Barrier of Light

Chapter 372 The following kills the top (please subscribe!)

A silent storm surged above the snow-capped mountains of the tundra.

The long dark night was ignited by "fireworks".

Scarlet blood spurted out.

The communication sound in "Silver Foil" suddenly disappeared, and the whole world became extremely quiet in an instant.

Apart from the roar of the snowstorm, the only thing left was the continuous, sharp sound of three fireworks exploding.

Mr. Zhuo, and a team of three people on another snow mountain, raised their heads, followed the sound, and looked silently at the bright blood red colors of wind and snow rising into the sky in the distance.

Although it is very bloody and violent, I have to admit...the fireworks are actually very beautiful.

very nice.


After a brief silence.

The fireworks ended.

The sound of rough footsteps came from the spiritual link network.

From the sound, it sounded like someone had come to this "silver foil".

"Mr. Zhuo..."

The look of the female hypnotist in green robe became a little frightened.

Just as she was about to say something, a hoarse greeting came from the silver foil side, interrupting her voice.


It was like someone dialed the phone and asked if anyone would answer the call.

There was dead silence.

Then he said again: "Hello..."

Still no one responded.

Mr. Zhuo stared intently at the snow-capped mountain where the fireworks were blooming. The distance between the two snow-capped mountains was not far, but the wind and snow were too heavy and his eyesight could not see clearly. Even if he focused his attention on the specific scene at the top of the snow-capped mountain opposite, Even if the force spreads to the maximum range, only a blurry shadow of snow can be seen.

"Has the church ever offended you before?"

Finally, Mr. Zhuo spoke.

Judging from the opponent's attack on the base, taking away the ancient coffin, and a series of subsequent operations... this could not be a warm-hearted "chivalrous righteous man". He must have had a grudge against the Wanzhong Church and had planned it for a long time.

While speaking, he quietly released his small sword, gathered all the blades, and then stepped lightly on the small sword. This small sword was actually not big and could be stepped on. On top of that, it was already extremely reluctant.

The small sword slowly hung in the air.

Mr. Zhuo just stood on the sword, and slowly rose into the air with the shaking sword.

He looked at the wind and snow, trying to see clearly the scene on the hill through the height.

A calm voice came from the other side of the silver foil: "If what you said before is true... the church has not offended me."

Mr. Zhuo frowned.

"Maybe the matter won't be so serious. What do you want?" He lowered his voice and reached the highest point, asking: "Hand over the coffin... we can talk."

There was a smile on the other side.

"I want to see the first stone slab unearthed from the tomb."

Say this.

Mr. Zhuo's heart skipped a beat... He realized what was really wrong.

Regarding the "discovery" in the Jiangbei tundra, the church has done an excellent job of keeping it secret and has never leaked it to the outside world. Even the church members sent north have been carefully selected to ensure their loyalty before they are sent out of Nanzhou. .

But now... the news has leaked!

This shows that... there is a mole within the church!

"Hand over the coffin. We can talk about the slate." Mr. Zhuo took a deep breath. He saw the blurry figure swaying on the top of the snow mountain, preparing to come out with the sword. All he needs to do now is Steady the opponent.


It was very windy and snowy.

Gu Shen, who was standing on the top of the mountain, raised his head.

His body was covered with blood. The wind blew the iron clothes, and the blood slowly flowed along the carved folds of the iron clothes. It was blown to crystallization in mid-air and froze into bright red ice slag.

Gu Shen looked at Mr. Zhuo who was holding a small sword in the distance and smiled: "What if I don't hand over the coffin?"

"This matter... is not up to you."

Mr. Zhuo narrowed his eyes and said expressionlessly: "You can't escape the snowy mountains."

next moment!

The small sword burst out with a magnificent sword light. This sealed object penetrated the wind and snow and tore apart the night. It was like a meteorite falling from the sky. From the top of a snow mountain, it hit the top of another snow mountain. above.

Mr. Zhuo's eyebrows surged with huge spiritual power.

The broken tip of the small sword condensed an extremely narrow "blank field". Wherever it passed, the heavy snow fragmented, like a stream of light, drawing thousands of arcs!

And the next moment.

Mr. Zhuo's expression changed suddenly as he fell on the top of the snow-capped mountain. His mental power was firmly locked on the blurry figure in the wind and snow... However, when he got really close, he realized that... this was not the boy he was looking for at all!

The figure had its head removed, and its feet were nailed to the ground with long snow-white nails, and were shaken by the strong wind.

The same two corpses were lying on the soles of his feet.

And their missing heads...

It was the three "fireworks" that were previously ignited and set high in the sky!

Mr. Zhuo looked pale.

He recalled that in the silver foil link, the hypnotist once issued a cry that stopped suddenly... At this moment, he suddenly turned back and looked at the only mountain he had never been to.

On the top of the mountain, stood a young man.

Gu Shen nodded to Mr. Zhuo, indicating that he had seen him before.

He snapped his fingers.

This is God’s will from the “Four Seasons Wilderness” of the new world.

Spiritually broken.

Fiery explosion.


Behind Gu Shen, in the wind and snow, three beautiful and scarlet "flames" exploded!

The sound of the explosion shook!

The robe of the Evening Bell Church was torn to pieces by the flames and burned out by the high temperature. The billowing black smoke expanded and exploded over the snow-capped mountains——

And at the moment when the black smoke poured out, Gu Shen, who was standing on the edge of the snow-capped mountain cliff, took a step forward. This movement was very light, like a flying bird with folded wings, falling straight down. , the billowing black tide swallowed up half of the snow-capped mountains, and seemed to swallow him up too. A second later, Gu Shen's falling figure exceeded the speed of the black tide. At this moment, he was more like a sharp arrow, hitting the ground. Go and end up falling on a thousand-meter cliff without caring about your own flesh and blood!

When Mr. Zhuo saw the second "flesh and blood fireworks", his eyes were bloodshot!

He did not hesitate and jumped down with Gu Shen.

This young man is like a ghost, and he has mastered the art of condensing "mental power" to a very high level. If he is allowed to jump into the heavy snow again, then I may not have a chance to catch him!

The small sword accelerated rapidly in the air, erupting with a roar that shattered the sound barrier.

Gu Shen, who fell off the cliff, had no expression on his face.

He looked at the accelerating figure in the distance... Mr. Zhuo's speed was extremely fast. This was an enemy whose training time and ability strength were much higher than his own.

His ability is related to thunder... His killing method is similar to his senior sister's "Arashi Kiri" sword...

He relied heavily on that "little sword."

Many thoughts passed through my mind in an instant.

The little sword arrived in an instant.

Mr. Zhuo's mental power locked onto him.

He did not attack directly with the small sword, but stepped on the tip of the sword, stirring up a wisp of lightning at extremely fast speed!

A ray of fire ignited between Gu Shen's brows... The arc of the Ruler of Truth swept out from the sleeves and robes, and wings suddenly grew out of the back of the body pressed against the stone wall. During the rapid fall, these huge wings not only Instead of opening, it was extremely contracted.

This made Gu Shen fall faster!

There was a "boom".

A snow-capped mountain wall was blown to pieces!

Mr. Zhuo's face was gloomy, and the speed of his small sword also surged, just like Gu Shen... He was really jealous now, and there was no way he would let Gu Shen escape no matter what!

The two of them fell together, speeding up and getting faster!

Dozens of thunder lights surged out, but unfortunately Gu Shen was always able to speed up again at the critical moment. Before these dozens of thunder lights hit the stone wall, Gu Shen had already fallen to the snowy ground——

Something unexpected happened.

The huge wings spread out and flapped suddenly.

The wind is blowing against the wind.

In an instant, Gu Shen's speed dropped to the extreme.

He raised his hands and made a "pressing the ground" motion. In fact, these palms just touched the snowfield exactly. Because the distance was perfectly controlled, the thick snow layer was not broken at all.

Gu Shen's outstretched palms were not actually for pressing.

But lift it!

Go and lift it!

The huge wings of truth rolled against the wind and snow, and with the movement of Gu Shen's hands, millions of frosty snow rolled out from the bottom of the snowfield, and thousands of tiny iron lights rolled out with it!

Due to the presence of the five major families and the activities of foreign forces, the tundra area has never been peaceful, and there are countless broken skeletons and abandoned scrap metal hidden under the snowfield.

Buried in heavy snow all year round, no one cares about what else is underneath this snowfield.

But Gu Shen noticed.

Because... he chose to bury the ancient coffin in the deepest part of the ground.

Under the snow layer are corpses, and under the corpses are abandoned iron bars.

Layer after layer, the [Iron Throne] finally buried the ancient coffin deeply, and Gu Shen also noticed these useless "irons".

These irons are of no use to others.

Very useful to him!

Mr. Zhuo's eyes were densely filled with iron light.

He was actually a little dazzled for a moment.

When did so many "swords" hide under the snow-capped mountains?

No... these iron gleams cannot be considered swords at all, they are pieces of rust, and some are completely rotten and will break at the touch of a touch!

But what really troubled him was... every piece of rust here had a tiny ray of "fire" attached to it!

Mr. Zhuo saw it clearly.

The explosion at the base and the two fireworks on the snowy mountain just now were essentially powerful detonations of "mental power". This boy's ability to control iron was just a gimmick for sealed objects!

This boy is actually a very terrifying psychic ability user!

And that "fire" is the embodiment of his spiritual power!

This is how Second Captain Jieding died. The cut throat wound on his neck was not fatal, but the "spiritual fire" that passed through the wound and entered his body was the real fatal wound!

Mr. Zhuo, who had seen through all this, had cold eyes.

He took a deep breath.

Thousands of wind and snow swept through the iron light and hit one person.

Gu Shen didn't expect it.

"Mr. Zhuo", who was stepping on the small sword, did not dodge at all... but was heading straight towards him.

In fact, these iron lights are not considered killing moves at all. My "Iron Throne" cultivation level is not enough, and it is even impossible to counter-kill a seventh-level transcendent——

But Gu Shen's hope is his own "blazing fire"!

Mr. Zhuo on the seventh floor of the Deep Water Zone has a domain!

I... also have it!

It’s just that my own domain is the spiritual domain!

As long as the Iron Throne creates a wound, the blazing fire can attach to it, decisively activate hypnosis, and drag the opponent into his own spiritual realm!


Gu Shen was not afraid at all. He also took a deep breath and used his mental power to control thousands of iron scales and kill towards Mr. Zhuo!

Who said that extraordinary people cannot fight on a higher level!

Today, he is going to kill the top!

"Clang clang clang clang!"

However, something terrible happened!

Mr. Zhuo's body was filled with lightning, as if covered with a layer of thunder armor!

When he took off the small sword, dozens of flowing shadows instantly appeared, covering him perfectly! These millions of iron scales were actually shattered by a small sword! You can't get close at all!

Seeing this scene, Gu Shen instantly realized that there was something wrong with his tactics...

The means of a seventh-level transcendent are by no means just a "field"!

The wings of truth instantly rose.

Gu Shen turned around and stepped on the mountain wall. At this moment, he folded the giant wings on his back, but the pair of huge wings did not completely disappear. Instead, they turned into two small wings, inserted into the shins of his calves.

After folding his giant wings, he no longer flew, but the wind resistance was reduced to a minimum. Gu Shen's speed skyrocketed again. He stepped on the mountain wall, at an angle of 90 degrees to the snow-capped mountain ground, and started running at an extremely fast speed, as if he were walking on flat ground.

Mr. Zhuo fell heavily on the snow a little "clumsily".

Due to his previous defense, he no longer stepped on the small sword. After shattering all the iron light, he was covered in lightning, as if he was wearing a pair of dazzling personal thunder armor. At this moment, he looked up and saw Gu Shen fleeing quickly. In the figure, Mr. Zhuo sank his energy and grasped the small sword as if holding a spear.

He held his breath, gathered strength, bent down, twisted his hips, and the moon was full.

The next moment, the small sword was thrown away by him——

This action is done in one go!

A long line runs through the night at the top of the snow-capped mountains!

The figure that stepped on the mountain wall and was just about to escape from the top of the mountain was penetrated by the small sword, and blood spurted out!

Like a bird impaled by a spear.

Daxue whimpered.

The storm roared.

The figure fell towards the ground.

Mr. Zhuo had no expression on his face, looking at the figure falling into the snow. He did not move forward in a hurry, but stretched out his hand to recall his "little sword"... In the small pit in the snow, "whoosh" With a sound, the small sword flew back.

The sword was also stained with blood.

Mr. Zhuo wiped it with two fingers, and thunder surged, wiping away all the dirty blood remaining on the sword.

He slowly came to the hollow in the snow, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the young man with his back turned to him.

The breath is sluggish.

Blood spreads.

He smiled contentedly and removed the thunder armor.

But the next moment.

Mr. Zhuo suddenly realized something was wrong...

His "sword" at the base also hit the opponent, but it didn't even penetrate the opponent's iron coat.

Wait a minute...

That incredibly strong iron suit!

He turned back suddenly, his pupils constricted.

The thunder armor regrouped instantly!

But it's too late!

The snow beneath him surged, and a slender iron spear suddenly rose up from the ground. It was extremely strong and pierced his thunder armor. It penetrated from the back and came out from the chest, piercing him and lifting him high. .

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