Barrier of Light

Chapter 1219 Gift of Fire

After killing Shen Hai, Gu Shen became an oath breaker according to the oath stipulated in the oath.

His heart will never be at peace in the future.

But if you don’t kill Deep Sea.

His heart will only become more uneasy.

"Kill...kill now?"

Rusty Bones looked at the giant in front of him in disbelief. A touch of color appeared in the chaotic eyes of the Black Snow Mountain Giant. The collapse of Deep Sea's will meant that the mental control of the giant was over.

Gu Shen's divine domain enveloped the entire disaster barrier.

Under the suppression of the huge divine power, the black snow mountain giant who regained his will made a pop and fell to the ground with his hands on his knees.

This giant was suppressed by Gu Shen's divine realm. His mind went blank and his body was shaking uncontrollably...

Others, needless to say.

Gu Shen smiled and said: "Of course I will kill him. How can we keep such a scourge?"

"But you just signed the soul oath..."

As the victim of the soul oath, Red Dragon knows the power of this thing better than anyone else. The content of Gu Shen's oath is regulated by the power of fate.

In other words.

The "punishment for breaking the oath" that Gu Shen mentioned will definitely come!

The inner lake will never be at peace, and...lost the power to control the fire!

The deep sea is very smart, it knows that this battle has been lost, the situation is over, and with its own strength, it has no chance of survival.

So it tried its best to talk to Gu Shen face to face.

The purpose is to induce the "super giant source of energy storm" and make Gu Shen swear an oath to protect himself from being harmed...

It's successful in everything it does.

But the only miscalculation was that he didn't expect Gu Shen to be so decisive in drawing his sword. He had just made an oath and turned around to become an oathbreaker.

"Tinder...what to do with your Tinder?"

Luo Er looked pale. According to the punishment content of Shen Shen's soul oath just now, once he breaks the oath, he will lose the power to control the fire!

"Since you broke your oath... you will naturally lose it."

Gu Shen shook his head.

His expression remained calm, and there was even some relief in his tone.

"I know you still have many questions. Let's talk about these questions after we return to Wuzhou."

In the Gubao Fortress, the cold snow has settled, and there are faint red sparks floating in the wind.

Three starships, all firing.

In addition, there is a [towering tree] guarding the giant wall!

The will of the deep sea main system was eliminated, but these martyrs still maintained the bloody spirit of killing and rushed to the high wall with all their strength, so they truly became martyrs.

Today's human civilization can be said to have crossed a big stage.

These low-level extraordinary attacks pose no threat at all.

No matter how much the quantity is, it is meaningless.

Gu Shen returned to the fortress with Red Dragon, Luo Er, and Rusty Bones. The battlefield had entered the final "harvest" stage... The howling wind and snow in the sky were propped up by the pure land hanging trees, and millions of people saw the towering towering trees. The huge tree, and the figure that looks like a god bathing in the sky light.

At war with [Deep Sea], the Three Continents Alliance cut off the link to the spiritual network.


Broken links are reconnected.

At this moment, the scene above the giant wall of Beizhou was reflected in every corner of the Five Continents, and everyone could see Gu Shen's face.

"Everyone... I am Gu Shen."

The young-looking Gu Shen is very similar to his appearance when he woke up. His facial features are still immature, and at first glance, he seems to exude a faint aura of youthfulness.

But the look in his eyes was completely different from before.

Mature, steady and reassuring.

This time the spiritual link is open to the whole world, Gu Shen wants to announce an important news to everyone.

"The war is over."

He stretched out his palms, and dark flames burned in them.

The spiritual fragments of the deep sea main system were burned in the flames and flew around.

For the extraordinary beings stationed in Beizhou, this war is a war against alien races. Their enemies are the martyrs, the gray dragons, and the black snow mountain giants.

For the transcendent beings in other realms... this war is with Middle-earth.

To the Allied brass, this war was a war with the deep.

But no matter what kind of war it is.

At this moment, it's all over.

The world has been suffering in a tense state for five full years. Human civilization has ushered in an extraordinary era, but the years of war have made this era devastated.

The end of the war means "peace" and "reunion".

Gu Shen's voice sounded all over the world through the spiritual link, and the silent continents and four continents suddenly became noisy. People who saw this face and heard this figure were startled at first, and then walked into the streets one after another. The cheers soared into the sky, and before the sun shone in the long broken night, the fireworks soared into the sky...

Chu Ling's spirit floats on the top of the Tower of Source. The tower has collapsed, but her will is still there.

She can see images from all over the world.

Therefore, Gu Shen can also see it.

Looking at the bustling scene in the streets, Gu Shen's eyes darkened. His expression was a bit complicated, including joy, relief, and a hint of deep hidden worry.

He did not disclose to the public the news of the super giant seismic storm attack seven years later.

After announcing the victory of the war, he disappeared from public view.

A few days later, the long-lost "spiritual meeting" was held in the conference room of the Ancient Literature Society.

On both sides of the long table, there were a few familiar figures sitting.

Gu Shen sat in the first seat, and beside him stood a slender, snow-white figure.

"I said... you all are so familiar with each other, do you still need to cover up?"

Red Dragon lowered his voice and knocked on the table.

He knew who was who and who was which at a glance.

"This is the rule of the Ancient Literature Society."

Lin Lin shrugged and said: "In terms of age, I am just a newcomer... When I joined the association, senior '031' told me to abide by the rules. You should still remember the scene at that time, right?"

There is only one person in the conference room this time... his expression is not the same as everyone else's.

That is 031, Zhou Jiren.


Zhou Jiren, who presented himself as a young man in the conference room, first spoke subconsciously, and then realized that this protective change of tone had lost its meaning.

The reason why the Ancient Literature Society hides its face is because it is afraid that [Deep Sea] will find out the true information.

But now, the deep sea war is over.

The [Main System] was killed by Gu Shen, and the [Source Code] took over the huge spiritual network... Members of the Ancient Literature Society no longer need to be secretive.

"Of course I remember the scene. You kid, you didn't respect me when you entered the conference room."

Zhou Jiren spoke with a smile, his eyes full of emotion.

"Who knew... that the highly respected Grand Adjudicator of Dongzhou would attend the secret meeting as a young boy?" Lin Lin said helplessly: "You can't blame me for this kind of thing."

"All right……"

Zhou Jiren was helpless. He hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his palm to cover his face, and gently peeled off the veil of mist.

"Many years ago, the spiritual conference room of the Classical Classics Society was all about frank communication. Everyone talked face to face and gathered together happily from all over the world."

"At that time, there was no such thing as 'masking'."

Zhou Jiren murmured: "I have been looking forward to this conference room returning to its original appearance."

"Now this day has finally come, but unfortunately... many of the partners from back then have disappeared."

Everyone looked sad when they heard this.

There have been many ups and downs along the way.

Most of the "old people" who attended the meeting have fallen.

"Don't be sad, aren't you still here?"

Zhou Jiren quickly smiled and said: "The wish of us old guys has been fulfilled, what better ending could there be than this?"

He was already very satisfied.


Gu Shen said softly: "We have been waiting for you to come back. In the years since you have been away, the Ancient Literature Society has grown again... There are members of the Ancient Literature Society in Dadu, Nagano, and all over the world."

He waved his hand, and Chu Ling projected his spirit onto the table.

After the destruction of Sangzhou Cave, the [Neutrals] organization was taken to the capital, and then quickly took root and began to grow members.

Over the years, the Ancient Prose Society has gained strength and has become a major force that cannot be ignored!

Lu Nanzhi's Huazhi Group, relying on the "extraordinary inventions" provided by the Ancient Literature Society, has become the leader in the new era, far ahead. More than 80% of the extraordinary items and sealed items currently on the market come from the "Neutral" organization Research.

This scene made Zhou Jiren fall into a trance.

Isn't this the ancient literature society that Turing wanted to create?

Use the power of ancient texts to establish destiny for living beings and create useful things.

"My father's last wish during his lifetime... was to hope that Huazhi could become what he is now."

Lu Nanzhi said softly: "If he were alive now and could see this scene, he would be very happy, right?"

Hong Long, who had also left Wuzhou and wandered away for a long time, was also a little startled when he saw this scene.

"If Mr. Lu Cheng is still alive," Hong Long said seriously, "he will definitely be proud of you."

Beside Lu Nanzhi, there was another "figure" joining the meeting.

That is Lu Nanjin.

The existence of the Ancient Literature Society has long been no secret to Nan Qin.

She is both Zhou Jiren's disciple and Lu Nanzhi's younger sister. She has been working in Dadu over the years, working quietly and doing a lot of practical things for the Ancient Prose Society.

At this moment, Lu Nanjin silently patted her sister on the shoulder.

"so good……"

Zhou Jiren smiled happily as he looked at the projection of Gu Shen's ancient literature show. He had never been so happy in so many years.

"Gu Shen."

The red dragon took a deep breath. Although he couldn't bear to ruin this warm atmosphere, he knew...

This meeting was not held to share such heartwarming news.

So he cast a questioning look at the head of the long table: "Is it time to talk about that?"

"that matter?"

"What's up?"

As soon as this statement came out.

The expressions of everyone at the long table changed one after another, they were all confused and confused.

The war is over, and now every continent is undergoing "post-war reconstruction."

Beizhou, Dongzhou, Xizhou, the order is as usual.

The only troublesome areas are Southern Continent and Central Continent.

At the end of the war, a large number of Church of the Storm members in South Continent were "homeless". They had completely lost their faith. The Tower of Source, which they had been willing to pretend to support for the sake of the war, had now collapsed... Meng Xizhou led the members of the Temple of Light and used the Holy Book to They began to convert the fanatical believers of the "Storm Church". Their purpose was not to cultivate light believers, but to prevent fanatic believers from retaliating in the interior and causing "panic."

As for Central Continent, after Chu Ling took over [Deep Sea], he discovered that after five years of war, the main system had transformed Central Continent into a war fortress. In order to fight against the Sky Sheath weapons and complete the final evolution, not only a large number of high walls were built, but also The originally prosperous coastal ports were also sacrificed, and important trading cities such as Rhine City were directly abandoned.

Therefore, the reconstruction work in Zhongzhou is the most difficult and cumbersome.

After the Tower of Source was overthrown, Gu Xiaoman successfully obtained the Fire of Wine.

But she rejected the future of staying in the upper city and becoming the master of Central Continent. Instead, she chose to return to the original ship and smelt the fire of wine alone.

So Red Dragon, who was originally the envoy of the Tower of Source, took over this task and re-established order in the upper city.

After returning from the [Old World], Gu Shen did not tell anyone about the "Super Giant Storm". He also asked Luo Er, Red Dragon, and Rusty Bones to keep it secret for the time being, and not to tell anyone... This war is going on. It has been too long, everyone is too tired, and everyone needs a carefree rest.

But...the arrival of a super giant storm will always happen.

The seven-year countdown has begun.

"I'm sorry, everyone... although the war has ended, the crisis for mankind has not been resolved."

Gu Shen lowered his eyebrows and said softly: "A super giant storm that is more terrifying than the [Deep Sea] will land on the giant wall of Beizhou in seven years."

He made public the footage of the [Old World] hunting down the Deep Sea Master System.

The temperature in the conference room dropped several degrees.

Seven years later, the super giant source of energy storm will land in Beizhou!

This news was first made public within the Ancient Literature Society.

Gu Shen then held a world meeting, and every high-level Chaofan who participated in the meeting knew the news.

The senior executives who exited the meeting were worried but remained silent.

Gu Shen requested that the news of the "super giant seismic storm" must not be leaked.

If the public were informed of the disaster of a super giant storm seven years in advance... it would probably lead to a new disaster.

All meetings ended three days later.

Gu Shen sat in the courtyard of Chunyu Temple, basking in the sun with his eyes closed.

"So...what are you going to do?"

Senior Sister Tiantong is also in the courtyard. She has been waiting for Gu Shen to disclose the news. Now Gu Shen has finally announced the existence of the "Essence Storm" to the public, but what she cares about more is Gu Shen's "punishment for breaking the oath"!

To know.

Gu Shen killed Shen Hai because he wanted to lose the fire!

In the past few days, she had felt that the "dark fire aura" on Gu Shen was getting weaker and weaker...

This is the power of fate taking effect. Soon, Gu Shen will be forcibly deprived of the ownership of "Pluto's Fire"!

But this guy didn't panic at all. Instead, he sat in the courtyard and basked in the sun every day.

"The work of moving north has been advancing."

Gu Shen said softly: "Before stepping into the High Wall of the Source, I led an 'evacuation operation'... At that time, everyone thought that the Allies were about to be defeated, and they hid in Nagano to prevent the spread of the Dead Sea."

Luo Er was startled.

She knew the news... A large number of supernatural beings moved into Nagano, but the war soon ended.

"This is actually a test."

Gu Shen said softly: "The capacity of the Nagano Underground City can accommodate 15 million people. If there are another seven years... this underground city can continue to be dug deeper and the capacity can continue to be expanded. Maybe it can accommodate 30 million people." Survive underground in Nagano.”

Tiantong was stunned for a second.

She remembered the extremely famous "Star Project".

Jing Shanyan's first idea was to build an underground city for humans to live in. However, the seismic storm would break the ground and erode the ground at the same time. The underground city would need to be dug extremely deep, and the ground environment would also need to be stable enough.

The super giant seismic storm was indeed terrifying, but Afu and the Initiate survived.

In other words...

If the conditions are met, the dungeon plan may succeed.

"Qingzhong Cemetery is a place of miracles, and it is also the 'ground node' most likely to withstand the invasion of the source of energy storm."

Gu Shen said calmly: "My plan is not complicated. I will use the miraculous places in the Five Continents as 'strongholds' to open up a sufficient number of underground cities... to contain them, and before the super-giant source of storm comes, the people of the Five Continents will be taken away." Hide in the underground city. With the technical support provided by the starship, we can simulate a closed-loop ecological environment underground. Of course... this is the last resort."

"What's the next best option?" Luo Er asked, "What's the best option?"

"The best strategy is of course to defeat the super giant source of energy storm."

Gu Shen smiled, closed the paper page on his chest, and said: "But this matter is difficult. I am not sure. After all, the 'Hunter' in the starship era has already failed once."

Tiantong stared at Gu Shen.

In her restarted dream, she witnessed the battle where Gu Shen faced the attack and tore apart the Essence Storm!

If it were someone else... it would be absolutely impossible to defeat the super-giant storm of essence.

But if you are a junior brother.

This so-called "best strategy" has a glimmer of hope.

But now...

Because Gu Shen "betrayed his oath", he was going to be deprived of the qualification to use Pluto's fire!

"You know...what I really want to ask."

Luo Er gritted his teeth and said, "What should I do with your fire?"


Gu Shen sighed softly, stretched out two fingers and gently rubbed his eyebrows.

The dark flame danced between the eyebrows.

The underworld fire leaps.

He endured many hardships along the way and finally smelted the "Dark Fire"... But under the influence of fate, this ray of divine fire would soon peel off on its own.

"The destiny oath I made myself cannot be escaped."

Gu Shen smiled. Seeing Luo Er's nervous face, he shook his head and decided not to tease his senior sister or show off.


"I have already chosen the master of 'Underworld Fire'."

Luo Er looked stunned, never expecting that these words would come out of Gu Shen's mouth.

She originally thought that the junior brother had thought of how to avoid the punishment of the fate oath when he drew the sword.

Unexpectedly... the younger brother had no intention of avoiding it.

"Gu Shen!"

After hearing these words, Luo Er became even more anxious: "Who is more suitable for Hell Fire than you? If you lose Hell Fire, how can we fight against the super giant storm?"

"Senior sister, there is actually someone who is more suitable for Hell Fire than me."

Gu Shen stood up helplessly, and his eyes became solemn: "In other words...instead of letting me hold the Hellfire, why not let me give this fire to those who need it more."

It's just like……

Give the fire of fighting to Mr. Gu Changzhi of Baishu.

He smiled and comforted: "Just in time, she is here. The things I arranged should be in place."

The iron door of the Chunyuguan courtyard was lightly clicked.

Luo Er looked back and saw a bright and eye-catching red shirt.

(I am nearing the end, so I will write one less chapter. I beg you all to be less aggressive, so as to accumulate virtue for myself. I didn’t update at noon yesterday, but I updated 6k at night. The reason for this is because I almost stayed overnight I didn’t sleep, and I didn’t get a good rest during the day. I was really lethargic, close to heart failure, and the quality of what I wrote has affected the quality. I understand that everyone is working hard to catch up and wait for updates, and I’m really sorry, but the author is also a flesh-and-blood person who encounters unexpected situations. I can't update on time, I will be scolded for sending a leave request, and I will be scolded even worse if I don't send a leave request. What else can I do in this situation? It's really heartbreaking to be criticized for not keeping my promise, avoiding updates, and skipping chapters. I can't When it comes to breaking news, you don’t have to do these things. Is that the real escape?) (End of this chapter)

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