Barrier of Light

Chapter 1159 Dragon Bone

The world is silent.

The sound of wind blowing grass leaves is heard.

"Sure enough... did you still encounter the source of the storm?"

Gu Shen knew that he had ushered in the second restart and was now in the ward.

This time, he didn't open his eyes, not because he didn't want to.

Instead, the tragic scene of the previous explosion in the fort kept lingering in my mind!

As he expected, the airship ushered in a storm of origin the moment it left the Fortress. General Rusty Bones opened up the source of destruction to resist, but there was no way to change the outcome...

With his current frail body, even with the protection of his origin, he would not be able to escape death.

"This restart feels completely different from the previous one."

Gu Shen frowned slightly. He felt as if his spiritual sea was being stabbed by a dozen knives, stirring back and forth.

"Even if this is a false world, the 'negative impact' of being bombarded to death by a seismic storm is still terrible..."

Gu Shen silently digested the pain.

"Hello, teacher?"

A cold voice sounded next to the bed, and it was Lu Nanjin who connected the communicator.

Gu Shen's head is still a little buzzing now.

I couldn't hear the voice on the communicator clearly, but it was enough to know that it was the teacher calling.

"He hasn't woken up yet..."

Nan Jin's voice was obviously a little surprised. After a brief pause, she said slowly: "Are you sure you don't need to worry about it?"


"Okay, I'll do it right away."

After a while, the communication was disconnected.

Gu Shen felt a warm body approaching. The senior sister pulled the sheets for him and closed the door of the hospital bed.

It took about ten minutes before Gu Shen regained control of his body. He sat up and saw through the mirror that his face at this moment was horribly bleak, like a piece of white paper.

"Is my body too weak?"

Gu Shen smiled bitterly.

Recalling the painful reaction of senior brother Zhong Wei before, this time it was my turn to experience it myself, and I realized how terrifying the source storm was.

This thing is not something that ordinary people can tolerate.

He grabbed a bucket of water and prepared to wash his face, then suddenly he was startled.

A light layer of mist formed on the mirror surface.

Gu Shen raised his head and stared at the position between his eyebrows in the mirror... A strange feeling came to his heart.

A "chi" sound!

A wisp of fire suddenly lit up in the center of Gu Shen's eyebrows.

This ray of fire was very weak, but it illuminated the dim eyes of the young man in the mirror.



Gu Shen was delighted at first, and then fell into deep thought.

Logically speaking, he should have awakened his ability in the dream trial half a month later... However, this second restart, he awakened the "blazing fire" directly in advance?

Gu Shen instantly realized something was wrong.

"The Awakening of Blazing Fire is ahead of schedule... This is not in line with the rules."

Follow this rule of restarting the world.

every reboot.

The "power" of outsiders will return to the starting point.

So the first two times, I didn’t even have extraordinary abilities...

But this time, he was able to summon blazing fire.

Gu Shen twisted the flame down and looked at his own flame. Although this flame was small... its essence was not weakened.

"Is it because I smelted fire? Even restarting the world cannot limit my extraordinary abilities..."

Gu Shen pondered.

He thought of another possibility.

Every restart of the spiritual world will also consume time in the real world!

You are "growing up" in the real world!

In other words, the imprisonment of the divine infant is gradually being broken——

With the person of Blazing Fire, no matter how many shackles this spiritual world imposes, it cannot stop the influx of "Blazing Fire". In other words, he does not need to follow the original path of the world to practice. He only needs to stay here, and the time will pass. The longer it is, the stronger the ability of Blazing Fire is!


The door of the ward was pushed open, and Lu Nanjin, who had gone out to do some errands, returned to the room. She looked at the pale boy in the bathroom and was stunned for a second.

The next second.

The blazing fire flickered in her pupils.


Gu Shen's voice was gentle.

He said softly: "Just pretend you haven't seen me and have a good rest."

Lu Nanjin nodded blankly and sat on the bed.

Hypnosis was successful.

And there was no hindrance at all——

At the moment when the world was restarted, Lu Nanjin was only at the third level. Gu Shen's blazing fire, even if there was only a tiny wisp left, was not something she could resist.

Gu Shen closed the door of the ward and left quickly, the flame burning between his brows dancing in the wind.

The tense spirit in his heart relaxed a lot at this moment.

Gu Shen has been worrying about how to break the situation——

The appearance of Blazing Fire gave him hope.

A ray of fire is enough to do many, many things.

After a while, the four masters and apprentices of Zhou Jiren met first, still on the rooftop of the old building.

"Junior brother, are you okay?"

Zhong Wei spoke with concern as soon as they met. He could see that Gu Shen's face was very ugly.

"not too good."

Gu Shen smiled and said, "But it's also good."

He summoned the flame between his eyebrows, and the teacher and senior sister subconsciously held their breath.

"Very weak...but also very powerful."

Tiantong, who is in his prime, gave high praise.

She looked at her junior brother meaningfully.

As a spiritual person, she knew very well how huge the spiritual power contained in this wisp of flame was. With just this wisp, she should be able to kill a fourth-level transcendent.

She is now 100% sure that her junior brother in the real world is an existence that stands at the pinnacle of the extraordinary and breaks the boundaries of the ordinary.

At least, it is far beyond what I was before.

"Has Blazing Fire awakened at this time?"

Zhou Jiren asked with a frown.

"As expected of a teacher..."

Gu Shen put away the blazing fire and said slowly: "This is the crux of the problem. According to the rules of this restarted world, I should not awaken the blazing fire now, at least until half a month later. But now it is restarting for the second time. , I have mastered 'Blazing Fire' in advance, what does this mean?"

Luo Er murmured: "This world cannot stop the coming of the 'blazing fire'."

The status of Blazing Fire is too high!

The "original will" of this world cannot stop the resurgence of Blazing Fire!

Zhou Jiren asked: "Speaking of which... last time we restarted, what did you and Rusty Bones see at Gubao Fortress?"

"Essence storm, exactly the same as before."

Gu Shen said in a deep voice: "The last restart is enough to confirm some conjectures. As long as we try to leave the fort early, the 'Original Will' will attack, and the storm will come every time."

This is inevitable! No accident!

"So... the plan to leave the border in advance was just aborted?"

Zhong Wei felt a little regretful.

"No, quite the opposite."

Gu Shen was in high spirits and said: "This means that we should 'leave the country in advance'!"

Zhong Wei was confused.

Once a seismic storm of that scale comes, it will be a disaster. It is estimated that only the God Throne can withstand it.

In this case, how can we get out of the jam in advance?

"Calculating the time, it should be soon."

Gu Shen glanced down at the time and took a deep breath: "Mr. Rusty Bones and I made an agreement that once the Gubao Fortress explodes, the world will usher in a new restart... The first thing he has to do is to pass through the northeastern border. Giant wall, single-handedly pilot an airship to leave the Five Continents!”

"Kunbao will 100% usher in a mass storm, but other places may not."

"The 'original will' of this world is not as powerful as we imagined. It can mobilize the sequence of events on the original trajectory of the world, but there is no way to 'fabricate' a storm of origin out of thin air."

" targeting the entire Beizhou border, we can definitely find a starting point that can safely set sail."

This conjecture is being confirmed by Rusty Bones.

The hour hand deflected, and one minute and one second passed...

Gu Shen is waiting for the world to restart. This feeling is very strange. The lives of outsiders are tied together, and every minute they "live" seems precious.


Less than ten minutes later, Zhou Jiren's communicator rang.

"I'm Rusty Bones."

The voice over there was a little tired, but more of a joyful one.

"Tell Gu Shen... his guess is correct. I just left the giant wall of Dragon Bone Fortress and was not hit by the storm of origin. When I left the giant wall, an extremely powerful cold current came. This is the history of Dragon Bone Fortress. The greatest 'natural disaster' I have ever experienced. But my source of destruction can completely block it."

Now Rusty Bones has driven the airship back to the interior.

The moment you give up.

The natural disaster stopped abruptly.

In just ten minutes, the huge wall of Dragon Bone Fortress had been frozen into ice slag, even though he knew that everything in this world was false.

But at this moment, looking at the panic scene inside the fortress, Xiugu couldn't help but sigh.

Pay attention to Caution and his original plan.

After determining that a fortress can realize the exit plan, it is best for Rusty Bones to determine the stability of several surrounding fortresses and compare them.

Obviously, the safer the exit point, the better.

But the Beizhou border has always been troubled by disasters. Judging from the current rules, once you choose to leave the fortress, every fortress will be hit by the highest level of "natural disaster" in history.

Continuously looking for exit points will only waste time, and may cause a new restart and consume the spirit of outsiders.

Rusty Bones asked in a hoarse voice: "Gu Shen, do I still need to test the stability of other fortresses?"

"No need."

Gu Shen answered quickly: "Continuing the test may trigger a new round of restarts... If there are no problems, let the Dragon Bone Fortress be used as the departure point for the voyage."

Two hours later, Gu Shen and the others arrived on Xiugu's main boat.

Gu Shen used blazing fire to reflect a huge map, and then connected the dots to form lines.

A winding route was outlined with his fingertips.

He copied the golden fringe map in his mind.

The Dragon Bone Fortress is not far from the Fort. Starting from the giant wall here, the airship can detour to its original route.

This is a qualified exit point. The biggest disaster experienced in history was the invasion of the [Old World] cold wave.

"Everyone, are you ready?"

Rusty Bones started the main boat. The huge wall of the Keel Fortress had just been covered with a thick layer of ice. At this moment, the howling north wind was once again ushering in. The garrison of this fortress, the "Tengu" wearing a black mask, now opened up the territory. He spread out the huge black wings on his back and rose into the sky with difficulty. Rusty Bones had already conveyed the idea of ​​"leaving the fortress" to the Dragon Bone Fortress.

As the people of Beizhou and the mainstay of the legion, they unconditionally obey and support the general's decision!

"The giant wall!"

"The Umbrella Line of Defense...Open!"

Along with the loud shouts, the billowing wind and snow poured in, the rusty bones opened up the source of destruction, and the majestic sound waves shattered hundreds of millions of tons of frost and snow.

The dark source power is like a cannonball full of power!


The umbrella defense line of Keel Fortress was tilted open, and the main boat was wrapped in the source of destruction. It rushed dozens of miles in an instant, and the frost and snow were burned and incinerated amidst the violent bumps -

The sight, which seemed to be coated with a layer of ink, slowly blurred away at this moment.

The airship entered a stable navigation stage.

Pieces of broken and floating land came into view.

"Here is..."

Zhong Ye stood outside the porthole, looking at the scene outside the window. The whole world went from extreme boiling to extreme silence in an instant. This huge contrast was extremely shocking.

"This is the old world."

Between Gu Shen's brows, a fiery fire beat slowly.

He patted his senior brother on the shoulder and said, "We successfully escaped from the enemy."

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