Barrier of Light

Chapter 1155 Pluto Gu Shen

"...Fourth fight?"

Ziyu pursed her lips and looked at the towering figure in front of her, her eyes a little blank.

When did she fight against General Rusty Bones?

Xiugu slowly closed his palms and gathered the weak dragon's oblivion fire in his palms. He patted Zi Yu on the shoulder and said softly: "Relax, I'm just simply meeting with His Majesty to report some information. I won't cause any trouble to you."

The words fell.

This majestic figure took one step forward, passed the heavily guarded royal guards, and reached the attic.

No one reacted.

Rusty Bones was already walking towards the second floor of the attic.

He spread his palms.

That wisp of dragon flames that originally belonged to Ziyu suddenly bloomed, filling the entire attic corridor with light in an instant... Amidst the dull sound of opening the door, Rusty Bones opened the door to Her Majesty the Queen's retreat. bronze door.

It didn't take long for the Queen's Manor to welcome the second group of guests.

The helicopter landed and Zhou Jiren was the first to exit the cabin. He extended his palm to shake hands with the commander of the Purple Rain Army.

As the Grand Adjudicator of the East Continent, he has had a good relationship with titles from all over the Five Continents over the years.

Especially in Beizhou, because of the irreconcilable relationship between Her Majesty the Queen and Gu Changzhi, the top extraordinary beings in Nagano and Central City had already begun to cooperate closely before the merger actually began, and the two sides often worked together to complete certain difficult cross-continental tasks.

Zhou Jiren often goes to the border fortress, so in a sense... he and Ziyu can be regarded as old friends.

"Your Majesty the Grand Adjudicator, why are you here?"

Ziyu frowned slightly.

There have been no special events in Central City recently.

Moreover, Zhou Jiren's arrival was so sudden that she didn't even receive the news.

Ziyu glanced at the other three people who got off the helicopter...two of them were familiar to her.

There is another young man who seems to have not yet awakened his abilities?

At least she couldn't see any sign of extraordinary power emerging, but she happened to be standing in the middle, protected by two people.

Is this Zhou Jiren's new disciple?

Too many weird things happened today. Ziyu asked in a deep voice: "Are you also here to meet His Majesty?"

"That's not true."

Zhou Jiren shrugged, holding a cigar in his mouth and said, "I'm here to see Xiugu."

"Rusty Bones?"

Ziyu raised her eyebrows.

"Don't get me wrong, we didn't steal Beizhou's intelligence."

Zhou Jiren smiled and said, "I called the Fourth Army just now and learned that Rusty Bones is in Central City, so I came here on purpose."

This argument dispelled Ziyu's suspicion.

The Fourth Army has a good relationship with Dongzhou... because there is a young man under Xi Gu's command who will inherit the Nagano Gu family in the future.


With Xiugu's status, if he was not stationed at the border and rushed to Central City, he would definitely have an audience with His Majesty.

"You...just wait."

Ziyu didn't look good. She rubbed her neck and looked back at the attic: "Rusty Bones... just went in."

"Your Majesty, the the 'important information' I want to convey to you."

Rusty Bones knelt on one knee in front of the throne, supporting his body with a bronze sword, while the wind and snow lingered in the [Forge God Realm].

This is his fourth restart.

After being exiled from the deep sea, he originally thought that what would greet him would be the source storm of the [Old World], or an extremely cruel rule attack.

But didn't expect it.

He was not attacked in any way.

He came to a day more than ten years ago. For Rusty Bones, this day really had no commemorative significance...

The first thing he did was to confirm the "authenticity" of the surrounding environment.

Rusty Bones contacted Silver Fox, had a conversation, and also contacted White Lizard... At this point in time, White Lizard had not been taken away by the [Deep Sea]. He tried all the methods he could, and finally came up with a very scary solution. in conclusion.

This is not a spiritual world.

If it is really... it is also a spiritual world that is completely beyond one's own knowledge.

After the end of the Red War.

The strength of the three generals has reached the limit. They have mastered the origin and stood at the apex of the world. Rusty Bones did not tell Silver Fox and White Lizard about his "experience" when they encountered such an unreasonable thing... The only way Rusty Bones could think of was to ask for help from a god who was more powerful than himself.

So he rushed to Central City at the speed of light to meet the Queen.

The scene previously blocked by Ziyu has appeared four times.

With his strength, of course he can force an audience.

But I didn't expect... His Majesty didn't pay much attention to the information he conveyed.

Lin Lei, who possesses the power of fortune divination, just politely listened to Xi Gu's description before inviting him out.

Rustybone didn't get any valid information.

In the first restarted timeline, he "persevered" to meet with the Queen one after another, hoping to receive guidance and reply from the power of destiny, but was ultimately rejected... But before Rusty Bones could respond, the world began Restart.

the second time.

He still chose the action of "visiting" the Queen at the beginning.

It's just that he no longer insists, he must give guidance from the Queen, or believe in his own experience...

He just conveyed the message to the Queen that a huge war would be caused by the [Deep Sea] in the future world, and then left the manor. After doing this, Rusty Bones chose to return to the Fourth Legion Fortress for retreat. He wanted to see what would happen to this world. changes...but he soon ushered in another "restart".

So after the third restart, Rusty Bones' strategic focus changed.

He began to explore the reasons for the "world restart".

But...this thing is so weird!

This world restarts as soon as it restarts, without warning and inexplicably!

Sometimes he doesn't do anything, just closes his eyes and rests, and the world restarts!

There must be some key person or thing that touches the "laws" of this world.

In a place you can't see!

In this fourth restart, Rusty Bones decided to set off after meeting with His Majesty and completing the intelligence report, personally traveling across the five continents to find out the invisible "triggering cause"!

"...Stand back. Central City will treat these matters seriously."

The Queen's response came from the Forge God Realm.

The woman sitting on the throne was shrouded in countless wind and snow.

Just as Xiugu expected, Lin Lei didn't pay much attention to the information he presented.

Regarding the Queen's cold response.

Rusty Bones can completely understand.

He is a person who traveled back from the future. According to the time calculation of this world, the current Queen has already glimpsed a corner of the future through the power of destiny... How to lift Central City up is the "big cause" she considers.


Xiugu stood up holding the bronze sword.

He has fulfilled his duties as a minister...

Although this spiritual world is very real and Xiugu can't find any loopholes, but from the moment he encountered the "restart", he believed from the bottom of his heart that this was a false world, and everything here was a fiction based on his own memory. There is no need for him to meet with His Majesty, and there is no need for him to report this information to Central City.

Anyway...everything will restart.

After restarting, everything will be cleared.

But even if he lives in a false world, Xiugu doesn't want to give up something that belongs to him.

He insisted on meeting His Majesty every time he "restarted" and delivered the "reminder" from the future.

"Next, it's time to find the cause that will cause the world to restart."

Rusty Bones left the attic and took a deep breath. Just when he was about to cheer up and plan to use the limited time to lock in the target... he found four familiar figures standing not far from the Queen's Manor.

In the original world line, there were Zhou Jiren, Tian Tong, and a young man whose name he couldn't remember, who he had met by chance.

The three of them left Wuzhou through the Piyue City Fortress to find the so-called "oasis".

Rusty Bones took the command and led the Fourth Army to guard the Black Hole of Piyue City for a year. Unfortunately, he did not wait for their return, but only waited for Her Majesty the Queen to glimpse the scene of the snow tide being submerged.

But what really caught Xi Gu's attention was the young man standing next to Zhou Jiren, with an immature face and sophisticated eyes.

"Gu Shen?"

Xiugu was a little distracted for a moment, and he read Gu Shen's name.

"Do you know this boy?"

Ziyu said curiously: "He has just awakened his extraordinary ability and was taken under Zhou Jiren's command."


Rusty Bones' face trembled slightly, and he looked at the legion commander with complicated eyes: "Oh...really?"

This kid is the person who will stir up troubles in the Five Continents in the future!


Why haven't we seen this group of people in the previous world line?

Although Rusty Bones has only experienced three complete reincarnations of the world, he knows one thing very well...the action trajectories of the characters in this world will basically not change. Judging from the current restart experience, he will be blocked every time he meets. , Ziyu will definitely bring the royal guards to stop him in front of the Queen's Manor, and fight with him.

This time, it should be the same as before.

"General Rusty Bones, I have long admired your name."

In a daze, the young man actually walked up and stretched out a hand.

The palm that Xiugu extended out was almost as big as half of Gu Shen's body.

Gu Shen's face was filled with ignorance and admiration. He held General Rusty Bones' palm with force, stretched out his arms to close the distance, and said, "You have always been a role model that I admire."


Rusty Bones narrowed his eyes slightly, subconsciously squatted down, put one knee on the ground, and hugged the young man.

The voice that reached his ears next moment made him startled for a second.

"Mr. Rusty Bones."

Gu Shen spoke softly: "How many times has this restarted for you?"

Xiugu's pupils shrank and he looked at Gu Shen in disbelief.

"I'm Gu Shen."

Gu Shen said calmly: "It's not the Gu Shen who just awakened his extraordinary ability, but... Gu Shen, the King of Hades."

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