Barrier of Light

Chapter 163 Secret Key, Gu Shen

Old Town, Lion Lane.

A long-abandoned house, the stone lion at the door is mottled and stained with dust.

Song Ci was wearing slippers, squatting in front of the lion, and chewing on the lunch box with a savory taste.

"There has been no movement for so long...Is Madam asleep?"

After finishing his lunch, he carefully opened the door to the courtyard. The courtyard was quiet, and the sound of needle drops could be heard in the wing.

After thinking about it, Song Ci withdrew his hand from knocking on the door. He did not disturb Lu Nanzhi, but returned to the door of the house and acted as the door god of this old house with the stone lion.

Separated by a mahogany door.

Lu Nanzhi sat back on the bed and slowly opened her eyes.

She just felt tired... After the election of the candidate member, she came here. To be precise, she hid here.

This is the house that Lao Lu bought in the old city. He did some fun and interesting experiments anonymously. Before Nan Jin was born, this was also the "base" for himself and Lao Lu... Later, when Nan Jin left Dadu, she became a famous person in Dadu. Madam, she is burdened with trivial matters. Whenever she is in pain, boredom, depression and anxiety, she will return to this house.

Time stands still in this house, and my childhood is buried here.

The emergency meeting of the Classical Literature Society was completed.

She could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Hiding here...because she doesn't want to see anyone.

As for Huazhi's reaction, she could probably guess that taking a stand directly on the candidate election this time was tantamount to giving Huazhi's "New World" project a heavy blow... The biggest Several shareholders of the company should be clamoring to withdraw their capital now.

"073 is from the Lin family..."

Lu Nanzhi recalled the scene in the meeting, "Being able to use the influence of the Lin family to force Dongzhou's decree to be postponed is something that at least the direct relatives of the Lin family in the northern fortress can do..."

073's identity suddenly became clear from ambiguity.

"But, who is that 031?"

Lu Nanzhi rubbed his eyebrows and felt a headache. As 031 said, every meeting in the conference room in the past few years was treated as the last time.

This deep-water conference room can be born and run independently.

It is because the "Red Gate" left to him by Lao Lu has unique authority in the deep water areas of the deep sea.

But the deep sea is renewing itself round after round.

No one long can the Red Gate continue to evolve like this?

Once the conference room is discovered, it may not be impossible to use the computing power of the deep sea to restore everything that happened in the conference room... For this reason, everyone is hiding their identity.

073 is a senior figure in the northern Karma Fortress.

957 is most likely a fledgling boy.

And 031... gives me a contradictory feeling. He clearly has the image of a teenager, and seems unreliable and out of tune, but he is a frequent visitor to every meeting, almost never absent, and his words give people a "deep feeling". Unpredictable" feeling.

This is a poor disguise.

But it is also the best disguise.

"I can't guess 031's identity..."

Lu Nanzhi tried hard to sift through the big names in Dongzhou in his mind, but from a standpoint, none of those who opposed the passage of the bill matched the image of 031.

"It seems that he has locked my identity..."

Madam collapsed a little, raised her forehead and murmured, "Are you really not mistaken? I have already been in contact with the secret key?"

At this moment.

There was a commotion outside the hospital.

There were not many people coming and going in front of the old house on Lion Lane.

Because of the murder that year, Lion Alley has been cleared out, and no one lives in this entire alley, so it is especially deserted on weekdays, not to mention the desolate and cold late autumn.

The dead leaves were blown by the wind in front of the stone lion seat.

Song Ci, who was squatting at the door in flip-flops and picking his teeth, frowned and raised his head, looking at the dark group of figures in front of him.

"Sorry...did you go to the wrong place?"

Song Ci regretted it as soon as she opened her mouth.

He regretted not wearing a tailored suit, because surrounded by such a group of strong men in suits, his floral shirt looked so downcast and poor, especially when he changed from squatting to standing, his height Another head shorter.

Song Ci couldn't remember where he heard that when two sides were confronting each other, the one with the lower voice would be more imposing.

But this time the effect was terrible.

The contrast between his clothes and his height made Song Ci feel like a coward.

He shook up his clothes and saw that these tough men in suits had no intention of giving in. He sighed softly and began to twist his wrists.

"Don't do it."

An old voice came from behind the crowd.

"It's me... I just want to see Nan Zhi."

Song Ci was stunned.

These thugs in suits who stood like an iron wall all moved out of the way.

Cui Zhongcheng slowly pushed his wheelchair to Song Ci.

Zhao Xilai looked at the crow guarding in front of the house sincerely. He knew that this young man was very capable of fighting... If he did it here today, the people he brought temporarily would not be enough for Song Ci to fill his teeth.

Song Ci looked strange.

He thought to himself that this old guy could be a dog... with such a keen sense of smell? How could he pounce so quickly while hiding in the old city?

"Excuse me."

Song Ci shook his head and said, "Madam said, no one will be seen."

"About the matter about the election of members...she needs to give me an explanation." The old man sighed softly and said, "I don't want to embarrass you, and I don't want to embarrass her. It's just a meeting to talk, there should be no problem, right?"

Song Ci hesitated.

Lu Nanzhi's voice sounded in the courtyard.

"Now that we have chased you to this house, you should understand that... there is nothing left to talk about between us?"

Song Ci heard the voice and understood what the lady meant. He stood in front of the door with a calm expression, just folding his arms and saying nothing.


Zhao Xilai was silent for a long time and said softly: "Open the door. It's not convenient to talk here."

"No... Mr. Congressman, there is nothing inconvenient to talk about here."

Lu Nanzhi corrected him: "This is my dead father's house, and the place where he fell is right outside the door. It is said that he was once your best friend. Is there anything you can't say in front of him?"

Zhao Xilai fell silent.

"Today is the commemoration day of the tenth anniversary of his death... If you want to persuade me to give up my seat as a member of Parliament, then please give up. This week, I don't want to see anyone, and I will not leave here."

After Lu Nanzhi said this, she didn't speak again.

This is not an eviction order.

But it is more useful than the expulsion order.

"There will be a free dance in a week..." Cui Zhongcheng leaned over Zhao Xilai's ear and whispered: "There is still time. Do we need to talk more?"

The old man lowered his eyebrows and looked at the ground on his toes.

The pool of blood in front of Lion Alley has long since dried up. It has been washed and drained by more than three thousand days and nights of wind and rain. There is nothing left here, only the empty sound of wind, like the moaning of a wandering soul.

"See you in a week."

A sigh.

The area in front of Lion Alley, noisy with people, once again became cold and quiet.

Lu Nanzhi leaned against the wooden door of the old house, and the whole world returned to purity. She slowly walked towards the wing.

Song Ci, who was guarding the house in front of the house, asked bravely: "Madam...really don't leave the yard for a week and don't see anyone?"

Lu Nanzhi was about to speak.

"Ding dong——"

An email came in. The sender's email address was newly registered and the displayed name was 031.

Lu Nanzhi's pupils contracted.


031 Dare to send yourself an email under the supervision of Deep Sea?

After the email arrived, a countdown began to appear on the icon...


At the last second, Lu Nanzhi opened the email with stiff fingers... This email was extremely short, so short that it only took one second to read.

Because this email only has four words.

"Secret key, Gu Shen."

Five seconds later, the email was automatically deleted. No matter how Lu Nanzhi searched, there was no clue.

All records and related information of this email have disappeared.

Like a pebble falling into the deep sea.

Viewed from above the sea, thousands of ripples and the falling of a stone have never appeared before.


Song Ci, who was outside the house, waited for a long time without a response, and spoke again.

Lu Nanzhi suddenly came back to her senses as if from a different world.

She whispered: "I want to see someone, right away."

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