Barrier of Light

Chapter 452 Pluto, Gu Shen

Rolling snow waves hit the cemetery!

Gu Shen, who was standing in front of the golden door, opened his arms and felt boundless pressure surging in front of him!

Even Song Ci, the "Apostle of Light", tried his best to resist this terrifying crushing force, and Gu Shen's formation pattern was also difficult to resist. Thousands of rays of light surged, condensed in front of him, and were constantly crushed... ...The impregnable defensive formation of Qingzhong Cemetery was slowly broken through by the terrifying explosive power of Pluto's fire.

"...Senior Bai!"

Gu Shen drank as hard as he could, hoping to lend some strength.

In fact, at this moment, the only power that can really resist the snow tide is Baizhu's [Backflow].

Every time the snow tide advances by three points, the [Reverse Flow] field will tear it into pieces and retreat by one point. Such a game will greatly reduce its erosion speed.


When he was about to fight against the finally coming snow tide, Bai Shu suddenly removed his [Backflow].


Gu Shen's pupils contracted.

This 10,000-ton snow wave, which an ordinary person could not bear, fell on him in the next moment.

Countless wind and snow drowned him.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of thousands of tons of snow wave directly hit the Golden Gate, shattering the gate of the cemetery, and something strange happened. This majestic wave of Pluto's fire spirit could unscrupulously move through the tomb of Qing Dynasty. The snowfield was crushed, even the golden gate was smashed, but it was unable to break through the cemetery... The rolling snow hit the invisible spiritual barrier of the cemetery, bottomed out and rebounded, getting higher and higher.

In the realm of invisible time distortion.

Bai Shu watched all this silently.

He lives in the realm of Dacheng's [Backflow], and layers of backflow power surround him. This cemetery is completely ignited by the spiritual power of Pluto's fire, and wherever the snow tide passes, it brings almost all It is disordered and broken.

The only exception was where he was.

This is the only place of clarity.

[Backflow] Cleans out every snowflake and keeps the glass clean in a very small area.

Bai Shu just walked in the snow tide, and wherever he passed, avalanches retreated...

Finally he came to a young man who was "unconscious".

As he expected.

Between Gu Shen's brows, a ray of bright and dark light emitted.

Gu Shen was hit by the mental power of Pluto's fire, but there was no injury on his body.

"Where is this...?"

Gu Shen rubbed his forehead.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, and his last memory was the moment when the snow wave swallowed him up.

Are you... dead?

However, there was no pain.

The power of Pluto's fire really penetrated his spiritual sea and did not cause any substantial damage...

"Lord God!"

A familiar voice sounded not far away.

Gu Shen suddenly woke up. He quickly looked around and realized that he was actually on the "Four Seasons Wilderness". Not far from him, there was a sky curtain. On the other side of the sky curtain was the Iron Five. A shadow floating in the wilderness.

Tie Wu looked at Gu Shen's position with concern.

Through a sky curtain, he could only see a vague outline.

Tiewu had already guessed it.

The real world at this moment is probably very uneven.

Lord God of God is probably having a divine battle with God of Dionysus... Because he vaguely felt waves of vast divine power sweeping away, Gu Shen's battle in the outside world, Tie Wu could not really see it, he could only vaguely sense a wisp A vague and faint breath of transcendence.

Gu Lushen, Xu Yan...all those involved in the planning of the cemetery all relied on the divine power of the Dionysus.

And this divine power is the power he is most familiar with!

So, he waited anxiously...

If the two of them were to decide the winner today, then he hoped that Gu Shenzuo would win a big victory!

At this moment, seeing Gu Shen's spirit, Tie Wu was extremely excited.

"Lord God...Did you see the changes in this world, so you chose to trance?"


Gu Shen rubbed his eyebrows.

He gradually came to his senses.

"It's a seed...the seed you planted with your own hands has finally sprouted!"

Tie Wu spoke passionately.

And Gu Shen spread his spiritual power, covering the entire Four Seasons Wilderness!

He saw...

In that extremely deep sinkhole, the "seeds" that had been exposed to wind and sun for a year and watered by rain were finally no longer in a state of silence.

Central location in the wilderness.

The soil loosened and a small bud actually grew.

"When...when did this happen?"

"Just now! Just now!"

Tie Wu has been waiting here, and he said sincerely: "I sensed your powerful spiritual wave coming, and then, this seed... germinated!"


Gu Shen fell into silence.

Even he didn't expect that this seed would sprout at this moment.

What Tie Wu said made him a little puzzled.

My own mental fluctuations came, and then the seeds came?

Wait a minute...

The mental fluctuation that Tiewu just sensed should come from the "Pluto Fire".

Gu Shen stepped down from the Iron Throne, casually removed the sky curtain, and slowly walked towards the place where the seed sprouted under the endless wind and holy light.

Holy light shines.

Tie Wu knelt down on one knee devoutly without raising his head.

Gu Shen's eyebrows ignited a ray of fire on their own with a "chi" sound.

He walked forward, and the "seed" that had been dormant for a year was once again connected to the blazing fire. It was not just as simple as germination... the extraordinary source of the entire four-season wilderness, Gu Shen was suffering in the temple mountain. Xiu's accumulation over the past year is pouring into the place where the seed is.

As a result, it began to grow at a rapid rate!

Gu Shen took the first step.

The seed shoots sprouted into sharp tips.

He continued to walk forward, and the wind in the wilderness began to howl and whisper, branches and leaves sprouted, and the rhizomes split outward to form phloem and inward to form xylem. Ordinary trees take years or decades to form growth. The process is greatly accelerated at this moment...Trees are like icebergs, with their roots buried under the soil absorbing huge amounts of energy.

As long as you have enough, you can grow mightily.

However, no tree has ever been able to accumulate as much as the seeds at this moment!

One breath is like a year!

Gu Shen's pace was not slow.

And when he walked to the place where the "seed" was -

That small seed hidden in the deep pit has turned into a lush green giant tree as thick as several people can hug it!

The long leaves are rolling, and there is a faint ringing sound like bells between the leaves.

The most important thing is...the roots of this giant tree are entangled in the ground of the four-season wilderness. They are extremely majestic and rich in heritage!

Gu Shen was in a daze.

This scene... he seemed to have seen before.

Inside the stone gate of the inner mausoleum, Master Qianye, the guardian of the mausoleum, sat cross-legged on the Four Seasons Wilderness.

She was sitting under the trunk of an ancient tree.

It's just... that ancient tree is not as green and strong as the one in front of me at the moment.

Gu Shen stretched out his hand, gently touched the giant tree, and murmured.

"This is……"

A moment of touch.

He felt the warmth, the familiar heat.

It was a "spring"-like feeling that descended on this wilderness... A seed absorbed all the extraordinary source of energy that he had worked hard to absorb over the past year, but it gave back a lot of vitality to this pure land world.

Gu Shen had a vague feeling... Soon, this barren wilderness would grow other trees, flowers and plants, and even give birth to other creatures!

At this moment, a deep, solid voice sounded behind him.

"This is 'Suxuanmu'."

Gu Shen was stunned for a moment.

Even if I only met the owner of this voice once.

He recognized it immediately.

This is... Gu Changzhi's voice.

Gu Shen followed the voice and looked back.

The four-season wilderness in front of us seems to have changed again to what it looked like at the gate of Qingzhong Cemetery.

Grass clippings were flying all over the sky.

Iron Five was nowhere to be seen.

At the end of the wilderness, there stood a figure emitting golden light, like the sun.

The moment you touch the giant tree.

I... must have touched the entrance to some kind of wonderful spiritual realm.

He saw the figure that countless people had been waiting for for twenty years.

That figure is like the sun.

This time, Gu Shen saw the man's face clearly... The man who was worshiped, admired, expected, and waited by countless people in Nagano seemed to be different from the one recorded in the photo.

Gu Changzhi smiled gently and did not exude a harsh aura.

But if you look carefully, you will find that his eyebrows exude a very powerful spirit of perseverance.

Just look him in the eye.

Everyone will firmly believe that... nothing in this world can defeat him.

No wonder so many people firmly believe that Gu Changzhi is still alive.

How could someone like him die quietly?

If you don't show up for a long time.

It must be because... he fell asleep and hasn't woken up yet.

"Gu Shen, we finally meet again."

Gu Changzhi came to Gu Shen, smiled softly, and stood side by side with him, one big and one small, admiring the huge ancient tree up close together.

Gu Shen had an unreal feeling.

Most of them are different.

He has always wanted to meet Mr. Gu Changzhi... It was only when he actually stepped into the Qing Tomb that he realized how difficult it would be to realize this wish.

If Gu Changzhi is really fine.

How dare Dionysus step into the cemetery? !

"I'm very happy that this four-season wilderness that I gave to you has finally undergone transformation today." Gu Changzhi said softly: "Perhaps there is really destiny that arranges for us to meet at this moment."

Gu Shen's Four Seasons Wilderness was a gift from Gu Changzhi.

And this seed was accidentally discovered when he understood the "Breath of Spring" left by Gu Changzhi.

This meeting was more of a fate than a coincidence.

It was Gu Changzhi's "thinking" and Gu Shen's "action" that caused all of this.

"Mr. Gu Changzhi, the situation at Qingzhong Cemetery... is very bad."

Gu Shen took a deep breath and said anxiously: "Are you still sleeping?"


Gu Changzhi lowered his eyes slightly.

And silence is the best answer.

In fact, Gu Shen had already guessed the answer.

This meeting is still a meeting of spiritual power.

This also means... Gu Changzhi's physical body is most likely still sleeping.

However, after Dionysus stepped into the cemetery, there was no movement, which meant that... Gu Changzhi had a way to contain him.

"Actually, I probably know what happened in the cemetery."

Gu Changzhi said softly: "The 'Great Cold Disaster Realm' in the inner mausoleum has been released, which means that a god-level opponent has entered the mausoleum. The only person who can do this is Di Jiu."

Di Jiu... was an unfamiliar name to Gu Shen.

He realized that this was the name of Dionysus!

In the entire five continents, there are only a handful of people who dare to call Dionysian by his name, and the man in front of him is one of them.

"He should be frozen."

Gu Changzhi smiled slowly and said: "But... the Great Cold Disaster cannot trap him for too long. Once the power of Dou Zhan's fire is used to maintain the spiritual suppression of the inner mausoleum, then the third fire from the Colossus ruins will take the opportunity to escape. The surging spiritual wave will carry the extremely huge extraordinary source and sweep across the entire cemetery. So... you and I met this time."

Gu Shen hadn't yet realized the true meaning of this sentence.

He hurriedly said: "Mr. Gu Changzhi, the cemetery needs you...Master Qianye is waiting for you, and there are many people, including Mr. Gu Qilin, Luo Yu, Gu Nanfeng, five major families, three major institutes, and tens of millions of people. Waiting for your recovery!"


Gu Changzhi's voice was a little low.

He smiled and said: "I know there are many people outside, waiting for me to wake up."

There was a long pause.

He looked at the hanging tree in front of him and said softly: "It's just..."

"I am deceased."

These words were like a bolt from the blue.

Gu Shen was stunned.

I am deceased.

What does it mean?

Gu Changzhi looked at Gu Shen seriously. His eyes were still soft and powerful, but the information conveyed in his eyes was a bit cruel.

I am dead, literally.

Gu Changzhi, whom millions of people are waiting for, is not sleeping.


Gu Shen heard the gentle sound of wind, and the hanging trees vibrated with crisp bells.

A great sadness came to my heart inexplicably.

Gu Changzhi put his hands behind his back and said with a smile on his face: "In this world, there is no banquet that never ends. Birth, old age, illness and death are all common things, and the God's Throne... is no exception."

"It's just... there is still an unfinished battle between gods in the cemetery..."

Gu Shen's voice became a little difficult.

There is no Gu Changzhi.

He couldn't imagine how to win this battle.

"There are tens of millions of people outside the cemetery, waiting for the 'New God'."

Gu Changzhi stretched out a hand, gently put it on Gu Shen's shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's just a Bacchus... How could Nagano lose in this divine battle?"

"New God..."

Gu Shen raised his head in confusion and looked at the God of War, who was glowing as warmly as the sun.

He saw himself at this moment in Gu Changzhi's pupils.

A sinister, unfamiliar young face.

Gu Shen stretched out his hand to touch the center of his eyebrows, where a dark black glow emitted. It was the spiritual glow of a blazing fire, and it was also the blazing light that cut through hundreds of millions of souls in the ghost's cage.

The Ruler of Truth swirled into mist, covering the original adjudicator's robe at some point, and condensed into a brand new pitch black robe, exuding a dark and ghostly atmosphere.

"It's been so long, haven't you guessed it yet?"

Gu Changzhi asked with a smile: "Pluto, Gu Shen."

(PS: This chapter is difficult to write. Please give me a monthly vote. The minimum number will be 10,000 words tomorrow.)

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