Barrier of Light

Chapter 136 Tomb Ghost

Early the next morning, Cui Zhongcheng took Gu Shen to Huazhi Building.

The ninth floor underground.

When he brought Gu Shen to Huazhi before, he went to the seventh floor, where there were valuable extraordinary sealed objects. Although the highest rating was only C-level, it was still shocking.

But this time... it was to the negative ninth floor.

Obviously, in Zhao Xilai's eyes, the implementation of the Awakening Act is an extremely important confidential matter.

The elevator opened, and the facilities on the ninth floor were clean and tidy, with huge electronic screens, huge desks, dozens of cubicles, and mountains of manuscripts.

"Different revised versions of the bill, these are all paper drafts." Cui Zhongcheng led Gu Shen through the aisle where the manuscripts were stacked. "'New World' is an organization founded by Mr. Congressman. It works secretly underground in Huazhi Building. Currently, The implementation of the law has been blocked at every level, and no one can see the future clearly because the battlefield has not yet reached Dadu.”

"The people working here are the best legal personnel in East Asia, and many of them are industry giants with experience in successfully implementing several bills. This is an elite force that no one can ignore. Once the parliament throws stones at Dadu, they will It will be like a bombshell."

Cui Zhongcheng paused and said: "Actually, their purpose of joining the 'New World' is also very simple..."

"Once the bill is passed, the world will be changed." Gu Shen murmured.

"That's absolutely correct. They joined the New World to fight for the New World."

Mr. Xiao Cui lowered his eyes and spoke softly.

He led Gu Shen through the corridor and finally arrived at the office door. After knocking three times, there was no response. However, Cui Zhongcheng just waited politely for a few seconds before leading Gu Shen and pushing the door open. And enter.


He said hello concisely.

The person he greeted was a thin man buried in a sea of ​​manuscripts. His white shirt was very loose. He was working at his desk without raising his head. But judging from the vague details, this man was not in good health. He had a sallow complexion and a thin body. There were manuscripts on his desk. In the gap, there are three monitors standing with great difficulty, each staying in different work interfaces.

"Old Xing, introduce a new member." Cui Zhongcheng said: "Special commissioner of the adjudication office, Gu Shen."

Lao Xing, who was silent despite the knock on the door, frowned slightly after hearing the words "adjudication office" and "special commissioner" and slowly raised his head. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the young man in front of him.

His vision was blurry.

It wasn't until Cui Zhongcheng squatted down and stood up again, found a pair of glasses from the pile of manuscripts, and put them on for him, that the world in front of Lao Xing suddenly became clear.

The thin and frail man said slowly: "The adjudication office has considerable law enforcement power under certain circumstances, but it does not have any say in the implementation of the bill. Therefore, the stationing of the special commissioner is actually a factor in the advancement of the bill. It's not helpful at all, unless he is a special being with certain influence and status... This boy is too young. He doesn't look like a child of a family from Nagano. His clothes are authentic and simple, and he obviously doesn't come from Central China. .”

"The only explanation I can think of for this special correspondent is that he is a relative of a certain big shot and arranged to enter the 'new world' for a long time." Lao Xing looked at Gu Shen, very knowledgeable but neither arrogant nor arrogant. He introduced: "My name is Xing Yun, the person in charge of 'New World'. You can also understand it as the project coordinator on the ninth floor of Huazhi Building."

A relative of a big shot?

The description is quite vivid.

Before Gu Shen could speak, Cui Zhongcheng introduced him.

"Gu Shen, your congressman hopes that he can witness the glorious moment of the implementation of the bill in the 'New World'."

The congressman arranged for someone to go through the back door...

Xing Yun was a little surprised, but he quickly came to his senses.

He whispered, his eyes gradually glowing, and his speaking speed became faster and faster: "Mr. Congressman will not extend an olive branch to a young man from the tribunal for no reason... It is obvious that there is someone else behind Mr. Gu. , there are too few people in Dongzhou who can make Mr. Congressman take a high look. In the adjudication office, the only thing I can think of is the Grand Adjudicator's Towering Tree."

"Gu Shen is Zhou Jiren's close disciple." Cui Zhongcheng made a rare joke and said: "Stand up and shake his hand. This can be regarded as indirectly shaking Mr. Shu's hand."

Xing Yun suddenly stood up from behind the table with a mountain of manuscripts, and he was so menacing that he startled Gu Shen.

But when Xing Yun strode to Gu Shen, this frail man suddenly changed his demeanor.

He bowed slightly, stretched out his hands, and spoke very humbly: "Mr. Xiao Gu, your honorable master is the senior I admire most, no one else... As a survivor of the war in Beizhou, I was lucky enough to See the scene where the towering tree takes action.”

What the hell.

It turns out that an unreliable guy like Zhou Jiren also has fanatical fans all over the world?

This was indeed beyond Gu Shen's expectation.

He showed a mixture of "surprised" and "flattered" emotions just right, and shook hands with Xing Yun. The other person's palm was very powerful and warm.

This must be a very enthusiastic man.

"I will convey it to you." Gu Shen said seriously: "Old... teacher, if he knows, he will be very happy."

"Thank you." Xing Yun calmed down his previous expression and asked solemnly: "I heard about the previous impeachment incident. Many people in the parliament are eyeing the position of the Grand Adjudicator... Is Mr. Shu okay now? "

Gu Shen was stunned and said, "It's... not bad."

"But in fact, the situation is not that easy, right, otherwise he would not contact Mr. Zhao who is not from the Judgment faction." Xing Yun smiled and talked: "In fact, I was thinking about it a long time ago, How Master wants to defeat Zhu Wang in the votes for the next Grand Adjudicator is a feasible and operational issue. It would be better if you could convey it on your behalf. I look forward to cooperating with Mr. Shu."


Gu Shen was a little confused when he heard this.

He looked at Cui Zhongcheng, who had a faint smile on his face. He obviously didn't want to say anything and just wanted to watch the fun.

"This is my business card, with my contact information on the back. I will have a period of hiatus after the bill incident." Xing Yun said sincerely: "As I said... I look forward to cooperating with Mr. Shu."

"Okay. Stop selling business."

Cui Zhongcheng said calmly: "This kid is a newcomer here. He has never heard of your reputation as a 'tomb ghost', yet he actually dares to hand out his business card. Gu Shen is a real 'S' class. With his authority, , you can find the files of the eighteenth generation of your ancestors in the deep sea."

Xing Yun smiled, with no trace of shame on his face.

"Tomb ghost..."

Gu Shen took the business card and heard Chu Ling's voice.

"Xing Yun is this man's real name. He used to work in Nagano Castle and was the promoter of several important bills in the parliament, but he has no real power and status. He is called 'Tsuka Ghost' because he once proposed the establishment of The bill of "clearing the tombs" is used to bury those who have made special contributions, that is, powerful extraordinary beings."

Before Gu Shen goes out, he will plug an electric microphone about half the size of a fingernail into his ear.

He could hear Chu Ling's voice clearly, and it was convenient for Chu Ling to establish a link with him at any time.

Kiyotsuka... I heard it more than once.

This seems to be a very special place, but what is so special about it?

"For those dead extraordinary beings, the extraordinary source of their essence would have dissipated more slowly than ordinary extraordinary beings. When they were sent to the Qing Tomb, these sources of matter had undergone incredible changes and no longer dissipated, but violated the law. Autonomous cohesion.”

The first half of the sentence is still recognized by Gu Shen, and he thinks it should be so...the more extraordinary source of matter he carries, the slower it will dissipate when he dies.

But the second half of the sentence was unexpected.

In the clear tomb, the extraordinary essence will not dissipate, but will linger and entangle with each other?

"The establishment of Qingzhong has made Nagano City's status extremely solid. It has an extremely large amount of extraordinary source material... Certain heavy extraordinary weapons that require the consumption of source matter can be activated. For Nagano City, the cost of use becomes very small. This It is a 'city' that is brave and good at fighting." Chu Ling used the retro word "city" to describe Nagano, "What's more... Gu Changzhi is still sleeping here, and the implementation of the bill has been entangled for many years, and it is also for this reason."

"The decision-making process of the East Coast Council cannot bypass Nagano."

"Nagano has been vague, so everyone is cautiously waiting... Everyone is waiting for Gu Changzhi to wake up, but after waiting year after year, the possibility of Gu Changzhi waking up is getting smaller and smaller."

“If there had been no grave clearance, perhaps the bill would have been much less controversial.”

"In the end, everyone began to resent the guy who implemented the 'Combination of Tombs' bill." Chu Ling said: "That is the man in front of you, the ghost of the grave. The bill to clear the tomb has affected the interests of many people. Many people in the parliament hate him. I want to get rid of him."

So... Tsuka Oni ran to Dadu?

And Zhao Xilai took him in.

The genius who implemented the Tomb Clearance Act is now responsible for the final blow of the "Awakening Act".

The right time, the right place, the right people.

The bill moving forward...seems to have all the ingredients in place.

"Actually, judging from the current progress, there will be no more twists and turns in the Awakening Act," Tsuka Oni, who sat back behind the table, said softly: "We have already arranged for the nomination of alternative members of the parliament. Mrs. Lu Nanzhi only needs Accept this nomination and express your attitude towards the Awakening Act at a critical moment... This war will be settled."

Tsukauki clasped his hands together.

He stared at the manuscript in front of him and blew lightly.

A crooked piece of paper, originally shaky, struggled to maintain its balance.

This breath caused the manuscript to completely lose its balance——

"The flames of war have been burning for too long, and now everyone has reached the point of exhaustion. Just a little push can tip the balance of victory."

(New year~Please give me a monthly ticket~)

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