Barrier of Light

Chapter 346 The Second Disciple

Bai Lu is not a good person.

But what about you, Gu Shen? Just something good?

I'm not stupid!

Shen Li snorted coldly.

However, the resentment accumulated over the past few days has somewhat dissipated after seeing the rightful owner.

"Assuming you came in time..."

Shen Li said angrily: "If it's any later, I won't be able to serve you anymore!"

Gu Shen quickly laughed and coaxed and coaxed: "Hey...Brother Shen, Chunyu Temple can't live without you. How can I live alone if you leave?"

Shen Li refused to accept this trick and retorted: "Are you afraid that you won't be able to live a leisurely life?"

This little iron man seemed quite smart... Gu Shen also smiled awkwardly.

These two people...are they flirting?

Bai Lu frowned, feeling more and more strange the more she looked at the two of them.

"Brother Gu, where have you been?"

Luo Yu asked with concern: "I haven't seen you for several days... If you don't show up, the young master will probably send someone to look for you."

"Where did I go...good question."

Gu Shen turned around with a smile and bowed to Bai Lu: "The eldest lady of the Bai family must also be curious about this question... It's really flattering that they all came to the door in person."

"Don't be sentimental!" Bai Lu sneered and refused to admit it: "I just happened to pass by!"

"Really? That's such a coincidence..."

Gu Shen smiled.

He practiced formation patterns in Qing Tomb for two days. He knew without thinking that the five major families who were always paying attention to his movements, except for the Li family, were probably looking for his "whereabouts".

"My movements... you should know soon..."

Gu Shen deliberately let it slip.

The words have not yet finished.


The link sound of the communicator sounded next to Bai Lu's ear.

She glanced at Gu Shen, frowned and chose to answer the call.

Luo Yu's phone also rang at the same moment.

After he got through, the message from the other side was very simple.

Also very shocking.

"Master Qianye from Qingzhong has accepted a disciple!"

As we all know!


This is a magical technique that attracts the five major families in Nagano. After searching all over the five continents, only two people have understood its secret.

Many years ago, the tomb keeper publicly stated that he would not accept any disciples, because "divination" should not exist in this world. It is a forbidden art that costs too much... and the person from the Tower of Source The "Prophet" also made similar remarks, but what he meant was that it was not that he was unwilling to accept disciples, but that the prophetic skills could not be taught.

Now, what does this mean?

The master guarding the tomb violated his own rules... made an exception and accepted a disciple to teach "divination"? !

Luo Yu's expression became very exciting.

On the other side, Bai Lu apparently heard the exact same news, her eyes became subtle...

Shen Li was a little confused.

He didn't know what was going on... but it was not difficult to infer from the expressions of these two people that something very important had happened outside, and it was most likely related to Gu Shen.

The next sentence from Luo Yu's communicator was even more shocking.

"Master Tomb Keeper...announced to the outside world that she has accepted two disciples!"

Hearing this, he lost his temper.

Fatty Luo couldn't control his voice and asked in a low voice: "Are you sure you're not mistaken about what you said? Master Qianye has accepted two disciples, and two of them at once?!"


The communicator said in a low voice: "The bad news is that these two disciples have nothing to do with the five major families."

"The good news is that one of them is Gu Shen."

Fatty Luo looked at Gu Shen as if he had seen a ghost.

It seems that the news has spread... Gu Shenshi smiled.

"It seems you two already know..."

He took his time and said slowly: "I have been practicing 'divination' with Master Qianye in Qingzhong these past few days."

Dead silence.

Real silence.

Even Shen Li fell into silence. He looked at Gu Shen with a complicated expression, wanting to say something, but in the end he couldn't.

What the hell kind of luck did this guy have?

Can the tomb keeper make an exception?

That's divination!

There was a slight sound from Feng Laiguan, and Lu Nanjin silently pushed the door open, holding the wooden knife, and looked around Gu Shen... Lan Qie caught the breath of the wind. At this moment, Gu Shen's body was indeed mixed with the smell of Qingzuka. And it remained for about two days.

The time is right.

The location is also right.

It seems that someone really got lucky... Lu Nanjin smiled.

She said congratulations lightly, closed the door again, and practiced in seclusion.

The news that the tomb keeper had recruited a disciple to teach divination spread throughout the Snow Forbidden City in just a few dozen minutes.

In front of the Spring Rain View.

Several people were invited to the hospital, even the unpopular "Bai Lu" was invited.

"Senior Sister Lu is doing some cleaning, and the yard is clean."

Gu Shen explained.

He poured cups of tea.

Even Shen Li, who didn't like drinking tea, took a sip. After learning that Gu Shen had become Master Qianye's disciple, he suddenly felt that his lips were a little dry and the world was a little crazy.

Looking at Gu Shen again, he felt even more "unfathomable".

No wonder the aura on this guy's body became more obscure after two days of separation.

Have you already learned divination?

Does that mean you can see your future fortunes?

While he was thinking wildly, a voice sounded.

"Divination is not as scary as you think."

Gu Shen said calmly: "And practicing this technique... is not as easy as you think."

Outside of Qingzhong, except for the "prophet" at the Tower of Origin, no one knows the essentials of divination.

Whether he has cultivated or not, and how much he has cultivated, is not a matter of a word from the tomb-keeper master.

"Gu Shen, have you really practiced divination?"

Bai Lu narrowed her eyes.

She twisted the tea cup and said coldly: "...Why don't I believe it?"

Gu Shen smiled and said, "Of course you don't believe it, Miss Bai. I just took a brief look... You have been surrounded by ominous omens in the past few days. It is best not to go out, otherwise disaster may befall you. Do you believe it now?"

Bai Lu's expression changed slightly.

She sneered: "Fart!"

Although he said this, the delicate fingers twirling the tea cup suddenly became nervous.

"Okay... I'm just joking." Gu Shen suddenly smiled, "Miss Bai, please don't take it seriously. Please feel free to take care of yourself these days. At least Chun Yu Guan welcomes you as a guest."

Bai Lu gritted her teeth.

She said bravely: "I believe you are a ghost..."

Gu Shen shrugged, saying it didn't matter if he believed it or not.

"Brother Gu...I don't understand something."

Luo Yu spoke.

He raised his head and asked in confusion: "When you meditated on Guyu Juan, you were summoned by Qingzhong, and now Master Qianye accepts you as his disciple... It is reasonable, but where did the second disciple appear from? Coming?"

Master Qianye suddenly announced the news of accepting disciples.

The whole of Nagano was "caught off guard".

Over the years, Nagano has become accustomed to Master Chino regarding guarding the Qingzhong as his "mission", and he also understands that "divination" is not a forbidden art that he can covet.

But now two successors suddenly appeared.

The "careful people" among the five major families are probably already making moves underground.

This time only two news were announced.

1. Master Qianye began to teach divination and took on two apprentices.

Two, one of them is Gu Shen.

But what about the second one?

Qingzuka didn't mention anything, and no one else could ask.

"Brother Gu."

Luo Yu asked seriously: "Can you clarify the confusion, who is the second successor of Master Qianye's divination...?"

(It's a bit stuck, the update is late, sorry for the long wait.)

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