Barrier of Light

Chapter 447 Taking off the head (second update)

Anyone who has been to the inner mausoleum of Qingzhong and stood at the foot of the giant statue.

You will feel like an ant.

No matter how hard he raised his head, he could only see the majestic chest of the giant statue hidden in the clouds.

As small as a drop.

At this moment, the entire world of ice and snow began to surge, and tens of thousands of tons of drifting snow rolled under the giant statues. These five largest giant statues seemed to be "gods" sitting in the torrent of snow-capped mountains, silently staring at the collapse of the world. .

In other words... reverse scroll.

Five small wooden tokens unlocked the bloodline pattern of the Colossus ruins.

A wisp of dark fire oozed from the distant sky.

Even if there is only a small wisp... it still gives people a feeling of shock, uneasiness, and fear.

It was a tinder.

That's really a tinder!

Gu Lushen raised his arms and made a gesture of supporting the sky, as if he wanted to embrace the entire snow dome... He was indeed about to do it.

It's a pity that it's still a little short of that.

A wisp of the snow dome opened, then closed again, and the rolling snow tide also swept in the opposite direction, and the "time" of this world began to flow backwards.

next moment.

The glow shot out by the wooden order was retracted inch by inch.

The five tokens became quiet again and suspended in the air.

"Gu Shen, this is a good opportunity to watch the battle... You can feel what it is like to fight with an extraordinary title."

Bai Shu said this calmly.

Then he started moving forward.

There is no need to open up the realm, this entire snow-shrouded world is his [Backflow] realm.

And before all things experience [reverse flow], there must be a [stagnation] stage.

Wherever Baizhu passed, the flying snow, drifting grass blades, and exploding stone fragments... were all frozen in the air, as if someone had pressed the pause button on time, and when he passed by, these solidified objects were postponed again. The trajectory continues the original movement.

The world has become noisy and quiet.

Bai Shu walked slowly to Gu Lushen.

He did not pause Gu Lushen's "time".

[Reverse flow] This kind of heaven-defying ability is certainly not something that can be activated at will.

The more objects he affects, the more power he consumes...

The stronger the living beings affected, the more difficult it is.

Bai Shu stood ten meters in front of Gu Lushen.

He looked at this old acquaintance carefully, was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked: "How long has it been since we last met?"

Cold sweat broke out on Gu Lushen's forehead.

He looked at the familiar face in the pale mist as if he had seen a ghost.

How many years have we not seen each other?

Twenty years? Or... longer?

He always had an excellent memory, but he found that he could no longer remember anything about Bai Shu.

He died too quietly.

Who would put effort into remembering a dead person?

"Forget's not important." Baizhu smiled and said with some disappointment: "But I were not like this the last time we met."

Gu Lushen lowered his head and looked at himself.

[Hazy Moon] contracted desperately due to strong fear, condensing into a layer of tight and strong armor.

On top of the armor, there was also a dazzling purple glow.

That is the power of Dionysus!

Fast forward for many years, he endured, he worked hard, and he cultivated to great perfection... But now, why does he still feel scared when he sees Bai Shu?

In that era when everyone was young.

Because he was from the same Gu family, Gu Lushen never had the opportunity to fight Gu Changzhi. Unwilling to be reduced to a supporting role, he launched a challenge to Bai Shu, so he and Bai Shu fought vigorously... In the end, he They lost miserably and miserably.

At that time, Bai Shu had not yet absorbed all the power of Bai's bloodline and launched the final attack on Gu Changzhi.

After that fight, Gu Lushen was decadent for a long time.

he realized.

Even without Gu Changzhi.

He still couldn't become the "protagonist" of the previous era because there was still a Bai Jutsu in Nagano City.

After the "blazing eyes" in his chest opened, he changed his goal.

Set our sights on the next era.

He had to endure it slowly... and endure all the old friends he couldn't fight to death.

It didn't take long.

He endured Bai Shu... This arrogant genius, after failing to challenge Gu Changzhi, actually chose to commit suicide with the hope of the power of the whole family's blood. How stupid!

It was precisely because of the battle with Atractylodes that Gu Lushen completely determined his strategy of suffering!

He was willing to hide behind the scenes and just kept waiting and waiting!

When Gu Changzhi retired to Nagano, and when Gu Qilin reached old age——

Finally, the wait is now!

But found out that all this was just a joke played on me by God?

Bai Zhu, still alive!

"You look like a dog now."

Bai Shu looked at the purple glow that shrouded Gu Lushen's body and said sympathetically: "However, the difference between a dog and a dog is... you wag your tail and beg for mercy without knowing it."

Gu Lu was furious.

He growled: "Baizhu...this time is different from the past!"

Gu Lushen could feel that the aura of Bai Shu was mixed with a dark sense of desolation and decadence... The Bai family's anger towards this extraordinary talent over the years could not be fake. Even if he had not really died, he would still be alive. He hid the news that he was alive.

How can such a person practice cultivation?

As for myself, my diligent cultivation over the past twenty years has never stopped.

[Hazy Moon] spreads forcefully!

Gu Lushen rushed towards Baizhu, the realm of [Hazy Moon] enveloped the two of them, and after being enveloped by the divine power of the Dionysus, he threw out a punch full of energy!

This punch... shattered the sky!

The heavy snow was beaten to pieces!

The fight covered a radius of ten miles, and there was a trembling sound!

Even Gu Shen, who was watching the battle from a distance, felt a stinging pain in his eardrums. Thousands of rays of clear tomb formations flowed around his body, resisting the residual power of the fist's shock.

Gu Shen looked a little ugly.

If he were to fight alone against the leader of Gu's new sect... just relying on formation patterns would definitely not be enough.

This punch was enough to penetrate the formation pattern and seriously injure himself!

An extremely solid blazing fire gathered between his eyebrows. This was the pinnacle showdown between the top titles. Gu Shen didn't want to miss every detail... and held his breath for the next moment.

Gu Shen saw an incredible phenomenon.

Bai Zhu stretched out his palm.

The action he made was very simple, just... extending his palm.

It is completely different from Gu Lushen's layer upon layer of superimposed domains and divine power.

There seemed to be an invisible layer of air flowing in the palm of Bai Zhu's hand.

The further application of [Reverse Flow] is stagnation, and the further application is disintegration.

In Blazing Vision, one extremely slow moment was captured one after another.

The long moon and divine power that tightly wrapped Gu Lushen's fist were torn apart the moment it touched Baizhu's fist before it could explode with lethal force... Baizhu drained part of his power, causing Gu Lushen to The whole body that burst out with murderous power turned into fragmented parts one after another.

In the end, this punch was just an ordinary punch.

"Boom" sound.

It hit Bai Zhu's palm and made a very slight muffled sound.

"It's true that I haven't practiced for a long time."

Bai Shu looked at Gu Lushen and asked jokingly: "Gu Lushen...when did you become so stupid that you thought that these short twenty years would be enough to bridge the gap between you and me?"

Gu Lushen's pupils contracted.

next moment.

One blow to the whip leg, incredibly fast!

Directly beat half of his body to pieces!

The divine powers of the Dionysus tried to piece this body back together, but the flesh and blood was instantly crushed by the [Reverse Flow] field!


Not even blood spurted out.

Everything was swept into the wind and snow by [Backflow]!

Just the next moment.

This irresistible force started again... After two [Reverse Flows], the broken flesh and blood was put back together again. The lower half of Gu Lushen's body was pieced together. His expression was pale, and the emotions in his mind were filled with emotions. No more anger, but fear.

In a sense, the "miracle" happened to him twice in that moment.

The "miracle" of Dionysus was interrupted by [Reverse Flux].

It's not because Dionysus isn't powerful enough.

But this ray of divine power... is too weak compared to the Bai Shu who is here.

The second "miracle" was when Baizhu used [Reverse Flux] to piece together his shattered body in reverse flow.

After putting it together this time... Gu Lushen discovered something terrifying.

The surface of his body lost the divine blessing of the "Dionysus Seat".

Those fragments of divine power were trapped in the [Backflow] domain, repeating the endless cycle... and were completely stripped out of Gu Lushen's skin and flesh!

The [Reverse Time] just now was just to deprive yourself of your divine power?

Gu Lushen looked pale.

"If you still retain the pride you had back then, I'll give you a chance to confront me openly."

Bai Shu put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Throw away the dirty power of the Tower of Source. During the duel, I will not use [Reverse Flow]... You have a hundred lives. As long as you beat me once, you are qualified to take off the magic weapon on your back." That fire."

This sentence reached Gu Shen's ears clearly.

He was stunned and wanted to say something, but when the words reached his lips, he stopped again.

Gu Shen chose to be a silent "spectator".

The snowy field surrounded by the five giant statues was filled with cold wind.

The devastated Gu Lushen looked with great difficulty at the divine power of Dionysus swept away by the [Reverse Flow]... In the tomb in the snow forest, he told everyone that he was not a lackey of Dionysus, but just wanted to bring a bright future to Nagano.

But he couldn't fool himself.

Using the divine power of Dionysus is like a gambler having countless chips. If you use it once, you will use it a second time, countless times.

Having seen the greatness of God, how can we accept our own insignificance?

Too difficult.

Too difficult.

Gu Lushen roared angrily, and he rushed towards Baizhu without resorting to any external force. He had neither sealed objects nor divine power. What he relied on was the great achievement [Long Moon] that he had practiced hard for decades...

And Baizhu no longer uses [Reverse Flow].

He unfolded his spirit and collided with Gu Lushen's domain.

This is a centuries-old tradition in Nagano.


And it’s just one move!


Accompanied by a fragile sound of flesh and blood exploding, Bai Shu struck with his knife, shattering Gu Lushen's [Obscary Moon] armor and tearing apart most of his body.

Bai Shu threw the broken body like a sack, landing far in front of the stone statue.

He said calmly: "First life."

The power of [Reverse Flow] was activated at this moment, and Gu Lushen stood up unsteadily in the wind and snow.

He roared angrily and pounced on Bai Zhu for the second time.

Once again, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The third time he pounced on Bai Zhu... it was still the same.

Even without using [Reverse Flux], [Hazy Moon], who has attained great success in practice, cannot resist the attack of Bai Shu who has attained great mastery in bloodline.

Just one punch, one kick, or one finger is enough to completely crush [Hazy Moon]!

There was no suspense in the battle between the two people... The snow and fog rolled, and Gu Lushen's roar had exhausted all his strength. He seemed to be venting all his strength, all his grievances, all his anger, and All unwillingness.

"Rumble, rumble..."

A majestic wave of snow swept across.

In the end, Gu Lushen sat lonely under the giant statue in the snow.

He looked back at the "fire" that was only a thin line away from him.

Gu Lushen couldn't figure out why God arranged his life like this?

For the first half of his life, he lived in the shadow of Gu Changzhi.

In the second half of his life, he met Bai Shu again and failed.

Bai Shu came to Gu Lushen.

He stood in the wind and snow and asked calmly: "One hundred lives, all used up. Do you still want to continue?"

Gu Lushen, who was looking at the black fire infatuatedly, looked back.

He shook his head and said with a smile: "What a... boring question."

Bai Zhu stretched out a hand.

Gu Lushen closed his eyes.

A human head was just picked off.

Then dropped it on the snow.

(Two updates will be restored today, and there will be three updates tomorrow)

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