Barrier of Light

Chapter 523 The Protection of the Goddess of Fate

"wake up!"

A low voice sounded in the pendant's mental space.

The huddled soul was awakened by the shock. Gu Shen did not give "Hong Zhong" any time to react. The moment he spoke, the blazing fire surged up, covering and drowning the soul...

Hypnosis is completed in an instant.

In Gu Shen's heart, this cross pendant is a highly rated sealed item.

Being able to retain the "spirit of the deceased", this ability has gone beyond the scope of normal sealed objects, and it is no exaggeration to call it a "divine object".

Therefore, from the moment he immersed himself in the pendant space, Gu Shen gathered all his energy.


The whole process went smoothly beyond imagination.

The curled-up soul stretched out, "Hong Zhong's" facial features were blank, and a ray of fire slowly burned between the soul villain's eyebrows... This guy's spirit has been completely controlled by Gu Shen.

All it takes is one thought to erase it.

"Is this complete hypnosis?"

Gu Shen was also a little surprised.

He originally thought that this pendant was a back-up left by "Hong Zhong" for him. If something unexpected happened, it could preserve his soul. But now, it seems that this is not the case...

"May I have your name?"

"Hong Zhong, flood of floods, heartfelt."

"Your identity."

"A member of the Second Team of the Survey Corps, he was the temporary captain of the 38th Maze Mission at that time."

Gu Shen tried to ask a few simple questions, and Hong Zhong's soul answered them, indicating that he still retained the memories of his life.

"What kind of sealed artifact is this?"

For the next question, Gu Shen went straight to the point.



There was a long silence.

The pale soul raised its head and looked at Gu Shen in confusion, his eyes full of emptiness and confusion.

Clearly, the question stumped him.

Gu Shen frowned: "How did you get here?"

There was another moment of dead silence.

This is also a "super class" problem.

Although this single soul can answer questions under hypnosis, it does not appear to be very intelligent.


Hong Zhong's voice was hoarse and he said intermittently: "I don't know... I should have died, but thanks to 'it', I seem to have grasped the last glimmer of hope in life."

The fire burned between the brows.

Gu Shen felt the mental state of the soul... Hong Zhong's memory was slightly damaged and his cognition was impaired. He was in a half-life and half-death state. He didn't know that he only had his soul left, and he didn't know what Gu Shen was doing. What place do you mean by "here"?

"Do you recognize this thing?"

Gu Shen raised his palm.

He used his mental power to condense the virtual image of the "Cross Pendant" and placed it in the sky above his palm.

"Of course I recognize was 'it' that saved me!" Under hypnosis, Hong Zhong's voice became excited for a moment, and then became low again, murmuring: "'it' saved me more than once..."

"what is it?"

The pale soul, feeling the burning flame between his brows, murmured: "If you are asking for its name, then there should be no answer. I picked up this pendant in the [Old World], and I call it 'The Goddess of Destiny' shelter'……"

Blazing Fire completed the fitting of the soul of "Hong Zhong".

A large number of turbulent memories surged out of the flames.

Gu Shen stopped asking.

He watched these memories silently...

Hong Zhong had gone on a mission many years ago. That was a long time ago, and Zhong Yuan had not yet been transferred to the second team as captain.

During that mission, the entire Explorer team was wiped out.

except him.

The reason is simple... He picked up this "Cross Pendant" in the [Old World].

Hong Zhong accidentally wore this pendant. When he was on the verge of death, he was lucky enough to avoid several large black holes along the way, and successfully touched the [Gate] that could cross a long distance and return directly to the fortress, completing an incredible journey. ... Gu Shen felt a little complicated when he watched this memory, because what Hong Zhong experienced back then was actually somewhat similar to his own self not long ago.

That incident certainly attracted the attention of the Beizhou military.

It's just that Hong Zhong's strength was low back then, and his files were completely reasonable... No one paid attention to him. Beizhou's senior officials thought this guy was just a lucky guy.

Facts have proved that Hong Zhong's luck is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Hong Zhong would wear the pendant on every mission he went on. This cross pendant took him out of danger countless times...and in the following years, he began to slowly explore and try to master the power within the pendant.

With this "adventure", he became an elite member of the Second Team of the Survey Corps, and could serve as the captain of difficult missions such as the [Maze Mission].

However, Hong Zhong has always been very careful.

He guarded his "luck" carefully, and he didn't tell anyone about the existence of this pendant...

He is not a careerist.

He knew he had picked up something great, but he just wanted to live a little longer.

This guy's memory is easy to read.

And it's ironic.

I am afraid that at this moment, no one in Beizhou will believe that "Hong Zhong", who fell from the altar as a hero and was reviled by countless people, has such a simple inner thought: after getting such a god-level sealed object, he did not even think about it. With this power, he became the captain of the Survey Corps... Hong Zhong's plan for his life was extremely simple. With the power in this sealed object, he would lead his good brothers in the Corps to perform tasks and live peacefully until retirement, and then Enjoy your old age, and finally hand over this sealed artifact to the top of the legion before dying.

The idea is really simple.

So it is destined to be broken——

This time... the development of the maze mission directly shattered Hong Zhong's dream.

This pendant has always given Hong Zhong the right guidance in the past... But this time there was an "accident". After Golden Spike Flower's dream unfolded, the instrument that detects the extraordinary source of matter would falsely sound.

The team was faced with a decision-making dilemma at that point.

As for Hong Zhong's "pendant", he hoped that he would retreat... Hong Zhong hesitated for the first time. The experience of the Survey Corps told him that retreating would encounter a "black hole". This was also the first time that he failed to act according to the guidance of the "pendant" .

So next, his spirit was dragged into the "Golden Floss Dreamland"!

There, he saw an oasis and travelers from afar.

He saw the greatest hope for human exploration for six hundred years...

Finally, I saw the huge snake shadow covering the world.

When he woke up, he had already left the [Maze], holding the unsheathed sword tightly in his hand. The blade was stained with hot fresh blood... There were no wounds on his body, and the blood on the knife could only be his teammates'.

Because there was an extra bloody energy core on his body, which was the backup energy that supported his return to the giant wall of the castle.

Hong Zhong took a second to realize what was happening in the [Maze].

The pendant is not what I guess, it just provides slight "guidance".

This is a very hard sealed object.

Even though his spirit was bewitched, the pendant still activated the "immortality" effect. It controlled his body and completed the escape from the "mortal realm" in the maze... and killed his teammates and took out the energy core. , is also a necessary part of escape. What Hong Zhong couldn't do, this pendant helped him complete it.

If you want to survive, escaping the maze is not enough.

There must also be enough energy…

So in the heavy snow, Hong Zhong regained his consciousness and looked at his bloody hands, and he could only choose to "go home."

He has no choice.

However, on the road of life, if you choose the wrong step, you will make the second step wrong. The more mistakes you make, the more mistakes you make, and the deeper you go...

The more "spiritual toxins" planted by golden ear flowers are transmitted, the wider they spread, and the less impact they have on the host.

After returning to Gubao, Hong Zhong fell into a deep sleep.

Everyone thought that this was a "sign of death" and that the return journey consumed too much of his strength... But the actual truth was exactly the opposite. "The protection of the Goddess of Fate" chose the absolute way to survive for him, which was diffusion. "Poison", and absorbs his own soul to avoid the erosion of poison.

Without the intervention of external forces.

When Golden Spike Flower's mental toxins finished spreading, they all left his body.

Then the soul of "Hong Zhong" returns from the cross pendant, and he will usher in an unprecedented "resurrection".

Is there really a goddess of luck in this world?

Gu Shen didn't believe it before.

But after seeing Hong Zhong's memories, he had to change his mind again. really exists.

This pendant provides "immortality" protection. This is a power that Gu Shen cannot understand at the moment. It is somewhat like the exhaustive data revealed by [Deep Sea].

This pendant can guide the most correct one among countless paths to death.

It's just that Hong Zhong failed to escape the fate of "death" in the end.

He meets himself here.

And the physical body is destined to be burned to ashes.

It can be seen that... this pendant does not necessarily allow the "host" to survive.

Gu Shen suddenly thought of something.

His expression became serious.


Things are not that simple.

If you think about it carefully, is the encounter between you and "Hong Zhong" here also an arrangement of fate?

If there are really tens of millions of causal lines in this world, after making the wrong choice in the maze... Hong Zhong's probability of "death" is close to 100%. He does not have enough energy and the ability to detoxify. Even if he escapes, The toxins dispersed in the fort will also be burned by Zhong Yuan who comes after him. Gu Shen can't think of any way to really make this guy survive.

Except meeting myself.

Among the countless lines of cause and effect...only by meeting "Pluto" can one survive.

this moment.

Gu Shen felt the vague power of "destiny". That power was not words, let alone spirit. It was an illusory but real "guidance".

That guidance tells myself.

If you use "Pure Land" at this moment to absorb Hong Zhong's soul...

Then this pendant will complete the vow.

The immortal protection of the goddess of destiny... will be transferred to yourself.

He raised his head and looked at the boundless white "dome" of this spiritual space. There were no other colors and no actual size. Endless white filled the entire world.

"Is this a deal?"

Gu Shen laughed to himself.

He vaguely felt... This cross pendant is probably of a frighteningly high grade. It is at least an "S-level" sealed item, and it is also a broken item. If put together, it is very likely to be of the same level as the "Ruler of Truth" object.

If a white "angel" appeared on the top of the sky, then he could agree to it with peace of mind... Unfortunately, after waiting for a moment, there was nothing. It was completely different from the ruler of truth. This cross pendant was not a transaction with him.

Gu Shen can choose not to accept "Hong Zhong".

But if he chooses this way, Gu Shen will get nothing, and the pendant will not recognize its owner again.

The souls of the deceased will gradually dissipate. This is the "iron law". Even this cross pendant, which can be called heaven-defying, cannot disobey this iron law.


Based on the "characteristics" of this pendant, will we look for someone who can house Hong Zhong's soul again, or will we "think" of other solutions?

"All right……"

Gu Shen laughed to himself and said, "Don't take advantage of me, bastard."

He wiped it with two fingers...

A crack opened in the spiritual space, instantly descending on the head of "Hong Zhong's" soul, covering it completely, and then swallowing it.

Gu Shen stared at this confused, confused and bewildered soul and spoke in a low voice.

"Congratulations, Pluto has given you 'eternal life'."

The fire surged through.

Hong Zhong disappeared in the spiritual space of the pendant.

From then on, there was an extra soul in the pure land.

After completing "Hong Zhong's" immortal asylum... the pendant's spiritual space slowly closed.

After a moment, Gu Shen opened his eyes.

He looked at the pendant lying in his palm and felt the subtle changes in his soul.

This pendant is slowly merging with my own spirit.

His mental power has not improved, but his sensitivity to the surroundings has increased, and... Gu Shen didn't know if it was his own illusion. After the pendant recognized its owner, the "Fighting Golden Hoop" on his forehead seemed to have expanded. A little wider.

Could it be said that this pendant can also enhance mental power?

Full integration seems to take some time.

Gu Shen put away the pendant and smiled softly.

"Under the immortal protection of the goddess of destiny, what would it look like if I gathered a complete version of you...?"

This is really interesting.

There is a ruler on his body that wants his life all the time.

There is also a pendant that provides undying protection.

An indestructible spear.

An absolutely unbreakable shield.

Gu Shen was a little curious...Whether the spear was sharper or the shield was thicker?

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