Barrier of Light

Chapter 178 The show begins


Lu Nanzhi frowned, shook his head and said, "It's just that he's a little weird."


Just as Song Ci was about to speak, the blazing light above his head lit up.

"The lights are back on."

The lady stood up and said softly: "Did the power go out just now? We have always believed that Deep Sea never makes mistakes... Looking at it now, it doesn't seem to be that reliable."

Song Ci walked out with her in silence.

"Too strange."

Lu Nanjin retracted his dagger and watched the commotion in the living room slowly calm down.

She spoke in the private channel, "The previous disconnection... and this power outage... are all unreasonable. If Xiao has the privilege of seconding the deep sea, then he should use it at important moments. At this juncture, he rashly Using it will only cause unnecessary trouble."

"It's very unreasonable."

Gu Shen has been staring at the second floor.

In fact, there was no difference at all during the power outage... The blazing vision hovering on the ceiling of the living room was also monitoring the entire venue at all times. Although the connection was lost in the deep sea, there were more than one pair of eyes staring at the dance scene in the auditorium today.

In addition to the Special Investigation Team, there are other extraordinary beings.

If Owl takes action during a power outage, it's bound to attract attention.

"Are you focusing on the gap period of the security system..."

Nan Jin thought of a possibility, "Just when the power was cut off and the deep sea power was seconded, some Foundation believers had already sneaked into the auditorium."

"Don't think so complicated about your opponent."

Zhou Jiren, who was sitting in the auditorium hall, spoke softly and said calmly: "Do you still remember what the plan of the special operations team is called?"

Hunting owl.

"Tonight is a grand dance, and the most exciting event always comes to the finale."

"It doesn't matter if you can't find the owl."

"We just need to prepare our swords and bullets... and wait for him to appear."

This is how a small storm ended.

The brief accident did not disrupt the rhythm of the dance. Everyone knew that it was just a false alarm, and no one investigated the real cause behind the power outage... After the power was restored, all conversations continued one after another. Got on the right track.

People continue to raise glasses, continue to drink, and continue to laugh.

The cocktail party is almost over.

The guests attending the ball began to move, and they walked towards the concert hall of the auditorium... There will be a grand symphony performance tonight as the finale "program".

The "Lucerne Orchestra" that came all the way from Central China is very famous.

But no matter how famous it is... after all, it is a niche field. In this era, there are not many people who are willing to calm down and listen to symphony music, even the "nobles" who are qualified to participate in the free dance.

Most of the "elegant people" at the ball will applaud and praise, but they will not spend even a minute in private to really listen to the symphony.

So...if nothing happens, after tonight, not many of you here will remember the "Lucerne Orchestra". Except for a few beautiful girls who were accosted, they will remember that the conductor of the orchestra is a handsome blond and blue-eyed man from Central China.

But... the disturbance in front of the dance floor tonight made all the guests remember Pierre Haitink's name. In a sense, the Lucerne Orchestra has become a little popular.

It is not easy to be remembered by so many powerful people in Dadu.

The guests who are now moving to the concert hall are a little curious... Can Pierre, who was beaten so badly by Song Ci that his brain was broken, can still stand in front of the concert hall and continue to conduct completely and smoothly?

The guests arrived one after another.

Except for the last few rows, the seats in the huge auditorium are thoughtfully labeled with names, and there are waiters who are responsible for guiding the way. Of course, everyone's seats are very empty... If you are willing to sit together and enjoy the music, you can naturally move around freely. Seating, after all, the real purpose of this party is to socialize.

The seats in the third row are currently unoccupied... These are seats reserved for the Madam and the key members of the two factions of Nanwan Fuzhi. The invitees to the ball also knew it very well. Everyone took their seats, three seats away from the first three rows. The row is a little further away.

"You've just been sitting here... sleeping until now?"

Gu Shen came to the last row of the auditorium. This seat looked familiar. It was the seat where Tsukasa took him to listen to the Symphony of Surprise last time... I have to say that this place was very hidden and would hardly attract attention.

The old guy yawned greatly. He rubbed his eyes and said with emotion: "It's really worthy of being a symphony concert hall... I'm already full of sleep before it starts. I just don't know if I can still do it later." Can sleep'."

Gu Shen remained silent: "..."

There are three people in the special investigation team.

One person is in charge of the living room and the other is in charge of the second floor.

There was one person left, who held the important position of "Commander-in-Chief", but found a quiet place to take a nap. How could this old fox sleep peacefully? Why was he so sure that the owl would not take action before?

"Find a place to sit." Zhou Jiren smiled and said, "The performance will start soon."

Gu Shen shook his head and said seriously: "I won't sit down anymore... I'm not in the mood to watch the show..."

Mr. Shu said regretfully: "Well... you are such a conscientious security model... What about you?"

He looked at Lu Nanjin in the dark corner and extended his hand to invite her to sit down and enjoy the concert.

The latter also shook his head.

The old guy muttered: "Young people are so energetic..."

Gu Shen's eyes were always on the front row.

The two people who had never appeared during the previous drinking and dancing sessions finally appeared during the finale.

Cui Zhongcheng pushed the wheelchair and slowly came to the first row, and they came to the lady's seat.

Mr. Xiao Cui supported the old man. After helping the old man sit down, he pushed the wheelchair away alone.

first row.

There were only two people, Madam, and Councilor Zhao Xilai.

Out of respect for the "rules" and in return for the previous courtesy, Chen San chose to sit in the corner of the third row to avoid interfering in the subsequent conversation. Cui Zhongcheng came to him in a wheelchair.

Most of the most powerful people were present.

The curtain finally slowly opened——

Soft lights and music sounds floated in the sky above the auditorium.

As the ring curtain opened, the Lucerne Orchestra revealed the huge appearance of this hundred-member orchestra. An impressive orchestra with instruments already prepared and sitting above the stage, ready to go.

The soul of the orchestra, the conductor, Pierre Haitink, looked solemn and held the baton.

"It seems that Mr. Xiaopi is a big deal." Zhou Jiren said calmly: "You can still continue to perform after being beaten by Song Ci."

Gu Shen, on the other hand, was staring at the front.

He asked softly: "Is there... one person missing there?"

Lu Nanzhi arrived, and Zhao Xi arrived. Cui Zhongcheng arrived, and so did Chen San.

Where is Ye Ningqiu?

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