Barrier of Light

Chapter 1150 Restart

When large pieces of source matter particles form an array, they light up beneath the body.

Gu Shen gave up the idea of ​​letting Jin Suihua come to support... In fact, he had gathered all the prerequisites for "escape", and the fire was ready to go. There was only one lead left. As long as he had an idea, this would happen. The airship will be detonated, and the turbulence of the explosion will tear open a gap in the black hole in space arranged by Silver Fox, and he will hold the throne of the Lord of Love, bathed in blazing fire, jump out of the gap in space, and finally land in the golden Honoka's forehead.

But where does he end up?

Mr. Turing told himself more than once that he must leave the Five Continents and leave the Five Continents.

Leave Wuzhou and find hope.

If everything goes according to plan and they escape the pursuit in the deep sea... what follows is a long journey with no end.

Golden Spike explored the old world on the border of Beizhou.

But this is not enough.

If the end of this journey is the end of the world...

Then the banishment pattern laid out by [Deep Sea] seems to be faster than Golden Spike Flower.

Countless silver-white glows emerged from the soles of Gu Shen's feet. These extremely fine particles of source matter passed through the floor of the airship, ignoring the bottom structure coated with black silver layer, and came to Gu Shen's body. At this moment, he understood why he was as strong as a rusty bone and had no way to "resist".

This is an ancient text formation for forced summoning.

The [portal] that grew on its own due to the entanglement of black dots in the old world needs a transcendent to step into it in order to be triggered.

And now.

[Deep Sea] The [Gate] summoned through the banishment pattern can actively pass through the target and achieve the teleportation effect!


The moment he was passed through the [Portal], huge gravity acted on the physical body!

This power came extremely suddenly! And it’s very domineering!

The Divine Infant can resist attacks in the turbulent flow of time, but today's "gravity" is more like acting on the spirit... Gu Shen groaned, and his vision began to blur. He quickly stretched out his palms and unlocked the cockpit. Seat belt, turn around to touch the golden glow behind you.

The throne of the Lord of Love, which was obviously very close, suddenly became very far away at this moment.

He tried his best to stretch out his fingers, but countless frost and snow were flying around in the narrow cabin.

The entire world in front of him seemed to be swallowed up by white particles of source matter.

after a long time.

long time.

"Gu Shen!"

A very soft sound floated in the wind and dispersed.


【"Head hurts."】

These two thoughts slowly emerged in Gu Shen's mind, and with the lengthy darkness, he was finally able to open his eyes.

What caught his eye was a beautiful and indifferent face.

The woman in a long trench coat was sitting on the window sill holding a knife. She was originally looking at the distant scenery. At this moment, half of her face was looking at her calmly. The window sill opened a gap, and the breeze blew her long hair and also the window sill. green plant with long leaves.

The green leaves rustle and sway in the wind.

The clock hanging on the wall turned slowly, making a slow ticking sound.

"you're awake."

Lu Nanjin put aside the long knife in her arms and looked at Gu Shen's confused expression. She took out a contract from the inside of her windbreaker and handed it to Gu Shen while speaking: "If you can't remember anything, don't be nervous. The doctor said You have a slight concussion. Think carefully about the fire last night and the battle on the rooftop..."

Gu Shen was stunned.

My mind went blank for a second.

Then the memories came flooding back and penetrated into my mind.

He recalled his previous memories——

The airship was engulfed by silver formations.

He got his wish and was exiled by the [Deep Sea] with the ancient text pattern, but why did he come here? This is the ward where I once lived. The fire incident just broke out. The next step should be for my senior sister to "recruit" me with the contract.

"This is the bill for your hospital examination, this is the bill for handling the fire case..."

Lu Nanjin was very familiar with escaping a stack of papers. The bottom of this was the contract prepared by the adjudication office for this young man. She originally wanted to use coercion and inducement to recruit Gu Shen to the teacher before the prison robbed people.

But just after saying a few words, the young man on the hospital bed suddenly spoke.


This senior sister's voice interrupted Lu Nanjin's words.

She didn't know what to say for a moment.

Lu Nanjin raised his eyebrows, looked at Gu Shen in disbelief, and then looked at the stack of bills he took out.

What the hell is this?

Before she even opened her mouth, why did this kid call her "senior sister"?


Gu Shen stretched out his palm, felt the touch of the sheets, and then touched his eyebrows.

This is not like a spiritual world.

He could clearly feel the touch that reached his fingertips. He had walked through countless dreams. Gu Shen had never had such a strong sense of "reality"... Through the exile formation pattern arranged by the [Deep Sea], he was exiled to ten Qinghe years ago?


Gu Shen was confused for only a second and then immediately realized something was wrong.

His memory returned to clarity. On that day ten years ago, the senior sister was sitting beside his bed, but now she is sitting on the window sill.

If we were to go back in time in the real world, then all the details should be exactly the same as before.


Or the spiritual world.

Gu Shen lowered his eyes slightly, sat up from the hospital bed, and said softly: "I am willing to join the tribunal, and I agree to all the conditions you have given me."

Lu Nanjin opened his mouth and was speechless.

She looked at the young man on the hospital bed and suddenly felt that this boy's temperament had changed a lot. Was it because he killed someone? Or is it because of awakening extraordinary abilities?

The originally soft and weak eyes seemed to have turned into sharp blades.

So much so that she didn't dare to look at him for a long time.

So the next ward spent a long twenty seconds in silence between the two.


Lu Nanjin took out the bottom piece of paper from the stack of papers, Gu Shen signed and stamped it with great skill, and handed it back again.

Lu Nanjin frowned and accepted the contract. Although everything was going very smoothly, she still couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you curious about anything?"

This boy seemed to have changed overnight.


Gu Shen sighed lightly. He couldn't say that he had already experienced everything that happened here.

No need to ask again.

He knows everything.

There was silence between the two of them again. Lu Nanjin was defeated and handed over a cup of hot tea, "Don't you have anything to say?"

"There is a lot I want to say."

The thoughts in Gu Shen's mind were very confusing. He rubbed his brows and tried to figure out everything that happened after he stepped into the [Exile] formation.

After thinking for a long time, he murmured: "No matter what, being alive... is really a very lucky thing."

Seeing Gu Shen express such emotion, Lu Nanjin finally showed a smile on her face. She stretched out her palm and patted Gu Shen's shoulder gently, handing out an exquisite badge.

The cross of swords symbolizes judgment.

"Most people's extraordinary awakening will not be so thrilling... The Judgment Office will investigate the assassination last night to the end."

Nan Jin stuffed the badge into Gu Shen's palm: "The people from the prison are coming soon. Time is running out. I'll teach you how to deal with their interrogation."

Familiar interrogation room, familiar environment of solitude.

The incandescent lamp cast a pale patch of light on the long table.

Gu Shen looked at Judge Qinghe who lowered his big-brimmed hat in front of him and felt a little dazed. Regardless of whether this was the spiritual world or not, such a real "retrospective experience" made his heart waver.

If you "live again".

What will his life be like?

He knew what he was going to face next.

Looking at the old man in front of him who deliberately put on a serious and murderous look, a trace of nostalgia flashed in Gu Shen's eyes. It had been a long time since he had returned to Qinghe. Being able to see his old friends, even if it was only in a dreamland, was a thrilling experience. People are "sighing" about this. Ten years ago, Yan Shicheng's temples had turned gray, but Gu Shen always felt friendly and young looking at him.

"why are you laughing?"

Yan Shicheng frowned and spoke coldly.


Gu Shen spoke softly. He looked at the old man in front of him and said gently: "I feel very happy to be able to see you again."


Hearing this, Yan Shicheng's eyes showed confusion.

He didn't understand why Gu Shen said such things. This kid should have just awakened. Has he seen him somewhere before?

In the ensuing forced confession and solicitation, Gu Shen responded fluently and calmly.

After all, in the previous "first life", these troubles did not trouble me.

Doing it again, there is no pressure.

The reason why he is willing to sit here is just because he wants to see Lao Yan, and of course there is another very important reason...

This "solicitation" will not last long.

After a while, the door of this conference room will be pushed open by an old guy!

What Gu Shen is really waiting for is Zhou Jiren.

He looked at the clock on the wall and silently counted down the time in his heart.


The door of the interrogation room was kicked open, and Zhou Jiren, who was holding a dragon-headed staff and wearing meticulous clothes and hair, walked aggressively through the smoke and dust and broke into the conference room. He did not pull up a chair and sit down, but just sat on the table carelessly... …

Zhou Jiren had already put one hand into the inner pocket of his tunic suit, ready to take out the contract signed by Gu Shen.

But he noticed that Yan Shicheng's expression didn't seem right.

The dignified presiding judge of Qinghe District had several beads of sweat gathering on his forehead at this moment.

Zhou Jiren frowned slightly.

Only then did he realize that the environment in the interrogation room seemed not as anxious as he imagined...

In other words, the person who is anxious is not the boy he is worried about.

"Zhou Jiren, you'd better tell me honestly, when was this guy recruited to the Judgment Office?"

Lao Yan suddenly slapped the long table and stood up, with a livid face.

Zhou Jiren was stunned.

He took off his brimmed hat and said coldly: "You said he just awakened to transcendence yesterday? I don't believe it. This kid has been in the tribunal for at least ten years!"

In the interrogation just now, every question he asked was perfectly resolved by Gu Shen.

Gu Shen even turned around and placed the responsibility for the fire case on the prison. As a "victim" who had just awakened his extraordinary abilities, he encountered an unexpected threat to his life. The prison was not to blame. The chief judge of Qinghe District, Yan Shicheng, should also be held accountable!

Where is the prison where Gu Shen is being tried?

This is obviously Gu Shen in the trial prison!


Zhou Jiren stared blankly at the young man in front of him. His eyes were confused and shocked.

next moment.

The young man stood up and gently hugged the old guy in front of him.

Gu Shen spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Teacher, I finally see you."

(PS: 1. There will be another update tonight. It will most likely be a big chapter, and the update time cannot be guaranteed. 2. There are a lot of pitfalls to fill in the final volume, so everyone has some confidence in me. If you don’t think it’s good, you can save it and read it, or When abandoning a book, you don’t have to keep badmouthing it, and you don’t have to forcefully criticize it. If you raise questions with reason and evidence, I will seriously think about it and make revisions.)

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