Barrier of Light

Chapter 1127 Stranger


On a rainy night in the upper city, there was a silvery flash, and the bustling yet deserted long street was reflected in the water.

Wang Qiang said: "You did a great job during the five years we were stationed in Rhine City."


Chi Shou smiled and said, "This is what I should do."

Wang Zhuang let go of the hand holding the umbrella, and the big black umbrella slowly rose in the air. A circle of dark ripples spread out from the umbrella surface, and then turned into a canopy covering a ten-meter radius, shrouding the heads of the two masters and apprentices.

The sound of rain disappeared instantly.

The world under the umbrella is quieter.

The two walked side by side on the street. Although they had been separated for five years, there was not much to say between the master and the apprentice. They just walked together and remained silent.

After a long time, it was Chi Shou who spoke first.

"This assignment is very urgent. Do you want to entrust me with any tasks in the city?"

Now the entire Middle Continent is in chaos.

If you are temporarily transferred back, there must be something urgent.

"There are three vacancies among the four divine envoys of the Tower of Origin."

Wang Qiang did not go around and said: "The inheritance of the White Tiger Divine Envoy has fallen into Holy Cross College. The dean hopes that someone in the academy can take up the position of the 'White Tiger Divine Envoy'."

Chi Shou was stunned.

Before leaving, Gu Li told him that this mission might be a "high promotion".

But he didn't expect that this "high promotion" would be so high.

"White Tiger Divine Envoy... me?"

Chi Shou spoke in surprise.

The selection of divine envoys at the Tower of Source is extremely strict, and they usually start cultivating them in their youth.

But now is a special period. Two divine envoys died in the ice sea ruins, and the divine envoy candidates also suffered heavy losses... Now it is impossible to slowly cultivate the divine envoys. There will continue to be people in Central Continent who can take up this position.

"That's right."

Wang Zhang said in a deep voice: "There are four candidates in total in the academy, but after thinking about it, you are the only one who is the most suitable...the other three are not as good as you."

"So, when you meet the 'Dean' next, as long as you nod and agree, choose to accept."

"——After today, there is no need to return to the Rhine."

Wang Zhang smiled and said: "The inheritance of the White Tiger Divine Envoy and the fire dream of the Dionysian Seat are yours from now on."

Chi Shou had an illusion that it was as unreal as a dream.

Just nod to yourself.

Among the four divine envoys, does he have a place for himself?

"No need to compete or compete?"

Chi Shou looked at the teacher, still in disbelief.

"After leaving the academy, several people were promoted to the fourth level...but you are the only one who can cultivate the power of two streams of heart flow." Wang Qiang said softly: "This is not easy, [Heart Realm] is not the main killer. With your ability, it would be unfair to you to fight one-on-one. I have also put in a lot of effort to secure this spot for you."

"Thank you, teacher!"

Chi Shou is not a fool. He understands the true meaning of the teacher's words.

The position of divine envoy is as important as a thousand pieces of stone.

Wang Zhuang must have spent a lot of favors and paid a lot of money to lock this spot for himself.

"I couldn't let you garrison the upper city back then, but sent it to the Rhine instead. I was derelict in my duty as a teacher. I can't forgive you."

Wang Zhang smiled and said: "After five years, you can come back now. This time... you don't have to leave again."

Seeing the teacher's smile, Chi Shou was deeply moved.

Over the years, he has kept in touch with his teacher.

The relationship between the two is as plain as water.

But it is precisely this kind of relationship that can last the longest.

Unexpectedly, the teacher has been thinking about him for five years... The position of White Tiger Divine Envoy is too precious, and he will never forget this kindness.

But Chi Shou did not express gratitude immediately, and then accepted it.

He took a deep breath.

Then he stood still and looked at his teacher.

This long street is almost at the end... and going further, it is the gate of Holy Cross College.


Wang Qiang narrowed his eyes. He knew the nature of his disciple very well.

He knew better what was going on in the Rhineland.

Until now, the reason why I didn’t mention it.

It's because he doesn't want to mention it and doesn't think it's necessary to mention it.

Today, he deliberately came to Shangcheng early to greet his disciples. During the conversation, he only mentioned the position of "White Tiger Divine Envoy" and the gifts and rewards from Shangcheng.

He thought that saying this was enough.

"Teacher, I have something to do."

Chi Shou said solemnly: "I think the Rhine prisoner Caroline Ye should not be sentenced to death."

After these words were spoken, the world under the black umbrella seemed to have truly fallen into a vacuum.

Even the sound of rain falling to the ground disappeared at this moment.

The powerful power of the domain shrouded Chi Shou, and Wang Zhang's expression became ugly. From the moment he released the black umbrella, the unified [Sky Blade] domain sealed off this land... He was worried that Chi Shou would When he opened his mouth, he was worried about this moment. At this moment, the majestic mental power poured down like mercury, sealing all Chi Shou's words in the umbrella.

"Do you know what you are talking about and what you are doing?"

Wang Zhang turned around and faced the door of Holy Cross College in the distance.

His voice was hoarse and slightly trembling: "How many urging letters have been sent to Shangcheng in the past few days...How dare you turn a blind eye and refuse to be executed?!"

Chi Shou's body trembled.

turn out to be……

Teachers know everything about Rhine.


Chi Shou silently clasped his fingers together, and after a moment of silence, he laughed at himself: "...If you wear a divine robe, you will be a priest. The rules of priests have been established for a hundred years. To execute the leader of a district, you need to receive an order from the throne, or Escort me to the city to prevent cholera from spreading in the border areas and causing disasters due to wanton behavior. Teacher, this is what you taught me."


Wang Qiang was furious, but his anger was not vented directly.

Veins bulged in his forehead.

The sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella surface was as loud as a drum.

"Aren't the rules set by humans?"

Central Continent is in chaos, and only a few people know why it is in chaos.

Today's Tower of Source has become a complete restricted area——

A few days ago, the Tower of Source was frozen by heavy snow and shrouded in golden light. Lord Qinglong could not escape from seclusion at all...

Combined with many recent events, Meng Xizhou declared war, and Dongzhou and Beizhou were eager to try.

How could you not guess what happened to those banned accounts in Shangcheng?

God war!

Only a divine war can lead to such a huge battle!

Under such circumstances, how can the upper city have any spare power to deal with a traitor in the Rhine... Now the entire upper city has been taken over by the [Deep Sea]. This is the last "blessing" left by Lord Qinglong to Central Continent. Wang Qiang borrowed Seizing this opportunity, he locked in the "position of divine envoy" for his beloved disciple, but he didn't expect that his disciple would be so "stupid"!

"...Yes, the rules are set by people."

Chi Shou said sincerely: "That's why I came to Shangcheng. I want to save Caroline Ye."


Wang Zhang's expression was ashen. He was still trying to suppress his anger and said in disbelief: "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy."

Chi Shou solemnly said: "There are many familiar figures in the wanted order issued by [Deep Sea]. The members of the Ancient Literature Society were massacred thirty years ago... The world has not become better because of their deaths. The so-called 'betrayal of mankind' "Crime" is really a vague accusation. Apart from the crime, no other substantial evidence can be found. In the past five years, the Rhine City has changed like a completely different person, and tens of millions of people have benefited from it. If you ask questions, kill them, so what’s the point of the law?”

Gu Li thought he was crazy and wanted to save Caroline Ye.

The teacher also thought he was crazy.

Only Chi Shou knew that he was not crazy and that he wanted to do more than just save people.

What he wants to do is to regain some of the laws and justice that have been dumped in the upper city, even if it is only a small part... But this part can at least make people think about why so many people can do it with just a piece of order from the deep sea. crazy.

This is really a terrible thing.

"This woman is a remnant of the Ancient Prose Society!"

Wang Qiang drank lowly.

"The same goes for Dongzhou Lu Nanzhi! The same goes for the Lin royal family!"

Chi Shou gritted his teeth and said, "Caroline Ye is a member of the Ancient Literature Society... so what?"


Wang Qiang waved his sleeves in anger.

Suddenly there was a palm print on Chi Shou's cheek.

His cheeks were swollen, but his eyes did not change. He just looked at the teacher apologetically... Even Chi Shou himself felt that these words were too stupid.

After this slap.

Wang Zhang's eyes changed.

He looked at the disciple he admired most and fell into confusion for a moment.

Because he couldn't answer Chi Shou's question.

Ancient prose will leave a legacy, so what?

[Deep Sea] issued a wanted order... There was only a charge, but no crime. Sometimes, there was no crime required to execute a person.

If you have your way, this man deserves to die.

Since everyone thinks that the remnants of Gu Wenhui deserve to die. one cares about what is written on this wanted notice.

What really made Wang Qian feel confused.

These are not Chi Shou's words.

And those things he did when he achieved title thirty years ago.

Thirty years ago, young Wang Qiang joined the team of the "Ancient Literary Suppression Society" and became a member of the executioners in the bloody night.

Wang Qiang actually had the same idea as Chi Shou back then.

He questioned the deep sea and was shaken in the midst of killing.

However, the temptation of "obedience" is too great. People in the world are busy all their lives, just chasing fame and fortune.

He was able to become a title in the upper city and the most famous teacher in the college just because... he made the "right" choice thirty years ago.

This memory is buried deep in my heart.

Thirty years later, when it was mentioned again... Wang Qian realized that it turned out that some things had passed, but it did not mean the end.

The so-called right choice may not be correct.

"When you see the dean later, don't talk nonsense..."

Wang Qian calmed down and said in a hoarse voice: "Before you become a divine envoy, there is one more task. This task is considered as an inspection of you in the city... If you can complete it successfully, the position of divine envoy will be yours. There is a 'Dream of Fire' that will be imparted to you. If the God of Destiny favors you, you may still have a chance to obtain the power of the 'Source of Authority'."

These words are enough to drive every extraordinary person in Central Continent crazy.

Reputation, creation, authority.

Everything that the transcendent is chasing... is now in front of Chi Shou.

It can be said that it is.

Reach the sky in one step.

But Chi Shou's reaction was very calm, and could even be described as cold.

"Remember, don't mention that woman, don't plead for her, you can't change anything."

Wang Qiang's voice revealed the tiredness that could not be hidden.

"You are the teacher's most admired disciple..."

He looked at his disciples as if he were looking at himself back then. He was clearly giving harsh instructions, but in the end, he seemed to be pleading.

"This time, just listen to the teacher. Accept the test, complete the task...and then become a divine envoy."


Chi Shou raised his head in disappointment, his eyes a little moist.

There was too much rain and my vision was a little blurry.

He wiped his cheek silently.

turn out to be……

After five years of absence, Shangcheng is not the only stranger.

Even the closest teacher has become a stranger.

He hummed softly, his voice small enough to be ignored.

Chi Shou silently walked out of the black umbrella, without looking back or saying goodbye to the teacher. He pushed open the door of Holy Cross College and walked forward in the heavy rain, but he did not walk for too long. In the empty campus, there were several people. A tall figure wearing a long robe was waiting for him.


Chi Shou raised his face. The tallest figure in front of him was none other than Lieutenant Reno, the dean of Holy Cross College and one of the four upper city council members.

On seniority.

Lie Renault is an old man of the same era as Dongzhou Gu Qilin. He has experienced many wars and his body is still strong.

The older the extraordinary person is, the richer his essence is, and the more ominous disasters he endures.

After passing their peak years, their strength will inevitably decline...

Five years ago, Chi Shou met the dean several times in the college.

He remembered clearly that even though there was a seal covering it, the dean still exuded an obvious aura of twilight.

His ability is [Heart Realm], and he is extremely sensitive to this special breath.

At that time, he was very worried about the health of the dean. The dean also smiled and comforted himself, saying that this was a medal bestowed by time...

But now these "medals" are gone.

Lieutenant Renault, who was wearing a long robe on a rainy night, had his back straight and eighty percent of the wrinkles on his face gone. He looked like a middle-aged man in his forties.

This is the age when extraordinary beings are at their most powerful.

The dean's body exudes a powerful oppressive power, which makes Chi Shou unable to even raise his head and look directly... Although he is not banned, he can clearly feel the power of this aura, which is definitely not something he can resist.

I'm afraid that it would be difficult for my teacher who was in his prime to hold his head up in front of the current dean.

Is there really such a miracle as "rejuvenation" in this world?

"Master Dean..."

Chi Shou gritted his teeth and spoke slowly.

"Chi Shou. I remember you."

There wasn't much of a smile on Lie Renault's face. He looked at this young junior expressionlessly. He had been standing here for a long time.

In fact, he saw the conversation outside... Because Wang Zhang's domain was shrouded, he couldn't hear the specific content of the conversation.

But he knew very well what was happening in Rhine City.

Chi Shou disobeyed orders many times and did not execute Ye Caroline.


He was not prepared to pursue the matter.


Lie Renault patted the tall black shadow standing next to him, and only then did Chi Shou notice that the shadow standing next to the dean was not a person, but...

A coffin.

"Wang Zhang must have told you about the mission, right?"

Chi Shou's expression was dull.

Facing the powerful pressure emanating from the dean, his mind went blank.

It turned out to be difficult to even open his mouth to respond.

"Your ability is [Heart Realm]... Currently, there is no one more suitable than you in the entire academy."

Lie Renault held down the top of the huge coffin, tilted it slightly, and brought it to Chi Shou, like a giant sword hanging upside down, with the hilt presented.

"This coffin contains an extremely complex spiritual barrier."

"Untie the barrier and bring out the people inside."

"Or... destroy the barrier and let the people inside die."

Lie Renault looked at Chi Shou calmly, "If you can do one of the two, the mission is completed."

Chi Shou was under great pressure and said in confusion: "...spiritual barrier?"

"This barrier..."

Lie Renault was condescending and said word by word: "It's called Annihilation."

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