A breeze blew through the classroom curtains.

The noon sun is a bit hot.

It was only two or three hours before the review began. This extraordinary review, which was originally expected to take at least ten to fifteen hours, or even a whole day, was completely over.

Ending in every sense.

The three nightmare-level sealed artifacts have all completed their respective dream interpretations.

This was the final result that no one, including the five auditors, could have imagined... Completing the dream interpretation of the three nightmare sealed items in one go was an impossible task for novices.

Gu Shen not only completed it, but also broke three records.

It is difficult to describe this young man's dream-interpreting talent in words... Even the praise of "one in a million" seems a little pale, perhaps it is more appropriate to use unheard of.

The judge looked at the ghost cage in front of him very distressed. The oil paper skin of the old lantern was cracked.

His expression was indescribably complicated.

The sealed item that accompanied him for more than ten years was actually destroyed by a newcomer in a dream... How could this make him not give an "S-rank" evaluation?

"The review is over."

Tang Qingquan sighed softly, a look of confusion appeared on his face as cold as a snow mountain, and he said seriously: "I have one last question... Gu Shen, what is your extraordinary ability?"

Gu Shen opened his mouth.

He recalled the scene in the ghost cage and fell into thinking.

In the dream of the Specter's Cage, his powerful power to tear apart the evil thoughts of the whole world with just a wave of his hand...is it his extraordinary ability?

Or...was it just a dream.

"It's... light..."

Gu Shen's voice was also a little confused, and he whispered: "This power is very strong, and it takes a huge price to use it. But in the 'Ghost Cage', I can feel its existence."

The justice sat upright, his expression became extremely dignified.


It sounds like an extraordinary power of the nature department... This is obviously a very high-ranking ability.

"No... not light..."

Gu Shen recalled the scene in the dream, and murmured: "In the cage of ghosts, I saw that the whole dream was swallowed up by evil thoughts, and the order had collapsed, but after I used 'it', the darkness was torn apart. To say that power is 'light' is better to say that power creates 'light'."

All the examiners looked at each other subconsciously, and they saw the blankness on the faces of each of their colleagues.

"According to Gu Shen's description, this extraordinary power is not in the known records of the extraordinary pedigree." Lin Beizhu thought for a while, then slowly said: "Obviously, this is a brand new extraordinary power... According to the description just now, it should be a power with two characteristics of nature and spirit, and it has a high probability of merging the characteristics of 'tearing' and 'blazing light'."

Gu Shen was startled when he heard this.

Rip and blaze.

It's really a coincidence... My power in the dream just coincided with the on-site report of the fire case.

He didn't explain anything, just clenched his fist silently, feeling the remaining artistic conception in the dream.

"Can I use it?" Tang Qingquan said seriously, "We want to take a look."

Gu Shen showed embarrassment, he really wanted to wave his hand like in the dream, and tear the whole world like tearing paper... But the reality doesn't allow him to make such a flamboyant gesture.

With a wave of his hand, the only thing that can tear it away is the wind.

"I'm... not yet able to master it proficiently." Gu Shen thought of a seamless excuse, and said, "The fire case was caused by the threat to life, so the potential exploded... and in daily life, I can't use this power freely. But in particular dreams, I seem to be able to use 'it'."

Because in the cage of ghosts, the existence of extraordinary power is indeed perceived.

Gu Shen let out a long sigh of relief.

Even acting has become a lot more confident.

"Well...too powerful power often has a huge price to use, it seems that this is a big killer." The judge nodded, "It seems that you still need a long period of time to use supernatural power. Time to explore. No one can help you with this, only you can rely on yourself."

Gu Shen thought to himself, these big shots are really thoughtful, so he doesn't need to say anything...they have summed up their extraordinary power in a nutshell.

"Very good. You go to the next door and wait. We still have to discuss some things." The judge said wearily.

Gu Shen was invited to the next door.

Several people in the review team looked at each other.

Even though Gu Shen's review performance was perfect, there was still concern in their eyes... The whistleblowing report was not over yet, and this was the biggest trouble.

"Jingle Bell."

At this moment, Tang Qingquan's phone rang.

The Justice frowned.

He answered the phone.

Han Dang's voice was on the phone.


Han Dang's voice was very soft, "Judge Tang, it's about the prosecution report...I want to withdraw that report."


Tang Qingquan was silent for a while, he chose to turn on the hands-free, and put the phone on the table, so that Han Dang's voice could be heard by everyone in the review team.

The judge tapped on the table lightly, and asked unhurriedly: "Han Dang, what you call 'withdraw', do you mean withdrawing the documents from the review team and handing them over to Dongzhou Council, or completely withdrawing them?"

"Withdraw completely."

Han Dang laughed in a low voice, apologetically, "We made a mistake on this matter. I'm really sorry... If it's convenient, I hope you can report this report..."


The judge directly interrupted and shouted angrily: "You don't know how serious the accusations in this report are? Submit it if you say it is submitted, and withdraw it if you say it is withdrawn! What do you think of the special review team?!"

There was a dead silence on the phone.

"Where's your evidence?" Tang Qingquan said coldly: "Didn't you say that there are enough evidence to prove the report!"

Han Dang couldn't say a word.

"In order to impeach Zhou Jiren, it is really unscrupulous and exhaustive."

The judge said with a blank expression: "Fabricating out of thin air, entrapping newcomers, Gu Shen was almost killed by you... I will truthfully report this matter to the council, you'd better tell Zhu Wang, so that he can be mentally prepared! "


hang up.

On the other end of the phone, with long black hair like seaweed, Han Dang was pressed against the wall, and the mobile phone used for talking was bound and suspended in the air.

Han Dang's throat was blocked for a while.

After hanging up the phone... the phone was pulled by the hair and stuffed into Han Dang's pocket.

He stared at Luo Er, with resentment and resentment in his eyes, the phone call just now, and the withdrawn case were actually not his wishes, but the voice came out uncontrollably.

"Your gaze is very interesting." Senior Sister Luo sat on the chair and said with a smile: "Compared to the accusations that Gu Shen will face... your troubles are nothing, at most they are some criticisms from the council."

"This matter, so far... It's a perfect ending, isn't it?"

Luo Er stood up and came to Han Dang. She said word by word, "Of course...to ensure everything is safe, I need to add some things. If I remember correctly, it's a trick you like very much."

"Han Dang."

The moment Senior Sister Luo's eyes met Han Dang's -

The spiritual realm opened up in an instant!

Han Dang's eyes suddenly became blank, and the voice that sounded in his mind seemed to have boundless magic power.

"You came to Datang City to investigate the 'fire case', and after submitting the report...you found out that your investigation was inaccurate, and you voluntarily chose to withdraw the report. You will feel guilty and repent for your actions from the bottom of your heart."

Han Dang's consciousness struggled for a moment, and then submerged.

The last voice told him.

"After sleeping, you will forget everything that happened here, return to the metropolitan area, and accept the punishment of the council."

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