Barrier of Light

Chapter 39 Sunny Days

one day.

It can be short, or it can be long.

This day... For the three people who guarded the tall building opposite Gu Shen's apartment and performed monitoring work in rotation, it was a boring, long twenty-four hours.

The moon sets and the sun rises, the sun rises and the moon sets.

"The teacher disappeared with Gu Shen the night before, and there is no news about it." Zhong Wei sat on the window sill, "It's really curious, what will be the final special training content?"

"To be more precise, it was after 12 o'clock last night."

Senior Sister Luo took a sip of coffee and corrected lightly.

She is holding a thick old book, sitting on a rocking chair on the balcony, and has maintained this posture for several hours. A spiritual supernatural being of her level has already integrated breathing into her daily habits. A small amount of rest can keep your spirits high.

In terms of fullness of spirit alone, Zhong Wei and Nan Jin are far behind.

"By the way, we've been on guard all day."

Nan Jin rubbed her eyes and said, "Han Dang hasn't appeared yet... Has he sensed the danger?"

"Han Dang is indeed a very keen guy."

Luo Er said softly: "In the past few years, I have dealt with him several times. This person is scheming and extremely cunning. This time he is here to carry out a latent investigation mission, so he will definitely not be exposed easily."

"But since he came here for Gu Shen's review... At the last moment, he will definitely do it." She flipped through the old book, calmly, "Just wait with peace of mind."



"I always feel like someone is watching me."

The crowd was huge.

Han Dang changed his usual dressing style and wore sunglasses, a mask and a peaked cap, which was extremely low-key.

He had already hidden in the crowd, walked back and forth along the streets of Gu Shen's apartment several times, every time when he was about to enter the door of the apartment, his heart would always thump, with an ominous premonition.

"Something's wrong..."

"It's very wrong..." His intuition was very accurate.

During the execution of the mission, many escapes from dangerous situations are all thanks to this innate intuitive reminder.

"The real file about Gu Shen's fire case... I have already submitted it to the review team..." He walked into an alley and completely hid himself in the darkness, "It stands to reason that I shouldn't feel so uneasy. Today is the review Day, his lack of extraordinary things will definitely be exposed... I just need to take the ruler as evidence."

Han Dang stroked his train of thought.

"This kid has been hypnotized by me, so it is impossible to notice it."

"But where does this uneasiness come from?" Han Dang really couldn't figure it out, and shook his head, "Time is limited, I must act quickly."

He took a deep breath.

Get out of the alley.

Enter the building.

The moment Han Dang entered the apartment building, Luo Er closed the book.

"Get ready for action."

She stood up, put on her coat, and quickly walked out of the apartment.

"The guy who just entered the apartment... is Han Dang?"

Nan Jin was a little surprised, she had been following her all the time, but her senior sister never left the page of the book, how did she do it? Is it a special use of extraordinary ability?

"I left a 'small object' at the building/doorway... I can immediately detect the feelings of all people who approach. As for Han Dang... I am too familiar with his breath, so I can't be wrong." Luo The senior sister said: "There may be a battle with Han Dang, so be careful and just follow me."

The three quickly went downstairs and arrived at the opposite building.

"Wait a moment."

Senior Sister Luo stopped in her tracks, and wiped two fingers in front of a transparent sensor door.

"Whoosh" sound.

The next moment, a slender strand of hair appeared between the fingers.

After the hair was taken off, it was immediately wrapped around Senior Sister Luo's little finger by itself.

This strand of hair has been sticking to the sensor door, unless it is carefully inspected inch by inch, it will not be noticed at all.

"It's that 'little thing.'"

She explained: "Don't get me wrong, it's not my's a very special Transcendent Sealed Artifact. In a sense, it's my other eye."

"Is there only one?" Nan Jin was a little curious.

"Of course..." Senior Sister Luo said, "Impossible."

"On the street outside, I placed more than three hundred eyes." She said softly: "Since yesterday, there has been a guy walking up and down the street with the crowd. I suspect him for a long time. But he stayed in the apartment The 'eye' at the door is quite special, within a certain range, not only can you see, but you can also feel the fluctuation of mental power."

Nan Jin was stunned.

She felt the abnormal flow of air. While the senior sister was speaking, there were slender strands of hair that could hardly be seen with the naked eye, gathering towards Senior Sister Luo. The passers-by did not notice it at all. The fine black hair eventually merged into her own long hair.

In any case, it is never wrong to put the most important "eye" at the door.

"He just got into the elevator."

Senior Sister Luo calmly said, "We just need to follow behind, and we will be caught."



"Boom boom boom—"


Soon there was a response:

"Please come in."

Pushed the door.

Did not push away.

Tried again.


A harsh sound followed.

The door opened.

Unexpectedly, what greeted my eyes was a clean and tidy classroom, the windows were half open, and the curtains were constantly being blown away. All the tables and chairs were emptied, and a few were left side by side to form a long table.

Gu Shen rubbed his cheeks, he didn't expect that this was where the final review would be.

This seems to be a... stage for a fellowship that is about to be held?

Every day during the special training, Gu Shen was imagining what his upcoming final review would be like.

The picture he imagined in his mind was probably the scene where the presiding judge interrogated himself alone last time... Dim lights, cramped interrogation room, and big figures like Yan Shicheng with scars on their faces sitting together.

Not so much an audit.

Rather a serious trial.

After the conversation on the rooftop, Mr. Shu led himself through the last day of special training——

There was no 15-kilometer weight-bearing long-distance run on this day, and no beating training of knocking down a hundred times and then standing up again.

There is no training content on this day.

He just took himself for a stroll and went to various places in Dayeng City.

The old guy did not know where he got a fancy luxury car and took him for a drive around the city, ran through more than a dozen traffic lights, and ate at seven or eight high-end restaurants where Gu Shen looked at the menu and couldn't name the dishes , I didn't want to go anywhere at first, but the old guy's reason made people unable to refuse. He finally came to Datang City once, wanting to experience the authentic customs, and by the way, take Gu Shen to see what his favorite day is. looks like.

Gu Shen was also curious about what a day would be like for the old guy.

In fact, it is eating, drinking and having fun, like an eighteen-year-old young man with unlimited energy.

On the contrary, it was me, isolated from the world, like a dying empty-nester old man.

At the end of the day, Gu Shen was lying on the big bed in the separate presidential suite with the window open, and the cold wind kept blowing across his face.

When he was half asleep and half awake, he suddenly remembered something.

Been here for almost two years.

Today is my first time as a tourist, spending a "free" day in the city where I have lived for two years.

Freedom is not about sitting in the best car, eating the best meal, or living in the best house.

Freedom is not to worry, not to worry, not to think about anything.

During the two weeks of special training, every moment of every day, Gu Shen's spirit was tense.

But this time, Gu Shen slept the most peaceful sleep in more than ten days.

After waking up, he and Mr. Shu came to Datang Public School, which is the best public college in Datang City, full of young students around his own age.

The final review site is here, not an interrogation room or an underground research institute.

It is an academy under the sun.

It's a sunny day and everything is beautiful.

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