Barrier of Light

Chapter 332 Those who return home

Seeing Gu Shen agreeing so neatly.

Gu Nanfeng was a little surprised.

"Actually, Madam gave her instructions before she left."

Gu Shen quickly smiled and said: "The promotion of the bill is directly related to the future destiny of the metropolitan area. In this matter... Hua Zhi will certainly spare no effort to help. If she is unwilling to rescue, how can she let people come to Nagano? "

Lu Nanjin is Madam’s biological sister.

And people like Tsukauki who know most of Huazhi's secrets...if they are useless, the best way to deal with them is to kill them!


Gu Nanfeng nodded.

"In a few days, I will meet with the old man alone." His voice was a little low, and there was a hint of worry.

Neither Luo Yu nor Gu Nanfeng called them by their first names.

Because that old man... was really too senior. When Mr. Gu Changzhi saw him, he had to respectfully call him uncle.

Gu Shen thought for a moment and asked, "I heard that the old man has a very... tough character?"

Gu Nanfeng nodded and said: "If you are not strong enough, how can you suppress the monsters and monsters from all directions?"

"I will convince him this time we meet."

The young master took a deep breath.

"The dispute between the old and the new eight years ago has exhausted the Gu family. Today's 'peace' is hard-won. The five families are all hiding their capabilities and biding their time. Because of the fire, the Gu family has been at the forefront for decades... Others The four families are all waiting for a chance to turn around. They are eager to see another civil war in the Gu family." Gu Nanfeng said, "Especially the Bai family."

Bai Chen and Bai Xiu came out of the blue with their "invincible" status, which has bolstered the Bai family's confidence for the past twenty years.

"I don't want the peace to be destroyed."

"But I don't even want... that after the bill is passed, Dongzhou will usher in never-ending disputes."

There is a wind blowing between the mountains and forests.

Kirigakure's cloak fluttered in the wind. Gu Nanfeng stood on the mountainside, looking at the silvery snow-covered Forbidden City to the south, and said calmly: "At that time, no one can stay away from things. Everyone is a loser, and the Gu family... too No exception!"

So...even if it causes a dispute.

He must also push for this negotiation.

Gu Shen listened silently.

At this juncture, he only needs to be a "chess piece".

"Lord Zhuxue, I have sent your original message to Gubao Fortress."

An image was projected in front of the desk.

"Now I have returned to Dragon Bone Fortress. But if you give the order, I can guarantee that Lin Lin will be brought back to Qiancheng within twelve hours..."

The man wearing a black tengu mask spoke seriously.

It's more of a request.

Listen to these words... He is not afraid of the energy cannons mounted in Gubao, nor does he care about the thirteen squadron captains Lin Lin said. As long as he gives an order, he will definitely be able to complete the mission.

"No need."

Grand Duke Zhuxue got up from his desk and came to the rooftop of the attic. In the distance was the bustling Qianjin City. In the circular city, the army, civilians, businessmen, mechanical drivers, and bionic people lived together. As far as the eye could see, there were There were street stalls in the bustling market, and there were also energy airships flying high in the sky.

Just like the name of the city.

Go to the city.

This is a giant city that advances all the year round... The whole city is like a gluttonous mouth, advancing rapidly in the rolling torrent. It not only greedily eats the first-line results of scientific and technological research and development, but also crazily absorbs the extraordinary and derived leaps. civilization.

"I never underestimated your determination."

Zhuxue smiled, "But some things cannot be accomplished with enough determination... If Lin Lin doesn't want to, you can't bring him back from the Fort."

The tengu projected over the desk was slightly startled.

"grown ups……"

When he stepped into the boundary of Gubao, he had already used his mental power to check the forts erected on the giant wall, the distribution of personnel, and the simplest route of action. If he took action... it would indeed be difficult, but how could the action fail?

"I know what you are thinking. Those energy cannons in Gubao are indeed nothing to you."

The tengu saw it.

The adults seem to be in a very good mood today.

"You have underestimated yourself, and you have underestimated Lin Lin." Archduke Zhuxue leaned against the railing, gently breathed in the fresh air above Qiancheng, and said with a smile: "He is a very special person... After all these years, I always just sent people to deliver the message without actually ordering the reason for repatriation. I hope he can understand the painstaking effort of going to the city."

"We always need to give some recognition and encouragement to children who are struggling away from home..."

Grand Duke Zhuxue's eyes were soft, like a wave of clear water, and he asked with a smile: "In addition to the Lin family, how many nobles who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths are willing to throw away their crowns, and can truly regard their power as dirt... and come to protect them? In front of home?"

He looked at the silent Tengu mask, shrugged and smiled, and said: "Okay... CN021 can be considered one. But there are too few such people, right? Heroes who go out will always get tired one day, and their hometown is A sheltered harbor. CN021 chooses to return to Nagano, what will the brigadier general of Kubao do?"

The tengu's eyes were blank.

He didn't know what Grand Duke Zhuxue was talking about...

"Six hours ago, the airship numbered GB096 launched from the sky above Gubao and swept back on the front wing..."

The man leaning on the railing looked across the study room to the closed wooden door and said with a smile: "According to the speed of the third-generation energy airship, it will take five hours and forty-three minutes to reach Qiancheng from Gubao."

"If you just pass by without stopping, then for me... today is still a pleasant day, just a little bit dull."

Grand Duke Zhuxue said softly: "If GB096 is hovering in the middle of Qianjin City, then counting the time, he should have arrived."

The tengu was stunned.

next moment.

There were two rough knocks on the door.

"Boom! Boom!"

If the wooden door hadn't opened very quickly, it seemed like the knocking would never have stopped.

The moment the wooden door opened, a big Labrador dog rushed in. It opened its "bloody mouth" and flew towards the feminine man leaning against the railing of the study.

Just seeing this scene from the projection shocked the Tengu.

He was very aware of this evil dog's character of "bullying the weak and fearing the strong", and he was even more aware of the evil taste of the Gubao Fortress in "saying hello to Grand Duke Zhuxue".

Grand Duke Zhuxue, who always leaned against the railing and faced the study, had a faint smile on his face.

There was wind blowing behind him.

The feathers of the quill pen placed on the desk swayed and stretched.

From the desk, a pile of documents was stirred up, and the white paper at the top flew out. Most of it was snow-white, with only a few understated traces of black ink, and it just lightly covered the piece of paper. A swooping vicious dog.

And the next moment.

The vicious dog's purring stopped suddenly.

The white paper fell to the ground.

The wind picks up again.

The white paper with a vicious dog drawn on it floated back into the hands of Grand Duke Zhuxue, and the weight seemed to be a little... slightly heavier than before.

He looked at the young man outside the study door, smiled and said: "You are a young and promising brigadier general. It is a wonderful day to meet you."

"I don't think so."

Lin Lin wore sunglasses and said calmly: "It's really terrible to see you."

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