Barrier of Light

Chapter 1176 Gubao Battlefield

"What you do with these three your business."

Turing's answer was beyond Gu Shen's expectations.

Gu Shen looked at the people around him in surprise.

"Why, I'm not the owner of the fire... What I've done over the years seems to be selecting the 'successor' of the fire."

Turing smiled and said: "But in fact, fire is always free, and no one can really arrange their fate. Now that it is in your hands, I just hope that you can properly handle these three fires."

Gu Shen can choose to stay in his own hands and slowly comprehend.

You can also choose to share it.

"I understand what you mean."

Gu Shen nodded, with gratitude in his eyes.

This clone of Mr. Turing has been in the Time Dojo for many years, and now he is willing to hand over the placement rights of these three fire seeds to himself... which means that he has recognized himself.

"I will definitely dispose of these three fires properly."

Gu Shen took a deep breath.

"Very good. With these words, I feel relieved."

Turing laughed.

Gu Shen noticed that at this moment, Turing's body was spreading like ripples of light.

He suddenly realized a very important issue.

How long has this clone of Mr. Turing been sitting in the Time Dojo?

Six hundred years have passed in the outside world, how much time has passed in the dojo?

"Every drink, every peck, is determined by fate. If you use the art of ancient literature, you will definitely have to pay a price."

"Clone and teleportation are both very life-consuming techniques. Every step taken by all kinds of 'I' in history, and every stroke left behind, are all the luck given to me by the starship community back then. "

Turing looked at Gu Shen and murmured: "I originally thought that a life span of 540,000 years was very long. But if this time is used to promote the 'progress' of an entire civilized race, then a person's 540,000 years will be a very long life." Ten thousand years is actually very short... I may not be able to accompany you on the next journey back."

Gu Shen was stunned.

He had heard this line not long ago!

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not going to die."

Turing smiled and cursed angrily, saying: "It's just that this 'clone' sitting in the time dojo has completed its mission. I want to get rid of this body to prevent a large number of lives from being spilled..."

Pause slightly.

Turing raised his eyebrows, and suddenly regained the high spirits of his youth at this moment, and said proudly: "How could a person like me die like this? Although there is not much left in his life, not everyone can touch porcelain. , Don’t worry, I’m still alive and well!”


Gu Shen was speechless for a moment.

But when he looked at Mr. Turing beside him, the corners of his lips couldn't help but curl up. This was the Turing he knew!

"By the way, since you have decided to choose a new owner for these ownerless fires, then give the fire of love to Chu Ling."

Turing spoke slowly.

This was the last thing he confessed.

"Chu Ling is the AI ​​life I created based on the 'Lord of Love' as a template. Her existence is like the 'dream' of the fire of love."

Turing whispered: "If one day, you can pull out the 'flame-extinguishing sword' in the real world, then the fire of love will be rekindled, Chu Ling will have a body, and he will have a life of his own... Others I don’t care about the ownership of the fire, but I need to intervene in the ownership of this fire.”

If Wuzhou World wants to build a new [Deep Sea], it needs to find a pure spiritual sea for [Source Code].

And the Tinder of Love is the best array box.

"You don't need to ask me about this matter."

Gu Shen said solemnly: "Even if I don't see you, this fire of love must belong to Chu Ling."

This is not only Gu Shen’s expectation, but also the will of the Lord of Love!

"No one is more suitable for this fire than Chu Ling."

Gu Shen gave his promise: "I promise you, I can definitely pull out the 'flame-extinguishing sword' from the throne and rekindle the fire."

" confident?"

Turing smiled and spoke.

"Of course, what's the difficulty in doing it again if you've already done it once in a dream?"

Gu Shen's voice was calm but extremely confident.

And this time.

No more responses.

The faint fluorescence that enveloped Mr. Turing overflowed into the void, and the void in front of Gu Shen turned into thousands of mirrors again, reflecting himself like a child at this moment.

The entire time dojo became empty, lonely, and deserted.

Gu Shen stretched out a palm and touched the ancient text pattern left by Mr. Turing in the Time Dojo. Green light surged and engulfed him.

Soon he came to the starship that was left behind by the Lord of Molten Iron.

This starship was completely black, like a long sword. It was not even as wide and huge as the Initial, but it exuded a cold killing intent.

It can be seen that... this starship is a "defective product". The main body of the starship was probably destroyed by the middle in the super giant storm, so only the tip of the ship, which is several hundred meters away, is left.

Mr. Turing spent a long time repairing the tip of the black ship.

This is no longer a ship, but more like a sword!

Gu Shen's spirit entered the starship, and the dark void was ignited by the dark flames. He looked at the relics belonging to the previous civilization, and the flames lit up bit by bit, and indescribable complex emotions ignited in his heart... Mr. Turing placed many drawings and calendars inside the cockpit. The interior of this defective starship is like a history book. As long as you look carefully, you can see the footprints left by Alan Turing as a man walking through time. .

Turing was a traveler and wrote a thick travel diary.

And Gu Shen was the lucky reader.


Gu Shen's voice ignited in the void, and the dark starship shot out instantly.

Gu Shen, who was sitting in the cockpit, left a trace of his flow power and controlled the airship in the main cabin.

This is the end of the [Old World]. In theory, it is the shortest route to turn the ship around and return, but Gu Shen did not do that.

Because he had a vague premonition in his heart.

The "shortest" path may not necessarily be the "fastest".

The void in the [Old World] is discontinuous and fractured. When Mr. Gu Changzhi left the Time Dojo, he was hit by a super giant storm on his way back... Perhaps his premonition was related to this, but Gu Shen decided to bypass the most " "Short" road, he made a surprising decision and continued to move towards the end of the world!


This world is really a round ball.

So the end of the [Old World] at this moment should be at a certain vertex of the sphere. To make this decision, Gu Shen not only followed his inner spiritual induction, but also confirmed the conjecture that no one had ever confirmed!

Now we are finally on our way back.

But Gu Shen didn't feel relieved.

Because he knew that this return journey... might take a long time.

Although Gu Shen understood the ancient text of "Gateway" of the traveler group in the dream world, this is the real world. He cannot open the door at will like the dream world. Once he encounters a storm, he will not have the chance to restart.

Gu Shen now wants to know how far the war in Wuzhou has progressed.

But on this journey back, he knew he couldn't rush it.

He left a ray of flow power in the cockpit of the main boat, and the remaining eight strands of flow power were all distributed into the time dojo.

Gu Shen decided to wake up the sleeping teacher, senior sister, senior brother, and Mr. Rusty Bones in the Time Dojo.

Beizhou, Gubao battlefield.

This former choke point is no longer called a fortress. Because of the protracted war... the broken gap in the fort has become the largest battlefield in Beizhou. Dark clouds shrouded it. The [Umbrella Defense Line] of that year has been completely destroyed. It has become history. Central City chose to strategically abandon the Gubao Fortress, retreated seventy miles, and rebuilt a new "giant wall".

The pain of having one's throat cut out remains in the heart of every Beizhou citizen.

Standing on the new giant wall and looking out, you can see countless sunken "star fragments", vaguely pieced together into the shape of a large umbrella. The big umbrella was shrouded in dense shadows.

The Traveler tribe has taken root outside the boundaries of the Kubao battlefield.

Low-level martyrdoms that reproduce extremely quickly will charge against this battlefield every day. In the middle of the defense line between the giant wall and the umbrella, there is a majestic starship that traverses a huge island like a mountain. The initial support can protect the enemy. The cover is connected with the Beizhou land and blocks the gap in the Gubao Fortress in an unpretentious way.

Outside the source energy shield is the so-called Gubao battlefield.

This is an unprecedented "war of attrition". The victims are like blood-sucking leeches. The meaning of their existence is to consume the energy of the "source energy shield" of the initial ship. This starship is indeed huge, but trapped in the fortress, facing endless Under endless siege by low-level travelers, there is only one way to "defend"... In order to make the starship's energy sufficient to resist external pressure, the extraordinary army of Beizhou Fortress began to intervene on the battlefield. The four major legions and the survey legion, under the Purple Rain Legion Under the command of Chang He and Lin Lin, they took turns fighting, constantly exterminating the martyrs who multiplied and multiplied like virus roe deer.

Over the years, the war has maintained a "balance".


It seems to be what [Deep Sea] wants to see the most.

The snow is flying.

Da da da!

Gunfire tore through the clouds, snow and fog on the battlefield of Gubao, and the killing squads of the Survey Corps filed out and walked out of the source energy shield one after another.

Today, the combat system of the Survey Corps is a team of eight people. Under the command of the central control channel, areas are divided into areas, and daily battlefield clearing tasks are completed through the cooperation of squads.

The first person to step out of the source energy shield was a young man with an extraordinary spirit.

His forehead was burning with silver vertical pupils, and he was scanning for extraordinary auras within a range of several hundred meters.

[Episode of Source] is the extraordinary ability most suitable for deploying combat missions.

The newcomer Li Chen, who followed Gu Shen on the maze mission, was the commander of this daily clearing mission. He led five teams and was responsible for the "martyr killing" within 300 meters of area A northwest of the Gubao battlefield... This task is not too heavy, and now he has become the captain of the Seventh Team of the Survey Corps.

Due to the promotion of the Lion Awakening Code, the civilization of the Five Continents has completely entered the extraordinary era, and the number of teams in the Survey Corps has expanded by ten times.

He has nearly three hundred elite extraordinary beings under his command!

[Deep Sea] The attack on the battlefield of Gubao... has always been a continuous and gentle force, like a leech sucking blood, determined to fight a protracted war.

The strategy adopted by Central City was to "dispose of them as soon as they were seen". The four legions made every effort to kill the victims and ensure that the source energy operation inside the initial number would not approach the load state.

But today, Li Chen vaguely noticed something was wrong.

In this clearing mission, the density of victims in the surrounding area was much less than before!

According to this progress, Team Seven can complete the clearing of this area in two hours at most...

"team leader--"

A quick shout sounded!

The spiritual link of [Episode of Origin] suddenly trembled, and a wailing cry for help came from Li Chen's side.

His pupils constricted.

The next moment, the heavy fog shrouded in haze was suddenly broken through by a sharp iron thorn. The body of the member of the Survey Corps who had just spoken suddenly split open, and the sharp iron thorn cut him in half like a sword... This was the leader of the Traveler clan. The tail wing of the "Mist-Eating" extraordinary life. After so many years of the Gubao War, the Beizhou warriors already know the level distribution of the traveler group.

The body of "Mist Eater" is like steel, and ordinary red and silver bullets and purple silver bullets cannot kill it!

Its status in the traveler community is equivalent to the "fourth-level extraordinary" in human civilization. Only extraordinary people with their own domain can effectively kill the "Mist-Eating" in a single challenge!

The "Traveler Clan" is a place with an extremely strict hierarchy.

The appearance of the Devouring Mist often means that the next attack will not only include "martyrs", but may also be accompanied by attacks from higher-level extraordinary beings.

Among the "combat-type extraordinary beings" of the Traveler group, creatures with a higher level than the Mist-Eating Mist are called "grey dragons".

That battle when the fortress was torn apart.

Gu Shen then controlled the red shadow and killed a "grey dragon". The gray dragon's combat power was equivalent to a title in the human race...

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Li Chen realized something was wrong, but it was too late: "Everyone in Team 7, retreat!"

"Swish swish!"

The iron thorns cleared away the haze, bringing out puffs after puffs of blood. The team members in Area A of the northwest battlefield retreated and quickly emptied their magazines, but with little effect. Most of the bullets missed and only a faint line could be seen. An extremely strong figure walked through the crackling sounds. This fog-eating creature was of a very high level, and it seemed that it was an absolute powerhouse even among the "fourth level"!

It went on a killing spree on the battlefield, but Li Chen didn't stop it.

Because Li Chen controlled the [Episode of the Origin] to look in a deeper direction, he saw the shadow of the Devouring Mist, which was probably a hill close to three meters high.

But this is nothing, because behind the hill, there is a ten-meter-high "big mountain" standing.

Behind the Devouring Mist, there is a gray dragon.


A slight explosion suddenly sounded in Li Chen's ears.

The bones in the body of the fog-eating mist that kept moving through the snow and fog as fast as lightning, as if entering an uninhabited land, exploded without warning!

Hot blood splashed all over Li Chen's face.

As a fourth-level spiritual extraordinary person, Li Chen stayed where he was.

Devouring Mist... died like this?

He turned around and saw a fist with a finger-tiger glove.

Everything happened so fast just now that he didn't see the trace of the punch clearly. He didn't even see that the punch was a fist!

What made him even more unbelievable was that...the owner of the fist was actually a little girl.

He looks thin and small, only sixteen or seventeen years old.

The little girl slowly retracted her fist. She stood next to Li Chen. She was not enveloped by the spiritual aura of [Episode of the Origin], nor did she have any special extraordinary aura. She just stood unpretentiously.

The black cloak whistled in the strong wind.

"Let your people withdraw first."

The little girl tilted her head slightly, rubbed her wrists, and her whole body made a crackling sound like fried beans.

She took a step forward and stood in front of Li Chen, her eyes falling into the depths of the snow mist.

"Leave that big guy to me."

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