Barrier of Light

Chapter 417 Reinforcements

The vision of Qingzhong quickly spread throughout the entire Snow Forbidden City.

According to [Deep Sea]'s simulation of the extraordinary aura outside the cemetery, although the cemetery is shrouded in blazing light, there is no strong vibration of the extraordinary source material... In other words, the cemetery has returned to stability.

Soon a transcendent person entered the golden gate of the cemetery... but lost contact with the [Deep Sea] in the next second.

The senior leaders of the three major law firms and the five major institutions immediately held a spiritual meeting.

Above the meeting, shadows took their seats. Because of the hazy spiritual glow, no one could see the expressions on each other's faces clearly.

After the meeting began, Mr. Shan spoke first, his voice full of anger and shock.

"What happened to Qingzuka...what happened?"

When he said this, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Gu Lushen.

He said this to Gu Lushen.

Obviously... something happened in the Qing Tomb, and he thought it was related to Gu Lushen, because the only person who went deep into the cemetery not long ago was Gu Lushen.

The master guarding the tomb also had some "contradictions" with him.

All the high-level officials present were aware of the formation turbulence that had erupted over the cemetery.

"Sorry... don't look at me like that, I don't know."

Gu Lushen said calmly, "Judging from the pictures captured in [Deep Sea], there should be a huge explosion of extraordinary source matter in Qingzhong, but who knows what caused it? Maybe the array patterns are in disrepair, maybe It was Qianye who neglected his duty, or maybe... there was too much pure extraordinary source material, exceeding the upper limit that the cemetery can carry."

"Qianye neglected his duty?"

Mr. Shan sneered, shook his head and said sarcastically: "The probability of such a thing happening is lower than the probability of an alien throne coming to attack Qingzhong!"


Gu Lushen was silent for two seconds and said softly: "In short, I don't know what happened... As for the situation in the cemetery, hasn't someone already gone to investigate?"

He raised his hand.

Deep Sea immediately played another video.

The holy light barrier above the cemetery, a heavy aircraft exploded, and finally burst into bright and blazing fire.

"This image... was captured about ten minutes after the big explosion. At that time, there were still aftermaths lingering over the cemetery, and the vibration of the extraordinary source material had not yet completely subsided."

Gu Lushen said calmly: "The passenger in that heavy-duty aircraft is Gu Qilin."

The expressions of several family heads became solemn.

"Gu Qilin?" Mr. Shan looked at the final splash of light and fire with some ominous premonition in his heart. He murmured: "This guy can't..."

"Don't worry, that old guy won't die that easily."

Gu Lushen whispered: "There is a sealed object in the Gu clan's ancestral hall, which can sense the mental state of family members. So far, the sealed object has not sent out any strange fluctuations, so I think... he has succeeded. Entered the cemetery. It’s just that the [Deep Sea] signal is completely blocked inside the cemetery, so he hasn’t contacted us yet.”

Mr. Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Qilin holds two important positions. If such a figure is sacrificed... it will be a huge blow to Nagano.

So far, the "high-level officials" sitting in this meeting all believed that the big explosion in Qingzhong was just an extraordinary phenomenon caused by an accident.

The goal of their meeting at this moment is to help Qingzuka return to normal while reducing casualties as much as possible.

"What are these things?"

Bai Xiaochi also raised his hand.

He showed another video.

Before the "Golden Gate" of the cemetery was born, countless meteors streaked across the night, creating brilliant fireworks. This scene was seen by countless people and aroused enthusiastic responses in the Shenshui District Forum.

Some people thought it was really a shooting star and made a wish after seeing it with their own eyes.

But actually...

A powerful extraordinary person can see the strangeness in the video image at a glance. These "light fires" slid over Nagano with a very clear purpose and at an extremely fast speed, and finally crashed directly into the Qingzhong.

Then the Golden Gate was born and the cemetery returned to stability.

How could this... be a "meteor"?

"Sorry, everyone..."

Zhou Wei's voice was a little heavy, and he said slowly: "The meteors streaking across the sky over Nagano are actually dreams of fire."

"Just now, there was something strange in the secret control room of the Security Committee Building. The 'Fire Dream' given by Lord God's Throne seemed to have become conscious and escaped from the imprisonment of the purple and silver sealed box, so... this scene happened. "

"Spark Dream?"

The originally solemn meeting suddenly became no longer peaceful.

What these "meteors" are is actually not difficult to trace. It won't be long before the deep sea database can capture their starting point... and after checking the Safety Committee Building, you can probably guess what these things are.

But... this news is still too shocking.

Even Gu Lushen and Zhu Wang looked at each other.

This is an unplanned "object".

No one could have imagined that Fire Dream would leave the Safety Committee Building on its own and go to the cemetery. Is this the instruction of Lord God?

Only now did everyone begin to think about deeper issues.

That is... is it possible that what happened in Qingzhong has something to do with Lord Kamizo?

"We need to establish contact with the tombkeepers..."

Gong Qing, the head of the Gong family, spoke immediately.

He looked around and said slowly: "If the signal from [Deep Sea] cannot be transmitted into the cemetery, then we must use external force."

"external force?"

Zhu Wang had already anticipated what Gong Qing was going to say next. He interrupted directly and said calmly: "The entire cemetery is blocked. Under this situation, I don't think there is any reliable external force... that can help us contact the guardian. The tomb-keeper. What’s more, in the center of the big explosion, are you sure the tomb-keeper is still alive?”

Gong Qing narrowed his eyes.


The sound of knocking on the long table was heard.

In the virtual spiritual world, Mr. Shan stood up slowly. He spoke in a deep voice and said: "The latest simulation results of [Deep Sea] have come out. After the golden gate condenses, the exterior of Qingzhong Cemetery enters a 'stable state' ', although the extraordinary people who entered the cemetery lost the signal from the [deep sea], the spiritual link at the bottom of the deep water area still remained, which means... they are not dead."

Gu Qilin's survival does not prove that there is no danger in the tomb.

After all, this is a titled strong man with extraordinary strength.

As for the first batch of extraordinary beings who entered the cemetery, their spiritual links were not broken... which is enough to prove that the interior of the cemetery has entered a "stable state".

This is very exciting news.

"Maybe we should just take action."

The chief judge said seriously: "I will ask the judges under the prison to bring their elite disciples to form a temporary team and go to the cemetery to inspect the situation of the cemetery."

Zhu Wang lowered his eyes and said calmly: "Second, the adjudication office will also send elites..."

The senior command post officials in this meeting could only remain silent because they lost contact with Gu Qilin.

In past extraordinary phenomena operations, what the commander did was inseparable from the assistance of [Deep Sea]. They often sat at the rear and were responsible for taking charge of the overall situation... But at this moment, Qingzhong Cemetery has completely lost its spirit. Link signal.

"I agree with Mr. Shan's proposal." Gong Qing looked at Zhu Wang and said calmly, "But Mr. Temporary Grand Adjudicator... Due to a certain scandal that shocked Nagano last year, I suggest you not to participate. This is a great move.”

A powerful counterattack.

In last year's rookie battle, the eldest son of the Gong family was almost successfully attacked by Zhu Wang's disciple Lian Zhou using [paper scissors].

This incident... caused a conflict between the Gong family and Zhu Wang.

Although there have been no major conflicts over the past year.

But Gong Qing would never make a principled concession at this juncture.

A dirty accusation—everyone here knows what that dirty accusation is.

Zhu Wang's desire for the "dream of fire" is well known to everyone in Nagano.

After Lian Zhou was arrested by the Security Committee...rumors have spread in the streets of the Snow Forbidden City. It is said that Zhu Wang did not hesitate to let his disciples break through in advance in order to stabilize his reputation.

Over the past year, Zhu Wang's reputation and reputation have reached a low point... competing with the Gong family for the rookie battle championship has achieved the opposite result to what he imagined.

At this moment, all the fire dreams flowed back and merged into the Qing Tomb...

If Zhu Wang arranges for personnel to intervene in the operation, it will indeed make people doubt his true motives.

"Nagano needs more people at this time."

Gu Lushen smiled and stepped forward to mediate, "Those extraordinary people in the command post...are obviously embarrassed."

He said these words without any politeness, and without the slightest concern about the face of other commanders in the command post.

Because...this is the truth.

If the old man were still here, he would naturally curb his arrogance.

However, since there is no one of the same level in charge, the command post will inevitably have to be lowered in this meeting. Before the "spiritual link" solution can be found, the command post's greatest advantage was directly wiped out by this extraordinary event.

"We will also organize elite teams..."

A commander at the command post stood up, gritted his teeth and spoke loudly, "The command post will not sit idly by and watch this matter!"

"What an admirable courage... Young man, what is your name? Maybe I will remember you in the future."

Gu Lushen clapped his hands twice symbolically and said a casual polite word. Then he turned to face the real senior people in the meeting and said with a smile: "Everyone should know... In such an emergency, just Relying on the power of the prison is no longer enough. Among the three major prisons in Nagano, the most powerful is the adjudication office. At this time, we need the strong men of the adjudication office to mobilize. Not only that, I think the five extraordinary Those who have died should also enter the cemetery."

The commander who stood up was completely ignored in the second half. His face turned red and he looked embarrassed, and he finally had to sit back.

And after Gu Lushen's words...

Gong Qing was silent.

The reason for his silence was that what Gu Lushen said made him feel a little moved.

The first reason why he opposed the adjudication office was his criticism of Zhu Wang.'s because of the scattering of the Dream of Fire!

So many "fire dreams" have entered Qingzhong Cemetery at this moment. If the cemetery returns to a stable state, then these "fire dreams" will become the greatest wealth!

And Gu Lushen proposed that all five families enter the cemetery for reinforcements...

Then, everyone will have the opportunity to collect the Dream of Fire.

"The tainted accusations against Mr. Zhu Wang... there is no substantial evidence so far. Since he is the Grand Adjudicator, Mr. Gong Qing, at this moment, we should at least give him basic respect."

Gu Lushen said with a smile: "Mr. Zhu Wang, I support you in sending a team to rescue the Qing Tomb, because the Gu family will also send people into the Qing Tomb."

"In this case... the Bai family will also enter the cemetery." Bai Xiaochi said seriously: "Of course, our primary purpose is to help restore stability to the Qing Tomb."

After a pause, Bai Xiaochi said again: "It's not that I, Bai, don't care about the overall situation... It's just that at this time, I must point out that it is unfair to the child Bai Xiu when this happens."

In the eyes of everyone in Nagano, one thing is already doomed.

That was this year's 'Fire Dream'. There was supposed to be a wisp of it, belonging to the Bai family's Bai Xiu.


The Bai family must have their own purpose in entering the cemetery.

"Then it's up to everyone to do their own thing."

Gu Lu smiled deeply.

He leaned back and said slowly: "If the return of the Fire Dream is the will of the God, then those who enter the cemetery and can pick it up can be regarded as a destined gift. Since Nagano has encountered unprecedented difficulties, Then the five major families and the three major offices should all be dispatched... As for the 'Fire Dreams' scattered in the cemetery, of course whoever picks them up will belong to them."

No one from the five families refuted.

Everyone acquiesced to this matter.

Zhou Wei, chairman of the safety committee, looked at this scene with concern.


This was the bad situation that Tinder Dream had anticipated when he escaped from the building.

When the dream of fire returns to the cemetery, and the cemetery returns to stability... this is a great blessing, a great opportunity. When the rules set by the God's throne are broken, and there is no age limit for comprehending spiritual dreams, everyone will want to give it a try.

As for the Five Families, as the highest level of the Nagano Order Chain, they will naturally not let any one party gain the upper hand.

The final result.

It is also an inevitable result... that everyone has the authority to enter the cemetery.

"I agree."

Gong Qing spoke.

"I agree."

Bai Xiaochi echoed softly.

Gu Lushen's proposal... was unanimously approved by everyone at the meeting.

When the meeting was about to end, Zhou Wei stood up.

He said softly: "I suggest that Gu Shen's forty-eight-hour supervision time limit be cancelled... Nagano needs Gu Shen now."

This was what Gong Qing wanted to say at the beginning.

Today, Nagano is no longer able to contact Master Qianye inside the cemetery.

And the only person who could potentially establish a connection... was actually Gu Shen.

He is Qianye's disciple.

He is also the successor of divination.

Zhu Wang, who interrupted Gong Qing's speech at the beginning, stopped making any remarks at this moment and just silently watched everyone at the meeting raise their hands one by one, repeating the previous voting situation.



The proposal to release Gu Shen was also unanimously approved.

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