Barrier of Light

Chapter 530 The Furnace

Queen of Beizhou...

And such a younger brother?

This was Gu Shen's first reaction after hearing this. Beizhou's intelligence confidentiality work was very good, so I'm afraid not many people knew about this news.

But he didn't show much surprise.

Anyone who is not blind can tell that Lin Lin's identity is extraordinary, very extraordinary... When Gu Shen had a face-to-face conflict with Grand Justice Zhenyue, Gu Shen had already thought about the "Queen" in a deeper place, but he I really didn't expect these two to have such a relationship.

Everything makes sense.

What's even more interesting is...the confusing marriage of the Meng family has also become clear.

Another person involved in Meng Xizhou's regretful marriage should be Lin next to him.

The heavy door of the Queen's Castle slowly opened.

Two tall figures stood on the left and right.

"Azha'er, Aunt Wen, I'm back."

Lin Lin spoke with a smile. He looked behind the door, with a hint of softness in his eyes.

He sent a message to Gu Shen: "The one next to Azha'er is the current commander of the Survey Corps... Wen Di, nicknamed Zi Yu, outsiders will call her Zi Yu, but we call her 'Aunt Wen' .”

Gu Shen looked at the woman Lin Lin called "Aunt Wen".

She has a gentle and gentle oval face. It is difficult to associate this face with the fierce and decisive "Legion Commander", but at the moment, Aunt Wen is wearing a black velvet cloak, which is quite domineering.

"Is this Xiao Gu?"

Aunt Wen raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "He is handsome, much better looking than those rough guys in Beizhou."

"Lord Legion Commander..."

Gu Shen smiled and said helplessly, "Are you saying I'm too thin?"

In fact, the legion commander told the truth.

Practicing the "breath of spring" can temper the spirit and body and change a person's temperament.

Coupled with the transformation of the "spectator's state of mind", Gu Shen's temperament and extraordinary awakening have undergone earth-shaking changes in the past year. He does not have the burly physique of the strong man in Beizhou, but he does not look thin.

But in Beizhou, the word "handsome" is not a compliment.

"Don't worry, it's not sarcastic."

Aunt Wen explained seriously, "You are a spiritual transcendent, so it doesn't matter if you don't look like you can fight."

Sure still looks a bit too "weak".

"come in."

Aunt Wen reached out and hugged her, and said calmly: "You know how to choose the time. Zhu Xue said that you will not be here until tomorrow at the earliest."

Lin Lin sneered and said, "He can't figure me out. I might have flown back to Gubao tomorrow."


The legion commander didn't say anything more and led the two of them into the castle hall.

Lin Lin stretched and felt the comfort of returning home for a long time.

The lights in the hall, the gentle breeze passing through the hall, and the moonlight falling outside the floor-to-ceiling windows all make people feel warm.

He and Zhuxue grew up here.

We kneaded mud together in the garden not far away, and fought under the fountain sculptures. This was the framework that carried the few memories of his childhood. After he became a little more sensible, he went to Gubao, and he could no longer see the splendor. The castle, the corridor full of murals, the heavy snow on the border of Beizhou all day long, and the nostalgia that weighs down the branches.

Gu Shen watched all this quietly.

In his heart, for some reason... he was surprisingly peaceful.

This castle is not simple.

Even if he was immersed in the "spectator's state of mind", Gu Shen had never experienced this strange feeling of comfort at this moment, as if surrounded by the night wind and soft music...

Unconsciously, he turned his attention to the second floor.

That is Her Majesty's residence.

At the end of the corridor on the second floor, there was a bright light that broke through the darkness, but Gu Shen's sight stopped there.

Going deeper, nothing can be seen.


Only light remains.

Gu Shen was sure that even if he summoned the blazing fire, his eyes still couldn't penetrate the charity on the second floor... There might be more than one sealed object there, but he couldn't figure it out.

This is the residence of Her Majesty the Queen, does it need a sealed item?

The place where God lives is the safest place in the world.

Sealed object?

No matter how powerful the sealed object is, it can't compare to fire!

The legion commander sat across from the two of them. Azhaer made tea and returned, placing it on the coffee table in the hall.

Aunt Wen took a sip and spoke softly: "There is a sealed object on the second floor. For some reasons, I can only take one person up at a time, so... you just wait here."

Lin Lin stretched and nodded.

He reached out and patted Gu Shen's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Drink tea here, wait for me for a while, I'll be back soon."

After saying that, he got up.

The legion commander didn't move at all, "The one who has to wait is not him, but you."

Lin Lin, who was standing halfway, looked slightly embarrassed.

"Sit down. This cup of tea is specially brewed for you. I won't come back for several years. You should be content to have this cup of tea."

Aunt Wen said calmly: "When there are guests coming from afar, Your Majesty will naturally want to see them first. By the should be self-aware, right? The order of meeting you should be a little later."


Lin Lin was silent for a while.

It seems that this guy's "family status" is average... Gu Shen stood up, patted Lin Lin's shoulder, and said seriously: "Drink tea here, wait for me for a while, I'll be back soon."

This sentence is somewhat familiar.

Lin Lin pretended not to hear, and acted as if nothing had happened. He served the tea silently and drank it all... At the same time, he sighed softly in his heart, thinking that it must be something between himself and Meng Xizhou that made his sister unhappy.

"You should have seen what Central City looks like."

Aunt Wen went up the stairs in front, with Gu Shen following closely behind.

This castle was huge. After entering the second floor, several long corridors crisscrossed each other. Gu Shen finally saw the scene at the end of the light... Just as he expected, there was only light on the second floor except for the light. Perhaps it was for To preserve historical traces, all the old-fashioned kerosene chandeliers hang here, but the strange thing is that these lamps emit an extremely stable light source.

The lamp of the kerosene chandelier has a long history. It seems to be at least a hundred years old. Even if it is wiped clean and dust-free, its long life can still be seen from the rust spots.

However, there is no kerosene in the kerosene lamp at all... The dry wick is burning faintly, looking like a fountain of flames, as if it will never go out.

"Lin Lin took me for a spin over Central City. It's very..." Gu Shen thought for a moment and said, "He's tall and tall."

Huge floating buildings stand densely like a forest.

Central City is like a "burly" giant.

"Interesting adjective." Aunt Wen didn't walk very fast. She wiped it lightly with two fingers, and the flame of the kerosene lamp beside the wall immediately flickered.

This action is unusual.

Gu Shen discovered that the cause of these kerosene lamps was the spillage of "source matter".

The reason why kerosene is not used is because there is a higher level of "energy" here.

"A long time ago, Central City was completely different from what it is now. It was a withered city that only had a second spring because of the 'melting pot'." Aunt Wen said slowly: "As you said, this huge city is very... It is burly, but the bigger things require huge energy, so we cast a 'furnace' to rekindle the fire, drive away the coldness on the surface, and make this an eternally burning city that resists the four seasons."

The tundra to the north of Dongzhou is freezing cold.

But Central City is a "warm" place.

"What exactly is a furnace?" Gu Shen murmured out of curiosity.

"If you search on the Internet, you will get a standard answer published in the world. The furnace is a project that the Hoizhou military decided to roll out to benefit the people based on a certain reactor technology."

Aunt Wen stood still and slowly rubbed her two fingers.

Her fingertips actually burned with fire.

"Obviously...that's not the truth."

She looked back at Gu Shen, "The word truth does not exist for most people in this world... They were destined to know the truth the moment they were born."

A very cruel fact.

This was not the first time that Gu Shen was curious about the nature of the "melting pot", but even Chu Ling could not find out the "truth". The explanations of the furnace in the deep water area were very general, and most of them were words from people in Beizhou praising the queen's greatness.

The extraordinary people in Beizhou know that the furnace is related to the Queen.

But they don't know.

What exactly is a furnace.

“The furnace is a ‘miracle’.”

The legion commander's voice became colder. She stared at the burning flames at her fingertips. The surrounding lights suddenly became dim and flickering, and the pale fire blooming at her fingertips filled the narrow corridor at this moment, softening her. His face was as hard as iron.

"Like the 'Qing Tomb' in Dongzhou, this is the ultimate display of the power of fire."

She stopped circling and tapped her fingers lightly.


The pale fire at his fingertips suddenly spread out, like a firefly, surrounding Gu Shen in front of and around him.

Gu Shen was stunned.

"If you ask...what is a furnace?"

The legion commander said sternly: "Under the Central City, there is a copper furnace. It is responsible for sending elemental fuel to the ground every day, baking the fallen snow, providing heat for the suspended buildings, and delivering energy to the border fortress... It is what Beizhou announced to the outside world. , the 'melting pot' that everyone knows, the reason why it is announced in this way is just because people are more willing to believe that the melting pot should be a huge furnace."

"But in fact……"

"Every wisp of fire you see now is a is not a reactor copper furnace located thousands of meters underground in Central City."

The real melting pot is on the second floor of the Queen's Castle.

Gu Shen suddenly understood that the so-called melting pot was actually... the realm of God!

Same as Snow Forbidden City.

The place where the God's throne comes, the realm where the divine domain spreads, will naturally blend with the fire, giving birth to incredible power. The Qingzhong Cemetery gathers the "power of death" of the deceased's extraordinary source material, which is actually the miracle of Pluto's fire.

After the Bai Shu refining battle, the divine realm in the cemetery overlapped three levels!

Different divine thrones have different miracle evolutions...

The "miracle" of the Queen's evolution is the melting pot!

Gu Shen's expression became more solemn little by little.

In this case, why are there so many sealed objects on the second floor?

If this is the place where the Queen's divine domain spreads, why does the throne need to rely on mortal power?

After Aunt Wen knocked out the wisp of flame, the corridor suddenly became dim.

The flickering light regained its stability.

The lamps all around burned with the tiniest light source.

"Before entering, I suggest you close your eyes."

The legion commander stretched out his slender arms and effortlessly opened the giant red door at the end of the corridor for Gu Shen.

Lin Lin, who was sitting on the first floor drinking tea, suddenly raised his head.

A sudden blazing light shot out from the end of the corridor.

He held the teacup and looked at the second floor in shock.

Even though there were countless sealed objects blocking it, causing these blazing lights to be weakened dozens of times when they hit Lin Lin's position, they were still powerful and a spectacle. From the outside, the castle erupted in an instant. It emits a lot of light, as dazzling as the "sun".

Hot sweat broke out on Lin Lin's forehead.

Azhaer held the owl emblem, looking nervous and restless.

As an [Apostle], she is the one who most clearly feels the power of God.

"Did it start again..." Lin Lin put down the tea cup, lowered his eyes and asked, "When did it start?"

"I have no idea……"

Azha'er's voice was a little helpless. As an [Apostle], he didn't notice the strangeness of the throne. It was really a kind of dereliction of duty.

But you can't blame her.

She is an apostle, but only an apostle.

There is only a ray of divine power that can be used. As the agent of the God's will, if the God doesn't want her to know something, then she will definitely not know it.

Azhaer clenched her sleeves tightly, looking guilty, and murmured to herself: "Maybe it was a year ago? Maybe it was longer? Her Majesty the Queen has not left here for a long time."

One year?

A lot happened a year ago...

The handling of Piyue City Fortress, the garrison of the Third Legion...

Only at this moment did Lin Lin realize another reason why Zhuxue called him back to the city... The days he stayed in Gubao were indeed very quiet. News from the interior could not reach the fortress, and many messages were subconsciously ignored by him.

"This year, Her Majesty the Queen has not seen anyone." Azhaer whispered: "Even I have no chance to meet."

Lin Lin fell into thinking.

In this case... my sister specifically met Gu Shen?

Gu Shen listened to the legion commander's advice.

The moment he opened the door, he closed his eyes.

A sudden bright light rushed towards the face, and the blazing fire suddenly jumped out. The "warmth and comfort" felt in the lobby on the first floor were magnified dozens of times, hundreds of times... and turned into "blazing"!


The fire wind howls!

The legion commander who opened the door for Gu Shen was instantly ablaze with "furnace fire". She did not close her eyes. A pair of firm pupils were the only black in the flames.

The legion leader's cloak flew, the flames that penetrated the corridor, and the source of fuel all over the sky, all moved closer to her and were absorbed by her.

This is why no one else is allowed to enter the second floor of the castle.

Every time the "door opens", a large amount of the power of the "melting furnace" will be leaked... There are not many people who can withstand such ferocious burning. The only exception is the legion commander. Her ability is comparable to that of the "melting furnace". "Perfectly adapted, these flames cannot cause harm to her. The woman bathing in the sea of ​​fire is really as tall and tall as the God of War.

Anyone who sees this picture will not associate her with words such as gentleness, weakness, and powerlessness.

The legion commander stretched out his arm in an inviting gesture.

This time, she only said one word.


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