Barrier of Light

Chapter 172 Please dance

Tonight at the Liberty Auditorium, the young people who are eligible to receive invitations and attend this dance are all the top dignitaries in most cities.

Although the use of this word is strictly prohibited in Parliament.

But...privileged class, this word is indeed suitable to describe tonight's initiates.

Lu Nanjin was standing in the corner of the living room. No one cared about her, a person who deliberately hid herself in the corner. Everyone was dressed in bright and eye-catching clothes, standing under the spotlight, letting each other shine.

"Hey...this beautiful lady..."

A young man with blond hair and blue eyes, also holding a wine glass, slowly came to Lu Nanjin's side.

He smiled and introduced himself: "My name is Pierre Haitink, conductor of the orchestra tonight. What is your surname?"

Lu Nanjin frowned and looked at the tall and thin man blocking his view.

"Lu." She only said one word.

"Ms. Lu... you are really beautiful..."

"Give way." Nan Jin impatiently interrupted this corny compliment and said coldly, "I want to be alone for a while."

Pierre was not angry, but quickly turned aside politely and looked away. At the same time, without feeling any embarrassment, he naturally stood side by side with Lu Nanjin and continued: "You don't look like a native of Dadu... We can chat there." It’s very hot, and there’s also a dance part, do you want to participate?”


Lu Nanjin turned his head slightly.

She looked at Pierre, who still held his glass and had a friendly smile on his face.

"Lu, forgive me for being honest... I want to invite you to dance, is that okay?"

"Tsk tsk..."

From the private channel, the old guy was watching the excitement and said with emotion, "What's this called skin... He really comes from Central China. This guy is quite thick-skinned."

Zhou Jiren was sitting on a seat in the main hall of the auditorium. He looked at the empty stage alone. The curtain had not yet been raised. It was empty, deserted, and had a unique flavor.

Gu Shen also lamented in the private channel: "I just don't know which one is harder than Song Ci's fist... I wish this talented conductor can successfully perform on stage tonight."

Seeing Lu Nanjin's eyes on him, Pierre was a little flattered.

In fact, he had noticed this unusually beautiful young woman during the previous entrance ceremony. Her temperament was as restrained as ice, but she vaguely exuded a wild beauty. She seemed to have both cold and hot attributes... He guessed that this woman's cold appearance hid a fervent heart.

Then came the conversation in the living room.

Everyone is seizing the time to make friends... She is the only exception. She is indeed a unique woman.

This strengthened Pierre's determination to "get to know" him.

But he didn't know that Lu Nanjin's eyes just happened to look at him... Behind Pierre, a figure who had just put on a formal suit was walking quickly.

"Lu...can I ask you to dance?" Pierre received no response, so he invited again very patiently.

Lu Nanjin shook his head.

"What do you mean by shaking your head...?" The smile on Pierre's face was a little stiff, but he still didn't give up. As long as he didn't hear a clear rejection from Miss Lu, he would not give up.

Just as he was about to formulate his words, and just about to say something again, he was lightly tapped on the back.

"you are……"

Pierre turned around and saw a short-haired man with a temperament as sharp as a blade. The man's aura was so powerful that he couldn't help but frown and subconsciously used honorifics.

The people attending this party are either rich or noble, but this guy looks familiar...

I seem to have seen it somewhere before...where have I seen it...

After a three-second pause, Pierre remembered!

This short-haired man was a staff member checking the identity of guests at the entrance of the Liberty Auditorium.

"Are you...the previous security guard?"

Pierre took another look at Song Ci's outfit. The guy took off his security uniform and changed into a suit. He looked completely different, which shocked him.

He saw that Song Ci was just looking at him with a calm expression.

"I don't need to change the wine, thank you." Pierre looked a little embarrassed, smiled and raised his glass, indicating that he had no need in this regard.

Song Ci smiled and asked, "What's your surname?"

"Pierre Haitink!" The blond young man straightened his spine, his tone seemed humble, but in fact he was filled with overwhelming pride, "The concertmaster of the Lucerne Orchestra is responsible for the conductor of tonight's symphony performance!"

"What's the matter with?"

After listening, Song Ci frowned and muttered in his heart. This guy spoke too fast and couldn't hear clearly. He shook his head. The name was not important, and he wouldn't remember it anyway.

"Mr. Pi, I have an obligation to tell you that since you have been paid and are responsible for tonight's performance... then you should appear at the corresponding position." Song Ci said seriously: "This is a living room, not a concert hall. "

Pierre was startled.

I have been touring five continents for a long time. After announcing my identity... the eyes and attitudes I received were one of admiration and adoration.

This is the first loss.

"Are you teaching me how to do things? No matter what your original job was... now I'm informing you that you have been fired."

The humble smile that originally hung on Pierre's face has all disappeared, and it has not yet completely turned into a gloomy one, just because there is a beautiful woman beside him, and he does not want to cause too much embarrassment.

"You, this noble servant who cannot recognize your, disappear from here immediately!"

What age is this? Are there still people who talk like this?

After listening, Song Ci felt sincerely. Instead of feeling angry, he found it extremely funny.

He didn't move a step, but said calmly: "I will not leave here..."

"Besides, I heard all the previous conversations. I heard that you are from Central Continent? Don't call me ma'am here...if you call someone old, you will be beaten if you move to another place."

Song Ci looked at Lu Nanjin with a smile, "What do you think, Miss Lu?"

Pierre tried to get into a tense situation with Song Ci, but unfortunately the confrontation only lasted for a second before he collapsed. The man opposite him had an unusually strong sense of oppression.

So he concealed his gaze and turned to Lu Nanjin.

Then he discovered a heartbreaking fact...the latter's eyes were not on his face, but on that ordinary security attendant.

After hearing Song Ci's question, a smile appeared on Nan Jin's cold face for the first time.

Pierre was a little distracted.

But this smile was not directed at himself, but at the rude and rude security attendant.


Pierre couldn't bear it. He clenched his fists and prepared to defend his dignity.

This scene was seen by Song Ci.

He contentedly waits for the opponent to punch and then becomes the clown.

This episode attracted a lot of people's attention. Just when it was about to break out, a figure accidentally flashed out of the living room.

"Oh, oh, oh, misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."

A familiar face appeared, and Gu Shen, who was monitoring the whole scene with his deep sea, recalled that he had only seen this person before... He was one of the three people sent by Nanwan to run for candidate members not long ago.

Being pushed to the stage by Chen San to block Lu Nanzhi's participation in the candidacy, he is obviously a high-ranking figure in the Nanwan faction.

Immediately, Deep Sea retrieved the files——

This man's name is Chen Qi, and he is Chen Jingtan's father.

And Chen Jingtan is the Chen Jingtan who was beaten half to death by the crow...

Chen Qi didn't have the slightest air of arrogance, and he couldn't tell the difference between him and Song Ci. When he came out, he smoothed things over with a smile on his face, "Calm down, calm down... why don't you just apologize?"

Song Ci's face was expressionless.

Pierre took a deep breath to hold back his anger, "Chen, tell me how you can not be angry when encountering something like this... This is not a problem that can be solved by apologizing!"

As he spoke, he realized something was wrong.

After Chen Qi walked out, he didn't even look at himself, as if he was nothing but air...

And after thinking about it carefully, it seems that those words to calm down... weren't meant for myself?

"Xiao Song, it's unlucky to do anything today."

Chen Qi saw Song Ci's clenched fist and advised him softly and sincerely: "With this punch, it will not only break the wall of the Liberty Hall, but also Mr. Xiaopi's face. You have to think more about Madam..."

Pierre's expression suddenly changed.

He really didn't know Dadu...but he had heard a few names.

The most famous people in most cities, except for those two congressmen, are the famous "Madam"!

And what did Chen Qi just say... punch down and break the wall of the Liberty Auditorium?

"How do you mean to solve it?"

Song Ci spoke calmly.

"Why don't you just apologize?" Chen Qi cautiously put forward his previous proposal and said with a smile, "Everyone is here at the dance, so everyone can take a look at Madam's magnanimity."

Song Ci looked at Chen Qi, who was kind to him, and felt that this world was too real.

After Chen Jingtan was beaten, Chen San was furious and wanted to skin himself.

Not to mention that this biological father should have been on the same level as him when he saw him.

But... Now regarding the bill, if Madam is willing to maintain her opposition, then the South Bay faction will win the battle. Before the general trend, they have chosen to settle down and "forgive" themselves.

The smoke and clouds of the past are wiped out, even if it is the old debt of the biological son, it is nothing.

As he spoke, Chen Qi glanced at Pierre. The young talented conductor was very sensible and quickly agreed.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Song..."

He gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry for offending you earlier."

"It doesn't matter. Among the many hypocrites who look down on others, you are the most straightforward and honest one." Song Ci said lightly: "What's more... I am the one who wants to say I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Pierre was startled.

next moment.

Song Ci, who was close at hand, took action.

A snap of his fingers caused a sonic boom, and Pierre's forehead was hit hard. With a "bang", his face was twisted in pain, tears almost burst out of his eyes, and he fell heavily to the ground.

"This is a brain-shattering... I give it to you." Song Ci smiled and said, "I can't accept the apology you just made. I believe Madam also doesn't want to hear her young and beautiful sister being called 'ma'am'. This is a disservice to you. Disrespectful punishment.”

Chen Qi was a little helpless. He noticed someone looking at him from the stands on the second floor not far away... It was Chen San and his wife.

He said nothing more and quietly exited.

This is already a good ending.

The only "victim" Pierre sat on the ground and covered his forehead. He felt a huge bulge on his forehead.

Oh my god... Next, I have to perform on stage!

"You should be lucky... I just snapped my fingers. If it was a punch, you would spend the next month in a hospital bed in Dadu. At that time, the Lucerne Orchestra should also consider changing a conductor. "

Song Ci stopped seeing Pierre.

He came to Lu Nanjin, stretched out his hand in front of everyone's eyes, and mustered up his courage. His voice was still a little nervous and uneasy: "Miss Lu, would you like to show me your face and dance a song together?"

Zhou Jiren's laughter came from the private channel.

"I think it will work."

Gu Shen also echoed, "I think it's okay."

Lu Nanjin smiled helplessly.

She put the wine glass down, slowly reached out and took Song Ci's hand.

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