Barrier of Light

Chapter 41: Lantern, Hourglass, and Dice

"Gu Shen, as you can see, there are three 'Dream Sealed Artifacts' in front of you. The final review by the review team is very simple...Touch the three Dream Land Sealed Artifacts one by one, enter the dream, and complete the dream interpretation."

A long table separates the classroom, with Gu Shen at one end and the review team sitting at the other end.

"The dream-interpretation time of the three sealed items will be your final review result."

It was Tang Qingquan, the chief judge of Yinghai District, who introduced the rules. When he spoke, the expressions of the other review team members changed slightly, but they didn't say anything.

The judge was expressionless, leaning forward slowly, looking at the ordinary young man in front of him.

He has seen countless people, but he can't see any amazing mental fluctuations in this young man.

Being selected as the authority to review the "S" grades is no small feat.

Every member of the audit team who landed in Dayeng City this time is a strong man with a certain amount of extraordinary strength.

They were all looking at the kid in front of them.

On the table, there are three items... They are an ancient lantern, a lost hourglass, and a restored Rubik's Cube dice.

"You should know the rules of dream interpretation, right?"

The judge asked as a matter of routine. He had read Gu Shen's file. This newcomer performed very well in the fire case. Zhou Jiren even won an amnesty for him. Presumably, during this period of time, he has already done enough to deal with the review. homework.

"Rules..." Gu Shen was a little at a loss, "What rules?"

Tang Qingquan frowned.

He didn't understand, Zhou Jiren set out the test questions on understanding dreams on the plane, didn't he explain it to this newcomer?

"Is this your first time in a dream?"

The examiner next to the judge was quite patient. He looked at Gu Shen and said seriously: "Dreams are worlds woven by spiritual power, so everything in dreams is illusory... No matter how powerful the sealed item is, it cannot exception."

"Once you touch the sealed item, you have no possibility of undoing it."

He pointed to the three items on the table and said, "As for how to interpret dreams, it's not complicated. You just need to realize that you are in a dream first, and then you need to find the peculiarities in the dream. In the end, it is Make use of the uniqueness to complete the 'exploration', which is the so-called 'dream interpretation'!"

Gu Shen listened carefully, and at the same time used the Waking of Insects to confirm what they said about dream interpretation.

When I woke up from the grassland, I first realized that I was in a dream.

Then I discovered the "strangeness"... The strangeness in the Waking of Insects is probably the thick cumulonimbus cloud.

The dream interpretation of Jingzhe is very simple.

Not long after waking up, the cloud on the grassland began to rain, and I sat down in accordance with my will, and immediately understood the breathing method of this grassland coincident with the rain... It was so simple to complete the investigation and dream interpretation.

"The three sealed items brought this time have quite intense characteristics." The member of the review team handed out a small copper piece solemnly, and said: "This copper piece is called 'Mind Peer', if you can't carry them dream, we will take you away forcibly... The price is that you will be slightly damaged mentally and need to rest for ten days and a half months."

"Of course... If you leave the dream in this way, your review will be over."

He paused, then sat back, "Do you understand?"

Gu Shen took the heart-peeping tablet.

He weighed it, and it was very textured, it looked like copper, but it seemed to have another secret, and it felt cool to the touch.


Gu Shen held the heart-peeping tablet and took a deep breath.

Senior Sister Luo said that there are thousands of Dream Sealed Artifacts placed in the Tribunal... These Sealed Artifacts have different characteristics and will be used by people to sharpen their mental strength. Some Transcendents who perfectly mastered the rules of dreams could use the sealed items as their own weapons.

If it is a sealed item specially prepared for the audit...will it be selected from the sealed items carried by the auditor in order to avoid "disclosure"?

He came to the table and looked at the three dream sealed items.

The hourglass sat quietly on the table, all the sand grains in the cup sank to the bottom, it looked no different from ordinary objects, but after a second look, Gu Shen's heart was immediately entangled with an aura of withering and death.

This is probably a dream sealed item related to "time".

Hmm... very dangerous stuff.

Gu Shen looked at the dice again, but couldn't see anything unusual, it was a simple dice.

Can't predict, can't evaluate.

Finally, he looked to the lantern.

The most eye-catching thing on the table is the dilapidated lantern in front of the judge.

It is obviously old and looks like an ancient object hundreds of years ago, but the inner core is burning with a strong flame, reflecting the broken picture scroll depicted on the outer skin of the lantern oil paper. There are countless chasing flames and ghosts. One breath, as if alive.

It looked like a hand-painted style from the Yinghai area a long time ago. He looked at the judge. Gu Shen had done his homework on the identities of all the members of the review team. Only this one was from the Yinghai area. Maybe this is his sealed item?

The justice stared at himself expressionlessly.

"Hurry up and choose." Tang Qingquan knocked on the table and urged: "There is no difference between these three."


After hesitating for a while, Gu Shen stretched out a hand and touched the Rubik's Cube dice.

After observing it myself, Rubik's Cube Dice is the most gentle and harmless sealed item.

After touching, according to the review team's prompt, Gu Shen held the Rubik's Cube dice in front of his face.

After waiting for a second, nothing happened.

And in the next second, Gu Shen realized that he had made a big mistake...


There was a crisp bang!

Something seemed to split in my mind, and my whole soul seemed to be struck by lightning!

The pain came.

Gu Shen looked down, with a surprised expression.

I saw the recovered Rubik's Cube spinning rapidly in his palm, scrambling by itself, making a crackling sound——

Because the mental power is too weak.

Gu Shen struggled to resist the mental pull of the Rubik's Cube dice...

He tried hard to see the last twisting trajectory of the Rubik's Cube.

After a few seconds.


When the Rubik's Cube stopped, Gu Shen in reality had solidified like a stone sculpture.



The breeze blows.

The bright light shone into the classroom along with the wind, and fell on the faces of every review team member behind the long table.

The moment when the justice spoke earlier.

Their expressions changed subtly for a moment.

"Tang Qingquan, this seems to be different from the original trial process." The presiding judge of the Redwood District Prison frowned and asked: "The original rule is that he only needs to choose one, complete the dream interpretation, and then complete the review." .”


The judge said indifferently: "But this is what Mr. Zhao meant. Mr. Zhao said that after the dream interpretation of the first sealed item is completed, we can consider it as appropriate and end the review early."

The presiding judge of the Sequoia District was suddenly speechless.

"Mr. Zhao?" The presiding judge was silent for a moment and asked, "Mr. Zhao gave this boy an 'amnesty order'. Why did he increase the difficulty of the review to such a degree? This is a dream of nightmare difficulty!"

Cracking three nightmares in a row, this is something that is difficult for a transcendent who has officially joined the tribunal and started practicing for a period of time!

Telling Gu Shen that he only needs to solve one dream, and he has to solve three consecutive dreams, which is actually different.

The former, he will do his best.

In the latter, he will most likely try to conserve power.

It's just... in a nightmare, saving power is a very stupid choice.

The young man had a good first impression on the presiding judge of Sequoia, so his expression is not very good at the moment.

"This young man seems to have mediocre aptitude, but he has a good eye. I saw him look at the 'Ghost Cage' a few more times. I thought he would choose it... Unexpectedly, he chose 'Green Dice'."

Another big man also spoke, smoothed things over, and asked with a smile: "Maybe he discovered that the 'green dice' is actually relatively simple?"

Three nightmares, where is the simple one?

It's just the difficulty of the Ghost Cage...

If the young man had been selected from the beginning, the review would probably be over.

"...I'm ready to dream and take him away."

The presiding judge of Sequoia sighed softly, and said: "Qing Dice's dream is very tormenting. If you can't bear it, it may be a good choice to give up early."

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