice sea. In recent years, the Beizhou Survey Corps has thoroughly explored the [Old World] outside the northern border.

But no one knows what lies deep in the ice sea.

"Lord God, I'm back."

The power of the tide envelops the waves and condenses at the foot of the statue. The Saint of Spring Plow stands respectfully under the sculpture, not daring to raise his head.


Storm just hummed slightly.

His voice was full of fatigue.

In the battle at the cemetery, he was seriously injured... Baizhu has been smelting fire for less than ten years, but it perfectly fits the "origin of fighting". Facing such an opponent, if given the choice, Storm will never step into the opponent's miracle place.

Bai Shu at home is too powerful.

The state of youth is permanent, plus double golden divine realm suppression.

I didn’t lose unjustly.

"The red dragon was imprisoned by me in the tidal cage." Chunli reported in a low voice: "Zhongzhou is willing to use a large amount of strong logic materials and idle airships to replace it... The Tower of Source does not seem to care about our request for these strong logics. The purpose of the materials and idle airships, they just want to get the 'Red Dragon'."

Feng Feng lowered his eyes slightly: "Where is the Ancient Prose Society?"

"There is no reply from the Ancient Literature Society."

Chunli's expression was a little complicated, and he paused: "If the wanted order is true, Lu Nanzhi should be one of the leaders of the Ancient Literature Society... I sent the news of Hong Long's arrest, but she had no intention of replying. Look at this Son, even if we offer conditions, the Guwen Society will not pay attention. It seems that we can only receive 'payment' from one company."

Storm continued to stare at the sea beneath her.

He said softly: "Then let's do it."

Nanzhou is too barren. It seems like a land abandoned by heaven. No high-quality strong logic materials can be mined.

Whether it is military, education, technology, medical...

They are all far behind, and far behind, with no hope of catching up.

This is a "wasteland".

But...not entirely.

The greatest blessing God has given to Nanzhou is the sea.

"It's getting late."

Feng Feng slowly stood up with his knees on his knees. He let out a long breath and said: "These days, you will determine the final list...the young people in the Holy City, as well as the believers who have made outstanding contributions to the Holy City. Bring them all.”

Saint Chunli raised his head, looking at the ethereal black shadow in the sky with reverence in his eyes.

Finally, that day has arrived.

Saint Chunli couldn't help but feel excited in his voice.


The power of the tide fluctuates on the sea surface, and the spring plow disappears again.

There is only a solitary, small figure left in this huge sea area, and the majestic and solemn tall statue of the god.

Storm looked down expressionlessly.

The sea water rolled and instantly created a huge vortex.

In the rolling vortex, you can see a huge pale shadow... This huge pale shadow looks like a "whale" that has been dead for many years, but in fact, it is a "huge ship" that has been silent for many years.

The God of Storms silently stared at the pale ship.

The greatest gift God has given to Nanzhou is indeed the sea of ​​ice. This sea is not monitored by the deep sea and cannot be explored by outsiders.

The only owner here is him.


The secret of this sea is his secret.

The man standing on "my" shoulder finally took a step and fell down.

The vortex was shattered.

He stood gently on the surface of the huge ship, which looked like a vast ice field...

Thirty years ago, he "obtained" this ownerless and broken starship. Extraordinary people who have explored the old northern world all know how precious a starship is. Beizhou has achieved huge achievements because of a blueprint of an energy boat. War technology leapfrog. This starship drifting into the ice sea is countless times more precious than the broken blueprints of the origin ship.


He gave the order gently.

The ice sheet on the surface of the starship suddenly dissipated, and the tide gave way, revealing the true appearance of the ship.

There are nearly a thousand extraordinary beings "working" here...

The most outstanding "researchers" in the Holy City were all moved here by him and were never allowed to leave again. The previous name of this starship was not important. From the moment he discovered it, this huge ship was named " "Storm", in order to repair the Storm, Nanzhou spent countless manpower and material resources, and in order not to be discovered by other continents, the movement of these resources was all handled by the Saint of Spring Plow.

The reason why the God of Storms doesn't care about what happens in the land of Nanzhou.

Just because...

He has already thought about his "future".

He wanted to repair the giant ship, then take his church with him and escape forever.

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