Barrier of Light

Chapter 334: Doing chores (5K words big chapter)

"The whole 'transaction' took less than a minute."

"073 is very cautious... After coming all the way, I can only see the shadow of the airship, but one thing can be confirmed, he is indeed from the Beizhou Military Headquarters."

Lu Nanzhi was sitting in the office, looking at the metal box transported from Beizhou, and said to the other side of the communicator: "I just don't know if he came in person."

This transaction was actually very successful.

Because what the two parties exchange is not "objects", but "trust"!

For the members of the Ancient Literature Society who have lost contact, the most difficult thing is to give enough trust in the real world. The airship from Beizhou sails directly to Dadu for trading. Ten years ago, when the [Key] did not appear, this was actually It's a very magical thing.

Just an ordinary transaction.

073 There are ten thousand ways to send things to Dadu.

And since the "airship" has been launched, it means... he doesn't care.

Gu Shen said softly: "073's willingness to throw things down is enough to show that... he has seen our sincerity."

The entire senior management of Huazhi did not know what the [object] of the transaction was.

Even less clear.

Why did Lu Nanzhi want to personally participate in this transaction.

Therefore... they insist on sending relevant personnel and extraordinary people with sufficient strength to control the transaction site. Most of them cannot withstand the second "Apostle Assassination".

If Lu Nanzhi encounters an accident.

Huazhi will fall into the biggest crisis in history.

And this is why the transaction is successful.

073 on the airship saw the ambush. In fact, these ambushes were not important... because the "person" who came to trade with him was too noble. In fact, the "ambush" around Jinqi Mountain was just the tip of the iceberg. Once If unexpected changes occur in this transaction, a set of emergency measures deployed by Cui Zhongcheng will be implemented immediately.

Everyone was tense.

Only Madam... She is in a very relaxed mood, even more relaxed than when she was participating in the candidate election.

Her trust in 073 is based on many years of getting along with each other. 073 entered the conference room relatively late, but his condensed image is quite reliable. Every time a meeting is held, as long as 073 is present, the meeting minutes will be erased. The one who ensured the safety of the conference room... it had to be him.

Some people have never met.

But in fact... they are already old acquaintances.

Lu Nanzhi actually had some small regrets in her heart. She originally wanted to use the "deal" to meet the rumored 073 in person, but unfortunately she also knew that this was impossible.

It can be seen from erasing the meeting room records that 073 is a person who pays great attention to safety.

The probability of such a person showing up in person for his first transaction is too low.

This transaction was the first time that the members of the Ancient Literature Society scattered across the five continents had a real-life intersection after the [Key] appeared... Before that, everyone tried to exercise restraint and stay away as much as possible, because "exposed" meant " destroy".

The Federal Parliament's suppression of the Ancient Literature Society has been protracted for more than ten years.

"All in all, this transaction is simpler than I thought..."

Lu Nanzhi rubbed his eyebrows and said: "I have checked everything in the box. All the materials you need are in it, and I have prepared two copies. For the other materials, Huazhi is basically ready... You can do it at any time. Sent to Nagano."

"It's just...there's a very important question."

"Now there are countless pairs of eyes staring at you in Nagano."

The lady tapped the table lightly and said in a deep voice: "Every move you make is watched by others... The [objects] sent by Huazhi cannot escape the supervision of [Feng Tong]."

"Nagano is very big, and there are always some places that are blind spots for the eyes."

Gu Shen smiled softly and said, "Send a trustworthy person to deliver the things to this place."

After the communication hangs up.

Lu Nanzhi looked at the map coordinates sent by Gu Shen and fell into thinking.

Northern Nagano, border road.

No. 447.

Shen Li has been "doing odd jobs" at Chunyuguan for almost a week.

It's another completion day... He frowned, looked at the scattered suitors on the ground, and realized that it was a bit too early to "get off work" today.

Because there are very few people coming.

Only half of what it was yesterday!

Shen Li remembered that when he came to the door yesterday, a large group of suitors had gathered in the open space outside the door, asking by name to fight Gu Shen... Why were there so few today?

The reason why these people were able to flock here early in the morning was that the iron gate in Gujiashu District was demolished and anyone could come in.

Luo Yu originally wanted to install another iron door.

But at Gu Nanfeng's request, the entrance to the villa area remained empty, and the security personnel did not block anyone's entry or exit... because it won't be long before the original iron door that was removed will turn into a An iron rod struck these suitors.

Two hours later, the Gu Family Association, adhering to the concept of "everyone is a guest", sent the injured to the hospital for treatment.

There are always some weird people in this world.

It seemed that he felt it was a bit advantageous, and he didn't take advantage of it... After the news of "free treatment after being beaten" spread from the Gu family, there were even more people in Chunyu Temple on the second day than on the first day.

After receiving a severe beating, some of them realized that "free is the most expensive."

Shen Li's attack was very powerful.

He didn't care at all about his own reputation or the strength of his opponent. He used 120% of his strength on every punch and stick... There was no "friendly discussion" or "to the point".

Or, he knocks you down.

Or, you beat him down.

As long as you come here... there will be no third possibility.

Even if the situation is not right and he lies down on his own initiative, he will still get a stick.

In the first few days, there were some "spectators" in front of the Chunyu Temple who liked to watch the excitement. They originally thought that they could watch the show by carrying a bench and cracking melon seeds... but without exception, they were all sent to the hospital by Shen Li. .

Nothing else.

What Shen Li hates most is "the act of watching a show"!

When he thought of the guy "watching the show" in the small courtyard, he was so angry that he started to itch... and he beat up the perpetrators outside the door with even greater force!

Today, Gu Shen was also watching a show.

He even moved a chair outside the courtyard gate, basking in the sun while watching Shen Li "doing odd jobs".

"Thank you very much, Brother Shen."

Gu Shen smiled and said: "If this trend continues... it won't be long before my ears will be clean."

Shen Li snorted coldly, with a complicated expression.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer suitors in front of the Chunyu Temple, he felt a little disappointed.

There have been a lot of rumors going around these days.

Many people said that they were "doing chores for Gu Shen", but Shen Li didn't care at all!

If you start a fight here, it is a legal and reasonable "fight". You don't have to worry about being held accountable by the Federal Safety Commission, and you don't have to worry about "compensation" and "aftermath" after beating someone...

For a martial arts fanatic, where can he find such a good "beautiful job"?

But judging from the current situation... in a few days, peace will return here.

By that time, wouldn't he have no one to fight with and no one to fight with?

But no matter how regretful he felt in his heart, Shen Li didn't show the slightest trace of disgust on his face. He still had that disgusting expression and said coldly: "Oh, I wish it would end soon..."

"Is it?"

Gu Shen thought for a while and suddenly asked: "Brother Shen, do you want to fight me again? This time, I won't use Blazing Fire?"

Shen Li narrowed his eyes and said cautiously: "Are you...serious?"

"Of course I'm's just that if we fight again this time, no matter if I win or not, you have to promise me one more thing."

Gu Shen raised a finger seriously and said: "Chunyu Temple may only be clean for a while. If there are more people seeking to fight in the future, I hope you can come to help..."

You won’t lose even if you lose or win. Is there such a good thing in the world?

Shen Li looked embarrassed.

Although he had said before that he would not challenge Gu Shen again for a long time.

But it really seemed like the other party had extended an invitation.

He was still relieved.

Stop pretending, even a fool can see that you are a martial arts idiot who has no fights and no joy... Gu Shen sighed in his heart.

He asked with a smile: "I'll give you three seconds to think about whether to fight or not?"

At the same time, count silently in your heart.


Not even two yet.

Shen Li spoke quickly and loudly said: "Hit!"

Gu Shen practiced quietly at Chunyu Temple for almost a week.

In a week, the source of the blazing fire and full meal was digested.

Of course, it also includes the "rainfall", "loose soil" in the four-season wilderness, and the "life" support of Iron Five and other source material expenses... In particular, it can be speculated that Xiao Huo Miao can sustain natural consumption for about a week after eating once.

As the "flame" increases in the future, this time will become longer and longer.

Perhaps one day, Gu Shen can form a virtuous cycle on his own, and the [New World] can rain spontaneously without consuming source matter.

The reason why he proposed was to have another fight with Shen Li.

First, because... Gu Shen wanted to continue to trick Brother Shen into doing odd jobs for him after this incident.

Second, it was because Gu Shen wanted to practice Beizhou's so-called "penetration method."

This is what Feng Laijian next door and Lu Nanjin have been practicing. Beizhou's practical sect has abandoned the method of relying on deep water trials to improve their strength. Through self-meditation, they have cultivated their acquired awakening abilities into [innate habits] .

Take Lanqie as an example.

Lu Nanjin felt the flow of every wisp of wind in "visualization". This is the most basic thing in the deep water trial. It is no longer difficult for a veteran like her... But after completely abandoning the deep sea assistance, she was able to control the wind with ease before. The technique has become unfamiliar.

Just half a month.

Lu Nanjin's mood became extremely calm.

The path she had taken before was taken again... This was something that the deep water area could not bring her, but it was a real enhancement.

During this time, Gu Shen was practicing the "penetration method" while operating the breathing method.

He no longer goes into the deep end.

He no longer tests his abilities.

Even the [source code] cannot erase the trial records he left in the deep water area. The biggest reason why he practices the "penetration method" is that he is worried that one day, the federal government will be able to easily obtain his abilities from the deep sea. information.

to be honest.

While Deepwater provides computing power support to extraordinary people, it is also improving the "extraordinary pedigree chart", incorporating the development and branches of each ability into the records of the database.

The blazing fire swallowed up the Dionysian Apostle Iron Five of the Tower of Source.

And he also robbed Tie Wu of his original abilities.

If the deep water area is spying and sensing his [Iron Throne] ability... Gu Shen cannot explain this.


It is simply impossible for him to use the deep water trial method to improve the perception of the [Iron Throne].

Choosing the "Penetration Method" to practice can also be considered as a way to consider how to escape from the twelfth level in the future.

The only trouble is that a blind man crosses the river and does not know the depth.

Gu Shen wanted to test the results of his practice during this period... and Shen Li was the best candidate.

In the small courtyard of Chunyuguan, the two people kept some distance apart.

Shen Li learned wisely this time.

He did not attack directly. He threw the iron rod outside the door early and opened his fist, waiting for Gu Shen to attack.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

This was a lesson learned after suffering heavy losses at the hands of Gu Shen.

"Don't worry... This time, I won't use the blazing fire." Gu Shen saw this scene and shook his head with a smile.

Shen Li, on the other hand, frowned and did not relax at all.

Not using Blazing Fire?

Then why fight with yourself?

I saw Gu Shen gently picking up a wooden branch and twisting it. The weight was right.

This fight is for the [Iron Throne].

There are "iron filings" lingering around the wood, which are very weak. You only need to think about it, and within three seconds, it will become an iron drill.

But Gu Shen didn't do that.

He narrowed his eyes and looked slightly into the distance.

Someone is watching.

Because of the ability of [Iron Eater], the entire small courtyard is shrouded in a chaotic environment of iron elements, and his [Iron Throne] can be well hidden.

The distant wind comes to watch.

After Luo Yu finished dealing with the mess, he happened to come to the rooftop. Lu Nanjin and Gu Nanfeng were both "watching" the duel from a distance.


Fatty Luo leaned on the railing and said with a smile: "Young Master, what do you think this fight will be like?"

"It will be over soon."

Gu Nanfeng said softly: "Shen Li should be very angry."

Luo Yu was stunned and rubbed his chin, "It's only been a week... The gap between the two shouldn't be so big, right?"

Gu Nanfeng just smiled and shook his head without saying anything else.

Fatty Luo looked to the other side, at the woman who was as tall as an iceberg with a wooden knife in her arms.

Nan Jin turned around directly, not even wanting to look.

"I'm curious. Shen Li's aura has obviously increased again. It seems to have stabilized at the sixth level of the deep water area..."

Fatty Luo could see clearly that this week, Shen Li had been fighting every day, and with every fight, the martial arts idiot's aura would become more stable.

In fact, the Fourth Inquisitor should be grateful to Gu Shen.

Without hundreds of crushing battles, large and small, like Chunyuguan, Shen Li would have needed longer to stabilize his current state.

"And Gu Shen..."

Fatty Luo looked at Gu Shen and felt that he could no longer detect the depth of this young man's aura. The small flame was like a [lantern], blocking out all outside sensations.


When looking at Gu Shen.

His iron hand twitched...

Luo Yu frowned and thought deeply.

And the next moment.

The battle between the two ended very quickly.

Gu Shen took the initiative to attack. He threw the wooden branch very quickly. The wooden branch shuttled through the small courtyard, and there was a roaring wind flowing from all directions. At this moment, it was shattered into pieces. In the void of just ten meters, In the middle, there were waves of "iron" ripples.

In Luo Yu's opinion.

This is when Mu Zhi broke through Shen Li's surrounding area.

But what he couldn't understand... Without using [Blazing Fire], this was just an ordinary wooden branch. How could it break through the iron domain of [Iron Eater]?

And Shen Li also moved.

Extraordinarily fast.

A sonic boom sounded in the small courtyard!

He punched the branch with one punch, and felt an extremely slight "blockage" the moment he took hold of it. The branch seemed to have turned into a sharp object, but it was a pity that it was instantly dissolved by his fist!

A pool of molten iron exploded out of thin air.

And Shen Li was like a tiger, rushing towards Gu Shen, two shadows overlapped in the yard, Gu Shen leaned over, moved, constantly avoiding Shen Li's fist shadow... He did not use the blazing attack, but read All the opponent's offensive intentions have been predicted in advance, and every time he dodges, he can throw random objects as a counterattack.

Stone piers, kettles, rattan chairs, wooden tables.

In just a few dozen seconds, Gu Shen threw the objects in the courtyard of Chunyuguan one by one, and then Shen Li punched them all to pieces!

Iron filings flew everywhere.

Shen Li punched Gu Shen hard on the cheek.

Gu Shen did not dodge the last punch.

He did not use the blazing fire or the ruler, but just clasped his hands together in an attempt to block the punch... Countless iron filings gathered with the [Iron Throne]. At this moment, Shen Li's pupils shrank, and he seemed to feel a power very similar to his own. .

Is it Gu Shen's sealed artifact?

He subconsciously attributed this power to the mysterious "sealed object".

Then... Shen Li increased his intensity!

"Bang" sound!

Layers of iron filings exploded, and a figure flew out.

Gu Shen restrained the ability of the [Iron Throne] at the last moment. He felt the huge power of the [Iron Eater] and faced the front. It was not enough for him to rely solely on the [Iron Throne].

The iron tide is billowing and the smoke and dust are flying.

Gu Shen flew to the roof of Chunyuguan Building and took a deep breath.

This fight ends here.

My "purpose" has been achieved.

After accepting Iron Five in the Four Seasons Wilderness, he mastered the ability to use the [Iron Throne] at will... But it should only be the initial entry stage. Without relying on deep water training, it may be on the second or third level.

Just relying on the [Iron Throne] can mediate with Shen Li...but if the other party breaks out in full force.

He had no choice but to hide.

Still need to practice more...

Now that I have measured the depth of my [Iron Throne], there is no point in fighting anymore.

Thinking of this.

Gu Shen clapped his hands gently, shook off the dust on his body, and said with a smile: "Brother Shen is awesome, I admire you... I lost, and I feel so ashamed."

Luo Yu, who was watching the battle in Feng Lai, fell into silence. He never thought that what the young master said... the battle would end soon, referring to this ending.

Gu Shen gave in?

Is this to make Shen Li feel fair?

Standing downstairs.

Shen Li looked stunned at first, then angry!

He said angrily: "What do you mean?"

Since you have to fight with yourself, you must go all out!

How can you keep retreating, keep avoiding, and then admit defeat? !

Does he care about winning or losing? ?

Gu Shen was a little helpless: "I have just used my full strength... Without using the blazing fire, I am indeed no match for you."

"Who told you to stop?"

Shen Li was furious and rolled up his sleeves: "Hit! Keep fighting! Show the blazing fire! Today, I just want to beat you down, or be beaten down by you!"


Gu Shen watched the martial artist twisting his sleeves, as if he wanted to tear down the entire house.

He sighed.

Like a swallow, Gu Shen fell from the roof of Chunyuguan small building.

[Ruler of Truth] plus [Iron Throne] plus [Fire]...

All started!

The moment he was about to land, he was swept close to the ground, and in the next moment, Shen Li's eyes flashed, and he saw a huge fire quickly reflecting in front of his eyes, magnifying, and then magnifying...

Gu Shen punched.

There was a "boom".

His whole spirit seemed to be overwhelmed by the fire.

This simple punch still hit Shen Li's face.

He fell straight down.

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