Barrier of Light

Chapter 435 Falling Snow

Blood-stained white sleeves were flying in the air.

Baixiu walked out of the snow-capped mountain cave, and the [Thunder World Walker] behind him slowly dissipated.

The old man fell to the ground, covered in blood.

His wounds did not heal quickly.

The purple divine brilliance of the Bacchanalia flowed between his robes, but did not soak into his flesh and blood... Obviously, the power lent by this divine power to Bai Zesheng was very limited.

Baixiu watched this scene silently.

Only the extraordinary person who holds the emblem of the divine throne can be regarded as an "apostle". The number of apostles is extremely rare, and the requirements are extremely strict. They must be able to bear the "divine presence" in order to be considered a true "apostle".

After all, the apostles themselves are the chosen vessels for the coming will of the Godhead.

You need to be determined to dedicate everything, and you also need to have the qualifications to be one in a million.

However, if the god wants to give away his power, there are not so many restrictions... The guy who was just killed by him should be regarded as half an [apostle], because Baixiu sensed extremely vast and vastness in him. The terrifying divine pressure may cause trouble if not killed immediately, but Bai Zesheng did not feel the corresponding pressure.

Therefore, he did not kill directly.

Faced with the old man whom he has nurtured, Baixiu still has something to say.

The smell of blood permeated the wind and snow.

Bai Xiu stood among the blood-stained white sleeves falling all over the sky and asked, "Where are Bai Lu and the others now?"

The snow cave is empty.

Obviously...his original guess was correct. There were indeed rules for teleportation in the cemetery, and judging from the strange situation just now, Bai Zesheng could activate the rules.

The old man smiled softly, "Don't worry about them... I'm only targeting you."

The implication is that these people are safe.

Bai Xiu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time, he felt a touch of sadness.

This old man who brought him out of Jiangbei is the person who despises his own blood the most in the entire Bai family.

Those direct lineage extraordinary beings who enter the cemetery will receive maximum protection.

And I... want to be eliminated.

"The plan is to kill you, or destroy your power, so that you can no longer continue to practice..." Bai Zesheng tried his best to move his decaying body, leaned on a cold stone, and said with a smile: "I will take you away I brought you out of the small town and gave you great glory. Now that you are taking it back, I think I also have the power."

Before meeting him, Baixiu was just a poor and lonely child.

Apart from the miserable life experience, there is nothing left.

Bai Xiu was silent for a while.

In fact, he didn't hate Nagano.

For a long time, he gained warmth in Baishi, and the people here were very kind to him.

Part of the reason why he practiced so hard was because of these new "family members."

It's just that... what Bai Zesheng did caused an irreparable and devastating blow to Bai Xiu's beautiful memories.

The second elder has been pretending all these years, but what about the rest of the Bai family?

How many of those smiling faces actually harbor murderous intentions?

He didn't dare to guess.

"Since it's for the Bai family... let me grow up, what's wrong with that."

Baixiu lowered his eyes and thought for a long time. Finally, he looked at the old man covered in blood and whispered: "I will become a reliable person, and the family will become stronger."

"At that time, the Bai family will no longer be the Bai family."

Bai Zesheng smiled and said: "You are just a... child of a branch lineage who has no bloodline and is not worthy of being named in the ancestral hall's monument."

There was no more expression on Baixiu's face.

He nodded slowly.

This means understanding.

So, it was Bai Zesheng's turn to be a little surprised. He didn't expect that after hearing the news... Bai Xiu would have this reaction.

"You should be angry." Bai Zesheng said with difficulty, "Then kill me with one knife."

"I thought I would be angry, but I wasn't."

Bai Xiu said calmly: "Maybe it's because... I have known for a long time that you are such people."

You guys are a very general concept.

One year ago... Qu Long died fighting for himself, and his name was not qualified to enter the ancestral hall.

At that time, he saw clearly some of the truth flowing in the "ancient" bloodline of this huge clan.

One of the synonyms of arrogance is exclusiveness.

Maybe he and Qu Long are the matter what they do, they are destined not to be truly accepted by the Bai family.

"...It's useless to say more."

Bai Zesheng slowly raised his head.

He looked at the young man walking in front of him, closed his eyes gently, and said in a hoarse voice: "What are you going to do with me?"

Baixiu raised his hand gently.

A broken blade flew out of the snow and floated in front of Bai Zesheng.

He looked at the old man silently.

The irregular sharp blade was the answer he gave.

"Please do it."

Baixiu showed his final respect and turned his back.

The last stretch of life.

He was willing to give Bai Zesheng a decent death.


Bai Zesheng gasped.

He stretched out his palm with great effort and caught the blade. The old man's eyes were a little confused, and his long life became short at this moment, passing by like a horse... The scene of making an oath with his deceased elder brother is still vivid. At that time, he and his eldest brother were still young and determined to push the "White Family" to the top of Nagano. Unfortunately, the tide of the times was beyond human power.

The Gu family has always been an insurmountable mountain for the Bai family.

In the years when Gu Changzhi was born, the second-largest Bai family in Nagano was reduced to a dim star that set off the bright moon of the Gu family.

In fact... Bai Shi also ushered in the real dawn.

He could not forget the evil figure who could stand up to Gu Changzhi and awaken the power of [Reverse Flux]. The proposal to gather the power of the entire clan to train one person to break through the boundaries... was made by him.

It is a pity that Bai's peak bloodline still lost to Gu Changzhi and did not become a god.

Since then, the eldest brother has died of illness.

The Bai family plummeted and disappeared from Nagano for a time.

He had seen a truly brilliant light, so when he saw Baixiu's progress getting faster and faster, he couldn't help but think of the scene decades ago, and of the man who carried all the power of the Bai family's bloodline , just disappear.

Thinking of countless regrets.

And...that wisp of wildfire in his chest that refused to be extinguished.

Bai Zesheng took a deep breath.

He raised his head and looked at the young man in white not far away, his voice hoarse.


As soon as the voice came out, Baixiu's brows frowned slightly.

Thunder from all directions has stirred up the snow, turning it into a cage.

However, above Bai Zesheng's head, the compass once again stirred up the divine power of the Dionysian Seat, bursting out purple rays one after another. The wind and snow were blowing, and the peaceful mood in the cemetery instantly spread.

The lightning cage locked the boulder.

It's just that... the figure covered in blood sitting in front of the big stone was gradually covered by the wind and snow, and the entire space was moved by the power of will!

Bai Xiu had no expression on his face, looking at the rugged boulders stained with blood in front of him after the lightning dissipated.

The spiritual power of Dionysian is hidden in the wind and snow.

The second elder, Bai Zesheng, had disappeared without a trace.

There was only a lingering sound of exhaustion echoing in the snowy field.


"I want to... survive."

With a "buzz" sound, an invisible spiritual ripple spread.

Go through the forest and beat leaves.

Sweeping into the distance.

Gong Qing's expression was not good-looking. He was standing on a snow tree. Wherever his spiritual ripples touched, the needles of the snow tree trembled, and large tracts of falling snow were swept away by the shock.

He had been waiting here deliberately for some time.

The last time, this spiritual ripple reached this point and completely dissipated.

But this time, the dry snow on the snowy trees was shaken to pieces.

It can be seen that the vibration of this spiritual ripple is getting more and more fierce.

After entering the cemetery, I was teleported away and came to this strange, empty and quiet place. Following the induction of the family master's order, I stepped into the snow forest, and then... I saw the invisible ray of energy coming in like a tidal wave. ripple.

If you don't feel wrong.

This spiritual ripple... seems to contain extremely powerful "godly power"!

If they continue to be superimposed like this, they will spread outside sooner or later!

There are also people of his own clan in the cemetery.

Outside the cemetery, most of Nagano's elite forces are stationed!

Gong Qing took out his token.

He looked towards the distance guided by the token, his expression uncertain.

What exactly is there?

While he was hesitating, a gentle voice sounded not far away.

"Brother Gong."

Gong Qing lowered his head and saw wind and snow sweeping through the snow forest in the distance. A wheelchair figure gradually emerged from the snow... Gu Lushen pushed the wheelchair and greeted with a smile: "After traveling for a long time, I finally saw a living person. ”

Gong Qing narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Where are you from? What was the vision just now...?"

"A very powerful spiritual wave is spreading in Qingzhong Cemetery."

Gu Lushen did not hide anything and spoke seriously, "Brother Gong must have noticed that this cemetery is currently enveloped by a powerful spiritual realm, and there is only one person who has the ability to do this... Gu Changzhi .”

Gong Qing neither nodded nor shook his head.

He just looked at Gu Lushen calmly, waiting for the next chapter.

"I guess that this spiritual ripple is the fluctuation of fire. After all, only fire has such a powerful power." Gu Lushen shrugged and said lightly: "Maybe Gu Changzhi is about to wake up... maybe it's other circumstances. .”

"The orders of the head of the Gong family are constantly sending out fluctuations, guiding me here."

Gong Qing looked into the distance and murmured: "I'm afraid that the place where Ripple was born is where the 'Colossus Ruins' are in the real world."


Gu Lushen adjusted his wheelchair, looked into the distance with Gong Qing, and asked with a smile: "What does this mean?"

"I don't know either... I'm afraid I have to go there to find out the answer."

Gong Qing shook his head and suddenly asked: "Brother Gu, since you have come back from the depths of the snow forest, have you ever seen Mr. Gu Qilin?"

Gu Lushen also shook his head.

He sighed with a complicated expression: "I really want to find that old man, but unfortunately... I have been looking for him in the cemetery for so long, but I haven't seen him. On the contrary, Brother Gong, didn't you see him on the way here? The figure of his old man?"

"Brother Gu, doesn't he know the answer to this question?"

In the distant snow forest, a third voice sounded.

The voice penetrated the snow curtain, deep and powerful. Along with the ripples of the voice, a middle-aged figure wearing a blue clan robe slowly appeared. Mu Yi, the head of the Mu family, held a snow mirror in his hand and walked out slowly. .

"Mu Yi...what a coincidence that you are here too."

Gu Lu smiled deeply.

Among the five major families, the Mu family's bloodline ability is a bit strange. It is not a fighting bloodline that directly increases one's own strength, but an auxiliary power such as healing and prophet.

Therefore, the Mu family has a forbidden artifact.

This thing is called a "snow mirror"!

As long as there is a sufficient amount of extraordinary source material and spiritual power, the snow mirror can guide the "truth" of many things. At first glance, it looks like a sealed object that contains the effect of "divination".

But that's not the case.

The snow mirror does not have the power of the tomb keeper's divination, and cannot reflect the future... but it can directly reflect the "falseness" and "truth" in front of you.

Mu Yi, holding a snow mirror, injected his own power into the mirror.

A ray of snow shot straight out and landed on Gu Lushen.

Truth and falsehood, truth and lies... flowed in the mirror, and the snowflakes suspended above Gu Lushen's head were vaguely mixed with a touch of black.

This means "to lie".

Seeing this scene, Gong Qing's expression immediately became solemn.

Mu Yi stood still and formed an angle with Gong Qing.

He carefully kept a safe distance before speaking: "Brother Gu, about Mr. Gu... why do you need to lie?"

Gu Lushen still had a smile on his face.

He slowly turned his head, looked at Mu Yi, and said helplessly: "Brother Mu, you are really..."

Pause slightly.

Gu Lu sighed deeply and asked softly: "It's just a small matter of entering the mausoleum. Why did you bring in such a treasure as a snow mirror? If you were killed... wouldn't the Mu family suffer heavy losses?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Mu Yi's expression suddenly darkened.

He held the snow mirror in his hand and increased the injection of essence. The flying snow swirled around Gu Lushen. Every snowflake was dyed pitch black. Looking from a distance, thousands of pieces of black snow surrounded the wheelchair. The men danced wildly, and this scene seemed like a disaster.

But in fact, this is the snow mirror reminding the owner.

This extremely dangerous!

In the storm shrouded in black snow, there was the sound of crackling bones.

"I wanted to come here one by one."

A flash of purple light covered his calves. Gu Lushen slowly stood up from the wheelchair. He glanced at the two heads of family above and below the tree, and said with a warm smile: "But since you two are here together... It just saves you trouble."

During the conversation, the last wave of mental ripples dispersed, and the second wave came again.

A tidal wave is brewing.

This time, hundreds of snow trees here were affected, trembling one after another, and heavy snow fell.

Gu Lushen stretched out his hands, and with the help of the divine power of the Dionysus, he miraculously expanded his domain in this great cold disaster realm where his spiritual power could not be extended.

In the huge snow forest, there is only the sound of falling snow.

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