Barrier of Light

Chapter 439 Higher Mountain Top (Second Update)

"I'm really surprised to see you."

The man sitting in the wheelchair looked at the little girl in front of him and couldn't help but smile.

In his plan, the Li family's token needs to be delivered to him personally by the elders of the Li family... Logically speaking, after the accident at the cemetery, the Li family's elders will imprison Li Qingsui and strip off the token.

But never expected.

He actually saw the real owner in the cemetery. It was obvious that Li's plan in the outside world had failed.

But no problem.

What Gu Lushen cares about is just the token. As for who is the so-called head of the Li family, he doesn't care.

Li Qingsui felt strong uneasiness.

After she entered the cemetery... she came to this snow forest inexplicably. The blood induction in the token kept guiding her to the depths of the snow forest, but she had seen an invisible sound wave earlier, sweeping through the dense forest and defeating the broken pieces. Snow, immediately realized something was wrong.

This is definitely not where I should be.

So Li Qingsui headed in the opposite direction. It was freezing cold here, and his realm was weak. It was really difficult to resist the severe cold. What was even worse was that not long after walking, he met the guy in front of him.

"Uncle Gu..."

Li Qingsui tried his best to smile.

She backed away.

Gu Lushen moved forward.

The two were in a stalemate for several seconds before Gu Lushen took action. He aimed at the girl's chest and stretched out his five fingers.

"Tear it apart!"

The sound of broken clothes sounded, and Li Qingsui screamed in surprise. The front of her skirt was torn, and the wooden token that guided her forward fell out of her hand!

Gu Lushen's spiritual power wrapped around the order of the head of the Li family swept through the air!

However, the next moment, a sharp force suddenly cut out from the snow forest!

Li's wooden order flew deep into the wind and snow in the forest.

Gu Lushen narrowed his eyes.

This force is extremely sharp, like a knife, directly tearing open the package of one's own mental power... Here, even a titled extraordinary person's mental power must be suppressed.

The power just now was a little weird.

After regaining his mental strength, Gu Lushen looked down at his palm. There were two more drops of blood on his palm, but they were not his own.

Gu Lushen chuckled and said, "It turns out to be Brother Bai."

Deep in the snow forest, a figure slowly walked out. Bai Xiaochi held the wooden token and came to Li Qingsui.

He handed over the token.

Li Qingsui felt relieved, took the token back, and cast a grateful look at Bai Xiaochi.

Bai Xiaochi asked calmly: "Gu, am I right? The dignified new head of the Gu family actually bullies an underage girl like Li Qingsui?"

Gu Lushen just smiled.

He smiled softly and said, "Brother Bai came at the right time."

The next moment, without warning, he raised his hands, slapped the handle of the wheelchair, and suddenly flew up from the chair, his whole body turned into a purple rainbow.

There was a "boom".

Gu Lushen slapped his hands. It was a physical blow without any fancy. The shot was extremely fast and extremely powerful!

This blow... was not aimed at Bai Xiaochi.

But to Li Qingsui!

Such a change made the little girl so frightened that she had no time to dodge.

Because...this is really too fast!

At the critical moment, Bai Xiaochi stepped out and blocked Li Qingsui.

He raised his palms, and [Zhao Ming] turned into a blood-colored barrier and rose up in front of the two of them!

Bai Xiaochi groaned.

The two of them were separated in one blow... The purple rainbow transformed from Gu Lushen's body instantly swept away and returned to the wheelchair. He looked calm and relaxed, not looking like he had taken action once.

Bai Xiaochi, whose body remained motionless, seemed to have the upper hand, but in fact his feet were deeply stuck in the snow.

Moved without leaving a trace.

Bai Xiaochi looked a little ugly... The blow just now was a bit heavy and frightening, and it was hard for him to withstand it?

"As expected of him, he is firmly ranked second among the five great families."

Gu Lushen smiled softly and said: "Although [Zhao Ming] is not a practical ability, I have to admit that you are better than Gong Qing, Mu Yi..."

Gong Qing, Mu Yi?

Hearing this, Bai Xiaochi's pupils shrank uncontrollably.

"What did you do to them?" he whispered.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just borrowed something from them." Gu Lushen sighed softly, shook his head and said, "These two were unwilling to borrow it, so... I took it myself."

Although it is a sigh.

But there was still a smile in the words.

Bai Xiaochi shuddered when he heard this. He stared at Gu Lushen coldly, "Have you taken away their... family master's order?"

Gu Lushen's previous attack on Li Qingsui was to grab this token!

But, he couldn't understand.

The order of the heads of the five families is now just a symbol of honor. What will it do if the order is taken away?


Gu Lushen raised his hand, and as he turned his fingers, purple snowflakes filled with divine power were flying in the forest.

The three tokens slowly floated and swirled.

Bai Xiaochi held Li Qingsui's shoulder with one hand, his expression solemn as never before.

Those three tokens correspond to Gu, Gong, and Mu respectively!

He has already obtained the tokens of the heads of the three families... This also means that Mr. Gu Qilin has also fallen into his hands.

"This game should be over."

Gu Lushen smiled leisurely and said: "Brother Bai, you have always been known for your sharpness and wisdom. Haven't you noticed something strange deep in this snow forest at this moment?"

Of course Bai Xiaochi noticed it.

From the moment he stepped into the cemetery and came to this cold land, he could guess what happened in the Qing Tomb.

Such a large-scale disaster could only have come from Mr. Gu Changzhi.

And the throne that caused this disaster...

It could only be Dionysus.

A year ago, when he investigated the assassination case from Tundra, he vaguely felt something strange. The case file was actually very perfect, with almost no loopholes, but the only problem was "perfection".

Because it is too perfect, it is unreasonable.

When the clues about the ghost in the Presbyterian Church pointed to Bai BuZheng, Bai BuZheng died.

When the location of the Tundra Assassin was revealed to Inta, that Assassin also died.

The assassin was burned to ashes... all the information was lost, and the blood extracted by [Zhao Ming] on the tundra could not be matched to the original owner in the deep sea database. This shows that the assassination in the tundra was extremely clever and carefully designed. .

But such an assassination, concluded like this, seemed to have ended hastily.

After thinking about it, Bai Xiaochi decided to link the assassination case with the "Tower of Source"... He firmly believed that there was still a "waiter" of the Dionysian Seat within the Presbyterian Church, perhaps more than one.

And there will always be a day when it lurks for a long time.

So when he stepped into the cemetery and found himself separated from his tribe, he realized...this was the "detonation day" at the end of hibernation.

And it was not just the Bai family that exploded.

"You...just used the power of the Dionysus." Bai Xiaochi mused thoughtfully, "You are also involved with the Tower of Source."

Gu Lu smiled deeply and shook his head.

"You should have guessed more," he said.

"The orders of the heads of the five families... are the keys that lead to the ruins of the Colossus." Bai Xiaochi thought as he spoke, "You want to collect the five keys because you want to go to the ruins of the Colossus..."

Gu Lu smiled deeply and said, "Continue."

The five major families first arrived in Nagano, took root, and inherited their bloodline, which is related to the ruins of this giant statue.

Collecting the keys is nothing more than awakening those giant statues.

But what's the use of waking up the Colossus?

It was just a dead object, containing majestic extraordinary source material. At best, it could be regarded as a totem sealed object of the five families, guarding the peace of the Nagano region for six hundred years.

Bai Xiaochi was a little confused.

A wisp of spiritual ripple swept over... This time, this spiritual ripple was already quite large, faintly emitting the sound of a tsunami. Wherever it passed, the snow tree bent down, almost knocking the crown of the tree to the ground, and bent at ninety degrees, and Several jagged rocks protruding in the snow forest were blown to pieces by the extremely strong vibration force in this ripple!

Unknowingly, this "spiritual tide" has been superimposed on dozens and nearly hundreds of waves.

Now each one is more scary than the other!

At first, when I encounter this ripple, I will just be hypnotized.

But now... there is a real risk to life. This spiritual ripple does not contain murderous intent, but it is stronger and stronger every time. At this moment, the extraordinary person with weaker mental power may sink into a long sleep, and his soul will no longer be able to survive. It is not strange for the more fragile ordinary people to be directly wiped out of spirit even if they cannot bear the impact.

The most terrifying thing is that this spiritual ripple has now reached the edge of the tomb within the Great Cold Disaster.

The next one should swing out of the snow forest and go to the snowfield.

Judging from the "diffusion effect" of the tsunami, the power of this spiritual ripple is getting stronger and stronger, and it only takes a moment to break out of the snowfield!

"This is... fire!"

Bai Xiaochi finally reacted.

Such terrifying power is only possible with fire!

There is still a fire hidden in the Qingzhong Cemetery... The lost and sealed federal file twenty years ago now appeared in the mind of the head of the Bai family.

Pluto's fire is hidden in the tomb? !

"Crack, snap, snap."

The crisp sound of applause sounded in the forest.

Gu Lushen applauded Bai Xiaochi seriously. He did not give any hint, but Bai Xiaochi guessed the truth...

This made him very happy.

"Brother Bai, you are really better than those two 'stubborn donkeys' who only know how to fight to the death."

The tsunami-like mental ripples are gone, and there is a pause.

The wind blew through Gu Lu's frosty white hair.

He stared into Bai Xiaochi's eyes and said calmly: "In fact, I have never betrayed Nagano, and I have never believed in the Bacchus. What I have to do is to bring greater light here. So I did not kill Kill them, Gong Qing, Mu Yi, Mr. Gu, they are all still alive... When I refine the fire, I will personally drive away the Bacchus and bring true peace to Dongzhou."

These words did not use any mental power.

But it's very contagious.

There was a subtle change in Bai Xiaochi's expression, and he seemed to be hesitating.


Gu Lushen smiled sincerely and said, "I don't want any more unnecessary battles and casualties."

He held out a hand, palm up.

"You give me the order of the head of the family, and we will walk to a higher mountain together."

(Still available tonight)

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