Barrier of Light

Chapter 29 Exploration and Entry

Fine rain splashes.

The shadow under the umbrella slowly reveals half of a feminine and handsome side face. Unexpectedly, under the golden-rimmed glasses of the gentle man, there are a pair of eyes as gentle as the night.

But only those who know their identities know what kind of danger the tenderness in those eyes represents——

When he saw the face of the man on the roof clearly, Gu Shen's hairs all exploded.

Han Dang!

This is an extremely dangerous guy.

Thirteen days ago, he came to Datang City... During this time, he has been secretly investigating his own fire case!

How could he appear here?

The wind blows across the roof and slant the rain, blowing the swaying flower branches.

There are bursts of fragrance.

"Grandma, I like the flowers here very much."

The man in the suit smiled and nodded at Gu Shen. This natural look and demeanor did not look like a stranger meeting for the first time, but a friend who had known each other for many years.

He took a deep breath of the air, and said, "There are air purifiers everywhere in big cities, but no matter what fragrance you add, there is no real scent of flowers. This rooftop is too old, and these flowers deserve a better roof. "

The mother-in-law laughed until the creases at the corners of her eyes piled up. She was full of joy and praised earnestly: "As expected of Mr. Xiao Han, you have such a good eye... I have put a lot of thought into raising these flowers well."

Gu Shen knew that her mother-in-law would be very happy to hear these words.

Because she really likes growing flowers and vegetables, the flowers on the roof and the vegetables and fruits in the yard are taken care of by her alone, just like the children in the yard.

"Who is this……?"

Han Dang smiled and looked at Gu Shen, pretending not to know.

"Little Gu, this is the philanthropist I told you about, Mr. Xiao Han, who is young and promising." The mother-in-law smiled and introduced the two of them: "Mr. Shen, you are smart, and you have never forgotten it since you were a child."

Han Dang nodded with a smile, put the satchel under his arm, and stretched out his hand in a gentle manner.

"Gu Shen, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me."

Gu Shen bit the bullet and stretched out his hand.

at this time.


From the staircase on the roof, an orange flash burst out, knocking down a tall vase with a snap, and the inverted position of the vase was in the direction of Han Dang.

The gentle man under the umbrella frowned.

His instinctive reaction made him subconsciously want to dodge... But at the very moment, Gu Shen's outstretched hands supported the vase in time, and he cursed: "Oh, you silly cat, how reckless you are, what if you hurt the customer?"

The orange cat huddled in the corner and licked its paws, meowing softly, with an innocent face.

"The road is slippery on a rainy day..."

Holding the vase, Gu Shen withdrew his hands and said sincerely, "Mr. Han, why don't you go into the house."

"That's right."

The mother-in-law was taken aback by what happened just now, she clutched her chest, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Xiao Han, why don't you go into the house and chat, Gu Shen, you accompany him, and I'll go downstairs to make a pot of hot tea."


Han Dang was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "Being obedient is worse than being respectful."

The mother-in-law trotted downstairs with her clothes in her hands.

At this moment, the rooftop became very quiet.

Only Gu Shen and Han Dang were left alone.

"Gu Shen..."

Han Dang said softly, "What a coincidence."

"...Well, what a coincidence?"

Taking a deep breath, Gu Shen slowly broke away from the tense state. He could even hear his own heartbeat at this moment, but every movement became extremely calm and steady.

Some people can always reach their potential in a high-pressure environment.

Gu Shen is such a person.

Now that Han Dang has found out about himself, let's go straight to the trick. We are both in the tribunal, and we will meet each other sooner or later... Today's confrontation may not be a bad thing.

Regarding Han Dang's file, Gu Shen had read it countless times and knew it by heart.

And Han Dang didn't know that he knew his existence.

He wanted to test himself, but he didn't know... This was also an excellent opportunity to test him.

"When you didn't come, your mother-in-law kept praising you, saying that you were smart, excellent, independent very early, and left here at the age of sixteen... I didn't expect that we would meet so soon." Han Dang smiled slowly, "And... it's still on such a beautiful rooftop."

Han Dang reread the word "Tiantai".

Gu Shen's heart skipped a beat, he smiled and said, "That's really a coincidence, Mr. Xiao Han, I didn't come alone, my senior sister is downstairs."

Gu Shen directly moved out the senior sister... Although I don't know Nan Jin's identity, can it be a deterrent.

But at this moment, he wants to ensure his own safety as much as possible.

"Oh?" Han Dang raised his eyebrows, still smiling: "Then I must see you later..."

In this investigation, meeting Gu Shen was actually beyond his expectation.

After arriving in Datang City, Han Dang pursued the clues of the fire case all the way, and launched a rigorous and thorough investigation around Gu Shen's files... In the parliament, his teacher's impeachment against Mr. Shu is probably nothing.

But there is still room to use the amnesty decree!

After the profiling, Han Dang seriously suspected that Gu Shen was not an extraordinary person at all.

He believed that the real truth of the fire case was that Gu Shen used a certain astonishingly powerful "extraordinary sealed artifact", which should be under the stack of unburned wooden boards.

The shape should be square, square, thin, and long.

However, Han Dang searched the deep sea database, and even borrowed the authority of his teacher Zhu Wang to find the records of related sealed items, but found nothing.

He didn't think his deduction was wrong, but thought that the "extraordinary sealed item" he was looking for was not in the records... Then he put his investigation ideas on Gu Shen's life experience, and came here The purpose of the family welfare institution is to find clues about the sealed item. Perhaps this is a "family heirloom" that has accompanied Gu Shen for many years.

Sadly, after some investigation, this lead also fell through.

Gu Shen came empty-handed, and left empty-handed.

No heirlooms, no parental relics.

Today the review team officially landed in Datang City.

There are still two days before the final review, and my time is running out.

But fortunately, after breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to go, I actually met Gu Shen here... It seems that this kid also got the wind that the audit team had landed on the big vine. Ghost, don't want to contact in advance.

Now that we have met.

Then, things become very simple.

"Gu Shen."

An extremely soft voice echoed on the rooftop.

The eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses, the moment they met Gu Shen's eyes, a wisp of jet-black ink blurred.

At this moment, Han Dang's voice became extremely majestic, and said: " dream!"

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