Barrier of Light

Chapter 1227 [Extra: The day the ice and snow melted]

Year 655 of the New Calendar.

In the Time Dojo, several figures gathered together.

The void that should have been plunged into eternal darkness was completely illuminated by these figures.

They are like stars, emitting endless fire.

The crowd dispersed, vaguely surrounding a snow-white figure in white clothes and sleeves.

In front of everyone, there were two huge pieces of ice standing like monuments.

"After so many years... these two pieces of 'big cold ice' should also melt."

Bai Xiu stretched out his palm and gently pressed on the huge piece of solid ice.

There was expectation and worry in his eyes.

Among these two pieces of ice, it was Mr. Bai Shu and Queen Lin Lei who were sealed.

According to Afu's calculation.

The flow of time in the Time Dojo is accelerated to the extreme. At the fastest, it only takes ten years for the ice to melt.

But now...

These two pieces of ice have been standing in the void for more than twenty years.

On the surface, these two pieces of ice show no signs of melting.

Although the Queen's original power is condensed in the form of ice, it is not a physical element, but an extremely high-grade spiritual power!

In the solid ice, the spirit of the two gods is actually recovering year by year.

Baixiu could feel that under the ice he touched, the fiery meaning of Dou Zhan's fire was already coming out.


Accompanied by a crisp explosion.

Two pieces of ice broke apart, opening the first crack in more than twenty years!

And from within the cracks in the ice, a wisp of blazing red light emerged!

"...blazing fire?"

This bright and warm firelight is familiar to everyone.

Several years have passed since Gu Shen's real body disappeared. In these years, he only paid attention to the power of Xinliu and manipulated the red shadow to deal with trivial matters of post-war reconstruction.

Bai Xiu was the first to react.

He looked back slightly and looked at a certain place in the void of the Time Dojo.

There, there was a "young figure" wearing a black divine cloak, standing with a smile, as if he had been there for a long time, just waiting for everyone to turn around.

Everyone is waiting for the Great Cold Ice to melt.

Gu Shen, of course, is no exception.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The low sound of the wheels hitting each other sounded in Bai Zhu's mind.

He was startled slightly, realizing something strange.

After the ice froze, his consciousness was completely blocked... The battle with Qinglong was a deadly battle between the two gods. Bai Shu and Lin Lei were already prepared for "defeat".

If you lose.

Then the source of the great cold will freeze everything in the ice source.

Even consciousness is no exception.

"This is……"

Bai Shu opened his eyes and found that the environment he was in was not the bone-chilling ice.

Surrounded by a spacious and warm car, soft lights shrouded it.

"This is 'Ling Ling Yao'."

A familiar voice sounded very close to the opposite side.

The young man sitting opposite Bai Shu was wearing a pure black cloak and had a smile in his eyes. The familiar face made Bai Shu feel dazed for a while.

Gu Shen spoke warmly: "Mr. Bai Shu, you can understand it as an isolated and absolutely stable 'spiritual realm'."

Spiritual realm...

Holy area? !

Bai Shu was stunned for a second, and then realized that the word "god domain" mentioned by Gu Shen was not an exaggeration.

The train was wrapped in warm light and fire. Even a "God Throne" level transcendent like him who had reached the pinnacle of spiritual practice could still feel the blessing of spiritual aura in the train.

Being frozen for so long, he didn't know what was happening in the outside world.

But he knows.

I was awakened and saw Gu Shen...

It means that the war is over.

"Qinglong is dead. The [Deep Sea] main system that wanted to subvert the Five Continents has now been eradicated."

Gu Shen stood up, bowed, and spoke seriously, "The war is over. You and Her Majesty the Queen have made indelible and outstanding contributions."

If there were no Baizhu, there would be no Lin Lei.

Then humans will not drag Gu Shen and Meng Xizhou to smelt fire.

Enter the game with a certain death intention.

Thanks to the blessing of the God of Luck, I finally have a resurgence of will.

"The over..."

Baizhu was sitting in the carriage. He subconsciously looked out the window. The boundless deep sea burst out with brilliant flames. Countless ocean currents rushed towards the train, wrapping it up. The steadily moving carriage trembled and shook slightly.

Chu Ling connected with Gu Shen's spiritual sea and compiled what happened over the years into a dossier.

Hundreds of files, large and small, were suspended in front of Bai Zhu. In the mental space, these files were floating in an array, like bamboo slips.

Just touch.

Then you can "read".

With the mental power of a god-level person, it only takes a moment to read a dossier.

Although Baizhu has been sleeping for many years, it only takes less than a day to clearly understand what has happened in the five continents in these years.

Bai Shu stared at the file in front of him silently, without touching it.

These spiritual bamboo slips just floated around him.

He was indeed in a daze.

There is an illusion like another world.


What happens in the outside world is not what Baizhu is most concerned about.

"Gu Shen, are you the owner of the 'Underworld Fire'?"

Bai Shu looked at the young man in front of him seriously. He hadn't seen him for several years. Gu Shen's appearance was younger than when they were separated... The "Shen Yin" created by the Lord of Molten Iron could help Gu Shen hide most of his body. Divine power, but even the small part remaining in the cloak still makes people feel vast.

Bai Shu's tone was a little uncertain.

He was certain.

Gu Shen now possesses spiritual power at the level of a god.

To be able to create a "spiritual realm" as stable and private as Ling Ling Yao... this kind of thing is not something ordinary people can do.

Only the throne of God can create miracles!

But under mental exploration, Bai Shu couldn't feel the breath of the underworld fire.

"I used to be."

Gu Shen's answer made Bai Zhu look confused and confused.

Was...what does that mean?

"The current 'Pluto' is Mu Wanqiu from Beizhou."

Gu Shen sat on the opposite seat of the carriage again, and he explained softly: "I gave the Hellfire to her."

"You gave away the Hell Fire to others???"

Bai Shu really didn't expect that there would be someone in this world who would be willing to give up "fire" to others.

"She is more suitable for 'Dark Fire' than me."

Gu Shen smiled slightly and said: "The matter of gifting fire is rather complicated and cannot be explained in just a few words... You should know that when consciousness wakes up and you and I meet, it means that the 'Great Cold Ice' that was previously sealed The day of dissolution has come, and both you and Her Majesty the Queen can return to the world."

Bai Zhu silently clasped his fingers and took a breath.

"But I'm here today, and I have another piece of good news."

Gu Shen stretched out a hand and lightly traced the space with his two fingertips.

"The 'thing' I promised you... can be completed today."

Bai Zhu's pupils contracted and he raised his head.

Countless streams of light swept out from the gaps made by Gu Shen's fingertips, and his spiritual thoughts were sucked away as they approached the gaps. In a daze, Bai Shu saw an extremely large and towering sacred world.

"This is... pure land?"

"It is the [Creator] Divine Realm that is more perfect than the [Pure Land]."

Gu Shen stood up, and the divine realm spread, covering every one of them. The scene under the two people faded instantly, and grass leaves flew all over the sky. Bai Shu didn't even realize how the seamless alternation of the two divine realms happened.

He lowered his head and found that he was already in a wilderness.

The wilderness was pale, with endless snowflakes covering the grass.

It is the season of great cold, with dense frost and grass and a chilly air.

Bai Shu stared at the dusty long coffin in front of him. Withered vines wrapped around the coffin, as if time had been frozen...

This coffin still exudes the same deathly aura as it did back then!

But he had a vague feeling that something was different from back then.

Gu Shen stood next to Bai Shu and said seriously: "The 'Four Seasons Wilderness' in Qingzhong is now also part of my divine domain. Under the protection of divine power, Li Rou's body 'sleeps' at the lowest speed of time. Over the years, I Always looking for a way to rescue the 'out of control'."

Even if he becomes a god, he still has an iron law that cannot be disobeyed.

Birth, old age, illness and death, people cannot live forever, and leaves cannot grow green. This is the ultimate law of heaven.

The so-called "out-of-control people" have a unified characteristic, which is the collapse of the spiritual sea...the complete spiritual will disintegrates.

A mirror is broken into millions of pieces, and the throne can be put back together.

But the number of collapses in the spiritual sea is not on the scale of "tens of millions".

If you want to revive the "out-of-control person", you must find the corresponding spiritual fragments... Back then, Li Rou overdrafted the spiritual power to drive the [Ruler of Truth] at Xin Yang Fortress. The collapse of the spiritual sea has occurred for more than 20 years, and most of the broken fragments have been Eliminate.

Even if everything is still there, it is nowhere to be found, and trying to get it all together is simply a fantasy.

"Perhaps it's 'fate' that takes pity on you, or maybe it's 'karma' that's destined."

Gu Shen stood in front of the coffin and said softly: "I took over [the truth] from her back then, and all the impossible became possible."

Over the years, Gu Shen has traveled across the five continents. He wants to use the [Creator] Domain to measure and cover the world within the giant wall.

He first went to Xinyang Fortress and pulled all the "spiritual consciousness" he could collect into the realm... For the remaining missing parts, he tried to use the power of the divine realm to activate [Truth].

Li Rou was also the master of the ruler.

As long as Gu Shen can pay a sufficient price... [Truth] can restore part of the spiritual power that Li Rou once instilled.

Therefore, the "missing" part that cannot be found is created.

"Seeing light in the midst of chaos."

“Creating order out of disorder.”

Gu Shen gently stretched out a hand and pressed it on the coffin: "This is a 'miracle' that even Pluto cannot accomplish...but I did it."


Those withered vines were ignited by the blazing fire at this moment and turned into a gorgeous light fire. The death energy was instantly removed, and fire waves and mist rose from the surface of the coffin.

Bai Zhu felt that all this was like a dream, and the whole world was extremely silent.

A thud.

He clearly heard a clear heartbeat sound inside the coffin.

Gu Shen released his palm, smiled softly, and said, "I promise you, the resuscitation of 'A-009'... is complete."

After saying this, he retreated silently.

At this moment, a strong wind surged out of the wilderness of God's Domain, and countless frost-white grass leaves wrapped in the ice-shavings of golden spike flowers surrounded the coffin.

Gu Shen left this place to Bai Zhu and Li Rou.

People who have been waiting for decades.

There should be a good ending.

"Seeing light in the chaos..."

"Creating order out of disorder..."

Bai Zhu stood in front of the coffin and muttered to himself.

After becoming a god, he thought that he would not be surprised by any miracles in the world.

But at this moment, he felt the shock brought by Gu Shen.

This young man has surpassed his own "cognition" and reached a new and supreme realm.

Looking back.

There are only leaf shadows all over the sky.

Gu Shen no longer knew where he was going.

The realm of God is quiet, the world is beautiful, and the cold is severe, but it will eventually melt.

Bai Shu lived up to Gu Shen's kindness. He reached out and opened the lid of the coffin. The coffin of death was now filled with flowers... The woman who was supposed to lie in the coffin and sleep forever had a miraculous resurrection.

Li Rou slowly opened her eyes.

Her memory still lingered on the moment when Xin Yang Fortress exploded... It was like having a long dream.

It seemed like it was really a dream.

Including now.

Because she actually met the person she wanted to see most.


Li Rou murmured, feeling a sharp pain in her heart for no apparent reason.

She didn't understand what happened during "this dream", but she could see clearly that the man standing in front of her now had white hair on his temples.

"it's me."

The man in front of the coffin stretched out a hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of the woman's eyes.

His biggest regret in his life was that he could not rush to Xin Yang Fortress when Li Rou needed her most.

The greatest luck in the world is "lost and found".

As long as we can make up for our regrets, it's never too late.

Gu Shen leaned under the hanging tree and silently watched the scene in the distance, with the corners of his lips turning up into a smile.

Not far away, Tie Wu, who was sitting on a tree with his legs dangling to rest, suddenly hung upside down from a golden hook with his head facing down. He asked curiously: "Master Shenzuo is smiling so happily. What day is it today?"

Li Qingci, who was sitting under the tree drinking tea and enjoying the shade, said calmly without raising her head: "At the end of the Great Cold, the Waking of Insects is coming. Today is a good day for the ice and snow to melt."

Tie Wu scratched his head, a little confused.


At this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew up, and golden spike flowers swayed upwards all over the sky, and the crackling sound spread throughout the entire divine realm.

Ice shattered.

Snow melts.

Another year of spring is coming.

All things are revived and the dead energy is eliminated.

The ice melts, the grass grows and the orioles fly.

This is indeed a good day, and everyone can't help but smile when they see it.

(PS: Everyone, the extra chapter I promised you is late for a while, no wonder. With this extra chapter update, I would like to report to you the status of Xianxia's new book: The new book has actually been prepared for a long time ago. The world view and structure have been finalized, but the opening chapter is still there. I wasn’t very satisfied with it, so I was still revising it. Then I sadly fell ill twice in January, and the progress had to be postponed. TAT, I don’t dare to guarantee when the book will be published. I can only say as soon as possible, and as soon as possible. .) (End of this chapter)

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