Barrier of Light

Chapter 378 The roar of the storm

Sunset and moonrise.

The sunset this time was not as beautiful as the last one. The vast expanses of the wilderness were still damp. The flying grass blades formed a mat. Gu Shen and Chu Ling sat on the suspended straw mat.

"This world is still a little barren now."

Gu Shen spoke with some regret.

After comprehending one's own Tao in the Grain Rain Scroll...the wilderness of the four seasons changed.

"I think it's quite pretty..."

The girl put her hands back on the straw mat. When she smiled, her eyes narrowed, like a crescent moon.

Chu Ling watched the sunset.

Gu Shen looked at Chu Ling.

The two of them just sat like this... The world was quiet, but not lonely.

At the end of the distant wilderness, there is still a lonely wandering soul.

Tie Wu held the shovel in both hands and did not feel lonely. Instead, he felt warm in his heart when he saw the straw mat swaying in the sunset.

He looked pleased and said with emotion: "As expected of Lord God, you have such good eyesight..."

That girl Chu Lingchu is the most "pretty" woman I have ever seen.

Been following Dionysus for many years.

Traveling across the five continents, what kind of people has he not seen? There are countless beauties who have dedicated themselves to the throne of God, and Tie Wu has seen countless beautiful skins.

But Chu Ling was different from those people.

That girl exuded an indescribable ethereal aura.

No matter how beautiful the beauties in this world are, they are just ordinary skins after all.

But the feeling of seeing Chu Ling... was like seeing a "goddess" who should not have appeared in the world.


This adjective is appropriate.

"'s time to get to work!" Tie Wu looked back, took a deep breath, and swung the shovel again.

"You said...will there really be a day in the future when I can come to the outside world?"

Chu Ling sat on the straw mat. The straw mat swayed in the wind, and so did she.

"Of course." Gu Shen answered without any hesitation.

The wind ruffled her hair.

The two people were very close... Gu Shen could feel the slender hair brushing against his cheek, and it was a little itchy. It was obviously the spiritual world, and the sense of smell should not exist, but he smelled a fresh fragrance.

Chu Ling's whole body exuded a faint fragrance.

In fact, before many questions are asked, the person asking them knows that there is no answer to this question.

But Gu Shen knew.

It would be a great encouragement to get an unhesitating "yes" answer.

Sure enough... Chu Ling smiled.

"The database of [Deep Sea] can calculate everything in the world...but it can't calculate the future." She leaned back and lay on the straw mat, being blown by the breeze, as if she was lying in the undulating tide of the waves. , looked sideways at Gu Shen, and said with a smile: "I clearly know that no one can give an answer about the future... But after hearing your answer, I felt more confident for no reason."

"Don't forget, I am the successor of 'divination'." Gu Shen smiled and said seriously: "Who said I can't see the future?"

"The heir of divination..." Chu Ling smiled even more happily, "What a trick you are doing. It's okay to deceive those little girls outside. I know the details of you."

Gu Shen shrugged helplessly.

"You know what? I'm not trying to comfort you."

He also lay down, closed his eyes, and smiled happily: "I'm serious... Maybe I can't give a reason, but I just know that you will come to this world."

Before the Divine Child Link happened.

That's what he said.

Chu Ling was slightly surprised. She was silent for a while, and then asked softly: "Why do you believe so... This must be a very absurd thing, right?"

"Yeah... the [source code] of the virtual world is reborn in the physical world. This is really absurd."

Gu Shen said so.

He closed his eyes, feeling the setting sun disappearing little by little, the night rising over the wilderness, and the dark cool wind blowing by. Even if his eyes were closed, he could still feel the caress of the coming night.

He opened his eyes and asked with high spirits: "But what else in this world could be more absurd than when I met you?"

Chu Ling didn't expect such an answer.


She is [Source Code], and in her opinion, the world has never changed.

She has always been at the center of the world, exhausting data and searching for the [key] of the ancient literary society.

But for Gu Shen, after meeting Chu Ling, the world he understood changed overnight.

"Since this world can have extraordinary power, fire, and huge walls that isolate black spots... then why can't you come to this world?" Gu Shen said slowly: "Perhaps, the world we see is still incomplete."

Chu Ling smiled softly and said, "I remembered the warning that Mr. Turing left in the [Deep Sea] database."


"The only constant in this change." Chu Ling murmured: "From a macro perspective, the [Deep Sea] can deduce the rise and fall of every tide, but it cannot calculate the size of water droplets at every rise. How many pieces? From a microscopic perspective, [Deep Sea] can control a person's emotions and thoughts through spiritual links, but it cannot control the decay and rebirth of every cell in his body, and the secretion and metabolism of hormones and enzymes in every organ. We control everything. , we have no control over anything.”

"Has Mr. Turing ever left such a warning?" Gu Shen was a little surprised. After examining it carefully, he muttered, "Isn't it a little too long at the end?"

"I improvised the rest." Chu Ling smiled, "His warning is only the first sentence... Don't you think that human beings today rely too much on the [deep sea]?"

these years.

[Source Code] is struggling to survive in the rapid iterative updates of the deep sea. Before encountering the [Key], it can only protect itself with difficulty.

She has witnessed the spiritual network spread across five continents.

The era of extraordinary people has arrived silently.

Humanity owns the [Deep Sea] and everything.

But in fact, as a part of the [Deep Sea], Chu Ling knew...human beings actually have nothing.

Gu Shen nodded slowly.

"As an ordinary person... I must state that I admire Mr. Turing's foresight. [The deep sea] is the greatest invention in human history."

Gu Shen whispered: "But too many people are immersed in the [deep sea]..."

The construction of a large database requires every extraordinary person to contribute computing power.

In addition, every civilian in the five continents, the world they live in, is shrouded in the [deep sea], with only a virtual curtain left.

What they saw was what the [Deep Sea] allowed them to see.

What they heard was what [Deep Sea] asked them to hear.

Rather than saying...human beings are using the [Deep Sea].

It would be better to say... [The deep sea] is supporting humans.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

"Since the advent of [Deep Sea], the proportion of mental out-of-control has been greatly reduced." Chu Ling said softly: "The federal government believes that extraordinary people connecting to the deep-water network and conducting extraordinary trials can not only enhance their own strength, but also reduce the risk of losing control... "

Gu Shen knew the reason.

Trial in the deep water area will hardly be contaminated with bad luck.

The extraordinary beings of the previous eras followed the path of their own exploration... The risk of losing control is very high, it is contaminated with ominousness, and it cannot be tamed, and it may become a "disaster".

Therefore, in the previous era, the extraordinary organization was far from as large as it is now. Members of the secret party sometimes shouldered the responsibility of taking the life of their companions...if that companion lost control of his mind.

[Deep Sea] Links five continents.

The number of extraordinary people began to increase greatly.

The ecological balance that has existed for hundreds of years seems to have been broken... The federal government currently calls Alan Turing the greatest hero in human history because he pressed the "acceleration button", but after a few years, maybe he will no longer Not a hero, but a sinner.

From a historical macro perspective, the end of the development of all things is destruction, and at this time, acceleration... is equal to destruction.

"Old man Gu Qilin showed the 'ominous' behind him in the Infinite Scale field... I saw a huge mural carved with evil ghosts. Rather than saying this is ominous, it is better to say it is glory and merit."

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and said, "Except for those warriors from Beizhou, today's extraordinary beings no longer seem so... ferocious."

"If you lose your humanity, you will lose a lot. If you lose your bestiality, you will lose everything."

Chu Lingyan said concisely and comprehensively: "This sentence is very well said, and it is very suitable to be used here. It is taken from a novel I read recently."

"I've read that one too..." Gu Shen's eyes lit up with surprise and he said seriously, "I also think it's well written."

"Wait a minute..."

Gu Shen sat up, his eyes looking a little strange, "Do you usually read that kind of thing?"

It reminded me of Chu Ling's posture sitting in Ling Ling Yao's carriage.

She always holds a thick ancient book.

Gu Shen thought that the ancient book contained a huge amount of knowledge entered into the database by humans, including astronomy, geography, history and biology.

"Most of the time... I watch this kind of thing." Chu Ling tilted his head slightly and asked in confusion: "Is there any problem with this?"

"Knowledge is boring at any time... To me, the things in the database are information. At the beginning, I was just a [source code] without emotion. When I look at the knowledge and information, I don't have any feelings. Emotional fluctuations." Chu Ling lowered his eyebrows slightly and said: "With all due respect... I cannot feel empathy, and it is difficult for me to build a historical view of civilization for mankind for hundreds of years. I am shocked from the bottom of my heart."

Very candid statement.

Because in front of the [Deep Sea], this knowledge is a product of the previous era.

The previous people spent a lot of energy to verify the conclusion, and [Deep Sea] can complete the answer in just a moment... This is indeed the effort of countless people, but it is indeed no longer "great" now.

"Soon... I've finished reading the knowledge in the database."

Chu Ling smiled, "For you, those obscure theories should be difficult to understand, right? For me... it's different. No matter how complex the theorem is, it only takes a moment to verify whether it is right or wrong. You only need to remember it after the proof is established, and you can quickly complete the establishment of a knowledge system.”

Gu Shen's expression was a little complicated.

"What's more... under the interference of extraordinary power, physics, mathematics, and all disciplines in the macroscopic sense have collapsed to the point where they no longer exist. The original knowledge is only suitable for exploration under the 'non-extraordinary system'."

Chu Ling said: "Since then... I started to read some interesting readings. I have to say, they are really good."

Interesting read.

Very interesting description.

Problems that confuse humans and are difficult to solve...for Chu Ling, they are things that can be easily grasped.

But she could immerse herself in those "interesting readings" for a long time.

Because she cannot understand the "human" world.

Code can compose the most sophisticated instrument in the world, but it cannot let the soul in this instrument realize what human romance is.

“I don’t know when it started, but I suddenly had an idea. Maybe one day, I could sit under the shade of the trees in the courtyard and hold a real book.”

Chu Ling spoke softly, "For a long time, I thought... this was just my fantasy."

But look at it now.

It's really possible for all of this to... become a reality.

"If such a day comes, what do you want to do?" Gu Shen asked with a smile.

"I want to go to the alleys on Lipu Street in Dadu." Chu Ling said without thinking.

"Why where?" Gu Shen was a little confused.

"Tell me, the sweet potatoes there are delicious." Chu Ling said seriously: "I want to try it... There is also the hot pot in Dadeng City, the hotpot in the alley of Snow Forbidden City, and I want to go to the outside world. As soon as I left, I wanted to see if the light could be caught, if the wind could be left behind, and I wanted to watch the snow melt little by little, and the moon rise and set..."

The girl said it very seriously.

Gu Shen, who asked this question, suddenly felt a little regretful.

Chu Ling became more serious when he spoke.

Gu Shen felt even more uneasy.

He listened to Chu Ling talking bit by bit about her longing for the outside world, talking about the things she had seen countless times but never touched... her thoughts spread uncontrollably.

The most terrifying thing in this world is not setbacks or failures.

But a huge "hope".

When a person has never seen the light, she will not be afraid of the dark.

But the most terrifying thing is to miss it by just a hair and fall off the cliff.

Gu Shen secretly made up his mind... no matter what, he would give everything he had to let the divine fetus in Shenci Mountain hatch smoothly.

He took a small breath.

This action was seen by Chu Ling.

The girl's voice stopped suddenly.

Chu Ling smiled and said: "Actually, those things... what I said are not that important... You don't have to bear any burden."

She tried opening her eyes in the well water.

Only for a brief second.

But she knew... that second was enough to prove that the possibility of her own arrival existed.

"It should be difficult to learn such things as romance when you stay in a carriage, right?" Chu Ling said calmly and seriously: "What I want to say is... in fact, I have already prepared for the worst... If the data link fails and I can only come to this world for a minute, it doesn’t matter. As long as I can do one thing.”

Gu Shen was startled.

"I want to take a look at you... really take a look."

Chu Ling smiled and said: "The kind that can be touched and felt the temperature..."

Gu Shen let out a long sigh and said, "I should have read a lot of books in the past few days..."

Chu Ling quietly waited for the next chapter.

"I have never seen anything more romantic than what you said." Gu Shen said seriously: "Fold it in your hand, I accept it."

Chu Ling smiled happily.

The two men rolled together.

Looking at each other closely.

"I just saw it... Although you are comforting me, you don't have the confidence in your heart." Chu Ling put his hands around the back of Gu Shen's neck and said softly: "You don't know... what the future will be like. "

Gu Shen looked at those smiling eyes.

"So...I actually understand everything."

Chu Ling's voice was very soft.

"We all have moments when we are disappointed with the 'now'... If just one more person can say that the future will be good, then the future... will really be good."

The sunset falls into the horizon.

Tie Wu, who was wielding a shovel, wiped his sweat, looked into the distance, and made a sound in surprise.

Twilight falls.

The moonlight rises.

There should be two shadows admiring the bright moon in the distance... Why does the vision in the distance become blurry?

Did Lord God take action to block the sky?

A huge statue of God stands in the middle of the sea in Nanzhou.

The sky is gloomy and covered with dark clouds.

Stormy waves crashed.

This statue is like a mountain, isolated on the sea, and remains motionless despite being washed away by huge waves.

Waves tens of meters high could only slap the hem of the statue's robe.

Amidst the huge waves, there was a ship struggling to rise and fall. The anchor was broken and shattered. The heavy roar of the engine was insignificant under the roar of the sea. The ship was like a broken leaf, which could be swallowed by the tide at any time...

On the deck, dozens of believers in ancient robes were kneeling.

They prayed in the turbulent waves of the sea, were quiet in the raging waves, and recited obscure scriptures.

Accompanied by a thunder and lightning.

The dark sky was torn apart by the majestic thunder.

Tens of thousands of tons of seawater seemed to solidify at this moment, and a huge vortex thousands of meters long took on the shape of a spreading ocean tornado, slowly rotating around the huge statue of the god.

The dead statue seemed to have come to life, hearing the chants of the believers on the ship.

"His" eyes lit up with a bright light.

The extremely noisy world became silent at this moment.

The storm and sea water quickly condensed above the head of the statue, forming a "human figure" that was exactly the same as the statue. His face was blurred. Standing at the highest point of the world, you only need to lower your head slightly to overlook all the creatures on the sea. .

The believers on the ship raised their heads.

Their expressions were extremely surprised, even crazy, even though the "human figure" on the statue was very small.

But they could still see clearly.

Even if thunder and lightning roar.

The "existence" on the statue is still the only light in this world at this moment!

They pray, they make wishes, they long for—

And at this moment, their dream came true.

They are about to be saved.

The man standing on the statue of his god looked at all this with an expressionless face.

He raised a hand and slowly closed his five fingers.

In the roar of the storm——

Countless seawater gathers!

The vortex is shattered!

And what was crushed together with the billions of tons of seawater... were the struggling iron ship and the hundreds of devout believers on the deck.

(There is another chapter tonight, it will be quite late, so if you can’t wait, you can go to bed first~)

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