Barrier of Light

Chapter 419 Big Cold

Inside the cemetery, the wind of death and silence floated.

Gu Shen walked towards the inner mausoleum.

His mood also became more and more nervous... When he entered the cemetery, he was not afraid of "life and death".

And at this moment.

There were some more complicated emotions in his heart.

That should be called "Fear."

But it’s not about yourself…it’s about other people.

Everything here is "frozen". There is not a living person on the road, and of course there is not a dead person. However, this is the most frightening place.

What happened in the cemetery?

What kind of power can make the entire Qing Tomb fall into such a state of deathly silence...

Gu Shen was afraid. After entering the inner mausoleum... he saw the same thing when he met the mausoleum guardians.

Heavy fog drifted over the distant hills.

Every wisp of mist solidified repeatedly into smoke on the oil painting. Gu Shen climbed over the hill and came to the entrance of the Colossus Mountain Mausoleum.

He stood silently at the entrance.

After entering the cemetery, the huge stone that had been hanging in my heart finally settled... but the feeling after it settled was not that of peace of mind.

It’s the feeling of confusion when the dust of “the thing of fear” has settled.

In a sense, Gu Shen had accomplished the purpose of this trip.

He saw the "Mausoleum Keeper".

Only half of the... mausoleum keepers.

On the stone gate of the mountain mausoleum, rustling dust fell.

The dust fell on the black robe embroidered with moiré patterns and gold edges, making the robe dirty...

The upper half of the body of the tomb keeper was sitting on the stone door of the mountain mausoleum. The stone door had been closed, and a blazing light seeped out from the gaps in the stone door. It looked like the golden paint of this blood-stained robe. The edges are dazzling and dazzling, making it difficult not to notice.

"You came faster than I expected."

There was a crack in Qianye's tabby cat mask.

But it's not completely off yet.

The mask only opened a slit and no longer fit tightly, but it still covered her entire face.

Her voice was as gentle, steady, and calm as ever.

But Gu Shen had already heard something was wrong.

As the master of divination... Master Qianye would not say such a thing.

She had always expected whether and when she would come to the cemetery. In the past year, there had never been any surprises. But this time, she used the word "expected".

It was because she was no longer able to use divination.

Gu Shen saw the other empty half of the robe on the ground.

Under that half of the robe, there were only broken bones that were crushed into powder.

Countless golden threads were pulled out from Master Qianye's body at this moment. She was leaning against a huge mountain, and above the outline of the mountain, there were vaguely bound circles of continuous golden threads.

These golden threads seemed to be tying up the mountain, suppressing the strangeness in the gaps in the stone door.


Gu Shen squatted in front of Master Qianye, and wanted to hold her hand with some distress, but instead he held a light, hollow hand bone. At this moment, the tomb guard was as light as cattails.


There were only "golden threads" left all over her body.

This body seemed to dissipate at any moment.

Gu Shen didn't even dare to use force.

Master Qianye smiled.

She said softly: "My situation is not as bad as you think...but Qingzhong's situation may be worse than everyone imagined."

Gu Shen took a deep breath.

He threw away all useless emotions and listened carefully to the tomb guard's words.

"The changes in Qingzhong are because of... the Dionysus Seat."

Qianye said word for word: "It was only when he came to the cemetery that he caused this vision."

Gu Shen's expression became solemn, and he looked at the golden light that was constantly overflowing from the cracks in the rocks on the mountain.

The seat of within the mountain mausoleum?

Then, the injury suffered by Master Qianye was also because of the Dionysus...


Even Gu Lushen couldn't do anything to Qianye in the cemetery, so the only one who could seriously injure him was the God's Throne.

"Don't worry, he is trapped in the inner tomb now."

The guardian of the tomb smiled softly, "Although I don't know what is going on inside... But if he could come out, he would have come out long ago..."

"What happened in Nei Ling?"

Gu Shen asked the question that everyone wanted to ask.

"When Dionysus stepped into the cemetery... I tried to activate the formation pattern, but failed."

This is the reason why all the formation patterns seen on the road were annihilated.

A more powerful force came and extinguished these formations.

That power... comes from the Dionysus!

"So...I let go of the formation pattern and let all the extraordinary source matter flow into the inner tomb."

Master Qianye looked back at the mountain wall and murmured: "Unexpectedly, that an instant, absorbed a large amount of source matter above Qingzhong, and finally produced a 'qualitative change'."

Gu Shen was thoughtful.

This scene... also corresponds to the so-called "Big Bang"!

This blazing barrier is so powerful.

It's because... these extraordinary essences have been swallowed up by Mr. Gu Changzhi's "fire"!

"Gu Lushen...and Zhu Wang...perhaps there are more people, they have all taken refuge under the Dionysus!"

Master Qianye looked at Gu Shen with bright eyes.

This is very important news!

At this moment, Gu Shen finally understood why when the big explosion in Qingzhong Cemetery... Han Dang's expression was different from that of outsiders.

In some people's eyes.

All of this... was simply planned.

Maybe they didn't expect that there would be so much movement in Qingzhong Cemetery.

But obviously!

This explosion in the the signal to start the operation!

After the death of Gu Changzhi, small gaps formed among the five major families in Nagano. After twenty years of operation, these gaps finally began to crack and expand...

At this moment, Gu Shen remembered what Mr. Zhou Wei said to him and Gu Lushen's proposal in the spiritual meeting.

Next, a large number of extraordinary people will enter the cemetery.

This also corresponds to...the strength of the five families' garrison in Nagano will be greatly reduced.

Gu Shen didn't know how many people were standing in the shadow under the Dionysus Seat in the Tower of Source, but what he knew was that Nagano at this moment was probably about to face an unprecedented storm.

He quickly took out the [Ten Thousand Miles] that Zhou Wei handed to him, picked up a pen and started writing these messages on the paper...


The tombkeeper coughed dully.

Her body had lost most of its flesh and bones due to the sacrificial divination, but at this moment, under the violent coughing, blood still splattered...

This is a very cruel thing.

No matter how knowledgeable she is, how prophetic she is, or how well she knows everything about the world.

She is still just an ordinary person.

But ordinary people will inevitably die.

"Everything in this frozen, it is the power of fire." Qianye said softly: "Whether it is the [deep sea], spiritual link...or other means, there is no way to connect with the outside world. This is an independent world, and it is about to usher in its final closure."

Gu Shen was startled.

"The final... closure?"

"I have never seen such huge spiritual power in my life..." Qianye lowered his eyebrows and said slowly: "Within the mountain mausoleum, the power of the Dionysus Seat has been completely suppressed. This spiritual power is constantly spilling out. What will happen next? It will carry the extraordinary source and spread to the entire cemetery. At that time, the Qing Tomb will become a 'super large wonderland'."

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

Mr. Zhou Wei, as well as the entire federation's top officials, have evaluated the internal situation of Qingzhong... Many people believe that the cemetery has become a wonderful place at this moment.

But it's not.

At least the path Gu Shen took since entering the mausoleum did not sense the essence of the wonderful realm, but was a bit desolate and desolate.

And think about it.

This smell... seems a bit familiar.

I have comprehended the "breath of spring" myself, and felt the rebirth of all things resurrected in spring in the four-season wilderness.

But before I began to comprehend the Jingzhe Scroll... the whole world was silent and desolate.

That feeling is somewhat similar to the previous cemetery.

"You should know... Gu Changzhi created an unprecedented powerful breathing method."

Qianye has been waiting for twenty years.

Until now, the fire has revived.

Qianye still hadn't seen Gu Changzhi...but that didn't stop her from having a faint smile appear on her lips when she mentioned the name.

"The Waking of Insects, Grain Rain, Ear Grain, Great Heat, White Dew, Frost, Light Snow..."

Her voice was very slow and she read word by word.

Gu Shen has actually only heard the first two names of these breathing methods.

Jingzhe and Guyu are collectively called "Breath of Spring".

The latter part is not difficult to guess.

Each two solar terms, combined, corresponds to an entire volume of breathing techniques.

The intense heat of Ear Grain is called "summer", and the white dew and frost are called "autumn". It is only the last "winter", and only a single "light snow" appears.

"He once said to me that there is still one final step to perfect breathing."

Qianye murmured: "The last volume of 'Breath of Winter' symbolizes the end of the mortal world from life to death. He has reached the last stage of creation and has fallen into a bottleneck..."

"Big Chill."

After the light snow comes the big cold!

The vast golden light within the gap of the stone door seemed to be coated with a layer of silver.

Gu Shen noticed that Master Qianye's robe began to form fine ice scum.

Her voice trembled slightly, and she said with a smile: "If you guessed it correctly...his deep sleep these years is the final stage of understanding the 'Great Cold'..."

Separated by a stone door.

Gu Shen could already feel the icy chill.

He held Master Qianye's palm and ice slag also appeared.

Having said this, Gu Shen can roughly guess what will happen next... If nothing unexpected happens, Mr. Gu Changzhi's spiritual power will sweep across the entire cemetery, and once this super-large wonderland is formed, it means that this place will be destroyed. Pulled into the dream of "Big Chill".

This is the last volume in the Four Seasons Breathing Method.

It is also a volume that symbolizes "destruction" and "withering"!

And he also vaguely guessed... why the Bacchus Seat has been silent in the inner mausoleum.


The moment the fire barrier opens.

Dionysus is the first to receive the "explosion".

Then...there is no doubt that he is also the one who bears all of Gu Changzhi's "Great Cold" spiritual power.

"Dionysus is taking back his spirit... to fight against the 'Great Cold' in the inner tomb."

Qianye's body was still pulling away from the golden thread.

She has been using divination to predict what will happen next... Those taboo things involving the "Throne of God" cannot be seen through divination. No matter how much you pay, you can only see a fog.

So she set her sights on the cemetery.

"Based on the current situation, maybe in a few moments, the array pattern can be restarted... But... now I... am no longer able to control the formation."

The tombkeeper slowly raised his head and looked meaningfully into Gu Shen's eyes.

Gu Shen understood what she meant.

He was unable to send a message to the outside world, which, extraordinary beings from the three major houses and the five major families in Nagano would flood into the cemetery...and at that time they would face the "super-large cold disaster" that had taken shape.

This is almost a disaster that cannot be resisted by human beings.

Gu Shen had seen the scenes coming out of the Piyue City Fortress... The super-large disaster realm finally opened a portal, and almost all the extraordinary people who entered it were killed.

If the "Great Cold Disaster" in Qingzhong takes shape, it will not be limited to this.

The scariest thing is.

The survivors who entered the disaster at Piyue City Fortress woke up and thought about everything they had experienced... What was frightening about that disaster was that it would not directly kill the extraordinary, but would kill them forever. Trapped.

Without that door, no one can leave.

The mental and physical strength of the extraordinary person will be worn away bit by bit... and in the end, he will be tortured to death by the boundless wind and snow.

There are extraordinary people who lose control, and there are also extraordinary people who choose to commit suicide.

"These are the remaining formation drawings... and my ideas for disassembly..."

Circles of golden threads spun and flew past Gu Shen.

"I's hard..."

Master Qianye smiled softly and said: "But you still need to enter the previous state of mind again. Time is running out... The more formation patterns you can understand, the more you can master the clear tomb. In the 'Big Cold' When disaster strikes, you will become the new tomb keeper."

After saying this, Qianye let out a long breath.

This is like some kind of "last words".

It's more like... the completion of a inheritance.

The expression under the tabby cat mask was a bit self-deprecating, but also a bit regretful.

He has been guarding the Qing Tomb for twenty years.

She originally thought... that she was hard-hearted and indifferent. She stayed in Qingzhong not because she cared about Nagano, but because she cared about Gu Changzhi.

But now it seems that is not the case.

She didn't want Qingzhong to lose its peace, and she didn't want the innocent people in Nagano to wither in the cemetery. Apart from Gu Changzhi, she had other things she was reluctant to part with and cared about.

"What are you talking about..."

Gu Shen took a deep breath.

He looked at Master Qianye and said angrily: "It looks like everyone is going to die here. You haven't met Mr. Gu Changzhi yet, and I haven't met my wife yet... How can we die?!"

The person guarding the tomb was stunned.

next moment.

Gu Shen stopped talking, his mental power slowly restrained, and the blazing fire condensed into a small vertical pupil, swaying back and forth.

He was immersed in the pattern drawings displayed by the circles of golden lines.

This is Master Chino’s “lifelong secret”.

Gu Shen, on the other hand, returned to the state of mind of a "spectator" who wanted something but could not get it.


I am in the garden and the sky is about to collapse. I am the backbone. How can I be a spectator again?

At this moment, Gu Shen's spirit was more focused than ever before, even... surpassing the state of a still "spectator"!

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