Barrier of Light

Chapter 511 The Battle of Umbrella (5)

At the moment when the "deal was concluded", a large amount of spiritual power poured into Gu Shen's mind. This was the power from the "devil". The "real world" enveloped by the ruler of truth was no longer subject to secular laws. Influence.

The person who controls this small world became Gu Shen.

He can dominate everything in the "realm of truth", and all the costs will be borne by the devil.

The moment the source energy efficiency increased to 1000%, the source armor was shattered!

Even the "Fifth Level Source Armor" worn by captain Yuan Yuan could not withstand this terrifying force of advancement. However, the fragmentation of the Source Armor did not spread because Gu Shen immediately issued a second order.

"Keep everything in the domain."

This instruction keeps everything in the Realm of Truth "in perfect condition"!

These fragmented source armors, carrying huge pressure, still remain intact... This is simply a "miracle", or it may be more appropriate to describe it as "the devil's masterpiece".


The storm is coming.

At the 31st second in the real world, the terrifying storm finally hit Gu Shen and his party.

The "Realm of Truth" was instantly pulled into it.

Gu Shen raised his head.

A huge mountain not far away was shattered into pieces within a few seconds. The lethality of this storm was immeasurable. The huge "extraordinary source matter" contained in it should be able to annihilate all organic matter in the world. biology.

Even if the account is banned, it cannot survive such a disaster.

What does it feel like to be dragged into the "Essence Storm"?

It was as if a giant suddenly stepped down from the top of the head. It was just the outer edge of the storm. The terrifying shock and oppression were still indescribable. In an instant, the world turned from noisy to quiet. When the dull pressure hit, "The truth The "domain" has changed from a complete "big circle" to an almost flat "ellipse".

However, this "field" has not been broken.

Because the power from the darkness is still providing support.

Therefore, the change in form cannot affect anything... This "field" is still stable, reliable, and reassuring.

More so at this moment.

Gu Shen became calmer.

The "Realm of Truth" activated the source armor's 1000% speed increase, and rushed out of the outer edge of the storm in an instant. At the last moment of life and death, the huge attraction in the center of the storm was broken away... The devil in the ruler was right. That's right, if it were delayed one second longer and was really involved in the storm, then everything would really be irreversible.

There are things that even "he" cannot do.

After breaking away from the storm, the "Realm of Truth" became faster and faster, shooting out violently, leaving the storm far behind.

To escape this "storm", two things must be done.

One, outrun the storm.

Now he has done it.

Second, let the "umbrella defense line" open!

This matter is not simple... Because of the lack of signals from the [Old World], when the storm strikes, Gubao is likely to choose to seal the fortress and launch a counterattack.

Gu Shen calmly issued the third order in the "Realm of Truth".

"I want to make a spiritual link..."

This deal was offered by the devil in the ruler.

I'm afraid that guy knows everything that's happening in the outside world at this moment.

Regarding the news about "Chu Ling", Gu Shen hid it from everyone, but the guy in the ruler seemed to have known about it... In this case, there was nothing to hide.

The Realm of Truth felt Gu Shen’s thoughts.


"Trying to link..."

It actually started "building", and a second later, a "link successful" tone sounded.

In the [Old World], there is no signal in the deep sea... but the ruler can actually help Gu Shen extend his spirit into the virtual space where Ling Ling Yao is. What kind of strange power is this?

Sitting on the ground of the carriage, Chu Ling, who was trapped by countless sounds of link failure, looked focused and frantically mobilized data.

She paid more attention to what was going on in the "Umbrella Line of Defense" than everyone else combined.

To this end, deep-sea computing power has even been mobilized on a large scale to invest in the current "Umbrella Line of Defense" local area network.

[Eye of the Sky] is dying out fast.

The storm is coming.

At this moment, Gu Shen's real figure could no longer be seen on the defense line.

The final calculation showed that he was likely to be engulfed by the "storm"...

And at this moment Chu Ling felt desperate.

A light voice sounded.

"Link successful!"

Chu Ling was stunned.

She couldn't understand all this, and she didn't have time to think deeply. The picture in front of her changed rapidly. This was a sign that the "spiritual link" was synchronized successfully. Soon she saw Gu Shen's first-person perspective, where the collapsing rubble in the sky and the silver-white stream of light complemented each other. , according to database calculations, Gu Shen's "speed" at this moment has far exceeded Yuan Jia's limit breakthrough power.

Under the pull of the storm, Gu Shen and his eleven unconscious teammates reached a speed of "one thousand meters per second".

With this terrifying speed, this team has at most thirty seconds to reach the defense line!

The link is very unstable.

In the brief moment of connection, Chu Ling saw the blurry and collapsed scene of the doomsday, and heard the thoughts that Gu Shen tried his best to convey.

"Open the defenses!"

"Open the defenses!"

Loud shouts sounded on the giant wall.

The person who spoke was a blond man who was not tall.

The first reaction of the sentry stationed at the border of the fortress was to refuse... Are you kidding me? How could it be possible to open the defense line at this time?

A deafening roar sounded in the distance.

Even dozens of kilometers away, you can still hear it!

Even those veterans who have been stationed in Gubao for more than ten years have never seen a "storm" of this scale!

A few days ago, [Deep Sea] gave a high-risk warning of tidal erosion of the source material. Everyone chose to stick to it, and deployed several combat plans in the desperate situation of "closing the city"... The best choice at this juncture They should completely lock down the defense line and do everything they can to defend the giant wall!

Open the defense line?

If the defense line cannot be closed... the beginning of the battle will suffer huge losses!

"Don't worry about the 'guard war'. The storm is expected to arrive in ten minutes... After the defense line is opened, closing it within five minutes will not have any impact on the 'defenses'."

Zhong Yuan said the second sentence.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Because the captain of the second team of the Survey Corps took off the cloak on his shoulders, revealing the customized golden source armor. He was lowering his head to check whether there was enough oxygen in the source armor mask and whether the backup source energy was in place...

"Captain, are you ready to leave?"

One member of the elite team was stunned.

"You stay here and adapt to circumstances. I will go out of the way... In the last five minutes, they are going against the wind and their speed is definitely not enough." Zhong Yuan said calmly: "I will go and help them. Maybe they can survive."

The atmosphere on the giant wall suddenly became solemn.

Everyone knows that in the face of such a storm, life is like a humble piece of grass, which can be easily crushed. Zhong Yuan's life is no different from other people's. No matter how strong his personal strength is, he cannot fight against natural disasters.

"Sorry, I refuse to open the defense line."

The guard captain guarding the giant wall gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Fortress Gubao, there is no need to obey the orders of the captain of the survey corps!"

Zhong Yuan frowned.

These days, he was rushing around the inspection room. The soldiers responsible for rear inspection and resettlement tasks had already acquiesced in his authority to act on behalf of Lin Lin, but the guards on the giant wall did not buy it.

Time was running out, Zhong Yuan had no time to talk nonsense, just when he was about to take action.

"Return of life signs detected..."

"Strong recommendation: open the defense line!"

“Strong recommendation: open the defense line!!”

The voice of [Deep Sea] sounded in everyone's mental channels.

[Deep Sea] has conveyed a positive response to the outside of the defense line more than once. This news has made the guard captain tangled. Normally, their tasks are guided by [Deep Sea]. This big guy who links the five continents never makes mistakes. , and the things that are "strongly recommended" in the deep sea are generally extremely important mission goals.

What really made the guards make up their minds was a weak but clear voice.

"Open the defenses."

Lin Lin's voice came from the guard captain's private channel.

He took a deep breath, maintained a military posture towards the no one in front of him, and said respectfully: "Yes, Brigadier General!"

The real "controller" of the entire Gubao Fortress is Lin Lin.

And it can only be Lin Lin.

At this juncture, even [Deep Sea] is not as useful as Lin Lin's words!

With the passing of an instruction.

The guard members on the giant wall looked tense. The Umbrella Defense Line was the buffer zone connecting the Gubao Fortress to the [Old World]. The more than ten kilometers of desolate land was covered with dense floating panels. At this moment, the floating panels were tilted open. , the strong wind blows in, and the silence of the whole world is broken at this moment!

The storm is roaring.

On top of the huge wall, the one hundred and forty-nine source energy boats in the Gubao Fortress were ready. They all turned their hulls and pointed towards the north. The muzzles of the source energy cannons continued to spit out dim and weak firelight, accumulating Holding the majestic source of energy, ready to bombard out at any time... The storm is getting closer and closer, and the pressure in everyone's heart is getting bigger and bigger!

Zhong Yuan took a deep breath, and jumped out from the giant wall, his blond hair flying, his source armor mask buckled on, and his whole body turned into a long, dazzling golden line, "swimming" very quickly towards the opening of the defense line.

Under huge wind pressure.

His heart was already filled with darkness.

As the captain of the Survey Corps, he is very aware of the instructions within the Corps - never give up hope at any time, but the wind pressure within the defense line is so huge. Do the team members who are outside the defense line at this moment still have a chance to survive?

No matter how.

He has to go out for a trip!

What if...a miracle happens?

Zhong Yuan held his breath, tried to let go of his chaotic and pessimistic thoughts, and let himself not think about anything. In just ten seconds, he arrived at the exit of the defense line. The millions of floating boards opened and closed slowly like fish fins, as if they were soaked in water. Scales in the sea.

If you break out of the defense line, you will not be able to return within the specified time.

Then this scene should be the last scene in his mind that belongs to the world inside.

Zhong Yuan's eyes became determined.

The moment he was about to break out of the defense line, the link sound of [Deep Sea] sounded extremely weak.

"Strongly recommended, close the defense line immediately!"

“Strongly recommended, close the defense line immediately!!”

Zhong Yuan was completely unable to react to this sudden change of advice... A faster change was yet to come. Almost at the same moment when [Deep Sea] changed his tune, Zhong Yuan had no time to see clearly even when he released his mental power. An arc of light suddenly appeared from the "umbrella" The entrance and exit of "Line of Defense" crashed in!

I bumped into him!

This is a high-speed moving "field"!

The majestic silver light instantly engulfed Zhong Yuan.

The top-notch captain of the second team subconsciously pulled out the dagger, but the next moment his eyes became erratic... The terrifying mental power invaded his spiritual sea, and he saw millions of pieces in this silver-white field. Dark shadows criss-crossed, cutting the world apart, and a tall black shadow sat on the throne of darkness.

He wanted to see more clearly.

But in just a moment... his consciousness was completely blurred.

Gu Shen frowned.

At the critical moment... we finally caught up, but what happened to this blond man blocking the outside of the fortress?

Look at each other.

Gu Shen manipulated the power of the Ruler of Truth to directly hypnotize him into a dream.

In the dream, he quickly read the memory of "Zhong Yuan".

"Survey Corps...Captain of the Second Team..."

Gu Shen suddenly realized.

The look in his eyes towards Zhong Yuan also became subtle.

This guy was just going out to save people...

Before a storm of this horrific scale struck, this man would actually do such a thing. Should we say that he has the righteousness and courage to "sacrifice himself for others", or does he lack the necessary consciousness as a core captain?

In other words, this is a fool who values ​​"certain things" more important than "his own life".

After escaping from the storm and reaching the defense line.

Gu Shen's deal with the "devil" has been completed.

He tentatively used "Devil" to refer to the soul inside. That guy was just a trace of residual thoughts. Although he hinted that he was "Pluto" in his words, his true identity was not clear yet. Perhaps the spirit sacrificed in the Rule of Truth was still something else. Are there others?

Using this title, you can always remind yourself what kind of existence you are dealing with every time you use the ruler.

If it is really "Pluto".

Then he is "sinister", "violent", and "indifferent". The world does not hesitate to use evil words to describe the erratic behavior of this god. Gu Shen must be very alert to deal with every "interaction".

The power of the "Realm of Truth" is rapidly decreasing.

I can tell.

That guy cherished his own power. After getting out of danger, he immediately ended the "rental" of external forces.

He only cares about whether "Ruler" can return to the fortress safely.

What Gu Shen cares about is not only whether he can return smoothly... but also the subsequent "secret hiding". Using the power of the ruler, Chu Ling can smooth out the monitoring data of [Sky Eye].

But being caught by Zhong Yuan was an unplanned encounter.

This guy's memory must be erased...

While the power of the ruler had not completely faded away, Gu Shen placed two fingers on Zhong Yuan's eyebrows.

The fighting golden hoop was restored, and at the last moment, the blazing fire passed by.

The group of people fell heavily to the ground.

Zhong Yuan looked dazed, and the source mask popped open on its own. He rubbed his forehead with difficulty, always feeling as if he had experienced something terrible... Before he had time to think, Zhong Yuan raised his head and found that the entrance and exit of the Umbrella Defense Line had been closed. The roar of the storm was blocked out.

And looking around, he discovered something jaw-dropping.

All around him lay members of the Explorer Team.

A miracle actually happened. All members of this team, which was almost engulfed by the storm, returned safely!

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