Barrier of Light

Chapter 4 Guidance from the Deep Sea

"1 minute."

Wei Shu's voice is the last tranquility in the noisy world.

He sat alone in the control room, connected to the deep sea, and after the authority was opened, he seemed to be an extended part of that omnipotent computer, and his consciousness and thoughts spread.

The map of the entire Big Vine City has a panoramic view.

Wei Shu saw the images transmitted in real time, and also saw A-009's crazy pounce. All the images were converted into data in real time, and a large amount of data was uploaded synchronously and synchronously like a tide... It's a pity that at this moment, these data Meaningless, A-009's power, speed, and toughness are far superior to Nanjin's. Relying on special means, the balance maintained by overdrawn power will soon be broken.

Wei Shu is very clear.

In reality, 1 minute is very short...but at this moment, every second may be Nan Jin's limit.

Every attack of A-009 forces her closer to the edge of overdrawing, and she may collapse at any time before the backup arrives.

"Why did A-009 become so crazy?"

" do we break the situation?"

At the moment when everything was silent, Wei Shu connected to the thinking of the deep sea and began to think about these issues.

He fell into the deepest state of thinking, and under the link of the deep sea, countless information crazily poured into his mind.

Wei Shu is like a blade of grass swept by a huge wave.

He mused.

He falls.

He tried to see the "truth" and also tried to find the answer——

In the boundless sea, Wei Shu's mind suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he saw a vague figure of a young man.

That was the guidance given by [Deep Sea].





Nan Jin's second was like a year, and he recited silently second by second in his heart.

She was still able to persevere, but her cheeks were already covered with two lines of blood and tears, and the two long knives were on the verge of shattering under the rapid vibration, and the secret lines were almost wiped away.

She is like a ship swept by the tide, almost submerged in the raging sea.

But the broken consciousness firmly grasped the last straw.

That is the "one minute" that Wei Shu promised.



In desperation, a voice sounded.

"It's too late to explain, Nan Jin, you—"

Wei Shu said the guidance in his mind in one breath, and after listening, Nan Jin quickly glanced at the young man behind him.

Gu Shen's brain was buzzing, and he didn't know what happened.

On the other side of the electric current, Wei Shu's voice was very firm: " will be fine if you do this!"


With a final crisp sound, the long knife shattered.

Nan Jin, who had no time to think, took a big step back without hesitation, and came to the side of the boy.

In front of her, the lady in a dress as tall as a mountain broke through the defense line of the knife zone, with a hideous face, she raised her knife and chopped it down.

In the blink of an eye, Nan Jin grabbed Gu Shen's back collar and lifted him up.

"Lying in a big trough——"

Gu Shen's mind went blank. This woman was so strong that she couldn't resist even if she wanted to. She looked like a sandbag. She was picked up in an instant and hung in front of her face.

This is unbearable, using yourself as a meat shield? !

The wind is coming.

Gu Shen closed his eyes.



All sounds are gone—


Nothing happened.

A tall woman in a dress, holding a sharp knife, was hanging in front of Gu Shen. She stopped slashing with the knife, and under the shadow of the wide brim of her hat, two faint red glows slowly dissipated.

Nan Jin was stunned... Wei Shu's method was really effective!

For unknown reasons, using this young man as a shield, A-009 interrupted the ferocious attack by itself.

The tall woman who had stopped all her movements suddenly fell silent.

She neither attacked nor fled, just kept the confrontation in such a silent manner, Gu Shen felt his eyes focus... That tall lady put away the boning knife,


The countdown in my heart ended, and the 1 minute promised by Wei Shu arrived.

Nan Jin raised his head.


The silence of the night sky in the suburbs was shattered, and the roar of the rotors of the helicopter sounded in the distance, beams of strong light were projected one after another, breaking through the clouds of the night, and the three gathered on the lawn.

The door on the side of the helicopter opens—

Nan Jin raised her head and saw a familiar face in the light.

Backup has arrived.

The woman had a complex expression, let out a long breath, and relaxed her tense nerves.



"it's over."

The moment I saw the helicopter arrive——

Wei Shu knew that the most difficult part of the task of detaining A-009 was finally passed.

He exited from the state of the control room link, his face pale as paper.

Every link in the deep sea has a huge amount of data uploaded. It is not an easy task to digest such a huge amount of information. Soaked.


The whole person seemed to be hollowed out.

At this moment, Wei Shu could only sit on the chair, weakly struggling to move even one finger.

The woman on the other side of the headset was just silent.


Wei Shu knew what the silence meant, and he smiled silently: "Just now, time was tight, and I didn't have time to explain. The last 'instruction' was actually the guidance of [Deep Sea]."


Nan Jin didn't say anything, and hung up the conversation wearily.

"Boom, boom—"

Grass flying.

The helicopter landed, and a soft wave of power spread out invisible.

The strong sense of oppression brought by A-009 was suppressed by a stronger force. The woman in the tall dress exuding a dark and gloomy atmosphere wanted to move, but dozens of thick vines burst out from the soles of her feet in an instant, spreading and wrapping , entangled her, and within a few seconds, it had already turned into a solidified wooden sculpture——

The vines entangled with the tall woman continued to grow, gathered, tightened the dress, and became stronger and stronger.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that when these vines are entangled, there is a slight chirping sound, which means that the corrosive power of A-009 is taking effect. The restraint of these vines is very powerful, but there is also a time limit.

In the light of the helicopter, an old man in a Chinese tunic suit slowly walked out.


Nan Jin had a complicated expression and wanted to say something.

The old man waved his hands with a smile, indicating that Nan Jin didn't need to be heavy, but could be more relaxed.

"As expected of my disciple, do you have the courage to challenge A-009 now?"

Holding a purple wooden dragon head crutch, he walked slowly to the wood-carved woman in a dress, looked at the wrapped A-009, and saw the traces of Nan Jin fighting with it.


The old man stood beside the woodcarving, holding a purple staff in both hands, and said softly: "It is a good thing to have courage, but it is not good to die because of impulsiveness... You have to cherish your life, this life is very precious, It's not worth leaving here."


Nan Jin felt a little regretful, and said softly: "Just do it again, I will definitely do better."

"You've done a good job."

The old man stared at the wood carving and frowned: "Compared to the last time I imprisoned it with my own hands, A-009 is much stronger. It is already a miracle that you can last until I arrive... It's just that I don't understand, but It's only been three days, what kind of stimulation did she encounter?"

Sure enough, something has changed... Nan Jin hesitated for a moment, and said: "The emergency report said that A-009 got out of trouble because of a malfunction in the deep sea."

"Impossible." Mr. Tree shook his head, and said firmly: "It is impossible for the deep sea to fail."

Speaking of this, the old man suddenly stopped, and he looked at the young man in Nan Jin's hand.

Nan Jin also lowered her head, and the guy who was carrying her fell on all fours, like a shrimp, obviously passed out.


At the last moment, fortunately, he... saved his life.

It's hard to imagine that A-009 didn't kill him.

"After A-009 escaped, he took Line 13 alone... Theoretically speaking, this teenager lived with her peacefully for 20 minutes." Nan Jin recalled a certain scene, his expression changed slightly, and said: "So far, no He has injuries."


The old man raised his eyebrows with a half-smile.

"...Maybe it's just luck." Nan Jin rubbed her eyebrows and explained for Gu Shen.

Mr. Shu stared at Gu Shen for a while.

He raised his finger, made a silent gesture to Nan Jin, and then smiled and said: "An ordinary person can survive A-009's hands, that's luck...that's great, take him back and slice him Study it."

A certain person who passed out trembled his eyelids, jumped up immediately, and was pressed down by Nan Jin on the ground the next moment.

Nan Jin looked strange.

This kid is pretending to be unconscious?

"Aha... Do you want to run away?" Mr. Shu said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, we are not good people."

He snapped his fingers.

With two "clicks", two vines emerged from the mud and turned into handcuffs, firmly locking Gu Shen's wrist.

Several staff members housed the tall wooden lady in a huge airtight container, and set up Gu Shen by the way.

The helicopter roared again.


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