Barrier of Light

Chapter 1194 The Dream of the Tomb Ghost

"Are we now...returning home?"

Two starships go side by side.

The azure Storm is exuding a soft glow. Starships are capable of self-repair. At this moment, the Storm is trying to repair the "narrow gap" that Gu Shen just cut open.

The red dragon stood in front of the huge glass of the Storm's main control room.

He looked at the meteorites flying by one after another, looking a little dazed.

He was ready to "suffer".

But now...his suffering is over.

Looking at the dark and dark channel on the return path, the Red Dragon Heart Lake was agitated, and I couldn't help but speak.

Next to the Storm is the broken "black starship", with only the tip of the starship remaining.

"Don't doubt it, we are returning home now."

Gu Shen understood Hong Long's mood.

He smiled and said: "After you have arranged things about the Storm, you can enter the Time Dojo to practice..."

At this moment, he holds six fire seeds in his hand!

Fire of Pluto, Fire of Hunt, Fire of Molten Iron, Fire of Valley, Fire of Love, and Fire of Storm!

Except for "Hunting Fire" and "Molten Iron Fire", the final decision has not yet been made.

Gu Shen has determined the identity of the leader of other fire types...

"How long will it take to go back...?"

Red Dragon asked seriously.

"How much time do you have left for me?"

He lowered his head and looked at the fire floating in his palm, feeling very nervous. He had previously agreed to the soul contract of the Storm God Throne just to avoid the second sacrifice of the Ancient Wenhui.

Red Dragon never expected...

Blessings come with misfortunes.

After four years of wandering in the [Old World], he unexpectedly became the designated candidate for Stormfire!

Because of the favor of the God of Storms.

He came into contact with fire early and controlled the origin of [Tide]. There is such a relationship... The red dragon smelts the ownerless fire at an extremely fast speed!

Just like when Mr. Bai Shu took over the "Fire of Fighting" from Gu Changzhi.

There is a inheritance relationship between fire types!

The Storm Fire has determined that its "master" will die. Of course, it will choose the most suitable successor within its "cognitive scope". If there is no suitable successor, the Fire will be willing to fall into a long sleep, but it will not be the same as its predecessor. Compared to its master, the red dragon is younger and has a purer and cleaner soul.

He tried to smelt a small wisp of storm fire, and the process went very smoothly!

Gu Shen took in all this.

I have to say...smelting fire is something that requires a lot of talent.

What Rustybone failed to accomplish in four years, Red Dragon accomplished in just a few days, and now he is a candidate recognized by Stormfire.

"Don't worry, you won't need to take action in the 'God War' after we return."

Gu Shen spoke softly: "The real enemy you are going to face when smelting fire this time... is not Qingwu, nor the Tower of Source."

"Is it a super giant source of energy storm?"

Red Dragon took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.


Gu Shen nodded and said: "There are six fire seeds here. If all six fire seeds are smelted... our quality in terms of the strongest can even surpass that of the starship era!"

The red dragon held his breath.

In the past few days, he had listened to Gu Shen talk about the past events of the starship era.

The starship civilization back then was committed to allowing every extraordinary life to reach its "limit", so they only had four leaders!

Among the four leaders, there is only one who is in charge of fighting!

All I can say is... the era of starship civilization was too "peaceful". That era had a complete gospel box, but the number of leaders born was really pitiful!

"No matter how fierce the war is in Wuzhou, once I arrive, the war will definitely come to an end."

Gu Shen smiled and said: "So... during the battle with the storm, I didn't even wake up the senior sister and teacher who were meditating in the time dojo."

In Gu Shen's opinion, there is no need to alarm others in this battle that must be won!

If Rusty Bones hadn't given up on understanding the Fire of Hunting, he would have been restless and wanted to leave the starship.

Gu Shen couldn't even call Xi Gu.

He alone can bring thousands of troops, and he alone can end this entire war!


Gu Shen's answer gave Hong Long a lot of confidence.

He silently took the storm fire into his palm and asked softly: "Speaking of which...I suddenly feel a little worried about Bai Xiu."

The relationship between Red Dragon and Bai Xiu has always been very good.

The two maintained close contact.

There was a big reason why Red Dragon was eager to sign the soul contract, and it was also because of Bai Xiu...

If he were detained in the sea of ​​ice.

Then the person responsible for the rescue will most likely be Bai Xiu.

In Red Dragon's heart, Bai Xiu is a truly unparalleled genius, the kind of genius who can quickly achieve the throne of God by giving him a piece of fire. Such a genius should not be buried.

"Don't worry about the safety of your little sleeves."

Gu Shen lowered his eyes and said softly: "He will always live a better life than others think. Maybe... he has found the whereabouts of 'Turn Out the Candle'?"

The tundra is very windy.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night. Luo Yu personally led the team and waited in front of the tarmac of Tianshuo Base to greet them.

The energy boat landed with a roar.

Under the attention of dozens of night watchmen, Gu Nanfeng, who went to Nanzhou to discuss the general offensive, opened the main door of the source boat. However... the "big shot" on this energy boat is not just Gu Nanfeng.

"...White Sleeves."

Luo Yu's expression changed.

Baixiu has always been mysterious. The dragon appears but never ends, and almost no one in the alliance knows his movements.

Luo Yu only knew that the head of the family would come to the Tianshe base to inspect tonight, probably to "check" the storage of Tianshe weapons.

But he didn't expect that Baixiu would also come with him.

On strength.

Today's Baixiu is the well-deserved "number one" in the Three Continents Alliance, besides the divine throne Meng Xizhou!

Luo Yu had no doubt that if Bai Xiu was given a fire that matched his nature, he could quickly be promoted to the throne of God.

If Baixiu is given another five years, he will definitely surpass Meng Xizhou and become the true top master of the alliance... But the problem is that there is no if.

Of the known fires in the Five Continents Supreme Seat, only the "Sky Fire" seems to be compatible with Bai Xiu.

"Where is Xing Yun?"

Gu Nanfeng and Bai Xiu got off the energy boat and headed straight for the base.

The head of the family is in such a hurry...does he want to see the ghost of the tomb?

Luo Yu was stunned for a second, and then immediately led the way. He waved his hand to signal the night watchman not to follow, and then opened the secret passage in the base all the way.

He noticed that the head of the family looked very calm.

But there was a rare "anxiety" in Baixiu's eyes.

It seems that the person who really wants to see the ghost is not the head of the family.

But... Bai Xiu.

"Because of the complete break with [Deep Sea], we rebuilt a spiritual network at the Sky Sheath Base."

Luo Yu explained to Baixiu: "To ensure that the launch of the Sky Sheath weapon is not affected, the network must be secure enough... Tsukauki usually optimizes the 'Storm Equation' in the deepest part of the base. Because of his efforts, in the past five years, The production efficiency of Skysheath weapons has been doubled, and the single-target lethality has also been significantly enhanced!"

The base’s doors opened layer by layer.


Gu Nanfeng pulled Luo Yu to stop in front of the second to last heavy door. He deliberately left a space for Baixiu and Zhonggui to meet alone.

"You came."

"You knew I was coming?"

"I... saw it in my dream."

"Are you still dreaming?"

The last door of the Tensho base opened. Inside was a spacious and crowded studio. The large workbench was covered with drawings. Tsukauki, who was squatting on the wooden chair, turned his head and looked at Baixiu.

His hair had never been trimmed, and now it was long and hanging to the floor. He was covered with a large shirt that had been washed and faded.

Tsukauki was as slovenly as ever, but his eyes were shining.

Over the past four years.

He almost never left the Sky Sheath Base.

At first, the night watchman was worried about Mr. Zhonggui's physical condition, and offered to take him out for a walk from time to time... But later, under Gu Nanfeng's instruction, no one entered the secret room again without Gu Nanfeng's permission. No one can disturb Tsuka Oni's rest.

This looks like "confinement".

But only Luo Yu knew that this was a kind of "protection".

Some people need sunlight, air, moisture, social interaction... to maintain their lives and mental state.

But Tsukauki doesn't need it.

Since the release of the Lion Awakening code and the start of the all-out war, Tsukauki locked himself up and began to produce a large number of drawings, whether it was the "Sealed Artifact Drawings" of the Ancient Literature Society, the "Array Pattern Drawings", or the "Sky Sheath Project" "Equation optimization drawings"...are included in the scope of his creative output.

These things are extremely precious treasures, and the output of all the staff of the Underground Research Institute cannot be compared to that of Tsukauki alone.

But Gu Nanfeng was not happy about this.

Because this kind of "blowout" creation has only appeared in one person before.

That was Alan Turing forty years ago!

After completing the deal with [Deep Sea], Tsukauki got his wish and severed the physical connection with the traveler himself... But this is not a good thing!

Because [Deep Sea] will not let go of any powerful person who poses a threat.

Back then, the travelers chose to escape Pluto's soul curse through spiritual parasitism... Therefore, Tsukauki's "spiritual sea" contains a lot of knowledge.

In the past years.

He worked hard for the Gu family and Huazhi. He could understand all the obscure ancient texts at a glance...

That's why.

That knowledge has been piling up in his spiritual sea.

But suddenly, these knowledges began to collide, began to squeeze, and finally stacked together, ushering in an explosion!

He must release this backlog of "knowledge"... His spiritual sea has become a whirlpool that may explode at any time. As long as he "releases" slower, this whirlpool will engulf his consciousness and eliminate it. .


This is [Deep Sea]'s backup plan.

After seizing the physical body of the Traveler, it needed to ensure that the Tomb Demon died in this world... so it cut off the "fuse" set by the Traveler in the Spiritual Sea of ​​the Tomb Demon, allowing the massive knowledge of the Traveler to flow into this world. In the minds of weak mortal beings.

The night watchman who first entered here prepared some food for the ghosts every day.


The feeding step can also be omitted.

Tsukauki had an IV drip on his arm, and his life depended entirely on infusions.

Bai Xiu looked at the haggard man in front of him with a somewhat unbearable expression.

The guy he saw at the end of the [Forbidden Library] was the Tomb Ghost, so after leaving Red Lake, he immediately boarded Gu Nanfeng's flight and immediately returned to the tundra.

He wants to see the ghost of the grave.

He wanted to unravel all the "confusion" in his dream.

But now after seeing the Tsukauki...he felt a little shaken in his heart, wondering if the decision he had made was correct.

The Tomb Ghost in his divination dream in [Forbidden Library] was thin but had an extremely powerful aura.

The seemingly thin body has two huge wings extending from its back.

The eyes are also extremely sharp!

"Dreaming...ha...dreaming is a good thing, isn't it?"

Tsukauki stretched out two fingers and tapped the back of his palm. He smiled and said: "You can think of me as a computer. Sleeping means 'forced sleep'. If there is no 'forced sleep', I guess my head will be damaged." It’s already burning and smoking.”

" saw me in your dream?"

Baixiu got straight to the point.

"Yes. I stand under the sky sheath, and you stand behind me."

Tsukauki said softly: "Let's look at the towering stone sword together."


Baixiu hasn't been so nervous for a long time.

What he is waiting for is the outcome of [extinguishing the candle].

Tsukauki smiled and said: "We looked at the stone sword together for a long, long time. Then you stretched out your hand to touch the stone sword, and I stopped you... You should also know, that kind of Things are not something you can touch casually, and once you touch them, you may lose all your abilities."

He shrugged and said, "My dream only ends here. I don't know what happens after that."


Baixiu frowned, Tsukauki's dream was longer than what he saw in the [Forbidden Library]!

Although only a little longer.

But this point is also very important to reveal.

"After the dream ended, I felt... I was much less tired."

Tsukauki said faintly: "I have a hunch that this dream will happen soon, and you will come soon."

The latest drawing in front of him was blank.

This situation has never happened in four years... because the "inspiration" in his mind has never been exhausted for a moment.

"So, I chose to stay here in a daze, waiting for you."

Tsukauki held his chin, smiled weakly, and said, "It feels good not to have to draw drawings... Speaking of which, I'm a little hungry, and I want to go out for a walk."

He raised his head and spoke to the top of the secret room.

In order to ensure the safety of the ghost, a camera is installed above the secret room. Every word, every move he makes will be watched by the night watchman.

For others, it’s a form of “surveillance.”

But Tsukauki doesn't care.

His life does not need secrets, but this airtight "protection".

After the negotiation with [Deep Sea] ended, he had been worried that the super AI sitting in Central Continent, knowing that he was still alive, would try his best to use the existence of the traveler's body to establish a remote spiritual link with himself, thereby obliterating him.


Amidst the dull loud noise.

The heavy door slowly opened.

"What about you, do you want to take a walk with me?"

Tsukauki looked at Baixiu and said with a smile: "Have something to eat and take a look at the sky sheath?"

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