Barrier of Light

Chapter 454 The Soul Fire of the Dead (please vote for me)

Outside Qingzhong Cemetery.

"Brother Song!"

After the final explosion sounded, the whole world seemed to fall into silence.

Song Ci, whose whole body was charred, was blown out of the Golden Gate, and flew far away together with thousands of scattered golden fragments... He fell heavily to the ground, and Song Ci's consciousness briefly flew out of his body. The tokens of the God of Light kept arousing divine power, and it took a long, long time for him to regain his composure.

In front of him were faces surrounded by concern.

Gu Nanfeng, Zhou Wei, Bai Xiaochi... and many others.

"Are you okay, Song Ci?"

"Brother Song, how do you feel?"

Questioning voices rang in his ears.

The blood of the undead was boiling and burning, and Song Ci's mind was filled with the roar of the aftermath. He put his hands on the ground with all his strength, and slowly sat up, his face looking numb.

No one's questions were answered.

Song Ci just looked as far as his eyes could see.

There is the gate of Qingzhong Cemetery.

No... there is no gate to Qingzhong at this moment.

The golden gate of the cemetery was blown to pieces. In Song Ci's last reaction, the terrifying power that shattered the golden gate seemed to be heading straight for Gu Shen... All he suffered was the damage from the aftermath.

And Gu Shen is the main body resisting the snow tide.

He stared blankly ahead.

"Brother Song...what did you see in the cemetery?" Gu Nanfeng knelt down and spoke cautiously.

"Gu Shen..."

After a long pause, Song Ci murmured: "I saw Gu Shen resisted all the avalanche waves."

Everyone looked heavy when they heard this.

The injured from the five families have been sent for treatment. In this cemetery operation, Nagano suffered heavy losses due to the traitors... However, because of Gu Shen's presence, no greater damage was caused in the end.

Without Gu Shen, it’s hard to imagine what Nagano would look like after today.

no doubt.

The avalanche wave in the cemetery will swallow up all the extraordinary people. Only the strong ones with title level can survive. The conspiracy of Gu Lushen, Bai Zesheng, Zhu Wang and their group can also be realized smoothly. When the Golden Gate opens again, the entire The Snow Forbidden City will undergo a brutal and bloody purge.

This group of people colluded with the throne of the Tower of Source to destroy the peace of Nagano!

Of the nearly a thousand extraordinary beings who entered the cemetery, 80% escaped safely.

Although 80% of the extraordinary people who entered the tomb escaped... there are still some casualties, and no detailed statistics have been made yet.

But no matter how you look at it, this is an extremely successful escape.

In a desperate situation, it was Gu Shen who grabbed a glimmer of hope for everyone.

"That Miss Chu... is also in the cemetery and didn't have time to come out." Bai Lu said sadly.

Yes, there is one more person!

last moment.

It was the mysterious divination disciple accepted by Master Qianye, the girl named Chu, who organized the extraordinary people from three schools and five families in the snowy field to escape together, gave an accurate map, and discovered the specific coordinates of the Golden Gate. There is this victory.

But now, the Golden Gate is broken, the Qing Tomb is closed, and she is trapped in it.

Everyone was silent again.

Carrying the injured, organizing the team, counting the survivors, and making the alienation list... The five people in the three major offices outside the cemetery were busy silently. However, such a dead and solemn atmosphere did not last long.

Only a few minutes.

A "click" sound echoed in the sky over the cemetery——

After the golden door shattered.

The barrier shrouded in holy light also experienced violent turmoil.

A crack appeared in the flawless Holy Light Barrier amidst the slight shattering sound.

After experiencing a catastrophe, everyone raised their heads following the broken voice and looked at the barrier shrouded in holy light again... Only then did they realize that all this was not over.

"Everything...starts from the seat of Dionysus..."

Bai Xiaochi saw a dazzling purple glow from the cracked holy light barrier.

His expression turned pale.

Yes... maybe it's because the aloof Dionysus has never appeared in front of the world.

The survivors in Nagano, after escaping from the cemetery, were immersed in the joy of escaping from death, completely forgetting that there was such a destructive being in the cemetery at this moment!

That purple glow tore apart the holy light barrier of Qingzhong Cemetery.

The divine power of the Dionysian seat shines forth.

In the past.

The power of the throne symbolizes warmth, light and hope.

But for today's Nagano, this touch of purple symbolizes slaughter, death, and despair.

"Lord Gu Changzhi...didn't he trap the Dionysus Seat?"

Someone in the crowd said this in a hoarse voice.

Many extraordinary people fell into greater despair.

Because... just like the Dionysus Seat, there is another God Seat that has never appeared in front of the world.

Gu Changzhi.

And he has disappeared for twenty years, and now is the time when the whole of Nagano needs him most... At this moment, even the extraordinary people of the Gu family's new sect began to pray, hoping to see Gu Changzhi's figure.


Until the holy light barrier of the cemetery was covered with purple radiance and completely occupied.

The aura of the Dou Zhan Fire Seed did not appear either!

There was a "boom".

Qingzhong Cemetery ushered in the second explosion.

But this time, the "defensive barrier" that enveloped the cemetery was torn to pieces by the divine power of the Dionysus. This barrier withstood the violent explosion and was completely annihilated. The extraordinary people outside the cemetery began to evacuate, and here After an explosion, the cemetery is no longer in an unexplorable state.

Dozens of heavy fighter jets hung between the clouds and mist, roaring and hovering high in the sky, capturing extremely precious images of the cemetery for the war preparers at the command post.

Half of the [Wind Eyes] and [Earthworms] in the Nagano area mobilized urgently at this moment and rushed towards Kiyotsuka Cemetery.

The inner tomb of Qingzhong Cemetery.

Under the bombardment of terrifying divine power, the entire cemetery was uprooted. The layer of fog that originally shrouded the inner hills and ridges naturally no longer existed... Although the mountains were no longer foggy, there was still a sense of tranquility. The mysterious beauty.

Chu Ling slowly stood up.

Beside her, the ancient Shimen Tomb was frozen into an iceberg.

The body of the tomb keeper has been completely frozen.

Shen Li, who was rescued by her and placed not far from the stone gate, was also frozen into an ice sculpture.

In the whole world of ice and snow, she is the only "living". The long skirt of her red sacrificial robes fluttering in the wind is in sharp contrast to the dead and motionless pale stone sculptures standing in front of the mountain gate.


In fact, there is one exception.

Chu Ling slowly turned her head... In front of her, inside the 10,000-ton heavy and constantly shaking stone door, there was another "living".

Even if all the severe cold disasters are poured into one person.

There was nothing he could do to stop that person.

"Kacha kacha kacha..."

Tiny, trembling sounds kept ringing from the inside of the stone door, and with this sound, green frost kept creeping out of the narrow gap in the door.

It was already a state of silence close to absolute zero.

No one has seen the true scene of the inner tomb.

Wearing a moon-white robe, it maintained the arc blown by the wind, frozen and stiff, simply.

If you touch it, it will break.


The face of the young man in robe was not covered with ice.

The great cold disaster froze him.

But what really traps Dionysus and makes it unable to move is not the severe cold around him.

As a god, what kind of harsh environment has he not experienced?

The Great Cold Disaster Situation is certainly terrifying...but compared to the Collapse Land of the old world, it is still a bit worse.

Just want to.

He used all his divine power to get out of trouble in an instant.

What really trapped the Dionysian throne and made it freeze for a long time were the words Gu Changzhi said in Dadu a year ago.

Those words have become his inner demon.

As a god, the most powerful transcendent person in the world of five continents, the Dionysian has already transcended the world.

But even though thousands of people shouted, tens of thousands of people followed him, and he was named the throne of God.

He still came from ordinary practice.

If you are a human being, you will feel fear.

In the deepest part of his heart, he always retained the fear of Gu Changzhi and the fear of... death.

It was precisely because of fear that he came to the cemetery and made a crazy move towards Nagano that subverted the rules.

It is precisely because of fear.

Until now, he still didn't dare to open his eyes.

He was very scared. All of this was a "game" set against him. When he opened his eyes and saw the light... he would see Gu Changzhi standing in front of him.

With countless thoughts entangled, trapped, and struggling.

Finally... Dionysian's heart became calm.

He took a long breath and made the most important decision in his life.

The Dionysian throne took back the divine thoughts outside the mausoleum.


After a heavy, long breath.

Dionysus opened his eyes.

He found that everything was beautiful.

The biting cold wind blew on the moon-white divine robe, but it couldn't make him feel cold.

The Dionysus looked at the inner tomb that was frozen into a pale white color with great interest, and couldn't help but smile.

Here, he couldn't sense the slightest aura of fighting fire...


The rumors about Kiyotsuka are false.

Over the years, Nagano was just pretending... Gu Changzhi was not sleeping, but dead.


He thought it was ridiculous that he had been deceived by a stupid lie for so long?

He pushed open the stone door.

He saw a young woman in red sacrificial clothes staring at him.


The young man in moon-white robes walked out of the inner mausoleum and let out a soft exclamation sound.

He is a god above millions of people. He is used to seeing all the amazing things in the world. He has created countless miracles with his own hands. There are very few things or people that can make him marvel.

And the woman in front of him is indeed one of them.

The Dionysus gaze stared at Chu Ling, penetrating through the red sacrificial clothes and the mortal skin. He looked directly at the blood under the skin and at the bones wrapped in blood... In this woman's body On his body, he did not see the structure that "mundane" should have.

She has blood, flesh, and bones.

But... they are all created by extraordinary source matter.

Even he couldn't create such a "creature".


Dionysus chuckled softly, "It seems like you shouldn't be in this world."

Creatures that even gods could not create.

Of course it shouldn't be alive.

Chu Ling didn't speak, she just silently wrapped the golden thread around her fingertips.

"Divination...the golden thread of fate..."

Dionysus was a little enlightened, and he murmured: "It turns out he is Qianye's disciple."

Between the two of them, there was a withered and broken body, frozen to death. Judging from the outer shell alone, there was no life left. But Dionysus knew that the spiritual freeze in the Great Cold Wonderland was not true death. On the contrary, it is more like a kind of protection.

Gu Changzhi's "Four Seasons Breathing" is a peak breathing method from life to death.

As the last volume of the eight-volume breathing method, "Great Cold" symbolizes the last cycle of the cycle of life and death!


As long as he's around, Qianye... won't survive.

"There shouldn't be so many people in this world who master divination. The one from the Tower of Source is enough."

The Dionysian said quietly, "Qianye should have died a long time ago. As for you, a creature that should not exist in this world, even if you survive, you will live in despair... Today, I will also give you a ride."

The sound fell to the ground.

He raised his foot lightly and stepped down on Qianye's body.

Chu Ling's reaction speed is extremely fast. Although divination cannot predict the actions of Fire, she understands human nature and the Bacchus... She raised her hands one step ahead, and when she sensed that someone was still alive inside the stone gate, she used The golden thread of fate bound Master Qianye.

At this moment, the golden thread gathers!

A "whoosh" sound!

Chu Ling took Master Qianye into his arms and began to flee into the distance.

Facing the throne of God, divination can't bring any hope.

But there is a vague direction in her heart, which is the direction she will go without the guidance of divination...

That was Gu Shen's direction.

Even if she dies, she will die there!

Dionysus narrowed his eyes.

He didn't give chase.

The entire cemetery has been sealed by his divine power.

To Dionysian, every living being in this cemetery is like an ant. Trampling them to death is just the difference between taking this step and the next.

However, at the edge of the cemetery, he vaguely felt some ominous premonition.

It seems that there is a thick black fog covering his spiritual thoughts?

The Dionysus slowly rose up.

He hung high on the top of the cemetery, looking towards the far end of the line of sight.

Boundless black clouds gathered on the zenith. Even with the blessing of divine power, Dionysus still couldn't see what kind of "existence" there was in the black clouds in the distance... This strange scene made him suddenly wake up and change. Be cautious.

That dark cloud.

I seem to have seen...a long time ago?

Before Dionysian could recall.

Above the dark clouds in the sky, a blurry figure slowly walked out.

That figure was very young.

Shrouded in black mist, his face could not be seen clearly.

He held a big bow in his hand. After reaching the black clouds, he did not hesitate, straightened the bow and set an arrow, and drew the big bow into a full circle. The extinguishing light condensed on the tight bowstring.

The next moment.

let go.

The arrow comes out.

There was an explosion of "boom"!

The clouds spread, and the arrow carried by the full-round bow was aimed at the Bacchanalia, and shot out a blazing and fast dark light!

The Dionysus looked solemn and suddenly stepped away.

The moment I encountered this black light...

Dionysus remembered.

This black cloud and the familiar aura... come from Pluto!

The arrow from Pluto did not hit the seat of Dionysus.

But this arrow hit him, in the mountain mausoleum where Gu Changzhi rested.

The arrow's glow, which was full of the power of destruction, passed by the young man's body dangerously and directly hit the towering inner tomb stone mountain.

This arrow was originally heading towards the mountains.

In an instant, the entire mountain collapsed.

The soul fire of the deceased ignited in the ground.

A blazing majestic pillar of light.

Soar into the sky.

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