Barrier of Light

Chapter 362 Inta’s Blizzard Night (Part 1)

tundra zone.

This is the northernmost zone of Dongzhou, and its climate can be compared with that of the fortress of Beizhou. It is snowy all year round and severely cold all year round.

There is only boundless wind and snow here!

Inta is the name of a small city. This is a place that does not exist on "ordinary maps". The climate in the tundra is so harsh that almost no one will reach such a remote area. It is around the only route to Inta. , the Dongzhou government erected a long iron net to warn curious "northern travelers" to stop here and not to move forward.


The huge wind and snow will swallow them up.

Only extraordinary people will go this far, and only extraordinary people can arrive here safely.

A "protective cover" has been built around the small town of Yinta, which is somewhat similar to the "canopy" of the Beizhou Fortress. Countless floating source energy panels form a huge honeycomb, but these "source energy panels" "The cost of construction cannot be compared with that of Beizhou, because their function is only to resist blizzards. At the same time, the Dongzhou Federation built a high tower in the center of Inta City.

The twenty-four-hour blizzard reduced the visibility here to the extreme.

Extraordinary people need to release their mental power in order to ensure their most basic "seeing".

And that high tower will release a glow through "source energy" in the middle of the night. This is a blazing brilliance that is enough to shine for dozens of miles. A large amount of energy is burning in Inta City, and the tower's glow can break through. The majestic and thick snow ensures that the "work" in the small town at night is smooth and normal.

There are actually many small towns like this in the northern tundra.

But there are very few people who have built such a tall tower...

In the entire Jiangbei, there are only five families who have sufficient financial support and are willing to pay generously to maintain the operation of the city in such a remote area...

Yinta is the city of "Bai Family".

A few hours ago, Inta received the order to stop all normal operations, call back all staff, release authority to the deep sea, and quickly close every "warehouse". After completing this operation, the source energy panels suspended on the outside of the small town no longer closed, but slowly tilted like fish scales... This means that the wind and snow will flow into Yinta without any hindrance, and it is necessary to Within a few hours, the amount of snow accumulated in the city was enough to swamp people.

"This is the number BSZG9873, report, the outer city gate is opened... the release has been completed and will be closed again in three seconds, blockade countdown, 3, 2, 1. The blockade has been completed."

"This is the number BSZG5782, report, the second gate has been opened... the release has been completed and will be closed again within three seconds..."

A few hours later.

A convoy arrived at the city gate in the dark.

A clear report came from the central communicator of the Bai family. The four city gates used by Yinta to enter and exit were briefly opened, and then closed again after being released. At this time, when viewed from above, the place looked like an iron barrier.

Or rather...prison.

The armored tires of the convoy rolled over the thick snow, like ants on the snowfield, moving crookedly and slowly.

Finally, the convoy arrived at the location of the tower, which was Bai's headquarters in the city.

Bai Zesheng looked serious. He personally set out from Nagano to escort the "prisoners" on this trip... When he opened the back door of the car, there was a dying man lying in the back seat. The fuel was exhausted and the lamp was dry. He was almost dead. Pulled off the car.

According to Baixiu's request, this "sinner" should be executed tonight.

The Bai family ancestral hall gave full authority over the matter to the second elder.

So Bai Zesheng set off overnight and brought the mastermind of the entire murder case to Yinta... After experiencing a search for spiritual power on the road, this man had few breaths left to breathe. Even if a god came, he could not be saved. .

It can be said that he is already a dead man.

However, he still has value.

"You placed him in Warehouse B12 in the Tundra...but when we just searched, there was no one in the warehouse. I don't believe you don't know where he is."

Bai Zesheng sat calmly opposite the "sinner".

A camera was placed above the darkroom, recording this final interrogation... He wanted to ensure that this case ended stably and gave everyone a satisfactory ending, and this ending was not just about executing the planners of the Presbyterian Church. Simple.

He must catch the murderer!

Through the mental search and torture... Bai Shi has now confirmed that the assassin is still in the small town, so before setting off, the entire Yin Tower was immediately blocked and the source energy board was opened.

Severe wind and snow almost submerged the entire town.

It's just that the assassin who took action in the tundra disappeared like a shadow into the heavy snow in the small town.

He can endure the severe cold under the frozen tundra lake.

Of course he can endure the blizzard in Inta... But he is completely different now from when he was lurking in the tundra. He has injuries on his body and cannot receive treatment in such a harsh environment. How long can he last?

The eyes of the "sinner" are almost blurry.

His willpower is not strong. Under the forcible torture and torture of his mental power, he has reached the edge of "collapse".

Therefore, Bai Zesheng's attitude was not harsh, but he spoke gently: "Judging from the drugs found in the warehouse... His current injuries are not easy. In a sense, he is a dying person just like you. I Even if you do nothing but turn on the energy panel, he will freeze to death in Inta within a week."

"So...your current pity and mercy are all meaningless."

"You can't help a dead man, but you can help yourself."

There was a roaring sound in Bai BuZheng's throat.

He could no longer speak normally. No matter how hard he tried, he could only squeeze out such a hoarse voice.

"Okay... I have said what needs to be said. The next content is very important. I will only say it once."

Bai Zesheng said calmly: "If you want to die quickly and with dignity...I will give you a dose of 'good stuff' and you will have one minute of free airtime. Contact him and you can get a decent rest."

Without contact... you will get another kind of "rest".

He stood up slowly.

He took out a syringe from his sleeve.

Even extraordinary beings who have awakened their abilities are only mortal bodies. Life-saving "drugs" can be effective, as can "drugs" that stimulate the spirit...but the effects vary from person to person.

The "good stuff" in the needle is injected into the artery.

This is a technology derived from the "Lion Awakening" project, which is used to stimulate the spirit and has powerful side effects.

But it has not yet been fully developed and entered the market.

In just two or three seconds, Bai BuZheng's pupils changed from being scattered to condensed... The unprecedented concentration gradually shrank into a small dot, and his thinking became clearer than ever before.

But...he is still weak.

After Bai Zesheng injected the medicine, a hand calmly rested on his artery... ready to destroy him at any time.

Huge rationality fills my mind.

He seems to have thrown away the "seven emotions and six desires" about a person, leaving only rational judgment and measurement.

After a brief hesitation, Bai Buzheng dialed a number...

The moment the number was dialed, [Deep Sea] had already started working... This was a number that had been abandoned long ago. There are still many such "dead numbers" in the huge database. According to the constitutional agenda of the Five Continents Federation, all dead numbers are should be cleared.

However, the irony is that all five continents have retained such "death names".

It's simple...people want each other to have no secrets and keep secrets to themselves.

This puts the "thorough data investigation" work in trouble in many cases, and [Deep Sea] is unable to further trace the identity of the owner of the dead account.

But there is another chance, that is, when the communication link is established, [Deep Sea] can lock the information address, but it will take some time.



The waiting process was actually very short. It only took two seconds for the communication to be connected.

It's just that these two seconds passed very slowly in Bai Buzhu's world. He slowly raised his head and enjoyed the mental power flowing freely in his brain. This was an unprecedented sense of comfort...

Newsletter complete link!

[Deep Sea]'s retrieval system immediately began to search for the geographical location on the other side of the communicator, and waited for the sound of the communicator to perform identification in the database.



There was no hint of hoarseness or pain in Bai Buzheng's voice. Instead, he said with a smile, "It's me."

"Things are still under control... In one hour, I will extinguish the Yinta energy, meet at the safe house, and I will take you away from the Yinta."


Throughout the whole process, the other party did not reply.

Bai Buzheng smiled and asked, "By the way, how is the situation here?"

Safe house?

Several staff members in the inspection room narrowed their eyes. They had never heard of a safe house in "Inta".

There was no response from the communicator.

Just hang up coldly.

Unfortunately, the entire communication only lasted five seconds.

[Deep Sea]'s search system was interrupted just after it started operating. In such a short search time, the narrowed geographical scope of the information did not provide much value.

The correspondent is indeed in Inta.

And in the northern part of the closed range...but before the energy panels were released, the entire city had already been scanned. If it cannot be accurately positioned, then the broad geographical location will not be of reference significance.

"What is a safe house?"

Bai Zesheng said expressionlessly, "You don't have much time... If necessary, I will give you another injection."

"The safe house is in Inta C29 warehouse."

Bai Buzheng smiled.

His attitude was surprisingly cooperative. Indeed... at this juncture, he no longer had the need to lie.

Finished the last few words.

At this moment, all the pain disappeared.

Judging from the camera system, all the bones of the "sinner" seemed to have softened. Only his head was held high. This man with blood on his face was smiling stupidly, and his pupils had condensed into a small black dot. …This black spot is still collapsing inwards.

After the "safe house" was confirmed...this torture ended.

The sinner's last vestige of worth is squeezed out.

Bai Zesheng silently stared at the man who looked up, watching his pupils shrink and shrink again, and finally disappeared, leaving only the white in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand to close Bai Buqie's eyes, and then left the interrogation room.

The long night in Inta City was so dark for the first time.

The light from the tower went out.

A blizzard poured into this small town. After losing the "light", the whole world seemed to fall into chaos. Except for the combatants who maintained safety in the tower, other workers got a "rest" and settled in the warehouse. The link to [Deep Sea] is no longer stable due to the severe wind and snow, and all supplies are mainly provided by the "tower" to ensure that tonight's "capture operation" can go smoothly.

Twenty elite warriors from Nagano formed a siege network from a distance.

They controlled the entire Area C, waiting for dispatch at any time, waiting for sudden changes... In order to ensure the success of the mission and not to alert the enemy, the soldiers kept an extremely long distance.

No one knows where this "assassin" is hiding.

Because of the heavy snow, it became very difficult to move forward.

Bai Zesheng took out a sealed object treasured by the Bai clan, which was a thin human skin mask, and covered it on his cheek. His entire face underwent subtle changes.

He put on a loose black robe...and headed towards warehouse C29 alone.

The first half of the capture mission is the encounter.

If you want to catch a ray of shadow, the best way is to pull out the ray of shadow first.

Inta's "energy destruction" is just an illusion.

There was no feedback from the whole communication. No one knew whether that cunning shadow would really go to the safe house...

You can only gamble.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether the other party believes it or not.

If the encounter fails, you will not be able to catch this shadow.

Then... just drown the opponent in a blizzard.

The worst-case scenario is that the entire Yinta falls into a complete blockade. With the source energy panels turned off, the blizzard is allowed to fall... One week, two weeks, one month, the hidden shadow will be just a shadow by then. A corpse.

However, Bai also needs to pay a price.

This "warehouse" located in the far north is responsible for a considerable part of the trade tasks.

If you choose to lock the city just to kill a fly... you will achieve your goal but also cause heavy losses.

So Bai Zesheng chose to take a gamble. He hoped that this case could be "solved" before dawn... Taking ten thousand steps back, he hoped to achieve results as soon as possible and end all troubles.

The closer we get to the C29 warehouse, the louder the sound of wind and snow becomes.

The signal in the central communicator is also getting worse.

Perhaps it was because the source energy panel was fully released... The entire Yin Tower seemed to have turned into a bellows.

In everyone's ears, there was only the piercing sound of "huhuhuhu".

Finally...the lone man walked towards the safe house.

Fragile links break at extreme distances.

Everyone has become deaf and blind. They can only hold their breath and wait silently. Without orders, none of them dare to act rashly... No matter how hard they look, in the direction of the C29 warehouse, all they can see is endless. Blizzards, and long dark nights.

(This is a very important transitional chapter. There will be a big chapter later. Please vote for me~)

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