Barrier of Light

Chapter 415 God and Tomb Keeper

Tonight is destined to be a long and restless night.

The moonlight shrouded and spread over the Snow Forbidden City.

There was silence in the small courtyard of the Dionysian Seat.

The young man in a white robe slowly walked out of the wooden house. His face was shrouded in the moon-white dim skylight, as if a god had come to the world, and behind him... In the dark room, the rich aroma of wine seemed to condense. It has become substantial.

This half year.

He plants grapes in his yard.

Drenched by wind and rain.

Now...the grapes are ripe.

Mr. Jin and Xu Yan were not serving around the young man's throne. In the darkness, a faint wind flowed out of the yard, seeming to be pulling towards the far distance.

They were not the only people who had entered this courtyard.

The wind blowing from the small courtyard at this moment goes through the streets and alleys of the Snow Forbidden City... to where the figures who once entered the small courtyard and then chose to leave were.

Every wisp of wind is like an eye.

Compare that to those electronic instruments in the array over Nagano.

This is the real "Wind Eye".

Invisible spiritual power shrouded the huge city. After the darkness fell, Dionysus opened his "eyes" for the first time, and followed the wind to every street and alley and every piece of darkness in this ancient city.

"Gu Changzhi... seems to be really dead."

The young man murmured softly.

He left the small courtyard alone and walked towards the north on foot.

With his eyes closed, he walked the straightest route, and there was wind everywhere he passed.

The Dionysian Seat walked across the bustling Ninghe Bridge.

We walked through the ancient alleys decorated with lanterns and colorful lights.

There were people dancing lions and playing music on the banks of the Ning River. This handsome young man walked straight through the crowd. The dancing lions and the applauding crowd seemed to be blindfolded. They were immersed in the world in front of them, ignoring that someone was walking past them. He passed by, and these people were like dolls whose threads were pulled by the goddess of fate. Every move, sleeves raised, and steps were perfectly in line with the actions of this handsome young man.

just like……

The whole world is making way for him.

He just walked forward quietly, leaving the Snow Forbidden City and arriving at the empty and quiet cemetery in the north of Nagano. It was a place where his "wine wind" could not go, and it was the place of true darkness and eternal darkness. Place.

For the first time, Dionysus stopped in his tracks.

In his life, he rarely stopped before a certain place like he did today.

Not because he wants to "appreciate" it.

It's because... even though he holds the fire in his hand and is on the throne of God, there are still mundane emotions left in his heart.

That emotion is called fear.

I stopped because of fear.

In just a few seconds, Dionysus recalled what he saw in the [Old World] many years ago.

Then he recalled what Gu Changzhi said to him in the Golden God Realm a year ago.

However, these two strings of memories were quickly switched, and he remembered what he had experienced after returning to the Tower of Source, and the pain deep in his heart that he wanted to open his eyes countless times but did not dare to.

at last.

Dionysus took a deep breath.

There is no wind in the Qing Tomb today.

The guardian of the tomb sat upside down on the ancient tree.

Countless golden threads of divination are wrapped around this ancient tree.

The cumulus clouds over the wilderness in all seasons have turned into lingering silk threads, which were peeled off layer by layer, weaving a coat for the ancient tree. From a distance, it looks like a shining tree. The golden tree, and above the tree crown, is full of future that humans want to peep but cannot peep.

Master Qianye's eyes were full of confusion under his mask.

The ominous omen in her heart reached its peak today... and after using divination, the future she saw was pitch black.

Divination cannot predict everything.

Things and people related to "gods" and "fire" are taboos that cannot be spied upon.

Master Qianye moved the golden thread, and she moved the "eye" that predicts the future outside the cemetery.

What he saw was still darkness.

But at this time, the confused eyes under the mask became clear.

She understood where the darkness came from.

So she started to activate Qingzuka's grand formation.

Outside the cemetery, the first gust of wind rushed in.

Then the second ray, the third ray...

It was like a calm lake, and someone had dropped a stone, but the movement behind it was getting louder and louder... Countless strong winds swept through the chaotic clouds, scattering all the extraordinary source matter on the Qingzhong dome, and the clouds in the sky Keep retreating towards the inner tomb.

Qingzhong is a lake.

What fell at this moment was not a stone, but a huge meteorite.

Dionysus entered the cemetery.

The moment he stepped into the cemetery, these formations started to activate, but the scary thing was... after he took the first step, the silent wind surged in, and the realm of God spread out in an instant, and in Within this realm, everything is under absolute control.

The divine power oppressed Qingzhong's formations, causing the streams of light that were about to burst out to extinguish before they were activated.

The sky above the entire cemetery was covered by black clouds.

The bright moonlight disappeared at this moment.

Qingzhong fell into long darkness.

The distance from the entrance of the cemetery to the ruins of the Colossus is not long, but the time it takes to walk to the Dionysian Seat is longer than leaving your own small yard and walking out of the Snow Forbidden City.

There are no dancing beings here, and no lights burning.

to him.

Here too there is only darkness.

Every step you take, you have to face your deepest fears.

at last.

He stood in the mist of the inner tomb.

In front of the Dionysus, a figure with flying robes appeared.

Qianye did not continue to guard the Four Seasons Wilderness.

She knew it.

At this moment, the great formation of Qing Tomb no longer needs a defender like himself... The chaotic clouds on the dome, the surging and disordered extraordinary source matter, began to pour densely towards the inner tomb.

Without the constraints of the great formation, these extraordinary sources will no longer flow slowly.


The young man smiled.

He closed his eyes, but raised his head.

"Did you do that 'god's visit' in Dadu?"

The tombkeeper didn't answer.

She stood quietly at the entrance to the inner mausoleum wilderness and looked at the young man in front of her. Like everyone who looked directly at the throne, a powerful oppression came directly from the spiritual level.

This oppression made her want to kneel down and worship. the end, she stood up straight.

It is even straighter than the giant statues whose bodies reach the clouds after the sky clouds are pressed down.

After a while, Master Qianye spoke.

“Does God also have questions that he doesn’t understand?”

There was laughter in her voice.

But it is a sympathetic and pitiful smile.

The Dionysian Seat quietly awaits the next step.

"Like the poor ghost locked in the Tower of Source, because of the blessing of the goddess of fate, I have mastered the ability to predict the future... but I also know it very well."

"There are too many things in this world that divination cannot reveal."

Of course Qianye would not answer the Dionysian throne's question. She just said coldly: "Just like I never imagined that a dignified divine throne would actually condescend... to Qingzhong."

Every god should appear where they are needed.

The Dionysus can appear in the fortress of Beizhou, in the broken channel outside the giant wall, and in every black spot in the five continents... but he should not appear here.

"You should know...I'm not a very patient person."

The young man spoke calmly.

"I also know that the reason why you ask me is because no one can answer your questions except me."

Qianye said softly: "That prophet couldn't see through the fog in the cemetery... In the entire five continents, I am the only one who knows what happened in the Qing Tomb. You want to know Gu Changzhi's condition more than the 'god's presence' in Dadu. .”

Dionysus was silent.

"Isn't the answer obvious?"

Qianye looked at the boy calmly and said, "You... still dare not open your eyes."

A layer of mist covered the body of the boy in the moon-white robe.

For Dionysus.

He doesn't want to be seen, so he doesn't want to be seen.

So... no matter how the tomb keeper looked at it at this moment, whether with the naked eye or using divination, she could only see a blur of mist, and she would not be able to see her own face at all.

"The last 'god's visit'... really had something to do with you."

Dionysus sighed.

He waved his hand gently.

next moment.


There was a sound like cracking silk in the air!

Master Qianye's flying robe was directly cut into two halves, and her body was also cut apart together -

But no blood splattered.

After the black robe was broken, a dry body of white bones was revealed.

Her blood had long been drained by the divination technique, and her body after being chopped into pieces turned into strings of golden threads... After offering food through the "divination technique", Qianye could no longer be considered an ordinary person.

A spiritual diviner who can look directly into the future destiny cannot be described by ordinary people.

And the physical price she paid...

It is to become a monster.

Dionysian's expression was very calm. He had already seen such a scene before, because under the Tower of Source, there was also imprisoned a "prophet" whose body was more decayed than Qianye...

He said indifferently: "Don't think that just because you have mastered the art of divination, you can be confident. Compared with gods... heretics like you who practice ancient arts are just ants. If I want to kill you, I only need one thought."

The upper half of Qianye's body fell to the ground, and countless divination threads spread. She supported half of her body with strength, sat in front of the stone wall, smiled weakly, and said: "Maybe... you can give it a try and kill directly. Got me."

She looked back at Neiling.

"Let's see if he shows up."

Dionysus did not make a move.

For him...killing Qianye didn't make any sense.

People will not take one extra step to deliberately crush an ant.

But after arriving at the inner mausoleum of Qingzhong.

He felt some unexpected "aura"... deep inside the entrance to the inner mausoleum, something seemed to be growing, and it had been a long time since he had felt the "aura" of that thing in person.

Something familiar.

And a little strange.

His expression changed a bit and he was not sure.

"If I'm not mistaken, you have been in Nagano... for a while, right?"

Qianye lowered his eyes.

The ominous premonitions I had a few days ago were all answered after meeting the Bacchus today.

"No wonder Nagano is so uneasy during this period..."

"Xu Yan, Zhu Wang, Gu Lushen, and perhaps more people. The things they did under your instruction seem to be an attack on the system established by Nagano... In fact..."

"You just want to confirm an idea..."

"Gu Changzhi's fire has been extinguished, so... no matter what we do to Nagano."

The tombkeeper's voice was hoarse, he laughed at himself and said, "He won't even wake up."

It is actually a very ridiculous thing for Dionysus to visit the Snow Forbidden City in person...

If he was so afraid of Gu Changzhi, how could he come here in person?

But at this moment Qianye suddenly understood the reason.

The meeting with Gu Lushen gave her her final inspiration.

For so many years, Gu Lushen was able to spy on the secret of "Tinder" and hide it from everyone.

Because of this, he confidently started civil strife in the Gu family.

And... got the upper hand!

No one knows the specific situation of Qingzhong's "Tinder" better than him.

And if such a person joins the disciples of Dionysus... then everything that happened in Nagano will make sense.

"I think……"

Master Qianye sat slumped at the entrance of the inner mausoleum. She turned around slightly and looked at the countless extraordinary sources rushing into the inner mausoleum. She smiled with a complicated expression and said to the Dionysus: "Since you want to know the final answer so much. , you might as well open your eyes and see for yourself.”

There is hesitation, doubt, and struggle on the face of Dionysus.


These emotions are gone.

He certainly wouldn't let anyone see these negative emotions come to light.

We have already come here, how can we regress?


The young man's eyelids slowly trembled.

The moment he was about to open his eyes.

Dionysian's expression became shocked.

He "saw" a huge barrier, wrapped in blazing light, stretching out from the inner mausoleum. At this moment, he got the answer, that is, the familiar fire aura of Gu Changzhi lost the control of the formation pattern. Under this, the extraordinary source of energy that Qingzhong had accumulated for decades surged into the inner mausoleum. The fire was like a bottomless pit, crazily devouring the extraordinary source of matter in Qingzhong Cemetery——

The cloud layer of source matter that had been accumulated for more than ten years was broken through at this moment.

The divine realm of Dionysus was also covered at this moment.

This huge barrier grew so fast that it was simply unbelievable. After being infused with the extraordinary source of energy, it quietly condensed into a huge ball of light in just a few minutes, and the speed thereafter became even faster. It is an increase of geometric multiples... When Dionysus opened his eyes, all he saw was a vast golden holy light and unstoppable power.

The fire barrier covered the inner tomb in an instant.

With the speed at which this fire barrier spreads, it is not impossible to swallow up the Nagano city south of Kiyotsuka within a few minutes... However, countless blazing rays of light finally hovered at the outer edge of Kiyotsuka's formation.

This barrier is only generated in the cemetery.

Viewed from a distance.

In the dark night, a large cocoon of light seemed to have appeared in the sky above Qingzhong.


This is the cocoon.

A cocoon of fire created by God himself and forged for twenty years.

(PS: 1. I was too tired today. I squinted for a while after dinner, and it was almost ten o'clock when I woke up, so this chapter is a bit late. 2. There is only one chapter today, and it will be less in the next few days. , it’s considered a break, and I should take another day off until I resume on the 6th.)

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