Barrier of Light

Chapter 174 Reporter

"The living room has an extraordinary aura..."

Gu Shen, who had been monitoring the entire scene, suddenly frowned.

"Deep Sea, call up the surveillance."

Deep Sea, which had always maintained a link, suddenly lost its response at this moment, and even the calls on the private channel also lost response.

Gu Shen was no stranger to this situation.

When he invaded the Nanwan Building, it was Chu Ling who helped block the signal.

Before the indirect confrontation with Xiao in the Freedom Auditorium, Gu Shen guessed that Xiao could use the bug in the deep sea to conduct some kind of private connection. Gu Shen reacted as soon as the deep sea lost control. He put on his hat and quickly walked out of the safe passage. Leave and go to the second floor of the living room, where the view is the widest. Blazing fire monitors the entire place under the chandelier... but no strange spiritual aura is detected.

Gu Shen used his naked eyes to assist in observation.

But he didn't see anything strange——

"Hey Hey hey--"

There was a sound on the private channel, and just as Gu Shen went upstairs, the link was restored in less than ten seconds.

"What just happened?"

Lu Nanjin frowned and raised his head, looked at Gu Shen vaguely in the living room on the first floor, frowned and said, "The private channel is disconnected?"

"The link in the deep sea is unstable... I don't think this is an accident..." Gu Shen whispered his thoughts, "Even if detailed investigation work is done, Xiao Xiao may have sneaked into the venue in another way."

"The link was disconnected just now. Did Xiao Xiao take action?" Lu Nanjin narrowed her eyes.

"I didn't catch anything strange...but I don't rule out the possibility..."

Gu Shen noticed that there was one person in the private channel who had never spoken, so he tentatively asked: "Teacher?"

The old guy, who was far away from the hustle and bustle of the living room, sat on the back seat of the performance hall with his hands spread out. After hearing Gu Shen's voice, he slowly opened his eyes and said in a lazy tone, as if he had woken up from a nap, "Relax." ...Network fluctuations and disconnected connections are very common. If something was going to happen, it has already happened."

Nan Jin and Gu Shen looked at each other.

They unanimously chose silence.

If Xiao has the authority to temporarily second the deep sea...then the private channel is undoubtedly unsafe.

"Xiao will not take action at this time." Zhou Jiren looked at the closing curtain in front of the main hall and said calmly: "Nothing has started now... the main event is behind."

"About cooperation... I think I've made it very clear."

On the second floor of the living room, there is a separate private room.

Lu Nanzhi sat on the sofa and said seriously: "Mr. Chen, I do need help from Nanwan, but this must be based on mutual equality and mutual respect."

"Of course." Chen San said gently: "As long as you really hold an opposition stance... then Nanwan will fully help you to complete the subsequent campaign."

There are great risks in speaking out on the candidate day.

Lu Nanzhi knew that once she opened her mouth, there would be no turning back. She would take huge risks by standing on the opposite side of Zhao Xilai... The other party held countless trump cards and was powerful. If it were not for the constraints of the federation, Chen San would be parachuted in to support the Nanwan faction. Dadu's balance no longer exists. Now if he wants to arm-wrestle with Zhao Xilai, he must use external force.

"Money, resources, manpower... once we become allies, Nanwan will do its best." Chen San said sincerely: "About the case ten years ago... I have heard about it for a long time. Huazhi is yours, no matter what. From any perspective, getting the lost property back is a legitimate matter."

This is a heart-warming statement.

It's a pity that these words...if I hadn't been opposed to the Awakening Act, I would never have heard it from Chen San.

Lu Nanzhi said softly: "As for Hua Zhi, and the past... I do want to pursue it, but it may be different from what you think. I don't have that much hatred for the Zhao family."

"...Oh?" Chen San was a little surprised.

"My father's biggest wish and the direction of his efforts is that Huazhi can gather people with lofty ideals and elite pioneers in the metropolitan area to promote the progress of this era and make a contribution to mankind..."

"Perhaps you think that everything I did is to take revenge on Zhao Xilai..."

Lu Nanzhi spoke softly, "But that's not the case. I just have different stances, so we parted ways. It's not a deliberate revenge, or bearing the humiliation and waiting for today's counterattack."

"After my father died, there was no one more suitable to take over. And Huazhi has indeed grown and grown under his hands, and has reached the top of the world. From this point of view, I still owe him a thank you. .”

Chen San had a complicated expression.

Even though he had done a lot of homework beforehand, he still felt that he had underestimated the woman in front of him...

"About the Lion Alley case..." Chen San whispered: "I heard some rumors..."

"The murderer of the Lion Lane massacre has not been found yet." Lu Nanzhi said calmly: "I have a lot of anger and hatred in my heart for the murderer of my father. I know what the rumors are saying... They all think this is the case. Zhao Xi did it, right?"

Chen San remained silent.

Lu Cheng and Zhao Xilai had been close friends for many years, and they had a very good relationship. On the board of directors of Huazhi Building, Zhao Xilai also held the largest proportion of shares besides Lu Cheng. So after the Lion Lane murder case... he naturally became the leader of "Huazhi" Owner.

"I was also filled with rage and wanted to find Zhao Xilai and kill him."

Lu Nanzhi lowered her eyelids, "Because... everyone hopes that he is the murderer, and I hope so too."

Chen San did not expect that the word "get rid of" would appear in Lu Nanzhi's mouth... However, he quickly adjusted to the fact that the other party was not an ordinary woman, and her behavior was closer to that of a man.

"So this marriage came about... The word marriage is meaningless to me. I was rushing to get close to Zhao Xilai, then get rid of him, and chose the marriage." Lu Nanzhi said lightly: "This is very We decided to marry each other when we were young, but everyone later objected, except the Zhao family. Because they had no reason to object."

Chen San looked strange.

Indeed...who can refuse a woman like Lu Nanzhi?

On the other side, I have to say that Zhao Qi is just a pile of mud that can't be used to hold up the wall, stinking shit.

So far, Chen San is unwilling to accept that his wife and Zhao Qi are husband and wife in name only... These two people are really not a good match.

"If Zhao Xilai refuses this marriage, then there is no need to wait for the investigation of the real murderer in Lion Lane. No matter what the truth is, I will definitely bite him to death at that time, identify him, and find ways to kill him." Lu Nanzhi said softly. He murmured, "But after entering Huazhi... that's when the pain begins, because if you really want to pursue the truth, you will find..."

"The often different from what everyone thinks..."

Chen San knew that after marrying the Zhao family, the name "Madam" gradually became popular in most cities... If Zhao Xilai was really the master of Lion Alley, if Zhao Xilai had been exposed even a little bit in the past ten years, with Lu Nanzhi's determination , tactics, will never develop into today's situation.

All I can say is that we have been together for the past ten years.

Lu Nanzhi had to accept the truth... The biggest beneficiary of Lion Alley was not the main culprit.

When everyone was attracted to the dance floor, someone tiptoed up to the second floor.

Jiang Wan carried the dress and secretly left the noisy living room and headed towards the second floor. It was just too troublesome to wear this grand dress... she couldn't move freely.

The pendant on her chest is embedded with a small micro-hole camera, which is recording the current scene in real time.

Although he comes from a celebrity family at the top of most cities.

But she has a rebellious heart and a yearning for freedom... She changed her identity anonymously, and was willing to be an unknown reporter at the Metropolitan Evening News.

The last investigation into the old city ended in an accident and ended in nothing...

But this time the opportunity came again... Those colleagues in the Evening News office did not have invitations, so they could only stop people outside the auditorium for interviews, trying to find some news.

But I am different.

Who would have thought that in the journalism industry with a meager salary of 996, there would be a rich princess who could receive an invitation to the Liberty Ball?

After entering the living room, Jiang Wan's eyes were fixed on Zhao Qi, but unlike those women who wanted to be rich and wealthy, she relied on her keen professional sense to catch something strange... This person who is the focus of the evening news every year The playboy who appeared on the scene only exchanged a few cursory greetings with acquaintances and left the living room in a hurry.

And it seems that he is a little uneasy?

Where is this going?

Jiang Wan followed all the way to the second floor and found that Zhao Qi seemed to be lingering in front of a door, hesitating.

The conversation is almost over.

Chen San stood up and shook hands with his wife.

"That's all for today's conversation. I hope we will have a pleasant cooperation in the future."

Madam nodded and said casually: "It's a pleasure to cooperate... say hello to Ye Ningqiu for me."

If Ye Ningqiu was willing to give up the campaign and take a gamble without the appointment at the Liberty Auditorium, then there would not have been the surprise attack today, let alone the in-depth progress talks between the two parties that could sit down and calm down.

Chen San smiled and was about to speak, but he suddenly looked towards the door.

There were slight footsteps outside the door——


He frowned.

Someone knocked slowly on the door.

"It's me, Zhao Qi."

Hearing Zhao Qi's voice, Chen San relaxed slightly.

In a sense... Zhao Qi can be regarded as his partner.

For Chen San, Zhao Qi is a character who must win over and befriend. The more nervous Nanwan becomes with Huazhi, the more he must maintain a good relationship with Zhao Qi...

So when he learned that Zhao Qi wanted to do some business, Chen San immediately sent his nephew to contact him.

Nanwan struggled to compete with Huazhi...the only good news is that Huazhi's future successor is a piece of shit.

The premise is that Zhao Xilai did not modify his will——

Now that the will has been withdrawn, many people in South Bay are sighing with regret, and Chen San is no exception.

Chen San stood up and opened the door. When he saw Zhao Qi, he was slightly startled and asked with concern: "Mr. Zhao... why is your face a little swollen?"

"It's okay, I have edema after sleeping for a long time..."

Zhao Qi laughed. He had always had a good opinion of Chen San because Nanwan had given him a lot of help during some difficult moments when his economy was in poor condition and his financial resources were cut off... It was really hard for him to hate this congressman. .

"I want to talk to...her."

Zhao Qi stood at the door and did not go in. He still couldn't call out Lu Nanzhi's name.

Calling him by his full name... seems too harsh.

As for the more intimate ones...such as his wife, Nan Zhi, this is not a title he deserves to be called at all.

Chen San patted Mr. Zhao on the shoulder, responded with a friendly smile, and stepped aside to make way for him.

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